Time X To X Go
((The story's ending soon... Spoiler alert: someone dies. Guess who? :D nah, not him/her. Or is it? Lol, I'll make a sequel btw~ oh and, I know this is cliché, but my brain can't think of non-cliché ideas. Hope you like the KilDy (or WenKil) for this chapter~))
"Alluka, Gon, Wendy, listen. There's no much time left... Um... Let me ask a you guys a question: are you feeling a strange, deep sensation in your stomach, nausea, or is your sight blurry? Yeah? Well, that's not great at all. Why? Because, guess what, we're trapped in an airplane! And... We're falling."
"B-But how?! How can we be on a plane all of a sudden?! we were at the restaurant seconds ago!" Gon looked amused. Of course, the thought of being in an airplane never crossed his mind... Because he never thought about the turbulence, the change in air pressure... Nope, not in an airplane.
Wendy giggled, "Actually, Gon-kun, as you can see, the air pressure here is totally different, and if you open a window you can see the ocean... I think we're crossing the Atlantic Ocean. It's all blurry though, because we're falling..." She mentioned as she looked at the window, making a gesture for Gon to see what was going on. "You can also feel the turbulence, because, as Killua-kun said, we're falling. Yeah... I wonder if we'll be okay..." she paused for a moment, and sighed, "Natsu would be so dying here." Gon nodded as his consciousness slipped away from his body... he fainted.
Killua started panicking. "WENDY, HOW CAN YOU BE SO CALM?! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" He hyperventilated, not knowing what to do. "Gon fainted, Alluka's crying on her seat silently, you're acting as if everything's fine, and I'm gonna go cra-" he was interrupted by Wendy slapping him (A bish slap). His eyes were wide, and as he turned his head to face the slapper, he noticed she was puffing her cheeks.
Wendy's face turned red, "Killua-kun, I'm trying my best to keep calm, so let's just put on our seat-belts and wait until this thing-san crashes. Please attach Gon-kun and Alluka-chan's seat-belts too." Killua did as instructed.
Everyone could feel the plane falling faster and faster, at this point they were all in the verge of losing consciousness.
Wendy knew they had only seconds left, so, as her last words (if she was actually gonna die), she wanted to say something to everyone that would make them try harder to keep on living...
And so, she added, "Killua-kun, Alluka-chan, Gon-kun, I don't know if we'll get out of this, but let's all try our best to do. Even if it means we're gonna leave others behind, it doesn't matter as long as were satisfied with what we did. If you wanna jump off the plane right now, jump! If you wanna stay here, then stay! Do what you want to, 'cause if you don't then you'll regret it, or probably die... So, let's all do our best not to die. That's our next mission: not dying, our reward: keep on living. Ganbatte, minna!"
• • •
((And so, this chapter ends. I tried my best for the ending not to be cliché. Yes, they might be separated and have to find a way to get out of what they're in right now in their own. Mhm. Hope you liked it~ if you didn't like something, tell me. If you want me to change my writing style, tell me. I know my chapters are seriously small af but that's all I can do for now. :( Bye~"
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