Prologue - The Dimensional Break
A/n: Each Idea used in this was something I asked of the other three authors, in order to have their own ideas for how they got to their respective worlds. But I did make some small changes, as I felt it would be more interesting, so I hope you don't mind if one of yours was slightly changed.
Now onto the Story!!
Dimension: Konosuba (Specific Location: Trapmaster20's OP Neptunia Male Reader Series)
No one's POV
We see Y/n, Kazuma, Darkness, Megumin, and Y/n's Adoptive Daughter Fran heading back inside their mansion, as they just got finished taking a job, and Aqua's crying per usual.
Kazuma: *sighs*
Fran: That was so fun!
Y/n: I'm glad you liked it, kiddo.
As Y/n pats Fran on the head, Aqua then passes by them, crying.
Fran: Though I'm still not used Miss Aqua yet.
Y/n: I understand that, kiddo... I truly understand that...
Aqua: A bath! I need a bath right now!
Kazuma: Hold it, Aqua! We should check out the stuff we got from that quest!
Aqua: Ugh, we can do that later! Do you all want me walking around like this? I'm covered in sticky giant-toad slime!
Y/n: Aqua, you've been in a giant toad's mouth so much, I think it's basically your life now!
Fran: Dad, you should really have said that out loud?
Y/n: Trust me, Fran. She needs to hear this.
Aqua: Shut up, Y/n! Don't forget, I'm a goddess! I should look immaculate and smell divine! Not reek worse than some shut-in NEET like Kazuma, and some crossdresser like you!
Kazuma: Hey! I am not a shut-in NEET!
Y/n: Also, you need to apologize for every trap in this world, anime, and the multiverse! You were the one who decided to run ahead, because of all the treasure that lurked there!
Kazuma: *nods her head* If you weren't being so stupid, you might not be in your current situation. You've been acting like the Goddess of Stupidity!
Aqua: *gasps* What did you call me?!
As Kazuma pulls out some of the stuff, an oddly shaped button falls out.
Y/n: Uh, Kazuma?
Kazuma: Still my name.
Y/n: Do you know what this is?
Kazuma then comes over to Y/n and looks at the button.
Kazuma: No clue.
As Aqua goes to get herself cleaned up, everyone just stares at the button that was found. After a bit more time, Aqua comes back and notices what we're doing.
Aqua: Hey Kazuma, what's that?
Darkness: It looks like just a normal button, though it's appearance is very worrisome.
Kazuma: Yeah, no matter how we look at it, it's suspicious.
Y/n: Yup. That's a fact.
Aqua: Hmmm. Well, let's push it!
Y/n: No, Aqua! Bad! Bad Aqua!
Aqua then starts to throw a tantrum on pushing the button. It then leads to Kazuma holding her back from pressing it.
Aqua: Come on, just let me push the thing! I'll be super delicate and careful!
Kazuma: We need to find out what the hell it is first! Vanir definitely needs to check this thing out, okay?
Y/n: Okay, okay. How about we put it to a vote? If you think we should press the button, stand on the left side! But if you think we should go to Vanir, stand on the right!
Kazuma: Hold on. Before we do that, where is everyone else?
Y/n: Oh right! They said they were going on a quest far from Axel. When they'll come back, I don't know, since they didn't specify.
Megumin: I don't think that we need to put it to a vote. Kazuma is correct on this! Taking this to Vanir would be a good option.
Kazuma: Thank you, Megumin! I know you Crimson Demons are smart, so I'm glad you got my-
Megumin: Although, if you're asking me if we should push the button, which may ultimately change our destiny, the answer is simple... YES!!! ABSOLUTELY!!!!
Megumin then presses the button, making Y/n facepalm in annoyance, and causing Fran to panic a bit.
After a few seconds of nothing happening, the area around them starts to crack, as the very fabric of reality starts to break apart, creating holes into endless space.
Y/n: What the hell?! I'm already going to assume that this button had something to do with this!!
Fran: I'm scared!
Y/n: Just hold onto, Fran! My plot armor will find us a way to survive all of this!
Megumin says nothing, but is panicking herself, as she was not expecting something like this to happen.
Aqua: *sobbing* Kazuma! Y/n! What's happening?! The whole place is gettingk all cracky and crazy!
The ground below them then breaks apart, having the others fall down into the abyss. As they do, the whole mansion goes back to normal, and the button disappears, as if what had happened never occurred in the first place.
Dimension: DxD (Specific Location: Xvolts' Story "Esper Mage")
Location: ???
We see a woman name Commander Jayne in a very special room, running an experiment, which if successful, would create an artificial wormhole for Psi-core.
Commander Jayme: Is the portal almost ready for testing?
Psi-core Member 1: Yes ma'am!
Commander Jayme: I still can't believe that the boss changed my superweapon idea to that of a wormhole.
Commander Jayme: Good. Now begin the project.
The members of Psi-core start the project, and everything seems to go smoothly. However, since Megumin had pressed the button back in the Konosuba Dimension, after a few seconds of steady progress, the core starts to break.
Psi-core Member 2: Commander! Something's wrong!
Commander Jayme: Don't just stand there! Tell me what's wrong!!!
Psi-core Member 2: Well... somehow... the core is destabilizing! This place is going to-
The member of Psi-core can't even finish their sentence, as a giant explosion occurs, and opens a giant portal. However, instead of it taking members of Psi-core, it teleports away, confusing all the members there.
Meanwhile, in the Occult Research Club Room, we see the members getting ready to take care of a stray devil, but right before they do, Koneko stops them.
Rias: Is something wrong?
Koneko: Something's happening.
Suddenly, right after Koneko said that, the portal from before appears below them, and are sucked into the portal. Rias tries to use her devil wings to get away, but the force increases the gravity on her, which in turn, sucks her in as well. As soon as the main area of the club room has their members sucked in, the portal disappears.
Onto the Next Dimension!
Dimension: Date a Live (Specific: Vell241's Story, "I Said to Not Make Me OP And Not A Possibly World Destroyer)
Location: Amusement Park
We see a blue haired boy walking through an amusement park with a purple haired girl, and orange haired girl, along with a young blue haired girl holding onto the hand of "girl" with silver hair, who has a girl with light indigo hair wrapping her arm around them
Silver Haired Person: I can't believe I'm here with this idiot. Well, I only came with because Yoshino wanted to come.
They then go on some rides, and a play a few games, when they notice a game of roulette, but to their surprise, no one is there.
Silver Haired "Girl": What the?
The "girl" heads over to the odd roulette machine, and looks at the machine.
Blue Haired Boy: Hey Kama, what are you looking at?
Kama: This.
Kama then shows the others the machine, and the purple haired girl starts shaking the Blue Haired boy.
Purple Haired Girl: Shido, you have to try! I could ultimited Kinako bread!
Shido: I... Guess I could try it...
Shido then walks up to the machine, and after a few seconds, a black marble comes out.
Blue Haired Loli: Wh-What is-
The Loli can't even finish her sentence, as the marble starts to shake, and creates a giant portal, which sucks the group in.
After that, the machine disappears, as if it was never there in the first place.
Onto the Final Dimension!!
Dimension: RWBY (Specific: MoonWingJ's story, "Embodiment of Scarlet Delicacy")
Location: Beacon Academy
We see two teams walking thorugh the hallways of Beacon, with the girls clinging to a young femboy named Carmine Rondo, who is nervously sweating with what is happening. The reason why? The girls are all members of the young boy's harem, and let's just say they're fighting over whose going to have him in bed tonight.
Carmine: *GIF Below* NOT TODAY!!!
But as he's starting to run away, the same button that Aqua had pressed, which started this whole mess, appears right under where Carmine is running. He trips over it and presses it, which confuses not only his team, but Team RWBY.
Ruby: Uh, what just happened?
Yang: I don't-
Suddenly, time itself freezes, confusing the two teams. As they look around, a giant wormhole appears, which sucks up the two teams. They try to use their weapons to stop them from being sucked in, but they all ultimately fail in the end, which causes the two teams to be sucked in.
As the wormhole closes, time resumes, and the button finally fades away.
Location: ???
We see all the groups looking around they location, looking very confused as they don't know where they are.
Rias: Where are we?!
Kiba: I don't know. But I don't think we're in Japan anymore.
Aqua: Excuse me!
Rias and the rest of the Occult Research Club turn to face her, when Aqua notices their auras.
Kazuma: Did we get sent back?
Y/n: I don't think so... I mean... the terrain looks the same, but it's definitely not Japan.
Fran: Dad, what are you talking about?
Y/n: Oh, well you see-
Aqua: Kazuma! Y/n! Get your heads out of the clouds! There's some disgusting devils here! A bunch of 'em!
Rias: Disgusting?!
Darkness: Are you sure? They don't look like devils?
Y/n: Yeah Aqua, I think you're-
Y/n looks and notices Issei, and a dark expression appears on Y/n's face.
Y/n: I take back what I was going to say, Aqua. There's only one true devil here...
Y/n then draws out one of his swords and says one thing with a psychotic look on his face.
Y/n: *Image Below* AND I'M GONNA KILL HIM!!!
Before Y/n can go for a kill on Issei, Kazuma grabs Y/n arm, trying to restrain him.
Kazuma: Hey, don't even think about it!
Y/n: Let go of me, Kazuma! I need to purge the world of the pervert known as Issei.
When they hear Y/n mention Issei, Issei naturally panics, as due to alternate universes, this one doesn't know Y/n.
Koneko: Go sack yourself, perv.
Issei: Are you serious?! I'm not going to die to this crazy bitch!
Epsilai: You heard Koneko. For the better of all of us.
Everyone then starts arguing with each other, trying to figrue out what to do, when Kazuma screams.
Suddenly, a whistle is heard and they all turn to see a man looking at them.
Man: Listen up, kids! You're to head to your Class 2 immediately! Classes are about to begin!!!
Y/n and Kazuma: C-Class...?
We now see everyone, including the other two groups that were transported here looking around very confused by what is going on. But Y/n and his party, well they're arguing with each other.
Aqua: I don't understand why you just follow that man's orders!
Kazuma: Well, obviously, we don't know what he's capable of!
Y/n: *nods head*
But while Y/n's party argues, Y/n, Carmine, Epsilali, and Kama all think one thing.
Y/n, Carmine, Epsilali, and Kama: What the hell is going on right now?!
As they all try to figure out what's going on, the man from before heads to the principal's office.
Man: The four your have requested, along with some members of their worlds, have been brought here, sir.
???: Good.
The chair turns around to reveal the author himself, Trapmaster20.
Trapmaster20: It's time for this crazy idea of mine to finally take action! Took a while to get the other authors to agree my bizarre idea, but I hope that this will all work out in the end!
To Be Continued...
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