Chapter 2: The First Weeks
Being fed was Naerys second least favorite thing in this new life, her least favorite was being changed. 'I'm a grown woman! This is embarrassing!' Naerys knew it wasn't truly anything embarrassing, she was a baby after all. Even if she didn't completely have the mind of one.
Naerys had been held by many different people in her short life, from what she's been able to tell they've been her family members. The first person her mother introduced her and her brother to is a man with dark skin and pale hair, similar to her mother's. Based on the words said she believes this is her father.
She then was introduced to two people who she assumes is the King and Queen. The King seems to be her grandfather, while the Queen seems the same age as her mother. Naerys found that disturbing and felt bad for the Queen. But at the same time, the way the Queen sneered down at her and her brother did NOT endear her to Naerys. Especially when she heard the passive aggressive comments and back handed compliments she made at her mother and father. Now Padmé had never been as petty as her husband or even Obi-Wan, but that didn't mean she wasn't petty at all. Her time as both a Queen and a Senator made her well versed in politics and how to be petty without it being obvious. If the Queen continued with this attitude, she'll see how petty Padmé (no her name is Naerys now) really is.
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From what Naerys could tell, with her limited baby senses, her mother's knight is actually her biological father. The way they act in private makes it rather obvious. That doesn't make Laenor, the one who claims to be their father, any less her father. It's clear he loves her and her brother. But given his closeness to other men, it's clear why her mother needed some outside help in getting pregnant. Not that Naerys minds, Padmé had once had a very close relationship with her handmaiden and body double, Sabé, before they mutually decided they were better platonic.
Perhaps when she's older she should bring up the idea of training handmaidens again. Her handmaids were not just aids or friends, they were her bodyguards and protectors as well. Padmé had even joined them in training, not telling them her true identity as Queen Amidala until the end of training when they had formed close bonds. Yes, she'll need to think more on this when she's older.
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After 5 weeks of life she had finally been introduced to her fathers parents. Naerys feels safe to assume her grandmother isn't very fond of her or her brother. Perhaps there was a moment when her grandmother first looked at her that had her gaze soften, but it wasn't very long. It was understandable, they weren't her blood. Her new grandfather, didn't seem to have the same problem as his wife, Lord Corlys had been excited to see both Naerys and Jacaerys. Her grandparents had traveled to be here for the twins presentation at court.
After being fed, Naerys still felt awkward about that, she was changed into a fancy little dress. She couldn't really see it, because she still couldn't hold her own head up, but from what she saw it was something she approved of. As Padmé, she had been well known for her spectacular outfits. She couldn't wait to be old enough to commission and design her own dresses. She just knew it was cause a scandal but hopefully it would lead to new trends in fashion.
The presentation was long and boring, her baby mind couldn't really pay too much attention, no matter how hard she tried. So she spent most of it asleep.
Naerys was jolted awake. The ceremony seemed to be over, but people of the court still seemed to be milling around the room. She had been roughly moved into new arms. "Careful!" She heard her fathers voice. Focusing, Naerys saw she had been taken into the arms of the Queen. Alicent, that was the Queens name Naerys thought, had roughly taken her from her father. She had a condescending smile on her face.
"I know what I'm doing," the Queen simpered. Naerys doubted it. The Queen had given birth a few moons ago, to Naerys uncle Daeron, and Naerys had seen her once in the royal nursery, and it wasn't to hold her son. "So, Ser Laenor, I do not see much of you in your children. I wonder why?"
'What?!' Naerys thought 'you can't just say that with the court listening!' But it seemed Alicent didn't care.
It appeared her grandmother, Princess Rhaenys, thought the same because she was the one who answered. "They look a good deal like my dear sweet cousin, Aemma."
Alicent, didn't seem to like that very much. "And the brown hair and eyes? I do not remember her having those."
"An Arryn trait. From Aemmas family." Rhaenys continued.
'Ha' thought Naerys. 'Try and top that!'
"Indeed," Alicent had the fakest smile Naerys had ever seen, even in her life as Padmé which is saying something. "Well then Ser Laenor, how have you been since Ser Joffrey died? I have heard you've been spending more time with squires."
'Oh, that's it!' Naerys thought. 'Let's see what you think of this!'
"AAAAAAHHHHHH" The Queen shrieks. Good thing Naerys grandmother was nearby, because Alicent would've dropped her to the floor. Naerys distantly heard stifled laughter.
"Oh, come now Alicent, 'tis not so bad." She heard her grandsire Viserys say. But judging by the fast paste footsteps leaving the room, the Queen didn't think so.
Should Naerys have purposely spit up on the Queen? No. Does she regret it? Also no.
"Hmmm," looking up Naerys noticed the slight smirk on her grandmother's face. Naerys was slightly surprised when Rhaenys leaned down to kiss her forehead. "Not bad, little one."
Authors Note: I probably won't be uploading everyday like this but I just can't stop thinking about this and had to post it! Tell me what you think ♡♡♡
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