5. Dodgeballs
//skip to next day in school
You finished second period and go off to your second class which is maths.
"Hm, my book?! It's still in the locker. Darn, I'll be late." You turn back and run to your locker upon noticing you forgot your maths notebook.
You take your book from your locker and run back before bumping into someone.
It's the same guy from yesteday by your locker. The Baekhyun look-alike.
"Sheesh, slow down. You're always in such hurry." He shook his head and picked up a book you dropped accidentally.
"Mianhe, Mianhe! I was in a hurry and I--"
"No need to explain." He pulled your cheeks, smiling. But to pay me back, you can tell me your name and we'll hang out after school. After all, not many girls have caught my attention. Plus, you seem like a calm enough person to not fangirl." He explained.
"T-That would be totally fine. I'm [full name]." You bow and smile as he bowed back.
"Taehyung. But call me V. See ya after school by the gates." He waved and ran off.
"Ehem, Miss Y/N, what're you doing out in the hallways. I was just about to go to the office to see if you got lost since it is your second day." Your class teacher stepped out, his monotone bothering you.
"Sorry! I forgot my book." You ran into class, avoiding all stares and sitting beside Chen.
"Why're you late?" Chen asked.
"Forgot my book.." You reply sheepishly.
The teacher comes in and starts explaining equations.
Ugh, Maths. It's torture. Mental torture.
//skip to 5th period: Gym
You change into gym clothes and hurry into the gym. You were blushing and nervous.
You're the only girl in the boys class, but this is gym. You had to wear shorts. Which wasn't a problem since your legs were smooth and slim.
But exposing this much skin made you feel nervous, and that to in front a many guys.
"Today we're playing dodgeball. Y'all know the rules, it's the same as yesteday. No hitting each of physically, no foul plays and no cheating. Don't get hit by the balls." The gym teacher explained.
"I'm sorry I'm late!" A voice called out. Why's everyone always so late in this school?
It was V, he reminds you of Baekhyun.
"Why're you late?" The teacher asked.
"Well, I was borrowing clothes from my friend 'cuz I didn't have it. And changing into them took more time. Dodgeball again?" V asked and the teacher nodded.
The teachers are all chill with these students coming in late. They are, after all, idols.
The game started and you were in the team with V.
Some males gave you lustful looks while others gave you a judgmental ones which made you really uncomfortable.
You were wearing a yellow shirt with dark blue shorts which reached a bit higher than your thighs.
"Y/N~" V cooed sweetly to which you giggled.
"Yes, TaeTae?" You smile and he blinked, chuckling at the name.
"Nothing." He stood back into position as the game started and bagillions of red balls started shooting your side.
Your team dodges almost every ball, not even getting a single hit. Everyone grabbed those and shot it back with force.
After what seemed a long while, many people did get hit. Of course, we weren't professionals.
We dodged many balls, yet many also did get hit. Those who got hit had to stand out.
This left me and V alone now.
The other team looked cocky, grinning as if their energy just got recharged.
"This'll be easy. There's a girl."
"Yeah, like a breeze. We won't let them win."
Tae smiles happily and you smile back, nodding. "Let's do it."
The balls start shooting in your direction as you gracefully dodged them all along with V.
He throws them back, hitting a guy from the opposing team.
"Last 30 seconds!" The teacher yelled.
They had 2 guys along with us. V grinned and threw it at them which caught one off guard and hit him.
2-1 now. They have only one member.
"Hyung, take her out first!" A guy standing out yelled at the only one player.
He throws many balls at you.
"Hey girl, your shoes untied!" Another guy yelled to you to which you quickly looked down to your shoes.
"Y/N!" V yelled and got in front of you, avoiding the ball from hitting you. It hit him, he's out. But a tiny second before it hit V, he shot a ball to the opposing guy.
V and the other guy both were out. But, they lost. They had no more people left.
And you felt so bad for letting V lose. They weren't untied at all. Son of a gun.....
"You got hit for me?" You asked.
"That was nothing." He stated, smiling.
"With that, Y/N won!" The teacher announced to which some got happy and some jeered.
V smiled happily, his smile seemed to brighten the room.
"V, look here." You say and he looked at you.
You quickly snapped a picture of him with his big, goofy grin.
"Jagi, no fair!" He whined, chuckling.
"Sorry, but that's a keeper." You giggle and walk out of gym class with him.
You got your lunch tray and felt a hand ruffle your hair. "You're a good player." V smiled.
"Thanks!" You smiled back and headed to your usual table with the guys.
You saw Baekhyun looking out of the window, scowling. Then you turned to look at Chen beside you with a worried expression.
"He's jealous because he saw Taehyung near you." Chen whispered.
"Baekhyunnie~" You cooed, hoping to lighten his mood. But he didn't budge or look at you.
You pout and pick up a pizza slice, smiling. "Baek, say aah.."
He didn't look you at you or notice you.
"That won't work on our Baekhyun. He's stubborn." Xiumin said loudly from the other side of the table, loud enough for all of us to hear.
"Fine then, this'll work." You smiled as an idea ran through your mind, standing up and leaning on the table with your elbows, smirking.
"It won't work, Y/N." Sehun says, sipping his water with Luhan drinking some sorta bubble tea beside him.
"Baekhyun oppa~ Oppa, notice me~" You say in a soft voice, causing Sehun to cough loudly on his water and Luhan to almost spill his tea.
"Oppa, don't ignore me." You pout, obviously faking it as the others watch you, chuckling and laughing.
"C'mon, Baek. A pretty girl calling you Oppa so sweetly. How lucky of you. Now don't be mad at her anymore." Chanyeol suggests.
But what Baekhyun said next sinks your heart. It's as if everything around you froze, causing everyone to go silent. Your breathing stopped at those words hit you harder than a bullet.
"Pretty girl? More like a little slútty bitch." Baekhyun said coldly, causing everyone to look at you, worried.
"Y-Y/N, He didn't mean that." Sehun says, hoping to make you feel better but it didn't.
"Oh, I did mean it. I meant every word of it." Baekhyun turns around, giving Sehun a cold glare, his face almost blank of expression.
He used to be so nice and kind always.....but now, he just said something that's beyond being rude.
Byun Baekhyun lost it.
"Y/N, Wait!" Lay and Tao call out to you since you ran away from there.
You hadn't even noticed when you bolted away from there as tears welled up in your eyes.
You let your feet carry you anywhere they could right now, just away from there.
You ran into the school grounds where there was a gym class going on.
Not everyone has lunch at the same time, some still had classes.
You ran and hid behind a huge bush, sensing nobody around.
You whimpered and hugged your knees close to yourself, sobbing loudly.
"She's just a little slútty bitch."
You cried to yourself since there was nobody around and the gym class was far enough.
"Shut it, I'm trying to sleep."
You hiccup a whimper and look over on the other side of the bush. A white haired kid was lazily looking up at you.
"I-I'm sorry."
"You should be. You woke me up."
You see another kid run up to the bushes, ignoring you even though he did see you.
"Yoongi, we're heading back in. Let's go."
"Tch, I was having such a good nap. She woke me up." Yoongi whines.
"Who're you and why're you in school grounds? Are you sneaking around to find your way in the all boys school?!" The other one asked.
"I....I study here." You manage you say out.
"You wish. Let's go, Jin." They leave, walking away as you stay where you were.
You stay hidden behind the bushes until school ends.
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