//skip to midnight
You finished homework and all your personal chores.
You were mainly lost in thoughts, that's why it took you this long to finish work. Which thoughts? There were too many thoughts to keep in check.
For now, you were exhausted. You got a harsh scolding from Suho today.
//flashback after school
"Well then, I'm heading home. See y'all tomorrow." I wave and turn to walk away with my umbrella.
"Hold on. Where exactly are you going?" Suho asked, looking at me. The other members walked ahead, leaving me, Suho and Xiumin behind.
"Home, duh."
"Nope. You're staying in our house, remember?" Suho says.
"Says who?" I ask and get irritated by his words, turning around. "You know, you're too demanding and dictating. Just who do you think you are?!" I spat angrily, loud enough that even the others heard it, stopping in their tracks.
"Who am I?! I am Kim Jun-myeon and I can kill you in one strike if I want to!" He yelled angrily.
"Suho, calm down. You're arguing over nothing." Xiumin steps in to pull Suho back, but Suho pushed him away.
"You're mad. You're just a damn psychopath who thinks you're so high and mighty and can do anything. When in reality, you're helpless without them." You point towards the other members.
"Y/N, that's enough. Head home." Xiumin says in a soft voice, getting in front of Suho again. Suho remains silent.
I don't know what happened but Suho remains silent, on the brink of almost crying. It couldn't have been from what I said.
I don't care, I have to head home before the rain drowns me.
I turn around and in a blink, I'm already around the corner and really far away from them all.
//end of flashback
I sigh deeply as I lay on my bed, feeling my eyelids get heavy and I fall asleep.
//Next day
I go through the hallways, looking for my locker. Quickly, I dump my books inside, stretching lazily.
I have psychology now so I take the psychology textbook and head to class.
"You're quite early, Miss [last name]." Mrs. Junshi smiled softly.
I look at the class and nobody's there. In fact, there's some students from the previous class still leaving.
"I-I didn't notice, Annyeong." I greet with a bow to the teacher and go to my seat.
The class soon starts filling up with Lay, Luhan and Chen beside me.
I noticed Luhan limp in the classroom so I asked him about it.
"Eh, just got hurt during practice. Tripped and all." He chuckled nervously and it was clear to all he was lying.
"Aish, don't lie. You got your arse beaten by Minseok-Hyung." Lay chimed in cheekily, giggling.
"Xiumin beat him up? For what?!" I asked in shock as Luhan looked away.
"We sometimes have a competition. A practice round. We try to challenge each other to a dual and if someone loses, he has to work on removing his weakness and training even harder. Last night, it was Xiumin and Luhan's match. Luhan almost slipped and that gave Xiumin the upper hand in this, instantly defeating Luhan." Chen explained it all, detail by detail.
"...And he said that Luhan has to work on his grip. His grip wasn't strong enough so he got pushed by hyung and he almost slipped." Lay puts in the sentence.
"Yeah but, how did he get that bruise? There must be a bruise for him to be limping like that." I point out, tilting my head.
"While he was thrown down to the ground, Xiumin-hyung threw in some harsh kicks to his thigh and calf bones. His hamstring is strained right now, thus he can't run or do such activities." Chen explained once again and I nodded in understanding.
We soon focus in class, our attention being taken by the teacher and her lecture.
My phone vibrates a couple times in my pocket and I ignored it.
Later on, I felt the need to use the bathroom. I raised my hand and the teacher excused me for it.
Luckily, there were some female staff too in the school so I was allowed to use their bathroom.
I finish my deed and got out of the stall, washing my hands. The phone rings again and it's an unknown number.
I pick it up in annoyance.
You: Hello?! Don't you know I'm at school?
??: Aah, the attitude. Control your tongue or it might just be cut off.
You: Who the hell are you? And why'd you call me for? Is it a wrong number?
??: I just called to inform you that your mother is with me, still alive, since your dad is dead. Yeah, I killed him. But what matters is th--
My phone vibrated again in my hand and I check only to see that I received an image.
I click it and quickly cover my mouth, the phone almost falling out of my hands.
It was him, it was actually him. My father, shot several time, bleeding and already dead.
??: Got enough evidence. He's dead. That'll be your mom next if you don't do what I say. Now, you will go to Suho's room. There will be a small locker hidden behind his bed frame, you gotta move the bed. You have to open that vault. It would of course have the hardest password in the world, but I'll figure it out. I'll text you the password in a while. For now, you're not telling anyone. Or the mom goes to heaven with your dad.
Before I said anything, he hung up. I was frozen for words and action, just standing there. I was suffocating, not being able to breath. I need air, really badly.
I run outside the bathroom and into the school grounds, standing there for a while. I take deep breaths, trying to calm down. It still wasn't enough, I couldn't breath. I need to go home!
//Chen's POV:
I sigh and look out the window, getting bored in the lecture. I already knew it all, so did Lay and Tao. They both were chatting about something to themselves quietly.
My eyes land on a female figure running out towards the school gate but it stopped by the security. Is that y/n? She knees the security hard and I wince to myself. 'Ouch. But why did she run out of the school?'
//Your POV:
I rush to my house, throwing myself on my bed and shrinking to a small size holding myself close to myself.
Father can't be dead! He isn't dead!
Warm tears start running down my cheeks, not seeming to stop. I hug my knees to myself, whimpering badly.
Why did it have to be father? Why now....and mom is with that guy? I don't want momma to die...please...
"Please, don't let her die...don't kill her....don't kill her....don't kill my mom....please.." I repeat over and over until my body became numb and senseless of the surroundings.
I felt two strong hands pull me close and cradle me, but I couldn't look. My vision was blurred with tears and whimpering.
"Shh, y/n. It will all be fine, I'm here for you. Calm down now, calm down~"
My eyes felt heavy and it became dark soon, my body now falling limp in the person's arms.
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