school's over and that means I'm going to my dad's. Finally!
I arrived at my dad's minutes later but he was still at work so that means house chores then dinner I'm too lazy to cook so I'll just order something or we'll go out yeah that sounds like a plan.
I get in my room and go to my closet where my things belong. I take out a very oversized pink tshirt and put it on, i put pink and purple clip on hair pins on my hair and some lipgloss. Hmm...first vacuum, do the dishes, dust, do laundry. Yeah thats all.
"And done" i said as i put my dad's laundry in his closet. I went downstairs to watch some tv when the door opens.
"Dad!" I said as i hugged him.
"You look pretty as always" he says as he twirls me around.
"Thanks" i smiled at him. My dad is my number one fan, when i told them that I was trangsgender, my dad helped me all the way, we even went shopping together hence I'm wearing what i want at his house, i wish they had divorced when i was 18 so that i could chose who to live with but unfortunately my mom won custody so bleh!
" i was thinking of eating out or odering Chinese? Pizza?" I suggested.
"Order two large pizzas and a pepsi Princess" he said as he went upstairs. I grabbed the phone and dialed pizza hut.
"Pizza hut how may i help you?"
"Hi...I'd like to order a pizza?"
"Yes ma'am which flavor and toppings"
They called me ma'am! i almost squealed.
"Uh yes...2 deep dish pizzas with extra extra extra eeeeextra cheese please...oh and a Pepsi"
"Will that be cash or card?"
"Your order will be there in 20minutes or less, if its more your order is free...thank you"
I put the phone on the table and my dad comes down the stairs.
"Hey Evie, how is school? any boys you like?" He wiggles his eyebrows.
"Dad! A girl never kiss and tells, don't you know"
"Aw come on I'm dying with thirst here give me some tea"
We both bust out laughing after he said that, one time i was on the phone with my pen pal and we were asking about each other's lives and my dad walked in on us when i said that it was truly funny.
Then we hear the doorbell go off. We smile at each other.
"Pizza's here" we both said at the same time and we ran to the door together while fighting over for who gets to open the door, which i won because i faked breaking a nail haha.
I open the door and i freeze. The pizza delivery boy its....Fred?
"Evie pay the boy already" said my dad as he teased. He probably thinks i find the boy attractive which i do but he doesn't know that i have a crush on him. Which is why i used the car scratching incident to my advantage as i asked him on 10 dates...clever right?
"Uh thanks" i said as i grabbed the box and the plastic with the Pepsi.
"No problem...say you look familiar...do you know someone by the name Evan?" He asked.
"Oh.my.gosh" whispered dad who was in the kitchen now, clearly eavesdropping.
"Uh....um...I'm his sister?"
"He said he's an only child...maybe I'm comparing too much thanks for the tip uh...Evie" he said and walked away to his scooter.
I watched as he left the house.
"Ahem who was that hmm" said my dad as he closed the door behind me.
"If i tell you, will you eat all of this? hmm?"
"You know i will Evie now spill"
"That's my crush?"
"Are you asking me or are you telling me" he teased.
"Come on tell me please" he whined.
"Dad you want cheese with that whine?" I teased back. He gasped.
"The audacity" and he laughed. You know sometimes i wonder if my dad is gay, the way he acts is like he's a twink hahaha maybe he's metrosexual? Still love him though he's fun unlike my mother...i just shudder just thinking about her.
"They are the same person" said Timon. We are currently looking at Evan's Instagram account and only one picture which was his first picture there was a girl with whom I'm assuming was her dad.
"Are you sure?" I asked. I knew he was gay but crossdressing? Never thought I'd find that attractive before i met him, and if he does why does he hides it? Or is it because he's shy? But not shy when he's with his dad? I'm confused.
"Actually...my mother and his mom work together and my mom always tells me that Evan's mother is so cruel she doesn't even allow his friends to visit him" he said. Oh i get it he's afraid of what his mother will do.
"I see...thanks anyway bud" i said as i patted his shoulder.
"You owe me pizza" he smiled back. I nod and he tells me he's meeting his girlfriend for dinner. I've known Timon for 5years now, we met on our last year if senior school and until then we've been friends and miraculously he's been dating one girl since I've known him i hope i can have a relationship like his, a guy can dream right?
"Dont you think its time you embraced your true self?" My dad asks as he places a glass of Pepsi infront of me.
"I was planning on tomorrow since I'm going on a date with him" i said.
"Hmm some boy is taking my little girl for a date...dont know if i should be happy or over protective." He joked. Yeah my dad prefers referring me as a female because one time he saw me flinch when my mother was yelling at me for putting red lipstick on when i was 15 so you can imagine that.
"Both dad...anyways Lets stalk him on Insta" i said as i waved my phone on his face.
"Yes!" He came to join me as we searched for his account.
"He follows you too" said my dad.
"I didn't even know, lets check his profile" i said as i tapped on the phone, next thing i know i see a photo of him and me in the background smiling brightly.
"Oh...my...gosh" gasped my dad. This picture was 4years old, has he always had a crush on me?
"I know right", i said as we scrolled futher to his old posts.
"Loook!" Said my dad i scrolled upwards and found another picture with caption.
There's a difference between love and lust but what I have for you its quite different"
The picture was that of Me posing with my friend who transferred to another school years ago! and Fred's eye was in the corner of the picture. I was so confused.
"Honey, this boy is whipped" said dad. We've been scrolling through his profile and there are shady pictures of him while I'm in the background.
"I'll text him later or we'll talk about it tomorrow on our date" i replied. I put my phone down before i got too weirded out.
"Lets watch some bl" said dad. I was shocked.
"You....watch bl?!"
"No but i saw you're following a bl fan page so let's watch some" he said.
"I see....lets watch my engineer" i connected my phone to the tv and we watched it. So cute.
After watching 2 bl series i laid in bed as i thought of texting Fred. But what should what i say.
Freddie😎~ hey you, excited for tomorrow?
Me~ can't even sleep🙄😂 thats how excited i am...and who would've thought that Fred the jock is going on a date with me😌
Freddie😎~ and who would've thought the rich kid is going to the mall with me😏 you pretty normal for a rich kid.
Me~ normal😯 I'm far from that...anyways pick me up at 10am😄
Freddie😎~ see you then...goodnyt 😴
Me~ nyt nyt 🛌
I put my phone on the night stand only to pick it up again. Its time the world met Evie. I scroll through my pictures to search for a worthy picture for posting and i find none...I'll take one tomorrow. I put my phone back and go to sleep.
I woke up excited and all smiles. I made my way downstairs after i brushed my teeth of course.
"Well lookie here" said My dad, Ben.
"You excited for today?" Asked my other dad Will.
"Very...it's going to be fun" i said as i looked at the clock. 8:57am hmm gotta get ready, i head back to my room to get ready.
After a few minutes I'm wearing skinny jeans, a sky blue tshirt and some black sneakers, my hair all styled up. Lets do this.
"Aww my baby is growing up" said will.
"Dad its just a date" i said as i grabbed my car keys and stuffed them in my pockets.
"I still can't believe you get to be in a relationship while I'm not allowed to" said John.
"You treated your ex like a child i think you still need more therapy" said Ben. We all laugh at John as he went upstairs grumbling.
I sit on the sofa and wait for time to pass. Its now 9:21am.
"No, no, no, ew" i said as i rampaged through my closet, i cant find the right outfit for my date urgh.
"How about this one" said my dad, he's holding a soft pink blouse and a pair of blue high waisted jeans.
"Nice" i said as i took it from him. Who knew my dad had style.
"How do i look" i said as i twirled around.
"Cute, very cute...what about your shoes though" he said as he pointed to my bare feet.
"Uuuurgh" i plopped on the bed.
"Wear some sandals, oh i know, those pink strap in sandals" he said as he headed to the door.
"Dad you are a life saver" i said and he chuckled and closed the door behind him once he left my room.
I put on my shoes and i look in the mirror. I look cute but will Fred think so? Oh ghad.
I look at the time, its 9:56am he's almost here. I ran downstairs and just in time because the doorbell rang as i made the last step.
"I'll get it" said my dad as he opened the door.
"Hello youngman who are you?" He asked but i could sense the teasing in his voice. Cheeky.
"Hello um...I'm here to take your son for a um...date?" Said a nervous Fred. Poor guy.
"Are you asking or telling me" said my dad in his intimidating voice.
"I'm telling you" said Fred. Oh he's got guts.
"Sweetie your date is here" said dad as he came to me.
"Thanks dad" i hugged him and he kissed my forehead and mouthed 'I like him' which made my chuckle and i went to the door.
"Hey" i said shyly if he's reaction is bad then let it be now.
"Hi.." he looked me up and down.
"How do i look" i asked him.
"Cute" hmm ok that'll do.
We went outside and went to his car which he opened for me, such a gentleman.
During the car ride it was silent and very awkward.
"Uhh...where are we going", i asked to break the ice.
"The mall, you said we should go to the mall" he said while smiling.
"Oh right" i looked out the window. Why is it so awkward.
He's a crossdresser and he looks cute, if he had longer hair he would look like a girl. The car ride is so awkward but I'm afraid if i say anything I'd make it more awkward urgh.
We arrive at the mall and we walked side by side. People giving nasty looks to Evan and some admiring, but he doesn't seem to be affected as he's busy looking at the stores.
"Oh lets go in there" he said and he pulled me by the hand to a shop called H&M. The fact that he's holding my hand gives me so much joy that i tighten my grip on his, we entered the store and he went to the women isle. Looking at blouses, jeans, and skirts, i hope he wears a skirt to school one day.
"How does this look" he asked as he held a bright pink mini skirt. My jaw almost dropped.
"I...uh...its cute" i said....he smiled and went to cashier.
"Whose this for?" Asked the cashier as she held the skirt.
"Your mom" said Evan the people behind us busted out laughing while i bit my knuckles to avoid laughing, the cashier, embarrassed and angry scanned the skirt and Evan paid. We left the shop and he turned to me.
"Lets buy some ice cream " i suggested and he smiled brightly.
"Okay" i held his hand and he blushed. He looks super cute.
We went to milkylane and we ordered some ice cream which was ridiculously large i mean who needs such large amounts of ice cream.
"This is so good, here" he held a spoon to my mouth. I blinked and he blinked. And i saw his face become red infront of me. Cute. I took his spoon in my mouth and his lips parted which surprisingly made me have a semi. Ahem anyways.
"Taste good" i smiled at him. He nodded and continued eating his ice cream.
After ice cream Evan said he was going to the restroom so i waited infront of milklane for him. Minutes later Evan comes back crying and saying to take him home. In the car ride i couldn't stand it anymore so i had to ask.
"What happened?" I asked.
"I went to the restroom and.....and i entered the female restrooms, when i got in there i was told to go to the male ones so i did but when i went in there i was told to got to the females", he said as he looked out the window. I stayed silent, i didnt know what to say, it must be hard for him. Minutes later we arrived at his house, which was big mind you its like its made out of glass, i haven't seen any bricks just glass, rich people.
He got inside and headed straight upstairs and his dad gave me a concerned look.
"What happened?" He asked.
"Something about a restroom" i said confused.
His dad sighed and pulled me inside the house.
"What I'm about to tell you Evan can't know you know okay?" He said seriously. I nodded.
"Evan is....how do i say it....Evan is a girl in a boys body. i know that sounds ridiculous but he's like that...she's like that" he said.
"So he's not a crossdresser?"
"Can we still date?"
"Depends on you Fred because if i give you my blessing and you break my child's heart i will own you....literally"
"I promise" i smiled. He smiled and nodded his head.
"Go, I'll talk to her" he said. I nodded to headed outside.
"Evie? honey? I'm coming inside" said my dad as he knocked on the door before entering.
"I'm tired dad, so tired" i said as tears flowed down my cheeks.
" i know i know shhh" he says, holding me close.
This happens a lot, it's always the restroom that always ruins my day, if i get in the female restrooms they say 'a boy can't get in here go to males' and when i go to the males they say 'what kind of freak are you, go to the females' it always ends up like this, trapped, between the two.
After crying on my dad's shoulder we went downstairs to watch some tv, dad was trying so hard to cheer me up it warmed my heart, tomorrow is my last day here and its back to that house, where i always hide myself. Sigh what a life
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