The story
A/N I know I said I was going to update tomorrow and only tomorrow but I am really bored and I already updated my other story so here is the next update.
"You suck"
"No. You are horrible. Why in the name of all things evil would he change his name to Brian? It's not even SCARY!"
*face palm* We've been over this Phil. He is- oh sorry you guys probably aren't reading that book. Any way lets just ignore Phil for right now and get on with the story. Is that good with everybody? Yes? Ok lets go!
" you still suck"
"I don't know what story I'm going to tell guys" I said with my head resting on my knees. We had been brainstorming ideas for an hour but couldn't figure out which story to tell. We almost agreed on a jack the ripper story but I had interjected. Last time I told a story about jack the ripper I scarred three tweens for life. Not taking any chances this time especially since most who were going to show up were probably just fillies and colts. Wait what?! when did I start thinking like that? Any way we were going through all the stories we knew when I remembered My favorite one.
"I GOT IT!" I said jumping up scaring my friends in the proses. Like I said we had been telling ghost stories all day so we were kind of paranoid.
"What the heck!?" said Svitlana who had fallen over screaming " you almost gave me a heart attack!"
" I know what story I'm going to tell!" I said jumping for joy. Finally we could stop bringing up our memories of the past looking for good stories to tell.
"What story?" asked Ali carefully. I have told so many to the group that they sometimes become wary of which story I tell. Some are really scary others are really bad. In more way than one.
"I'm going to tall the story of 'Hanging Mary" I said. It was one of my all time favorites because it was the first real ghost story I ever heard and gave me nightmares for a week.
"What's that one?" asked Tiffany
"Yea, you haven't told us that one." said Ali
"Not that one. It's too scary Hayley" said Delanie. She wimped out easy on certain things
"That's PERFECT!" said Svitlana
"Um, we haven't heard that one before guys" said Karly. It has been a long time since I told the story of 'Hanging Mary' so some of the group haven't or don't remember hearing it before.
"The story of hanging Mary goes like this-" I said and proceeded to tell the story. once I finished the looks on there faces told me I chose right.
"That will scare them half to death!" said Delanie who had covered her ears to keep from listening.
"That will definitely be a crowed pleaser" said Alison smiling
"I also thought we could make it interactive" I said with a mischievous smile.
"How would we do that?" asked Tiff. She was the only one who wasn't scared by the story. She literally could not be scared by stories or horror movies. It was cool and scary at the same time. That's what made her perfect for this scare.
"Simple, we put people, and by people I mean you guys, around the clearing where I will tell the story and at certain parts you will play your roll to scare them. Karly, I am tasking you with the most important part. Once the story ends you walk out of the forest with the scarf on and tilt your head to the side slightly ok?" I said
"That sounds fun" was all she said back
I then started to assign jobs to the rest. Most were small things like making a rustle in a bush or snapping a twig but they would add to the creepiness of it all. The bigger jobs I gave to my most trusted friends, Alison, Svitlana and Karly. Delanie wanted to help but only wit the small stuff. She didn't feel up to the big stuff.
*Later that night*
"So how do you like your costumes?" asked Rarity with a huge smile on her face. I had to admit, They were pretty good. Svitlana was a wood nymph with brown/gold wings and jewels all over. Karly was wearing a Bridal gown that was torn up to make it look like she was a zombie. Perfect for the prank. Alison was wearing a white hoodie with black pants and had her knife. She had told Rarity about Jeff the killer and that's what rarity made her. Tiffany looked like a scare crow with her checkered flannel shirt and straw hat. Delanie had on a dark fay costume. It looked kind of line Svitlana's except it was all black including the wings and jewels. She looked really good in it. Me? I was a Sorceress. I wore a long flowing black cape over black leggings and a tight but comfy black shirt. I had on a diamond necklace that looked like an amulet. We all looked really cool and ready for the night. once we got outside we were mobbed by ponies. Apparently news gets around fast in a small town.
"Which of you is the one telling the story>" asked someone in the crowed. I couldn't get a good glimpse of them but answered any way.
"I am" I said in a voice loud enough for all of the m to hear.
"Oh, good." said the Pony from before. She had a white mane and tail and a tan coat. Her cutie mark looked like a scroll with a ribbon wrapped around it.
"We are so glad you agreed to it" she said continuing. Behind her was a group of young colts. I'm guessing that they wee there for the story.
"Hey, its no problem. It's one of my favorite things to do" I said. It was true I do love telling stories.
"Thank you again. so where will you be telling it? The Town hall? Town square?" she asked
"Actually I was thinking about using a clearing in the apple orchard or a different clearing but it has to be in a forest. Do you have any ideas as to where we can find a good scary clearing?" I asked. We needed on for the scare too.
"I know just the place" said the mare. Just then twilight came through the crowed.
"Mayor! The princess is almost here!" she said
"What princess?" I asked at the same time as my friends. Exempt tiffany who wasn't paying attention.
"Princess Luna" said Twilight. Out of breath. She was dressed as a wizard btw.
"Oh, I read about her!" I said "Isn't she the one this holiday is about?" I asked
"Yes!" said Twilight beaming " She has come here every year since she was released from her prison"
"Cool. When do we meet her?" asked Delanie
"OH NO!" said Twilight "I forgot to tell the princesses about you guys! They might not react well to you being here." said twilight with a thoughtful look on her face.
"I'll just explain to her that you are good" said Twilight
just then trumpets started to play.
"It's the princesses!" someone shouted. Two chariots were coming down out of the sky. In one was a startlingly white coated mare with a rainbow main with a unicorn horn and Pegasus wings. The other one was a night blue color with a flowing blue and black mane and tail also had wings and a horn. Both were stunning to look at and twice as tall as all the other ponies.
"Princess!" said twilight as she came over. Everyone was bowing as they walked past and soon only me and my friends were still standing straight. Quickly I bowed and hoped they got the message to do so to. They did and we were still bowing when Twilight stood up and said this.
"Twilight! It is so good to see you again my student! who are your friends here?" said the princess.
Twilight looked over and saw we were still bowing.
"um, you can stand up now" she said. I kept bowing and so did the others
"We're good" I said. I didn't want to startle the Princess. Especially since the last time we did that I got a broken wrist and three broken ribs that still hurt. And that was just a regular pony too.
"Honestly you can stand up" said Twilight "the princess wont hurt you" She said that with a smile.
"Ok but you have to help me if I get stabbed by the guards or not" I said loud enough for her to hear. Before she could answer I stood up quickly and pulled down my hood.
I heard the guards gasp and saw them ready there spears. My friends were all slowly getting to a standing position. Of course Delanie stood up to fast and fell over which was followed by some laughter and help getting up.
"My name is Hayley" I said Introducing myself then pointing in turn to my friends" And that is Delanie, Karly, Svitlana, Alison and Tiffany."
The princess looked startled a bit but recovered quickly.
"So you are the ones Twilight has been writing to me about" She said
"But princess, I haven't written about them" said Twilight looking confused.
"Who is the one telling the story? That is why a I came tonight. That and to see all my loyal subjects" said the princess quickly covering that up. " In your last letter you had written telling about one of your new friends reading a story tonight." the princess explained when Twilight looked confused.
"Oh that would be-" she said but I cut her off.
"That would be me" I said " I have a special story picked out for tonight and I am glad you will be joining us." I was using my nice persuading voice I use on teachers and fellow students to sound in control and calm. I use it a lot to talk my friends into and out of stuff. usually for the better. It works really well actually.
"Well, I cant wait to hear it" she said before turning to talk to some other ponies. She seemed really nice but I was still wary of the horn. it looked pointy.
I was wandering around with a pack of colts and fillies following behind asking about the story when I saw the other princess. She looked like she was nervous but was hiding it really well. To the passerby she would look normal except her back was stiff and she was having a hard time keeping a smile on her face. I brushed it off as not being used to other ponies around her. She was trapped in the moon for 1,000 year. I decided to walk over and talk to her.
"Hey" I said walking right next to her startling her
"Hello" she said back a twinge of worry and stress in her voice. Something was up.
"You seem stressed about something" I said
"I don't know what you are talking about" she was trying to cover it up but it was obviously not working.
"beautiful night to night" I said staring at the full moon.
"Thank you. I put the full moon out just for this night" she said. I forgot she controlled the moon and stars while her sister controlled the sun.
"So, where did you come from?" she asked
"Well, its a long story but long story short we were having a sleepover and then saw this blinding white flash and woke up here. That was tree weeks ago." I said with a hint of unintentional sadness.
"That must have been scary." she said trying to lighten the mood
Just then the bell in the tower rang. I smiled that was the cue. I got up
"I'm sorry. I have to leave and get ready for the story" said and started to walk away.
"Wait" said the princess" May I come with?"
I thought for a moment " Sure. probably better that way" I said and lead the way.
We met the mayor and followed her to the clearing. it was perfect. in the middle there was a statue of princess Luna and all around were trees and brush that gave you the feeling that someone was watching you from them. I turned to my friends and started to instruct them on what to do.
"Ok. Alison get to those trees and bushes over there. Tiff hide over there and wait for your cue. Delanie, Svitlana stay with the group until the middle of the story then get into your positions. Wait until I get to the line about the hikers and then come running out of the forest. Karly I need you to come out of the forest at the very end of the story. You can walk around just out of sight or just long enough for someone to see you then dart away but stay in the forest. Everyone understand?" I said " Good now, Places everyone!" they ran off to there spots. I turned around and saw the mayor and princess Luna looking at me, there faces ones of awe.
"what?" I asked
"Are you a leader where you come from?" asked Luna
"I guess you could say that. but only of my group" I quickly said
"What are you planning?" asked the mayor
"Well it wouldn't be nightmare might without a scare right? that's just what I thought because We have a holiday similar to this back home" I said
"May I help?" asked princess Luna
"Sure. why not? It could be even better with your help" I said. I then turned to the mayor.
"Do you mind going and getting everyone?" I asked
"No problem" she said and started to walk away.
When everyone came back Delanie, Svitlana, Luna and I had a bonfire going right next to the statue giving it a creepy look and making the shadows dance. Perfect for a scary story.
I started the story
Once there was a man and woman. They were madly in love but their families didn't approve. So every night they would sneak out and meet up in a clearing very much like this one except where the statue is here there was a tall pecan tree. They would meet up under the tree and enjoy being in each others presence.
I took this chance to look around at there faces. They were all gripped with interest. Perfect
One night when the young man was coming to the clearing to meet his true love when he heard a scream.
just then a blood curdling scream came from the forest. That was Tiffany's cue. She could always scare us with that scream and she barley had to try to do it too. Every one jumped at that and there were several screams from the crowed. I continued once it quieted down a bit.
The man ran to the clearing in time to see a black bear chase his love up the pecan tree. She got to the top of the tree and looked down at the bear climbing toward her. He tried to get the bears attention but it was useless. the bear knew it had its prey trapped and just kept climbing toward the girl.
Some rustling came from some bushes. That was Alison's cue. the crowed was getting nervous. I continued.
the girl knew she had no chance of fighting off a bear so she did the only thing she thought would work.
I looked over and saw Delanie and Svitlana slip from the crowed. I continued
She jumped from the tree hoping she would be able to run from the bear. She had no such luck. She had chosen that night to wear a scarf for it was the middle of winter and even though hey wee in the south it was a cold night. Her scarf caught on the branch as she fell from the tree. She had wrapped it around her next tight so it wouldn't accidentally come off and this was the cause of her downfall and the tragedy. The young man could only watch as she fell and was hung from the tree. She died that night and ever since if you are walking through a forest and come upon a pecan tree in the middle of a clearing you might just catch the faint sound of her scream as she was chased. If you are especially lucky on a clear night tonight you may yet see the ghostly image of her limp body hanging from the tree or see her wandering through the forest.
I paused. some of the ponies were looking around paranoid while others listened with interest for the rest.
There is one account of two teenage girls out going through that forest at night on a full moon and being followed by the ghostly figure of the woman looking for her lover.
That was Svitlana and Delanie's cue and right on time they came bursting through the forest right toward us. But behind they were actually being followed back by a humanoid looking thing. Thinking it was Karly I continued.
There are many other reports but have warning if you see her run. Her spirit wants vengeance on all for her life being cut short and the families not letting them be together.
And I finished the story and stood up. I looked into the forest and saw Karly emerge on her battered dress and she had a scarf she borrowed from rarity hanging around her neck. She was coming up ion the group from behind so I quickly stood up and said
"Well that's the end everyone have a nice night!" and started to walk the opposite direction and went behind the statue. I peaked out a and saw everyone start to get up. This was Luna's cue. She put a cloud over the moon to make everything dark. Karly kept coming and stopped near the edge of the forest. I was just trying to hold my laughter in. Everyone was confused in the lightless clearing and when Luna moved the cloud away a scream went through the crowd and all the ponies started to run away from the ghostly figure of Karly. I was lucky that I was behind the statue because they were in an all out stampede. Once all of them were gone I fell on the ground laughing. The whole group of stampedes' had stopped at the edge of the forest and looked back through the brush at us. Alison and Tiffany came back from the forest into the clearing along with Svitlana and Delanie. We met in the middle with Karly coming last right after Luna. We were all laughing so hard we didn't notice the other figure coming toward us until I turned around and my laughter died away instantly. Everyone stopped and were also staring
"What are you doing here?" I asked the figure
CLIFFHANGER!!! Ha now you have to comment about the new character for the next chapter! Ha I'm evil ;) so leave a character description in the comments and They will be in the next chapter. FYI I will not be updating this story until I get at least 3. what number? 3! character descriptions! Well
" Now your being evil to these people!? How dare you!"
Phil, I am just seeing how creative these awesome people are.
"Still not UPDATING! that's almost too far"
Oh well, again
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