(The dress above is the dress you chose to wear from the two dress you brought. Ik, Ik, my choice sucks. 😖)
(Also I updated 3 chapters in a day for you all. That's how much I love you. <3)
You change into the dress, put on your perfume and apply makeup. Nothing much; curled your hair, a light nude shade of lipstick and did some eye make up.
"Damn, you're hot." You turn to face Baekhyun with a rose in his hand, handing it to you. "Care to be my date for tonight?" Him and his signature winks.
"Two dates in one day? That's something." You chuckled and accepted the rose. "Thanks, Baek. I'll gladly be your date."
"Whaa. You and Baekhyun are dating?!" Luhan pouts sadly, frowing. Chen and Lay were walking past Luhan but turn around to what they heard.
"Y/N is dating Baek?" Lay asked softly.
"No, no, it's nothing like that. Baekhyun and me just consider this party as a date." I defend.
"It's still considered dating." Luhan gave a poker face.
"Everyone, come down right now. The limo is here!" Chanyeol's deep voice boomed through the house and everyone headed down.
//at the club/party place
"This place is so big!"
"I knew you'd like it. Let's go get some drinks." Baekhyun pulled your hand as Luhan and Kai followed behind.
"Just a cosmopolitan for me." You said and looked to Luhan, Kai and Baekhyun. "What do you guys want?"
"Long island iced tea."
"Are you guys out of your mind?! Kai, you're underage." You whisper yell.
"Hun, trust me. I am 21. What else do you want?" Kai reassured you with a smile.
"You're lying." You shake your head at him as your drinks arrive. You four gulp down the drinks as Baekhyun and Luhan keep ordering more alcoholic beverages.
A guy pulls me gently to the dance floor, his hand wrapping around my waist.
"Let them be. Why don't we have a dance?" It's Taehyung.
"V, you're here too?"
"Me, Suga, Jin and Jimin are here too. Although, Suga found a private room and went to nap there." V explained.
"Is he fine?"
"Yeah, he's okay. He got tired of composing lyrics all night. I came out to use the bathroom at 4am and found him awake in his room."
"Well, atleast he's getting a nap. How're you, Tae?" You smile softly at him as you both were dancing slowly.
"Good good, you?" His deep brown eyes got you lost, staring at his neatly combed ombre hair.
"I'm fine now." You giggle as he pulled you closer into him, both of your bodies touching.
"Well, I'm glad to hear that." He said deeply and slowly. You smile and without realization found your head resting on his chest.
You both dance slowly to the music, getting lost in the music. He was charming and cute. Manly cute.
"You look amazing tonight. Who did you come with?" He asked but before you answered, a hand harshly pulled you back.
You frowned when you were pulled away from Taehyung.
"She came with all of us, but specifically with me. I am her date." Baekhyun glared and stood in front of you.
"Date, huh? I'll see you later then, beautiful." Taehyung winked with a smirk and walked away to mix into the crowd.
"Y/N, don't go near him ever again." Baek whined in anger, annoyed. Even when he's angry, he looks cute.
"But he's a friend." You pout.
"Friend my ass. Just do what you're told!~" He slurs and grabs your wrist even tighter.
You flinched and pulled your hand away quickly. "Baekhyun, Are you drunk?"
"Nope." Is all he says and smiled sweetly, nuzzling your cheek. "Let's find a private room, ne?"
"Nu'uh. I am not going in an isolated place with a drunk guy." A cute drunk guy.
"Pretty please!" Baekhyun pouts, swinging your hand with his.
"Baekhyunnie, no. You're drunk, maybe some other time." You chuckle and kiss his cheek, walking with him to the others.
You bite your lip to look for the others, but instead find someone else.
You saw him before, but don't know when. You shrug it off and search for EXO, but see the man walking towards you and Byun.
"Geez, Baekhyun? You look surprisingly decent today." The guy then shot a polite smile at me.
"Eh, can't you see me on a date with Y/N~" Baekhyun pulled me behind me, standing in front of me. "Sheesh, so many guys wants her. First, V. Now you."
The guy laughed, his laugh was contagious. I couldn't help but giggle too. "You met Taehyung already? I'm looking for that little, lost idiot." The male looked at me with a curious smile.
"Hmm. Oh, weren't you the girl who was hiding behind the bushes in gym class and woke Yoongi up?" He asked and it takes me a moment.
Jin. That's what Yoongi called him.
"Anyways, Y/N, since I'll suppose that's your name, you shouldn't let baby Byun drink."
"I did warned him. Plus, I was dancing with Tae at the moment." I pouted and looked away.
"You were dancing with Tae, hm? Any idea where he went?" Jin asked, sipping some soda lazily while looking around.
"He went over on that side, mingling with the crowd. Good luck finding him." You pointed to the corner, chuckling.
"I'll find him. Oh, did you see Suga too? Sorry, I shouldn't have come with them, it's a pain." Jin chuckled in embarrassment.
"V said he's in a private room napping." You blink and look at him.
"We brought Suga here so he could relax and have fun from his composing of songs. Aish, what to do." Jin sighed and waved a hand before leaving. "You all have fun, see ya."
You turned to Baekhyun and frowned, shaking your head. You finally see the others lounging on a long couch in the corner.
You wrap his arm over your shoulder and drag him there.
"Suho-hyung, Baekhyun is drunk." You pout and drop him on the floor as everyone watches.
"Byun Baekhyun, Can you atleast stand and not humiliate yourself?" Chen said as the others chuckled.
"Y/N, let's go get us a drink." You turn to look at Kai beside you and smile slightly.
"Good, let's go." He takes your hand, holding it firmly.
"Kai, where are you going?" Xiumin asked, out of mere curiosity but wasn't answered. Kai instead shot him a cold glare and walked away with me.
'What's their issue?'
"Can we get two cherry sodas please?" Kai ordered and smiled, looking towards me.
"You're being awfully nice tonight, is there a reason?" You chuckle as the waiter brought you your drinks.
"There's no reason. Just trying to be kind to the pretty lady, is that bad?" Kai smirked as he turned towards me on his seat, taking a sip on his soda.
You shake your head and take a sip on the drink, enjoying the cool liquid flowing down your throat.
"Y/N, whom do you like the most among all of us?" Kai's sudden question caused me to cough on my drink, though I didn't.
"Why this all of a sudden?" You take a final sip and set down your empty glass, looking at him.
He looks perfect in every way possible; his shiny, dark eyes and messy hair, along with that jawline that fits on his smooth, tan skin.
"I'm just....curious." He mumbled and looked away into the crowd.
"Hm, I won't say I have any favorites, but aside from that, I think I like Baekyun-Oppa." You say, thinking about it all while saying it.
You didn't have any favorites, but Baekhyun stood out as he was kind and sweet and all.
Kai was affectionate and caring too, really caring. You thought about it and were about to change your opinion to Kai instead of Baekhyun but Kai was already frowning like a child.
"I see.." He pouts slightly, looking down at the drink in his hand.
You chuckle and notice his dullness and cup his cheeks, tilting him to look directly at you. "You seem jealous~"
"Aniya! I-It's not like that!" He tried to defend himself by thinking of reasons, unfortunately, no reasons came to his mind so he sighed.
"Aish, you are jealous. Kim Kai is jealous. I'll go tell everyone later. You're so cute when you're jelly, Jongin." You giggle.
"If you don't shut up, I'll kiss you." He whined in frustration, staring at me.
"Is that a challenge? I dare you to. Being jealous is--" You instantly got silenced when he pressed his lips against yours.
Not only were you caught off guard and surprised, but there was a calming sense to it. You felt relaxed and somewhat pleasant about it.
He didn't pull away anytime soon which only caused you to wrap your arms gently around his neck, the kiss slowly turning into a passionate one.
You let out a soft, quiet moan upon feeling his fingers slither down your back slowly, the kiss deepening itself.
Kai's POV:
I felt at ease feeling her soft lips against mine. My arm was delicately wrapped around her waist, holding her close.
I don't know why I wasn't pulling away or why she wasn't, maybe we didn't want to. Did she want this too?
Ever since she came into our lives, we've all changed. But what if she leaves? Aah, that's what Xiumin is after. I'll make sure it doesn't happen.
I couldn't stand to lose another person I deeply love and care about. I won't let him take her away, I won't let nobody take her away. But what if this is all a hologram? What if she leaves?
The feeling of guilt and pain takes over me, causing me to pull away from her. She looks at me with confused, innocent eyes. Her hand softly grazing down my cheek in worry.
"You seem tense. Is everything fine, Kai?" Her voice is smooth, like silk. It's hard to avoid not answering her.
I just nod, forcing on a smile and kissing her forehead. "I'm fine. Y/N, there's this new drink I want to try with you. Let's give it a go."
Your POV:
You watch as Kai orders two drinks, one for himself and one for you.
The waiter arrives with the drinks and hands your glass to you. You quickly chug it down, feeling a different sort of taste.
It was sweet, yet had that citrus-y taste afterwards, like any alcohol. This was different, you felt the need to have more.
~A couple minutes later~
"Y/N, I said no. You drank so much, it's enough. We need to leave. Suho and Xiumin are outside already with their cars." Kai explained and dragged you outside with him.
"Y/N~" Tao cooes from the back seat, causing everyone to alert them of your presence. The atmosphere was happy and cheery as always in the car.
"Everyone in?" Suho asked.
"Yup, we're all here!" Luhan exclaimed while everyone else was talking to each other.
"Sehun isn't!" You yell, causing it to get silent.
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