Chapter 8: Emotions Run High
Flying on her own was indeed very different from flying as a passenger with her family. And it is VASTLY different from flying on a ship or speeder.
Naerys was hanging on for dear life because, as a wild dragon, one who never had a rider before, the newly named Gaelithox did not have a saddle. The hardest part was the assent. But once they leveled out, it was much easier to hold on.
Now that they were no longer rising, Naerys adjusted herself. Instead of laying against Gaelithoxs back, she sat up to get a better look at the world around her. This was unbelievable, Naerys finally had a dragon of her own, exhilarated she began to laugh uncontrollably. Gaelithox gave a rumble back. One she knew was as full of giddiness as her laugh. He had been waiting a very, very long time for her, longer than both her lives combined.
Calming down, Naerys closed her eyes and breathed in deeply through her nose. She could feel the connection between dragon and rider solidify. Opening her eyes again, all she could see were the breathtaking stars in the ink-black sky. She can't remember having felt this calm before. Distantly, she wondered if the bond between dragons and riders had any similarities to the bond Jedi had with each other. She tried to remember what Anakin had told her when he described the bonds he had with both Obi-Wan and Ahsoka. But she couldn't recall what he said. At the time, it had made no sense to her, just like most things involving the Force.
They flew for hours, over the sea and around Dragonstone. The sun was rising and she knew he'd soon be spotted, if he hadn't been already. They needed to land, before her parents are informed she's missing.
As the horizon began to glow with the first light of dawn, Naerys gently guided Gaelithox toward a secluded part of the Dragonstone cliffs. She could feel his eagerness to stretch his wings, but they both knew it was time to return. With a reassuring pat on his neck, she focused on the task at hand.
"Let's find a safe place to land, Gaelithox," she murmured.
The dragon responded with a low rumble, descending gracefully towards the rugged coastline. As they neared the ground, Naerys spotted a wide, flat outcropping perfect for landing. Gaelithox adjusted his wings, slowing their descent until his massive claws touched down gently on the rock.
Naerys slid off his back, her legs trembling from the long flight. She patted Gaelithox's side, feeling a surge of affection and pride for her dragon. "Ao gōntan rōvēgrie," she said softly. [You did great]
The moment of peace was short-lived. Almost immediately, shouts and hurried footsteps echoed from the nearby fortress. Naerys could see the flicker of torches and the frantic movement of guards and servants suddenly come to a stop. She knew they would be cautious; they had to be. After all, they saw she was with The Cannibal, one of the most feared dragons alive.
"Naerys!" A familiar voice rang out, filled with a mix of relief and fear.
Her parents emerged from the crowd, staying a safe distance away, their faces a storm of emotions. Her mother, Rhaenyra, stood still, clearly torn between rushing to her daughter and keeping a safe distance. Her father, Laenor, held her back, his shocked eyes fixed warily on Gaelithox.
"Stay back!" Laenor called out to those around him, his voice stern. "Naerys, step away from the dragon, slowly."
Naerys felt Gaelithox tense beneath her hand, sensing the approaching figures as a potential threat. "It's okay," she whispered to him, trying to keep him calm. "They're my family."
With deliberate, slow movements, Naerys stepped away from Gaelithox, raising her hands to placate her panicking parents and show she was unharmed. "It's alright, he's not going to hurt anyone," she called back.
Her parents exchanged a wary glance, but the fear in their eyes was evident. " what did you think you were doing?! Do you have any idea how worried we've been? You should have told us where you were going!" Rhaenyra shouted, her voice cracking with a mix of relief and anger. "You could have been killed!"
"I had to do it," Naerys replied, her voice steady. "I knew he was waiting for me."
Laenor's expression softened for a moment, but it quickly turned stern again. "You took a dangerous risk, Naerys. The Cannibal is not to be trifled with."
"He's not The Cannibal. Not anymore," Naerys insisted, standing her ground. "He's Gaelithox, and he's mine."
The commotion around them grew as more guards and servants arrived, some staring in awe at the massive dragon, others hurrying to relay the news of Naerys' return.
Rhaenyra looked at her daughter, a mix of pride and frustration in her eyes. "We will talk about this later. For now, let's get you inside and make sure you're safe."
As they made their way back to the fortress, Naerys couldn't help but glance back at Gaelithox, who was watching her with an understanding look. She knew their bond had only just begun.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Breakfast was tense that day. Naerys understood her parents anger. Really, she did. Their only daughter disappeared from her bed in the night, not knowing if she had been taken or worse, only to discover she had gone and claimed one of the most dangerous dragons alive (a wild one at that!) without a word to anyone.
But she also knew, had she not gone alone, she never would've been able to go at all. The one thing that differed Naerys from her parents and brothers, was that her cradle egg did not hatch. That didn't matter to Naerys, she had always known she'd get a dragon one day. But to her parents and brothers, they'd never felt the pull of a dragon calling to them. They had had their dragons from infancy, and they didn't know the pull, the need, to go to the dragon that was yours.
Naerys had been immediately hurried into her room to change and get warm. Because of that, her parents had not had the chance to scold her yet. While in her room, Naerys had quickly penned a hasty letter to the only person who would understand and be on her side. It had been quickly sent off with the fastest raven they had. With any luck, the letter would have already been read and the recipient en route to Dragonstone.
Keeping her eyes firmly on her plate, she could feel the eyes of her parents on her. But every eye immediately turned to the door as it was quickly swung open with a bang amd the sound of little feet running.
"Is it true?! Is it true?!" Lucerys shouted with excitement. "Did you really sneak out and claim the Cannibal?!" He rushed to his sister and began climbing on her chair.
Momentarily stunned, Naerys blinked quickly and repeatedly before she gave an answering, "yes, it's true."
A gigantic smile made its way onto Lucerys face as he opened his mouth to ask a million questions. But he was interrupted. " are you stupid?!" Came an angry question. It's was Jacaerys. He stood a bit away from her with a glare on his face.
Both Naerys and Lucerys froze and looked at him. Lucerys, sensing his sister wouldn't take that sitting down (literally) quickly stood and moved away.
A gasp was heard from their mother. "Jacaerys!–" but what ever she would say was cut off.
"No, I'm not. Are you?" Naerys replied standing on her feet.
"Wha– me?! I'm not the who snuck out into the night and claimed a wild dragon?"
"No, but you are the one asking stupid questions" came the quick response from an irritated Naerys.
"It could have killed you!"
"He wouldn’t! Would Vermax ever harm you?"
"No! But that's different!"
"HOW?! How is it any different?!"
"Knock it off! Both of you!" Rhaenyra had never seen her children truly mad at one another. Usually their were arguments over insignificant things, but she could tell their was true anger from both of them. "You don't call your siblings names! Do you hear me?" Both children remained stubbornly silent. Lucerys has subtly snuck over to lean against his father and was watching with large eyes. "Jacaerys you don't just call your sister stupid! But, Naerys he is right about–"
"About what?!" Naerys had never interrupted her mother in such a way, especially not while shouting in anger at her.
There was a moment of silent shock before Rhaenyra replied. " you weren't thinking! Do you have any idea what couldn't happened to you? The Cannibal could've killed you!"
"He would never!"
"You don't know that!"
"Yes I do! The same way you know Syrax would never hurt you! None of you understand! He was calling to me! If I had told you you never would've let me claim him!"
"You're right! Do you know how this will look? You are my heir! What will people think of you claiming the Cannibal! Do you know how the Greens would spin this? What it would do-"
"To who mother? You?! Not everything is about you! Who gives a shit about the Greens!" Naerys knew she was taking it too far. She's never normally been this angry. By now, she was crying through her words. "I don't care about the weird hate boner you and the Bitch Queen have for eachother! I've spent my whole life doing what I can to be perfect for you! This is the one thing I have ever truly done for myself! And none of you, except for Lu, can just be happy for me!"
With that she turned and ran out the door, not seeing the stunned and hurt expression on her mothers face. She didn't stop. Servants and guards dived out of the way as she ran. She didn't exactly have a destination in mind, only that she needed to go. Still new to the castle, she didn't know where she was. Picking a random door. She entered and found an old bed chamber that, from the look and dust in it, hadn't been used for a long time. In a very dramatic why, that in her life as Padmé she would've made fun of, threw herself onto the bed and cried.
Naerys doesn't know how long she's been there, but she must have fallen asleep. She had been woken up by the sound of the chamber door opening. And standing there in the doorway was the one person she wanted to see most. It's had seemed the Gods (or the Force) had been kind and her letter had arrived quickly. There, standing in the door way of this unknown chamber, was Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, her Grandmother.
Authors note:
Wow! It's been so long! I'm so sorry about that. I had major writers block. I knew what I wanted to happen but didn't know how to write it! I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter! I have some things planned for the future that I'm excited to get to. I also have this other story idea that's been in my head for ages. It won't leave me alone, but I'm not sure if anyone would read it because it's kinda Dark.
Naerys' uncharacteristic anger will be explained. Also, Rhaenyra wasn't going to mention what it'd do to her, Naerys is feeling a lot right now and she's jumping to conclusions.
Also, the "hate boner" comment is something she'd heard as Padmé, so that really confused everyone in the room!
Please leave comments if you want, it really means alot. And I'd appreciate constructive criticism (in a kind way that won't hurt my feelings lmao)
Thanks again for reading! ♡
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