Chapter 1: Death and Rebrith
The pain was lessening. Padmé felt herself growing weaker, fading from this life. She tried to stay awake for her children, for her husband, for her family, for her friends but it was getting harder. Consciousness was slipping through her fingers. She needed to say something, one last thing before she passed.
"Obi-Wan... there... is good in him", She gasped. Her vision was growing darker, her friends distraught face fading to black, but still she tried to continue. "I know there... is-"
That was all there was.
Just nothingness...
Then there was warmth, but it was fading fast. She heard a womans screams of pain. A pain Padmé herself had just felt. The sound of a woman bringing new life into the world.
Suddenly, there was brightness. She couldn't see well and she was cold. A baby was crying. She heard voices but couldn't make out the words. Then she felt a pair of arms around her. Blinking up Padmé saw the smiling face of a beautiful young woman with pale hair and purple eyes looking down at her.
"Hello my beautiful girl," the woman smiled. She looked down ('down?' Padmé thought distantly) at Padmé as if Padmé was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.
"Do you have a name for her yet Princess?" A voice asked.
"Naerys. Her name is Naerys," the woman said, it seemed she was speaking about Padmé.
Padmé realized with a jolt that she was a baby, she had been the one crying. She'd been reborn, and the beautiful woman must be her new mother. Which would make 'Naerys' her new name. Padmé supposed it was a pretty name, and it DID sound like Naberrie.
Padmé, she assumed she should probably start thinking of herself by her new name, heard her new mother make a pained noise.
"Princess! There's another head!"
'Twins?' Naerys thought as new hands gently took her from her new mother. 'I had twins. Luke. Leia.' Naerys wished desperately she had been able to live for her children, to hold them at least once.
"It's a boy, Princess!" Some voice said.
A boy. A brother. She'd never had a brother as Padmé, she'd only had a sister, Sola. She wished she had seen her again. She wished she'd seen her parents too.
'A girl and a boy. Just like my children' Padmé, no Naerys, thought. When she was pregnant she'd known she would have a boy, she knew it, she'd felt it. It had been her Motherly Intuition. Ani had disagreed. 'With a kick like that? Has to be a girl.' They'd both been right. Oh Ani.
"Do you have a name Princess?" Someone asked. Naerys should pay attention, it wouldn't do for her not to know her own brothers name.
"Jacaerys. His name is Jacaerys"
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