Sport Fest Festival part 1
She was nervous as she doesn't like this really. There was lots of students in front of the classroom and Kyubey fires Shadow Balls at them making them all to bolt as Aizawa had Nezu to explain and that Class 1-A haven't settle down since the attack really.
They play along with it as Tooru has some gemstones to help her to be seen making her to be happy as Mashirou Ojiro is now blushing, but nothing yet as Sero asked her out making Ojiro to sigh of relief for some reason really. Bakugou got turned into a girl once.
Kirishima and Mina both blushed and Bakugou wasn't seen until poor Shoto saw them in a large unused classroom and he had called Aizawa who saw Kirishima was thrusting between both Mina and Bakugou's virganas with his long eighteen" cock.
Izuka blushes as the whole class saw this and Mineta passed out from a nose bleed making the girls including Bakugou glare at him and Aizawa saw Shoto shoot ice spikes at him making him to be behind and the girls there had fun with him really.
Izuka hides in Shoto's chest as she doesn't want to see what's fully happening to Mineta as Shoto rubs her head. All three were fully just embarrassed as this is awkward for the three of them. The Quirk that Bakugou was hit with was permanent if any kind of sexual act was performed.
Kirishima's act of rubbing his cock between their virganas is a sexual act making the two to feel bad and apologized, but Bakugou pulls him towards her and kissed him on the lips. Mina got one as well making both to lose it and they pushed everyone out.
Both Shoto and Izuka stayed and they looked up stuff with music playing by headphone sets making them to ignore what's happening in front of them. Izuka did make condoms for them with some toys for the girls only making Bakugou to blush heavily really.
By the time they were done, both Recovery Girl and Nezu was there at the door with Izuka's 'aunty', Bakugou Mitsuki. They saw the tied up condoms and nods at them as Izuka and Shoto were both still plugged in. Izuka and Shoto saw the three new faces.
'Time to go?'
'Yes.' Izuka learned sign language and Shoto learned as well, too. He enjoyed it and practices it as much as he can with both Izuka and his family as they also learned mose code as well, too. Nezu enjoyed teaching the two that one really.
Two weeks later and it was time for the Sport Fest Festival to start making Izuka to be nervous as there is a lot of people and she knows her mother is going to be there somehow. She had fun using The Mirror and The Time card to see the future or the past.
Shoto was cute as a small child making him to blush as a similar one of her made her blush as he did the same back to her as his revenge making them to wrestle playfully really together during that time making them to laugh during it as well, too.
"It's U.A's sports festival! The one time each year when our fledgling heroes compete in a ruthless grand battle! Friends turn into enemies as each student competes against each other to earn that top spot! First up, we start with this year' cream of the crop!
Yeah! You know who I'm talkin' about! The miraculous rising stars who brushed off a villain attack with their steely willpower! Bring in the first years of the hero course!" They started walking out into the light, being momentarily deafened by the cheers, but Present Mic's voice still managed to make itself heard above the roar.
"It's class 1-A!" Izuka wanted to curl up as she saw how the cameras were focused on them, that the people were all looking at her class, still at least they probably wouldn't pay too much attention to her. Present Mic called out a brief introduction for the other hero class.
He then did the same for the general studies, support students and the business course students. All the students gathered up in the center and Midnight cracked her whip. Izuka never did like it whe she did that making Midnight to keep her whip away from her.
"Now for the athlete's oath!" Her eye twitched as the students started talking.
"Shut it!" She snapped, cracking her whip again and Izuka flinches at the sound.
"Your student representative this year is... Bakugou Katsuki, of class 1-A."
"It must be because she placed first in the entrance exam." Sero said. A girl from one of the other classes scoffed.
"The hero course entrance exam, you mean." The explosive blonde walked up the mic.
"The athlete's oath..." Bakugou started, hands in her pockets.
"Make no mistake about it, I'm gonna take first place of the festival really." Immediately the other students started booing and jeering. Tenya huffed.
"Why must you show contempt for the dignity of this event?!" Bakugou smirked.
"You'll all make great stepping stones, I'd say." Bakugou stepped down and shoved herself past Izuka.
"Get ready to be crushed, Deku." Bakugou said as she walks away into the crowd of students.
"Wow, class 1-A seems to have a real piece of work as their three top students." A voice commented, having appeared next to her making her to flinch and jump into Shoto's arms who glares and has ice showing up with fire inside of them as a wall behind Izuka.
"What are you doing here?" Ochaco asked, narrowing her eyes. Izuka blinks as she's wondering where the sudden hostility from her was coming from before she looked around and she noticed all of her other classmates were fully glaring at him really.
The blonde smirked before a girl with orange hair knocked him out and apologized to them about him. Izuka hates him and hopes he doesn't try to copy her Quirk making the whole class to agree with her really as they also hate him, too.
"Now! Without any delay, let's get the first event started." Ochaco sweat dropped and muttered.
"Everything at U.A.'s without delay."
"These are the qualifiers! It's in this stage that so many are sent home crying every year, and I can't wait to see their anguished faces when they realize that they couldn't even make it past the qualifier. The fateful first event for this year is..." The screen seemed to blur as it spun through options.
"This!" Midnight cheered, not looking back at the screen as she continued.
"The obstacle course is a race between every member of all eleven classes! And with each class holding about thirty students, that's three hundred and thrity students competing in a four kilometer lap around the stadium itself!
We here at UA pride ourselves on allowing our kids their freedom. Which means..." Midnight fully chuckles.
"So long as you don't go off the course, anything is fair game."
"She said anything, but I doubt that includes murder." A student from another class commented. The light drifted down to one and then it went off.
"GO!" Midnight cried out, cracking her whip as the students charged forward, but the starting gate was too narrow. Izuka looked forward as far as she could and saw Shoto was up close to the front.
Eyes widening, she realized what her boyfriend was planning and as she felt the air drop temperature, she jumped up using another student as a bit of a climbing tool as she kept herself off the ground while it froze over.
"Eraserhead! Are you ready for our live coverage and commentary today?" Present Mic's voice floated from the speakers.
"Not voluntarily..." Aizawa responded. Izuka was pretty sure she can beat her boyfriend really.
"And it seems that class A is pulling into the front with Todoroki freezing most of the competition into place. It gains them a short lead- Oh! That looked painful, seems the first obstacle found them as one of the robots flicked Mineta away!"
"He should have been paying more attention to his surroundings."
"How very true! Hopefully he remembers this lesson to never let your guard down! But of course, every obstacle course needs obstacles! Starting with the first barrier. ROBO INFERNO! This obstacle includes maybe 9 or 10 0-pointers and a ton of 1, 2 and 3 pointers.
The kids who took the hero course entrance exam may remember these." Izuka ran forward, even as she listened to the commentary, she was closer to the front of the pack then the middle, but that didn't mean she had a clear view of what was happening. Which meant that hearing Present Mic's commentaries.
"1-A's Todoroki takes the lead! Busting through and sabotaging the others in one move, this guy's cold." Izuka looked around, eyes trying to take in everything she might be able to use, after all she couldn't use OFA in this moment and her main Quirk wasn't useful against robots.
"But of course the rest of his class isn't too far behind him!" Present Mic cheered. Izuka grabbed a plate from a destroyed robot and used it as a weapon and shield.
"Class 1-A knows that there is no time to waste hesitating. Unlike the other students who let fear overcome them, they know to push forward. It's logical after what they faced, they've had that fear before. They endured it. Overcome it. Each has grown from that experience and forgotten how to hesitate." Soon most of class 1-A was arriving at the second obstacle.
"While most of the students are still struggling to get past the first obstacle, the leaders of the pack have arrived at the second! If you thought the first barrier was a piece of cake... How about the second?! Fall and you're out! Done!
No longer allowed to participate! Get across anyway you can, but if you don't have any special tricks, I recommend you crawl! This is... THE FALL!" Izuka saw that Ochaco and Mina seemed to have paused while another girl with pink hair was in the air.
"Why'd those idiot's stop moving..." Aizawa commented, an annoyed tone in his voice.
"EEP!" Mina squeaked and started moving forward with Ochaco moving as well.
"The leads keep breaking ahead while the rest of the pack is starting to catch up at the second obstacle!" Izuka listened as she ran along the ropes as she fully knows that no matter how much she was wobbling on the rope, she had to keep pushing forward.
Present Mic spoke of the minefield as Izuka had finished running the ropes and she made it to the large minefield. Her brain rushed for a way to catch up with the wide gap that was between her and the front. Quickly she started digging up the mines.
"Forgive me, Recovery Girl." Izumi murmured as she jumped up into the air as she knows this is going to be a bad idea really. Moving the piece of metal underneath her as she landed on top of the pile of mines she had made.
"A giant explosion from behind?! What caused such a blast? An accident? Or was it international?! AND LOOK AT THE CAMERA'S! Class 1-A's Midoriya rides the explosion in hot pursuit of Todoroki and Bakugou!
This is the exact type of upset the mass media likes!" She was going to land right about equal to them, she wouldn't be able to pass them up again if she couldn't maintain the lead... But... Did she want to take first place?
'I don't want the attention, I just want to save people.' Izuka had told All Might. The hero had understood and pointed out that Izuka was probably looking more for being an underground hero. She didn't need to win first place.
"And Midoriya blows off the competition with no time to lose! Your class really is something else Eraserhead! I'm sure the audience would like to know exactly what you're teaching these kids!?" Izuka let go of the piece of metal she had been using, causing it to be a slight distraction for Bakugou and Shoto and she stumbled her landing.
Her leg almost giving out from underneath her. Keeping her eyes peeled, she ran with Shoto and Bakugou right next to her, but they quickly pushed past her as they gave up subtleties which Izuka was fine with as she doesn't need first place really.
"This isn't my doing. They've been spurring each other on all their own." Izuka used the ice path Shoto made to race right behind them.
"Well, who could have predicted such an incredible turn of events so early on? Now I wonder who- The one who made it back to the stadium first is... TODOROKI-HIMURA SHOTO!" Izumi finished right before Bakugou and she was now in second place.
"Deku!" Ochaco called out.
"That was awesome! Second place man, I'm jealous!"
"To lose a race... Of all things... With my Quirk... It's clear I still have progress to make." Tenya groaned in a shocked stupor. Izuka gave a hesitant shrug.
"The top 42 will move on from this qualifying round! But for those who placed lower, don't worry we've got another way for you to show your stuff. But now... The main selection really begins! The press corp's going to be jumping out of their seats, so give it all you've got!
But... It's time for the second event, I, of course, already know what it is... But... Aren't you kiddo's dying in suspense? Prepare yourselves for... THE CAVALRY BATTLE!" Midnight proceed to explain how the cavalry battle would work.
With it being teams of two-four with the goal being to get the most points as the headbands would have a numerical volume. The surprise? The first place winner would have ten million points.
"You have 15 minutes to form teams." Izuka quickly went to one person whose quirk she knew would be perfect, both for offense and defense. She hesitantly went to the bird headed boy who seemed to be standing apart from everyone else.
"Yes, Midoriya?"
"Would you and Dark Shadow be on my team?" Tokoyami looked at her before bobbing his head.
"We would be pleased."
"Deku!" Ochaco called out.
"Can I be part of your team?"
"Sure, now we just need one more person... And I have an idea." Looking around, she spotted the person and went over. After agreeing the team registered, with Uzaki Hitomi as the rider so she could have the most reach. They had a total of six hundred and four points.
The rest of the time was planning out strategies and Hitomi having informed them of her Quirk and what she can do plus the Origin Beast Mood and her battle mood. Izuka didn't even mean to bring her, Inaba Ui, Nakanishi Eruza, Nakanishi Taiga, Hanzaki Moe, Inui Pure and Nomoto Yuuya into her world really.
Tokoyami informed them that Dark Shadow was weak to light and Ochaco said that she got sick if she used her quirk on herself. Hitomi could grab as many headbands as she could, even the ten million if she could snag it, once they had a decent amount.
Then they would use Izuka's The Float and The Create card to float in the air avoiding everyone they could with something to stand on really. Like if they could get close to Todoroki, Izuka would stop his Quirk's attacks with The Shield card.
"Alright the fifteen minutes are up!" Everyone got into position.
"START!" Immediately, things turned frantic as everyone charged at Shoto, trying to get that ten million points. Izuka could immediately see Hitomi getting to work on snagging a few of those headbands with her secretly using The Shadow card to help.
"This is really a fight for the ten million and everyone knows it!" A guy with grey hair shouted.
"We're coming for you, Todoroki!" Hagakure shouted. Izuka frowned, sure getting the ten million would guarantee your spot in first place, but it was better to aim for second or third by getting more points.
"And the cavalry battle has begun! It seems that most teams have started a mad dash towards team Todoroki! But the team avoids them with a wall of ice! Looks like team Todoroki is keeping defensive for the moment!"
"It would do the teams well to remember to keep an eye on their headbands, it seems that in the starting commotion someone has already grabbed a hold of a few." Aizawa muttered.
"Right! Oh, would you look at it, team Uzaki has quite a few headbands! With what looks like Hitomi grabbing them with a secretive shadow helping out! They look to be a very powerful team!" Present Mic announced.
"It seems that the teams had only now noticing that their headbands are missing, they shouldn't have had to have it pointed out to them." Present Mic said, a slight mocking tone to his voice.
"With everyone scrambling for headbands, it's not just the ten million out there! Those other high rankers are worth a shot as well!"
"Wah?! Is that legal?!" Kaminari's voice called out somewhere across the battlefield.
"Sure is!" Midnight's voice responded.
"It seems that Team Mineta has quite a strategy, with only one horse and the rider being fully hidden in Shoji's arms!" Mic announced.
"They use their members' varying sizes to form less of a horse and more of a tank! It seems to be a decent strategy for this first part, but we will find out at the end if it was a winning strategy... As of right now, with only three minutes having passed, it's still anybody's game!
Oh and look at that! Team Uzaki is in second place, folks! So fast and they stole another headband really! Whoa! Watch out for them!" Izuka on Hitomi's prompting, she use The Sand card and it canceled out the attack to keep themselves from sinking into the ground.
"Woah! It looks like Bakugou took a flying leap at team Todoroki in order to get a view above the ice wall Todoroki has created! Is leaving your unit really allowed?!" Present Mic asked as Midnight's voice confirmed it from the arena.
"It is here, on a technicality! As long as your feet don't touch the ground."
"Are we good on headbands?" Ochaco asked.
"We have 10 or 12, so yes."
"Shall we take to the air before the prey turn into the predators?" Tokoyami questioned.
"Let's." Hitomi agreed. Izuka used both The Float and The Create card making them to be floating into the sky as beneath them is a platform to stand on as all of them can seat down on it really making them to be safe really.
"It seems that Team Uzaki has started floating away with a platform beneath them! How will anybody be able to reach them? With seven minutes having passed, let's take a look at the current points! Oooh?"
"Now wait just a moment! Besides Team Todoroki and Team Uzaki which is made of a majority of class A, the rest of class A's not looking so hot! What happened to Bakugou?" Hitomi chuckled.
"Too simple really!" Bakugou's head snapped to where they floated, a good seventy or so feet above.
"You were so focused on the ten million, you didn't even notice when we took your headband. Of course... You don't seem like the type to notice the larger picture. After all when Midnight-san had announced the first event, it didn't take a genius to realize they just wouldn't be thinning our numbers that much in a preliminary.
It wasn't much of a stretch to imagine they'd be letting a good number of us advance to the next event. Forty or so seemed reasonable. It was the perfect chance to hang back and observe our soon to be rivals and potential teammates' quirks and tendencies. So it's only fair that we ended up placing more modestly."
"Your whole class was in on it?" Kirishima questioned.
"Well not everyone, but that wouldn't have been a bad idea... Instead of aiming for some fleeting first place, like a horse going for a dangling carrot." Hitomi taunted Bakugou as she smirks.
"Ah, but you're already a celebrity, aren't you? The victim of that sludge incident! I'll have to ask you sometime... How does it feel to get attacked by villains on an annual basis?"
"Use that anger on the other teams Bakugou, we can't get to them up there!" Kirishima said. Bakugou growled, but she and her team turned away, determined to get headbands from one of the few remaining teams which were mostly class B teams.
Hitomi had them targeting 1-B and 1-A kids first. Izuka agreed since she knew their quirks and was better prepared to face off against them than class 1-B. Others who lost their headbands were focusing on Shoto, desperate to get the ten million.
"Indiscriminate shock!" Kaminari called out.
"Yaoyorozu!" Shoto called out sharply.
"It seems that in the desperation Kaminari fried his own teammates and most other competitors, but team Todoroki created an insulator sheet in time to protect themselves from the shock!"
"And Todoroki is using this to his advantage to freeze the competitors in place." Aizawa added.
"Do we want to take the ten million?" Hitomi questioned in the air as they were playing a fast game of UNO and Izuka is fully winning by a landslide really.
"It would give those who watch something interesting."
"But we risk losing our points, right now we're in second and guaranteed to move on."
"We don't need a flashy win." Izumi said as she knows Hitomi the most and how to speak to the seven really as they went for cousins to each other, but Hitomi and Yuuya are married really making it to be legal to think his wife is cousin by marriage to his family really.
Taiga is the head as the oldest one really making it easier and Izuka was quick to make the very much 'Therianthrope' nature of all seven as a Quirk called Therianthrope Quirk which also has the animal's name after the ':' to make it very legal and they lived with it really.
They don't like the idea of being servants though which Izuka fully doesn't see them as since it's more of a familiar bond like a witch and their familiars really. They fully accepted that and Nezu has them working and going to the school really.
Yuuya does a after-school class for those with animal Quirks and Taiga helps with some security measures which works with the media the day before the attack in the U.S.J really making him to be pissed about that and thinks the media was a distraction really.
"You're right, in fact, it's probably smarter long term to conserve our energy." Ochaco agreed. So as the time ticked down they stayed floating in the air. Keeping around seventy feet.
"With only a minute left, let's see how the points are. Team Todoroki is first with ten million points! Team Uzaki is second with almost 3k points! Which leaves around a thousand points for the other teams to fight for!
Team Tetsutetsu- wait! It looks like Team Bakugou now has 520 points having snatched all points off of team Tetsutetsu, putting them in third place. And in fourth place is team Kendo with 310 points. And the last team with any points is... team Shinso with 175 points!
With less than a minute left, will these be our top teams for this event? Time is running down! Everybody count down! 10!" The crowd joined in making a loud booming countdown.
"8!" Izuka watched as Bakugou and her team made one last bid at the ten million, currently having enough points to pass in third place.
"What the hell is Kendo doing?!" Hitomi questioned. Her arm pointed towards the orange haired girl who hit the blond hair boy out and she was handing her own headband over to a purple haired girl who tied it around her neck.
"It looked like she handed her headband over."
"1! TIME'S UP! It's time for the final scores and in first place, having been able to remain a hold of the ten million the entire time is team Todoroki! In second place, having gotten the headbands early and then staying in the air out of reach is Team Uzaki!
In third having had their points fluctuate the entire time is Team Bakugou and finally in fourth, with a last minute rise in points is Team Shinso!"
"We'll proceed to the afternoon portion after a one-hour lunch break! See you then!! Hey Eraserhead. Wanna grab some food?"
"I'm taking a nap." Was Aizawa's answer. They began to descend from the sky by Izuka releasing the cards' effects, so they started dropping down. They landed and Ochaco released her quirk. Izumi pokes Hitomi.
"I think she's was forced by a Quirk to hand her headband over. No proof. Go ask her what had happened." Hitomi nods as it seems likely really and she's smart with Quirks really.
"Should we get lunch together?" Ochaco asked. Hitomi ignored her, already walking off. Izuka just shrugged and the three went off to eat lunch. Izuka paused as she spotted some of the other girls coming over to Ochaco with a worried expression on their faces.
"Uraraka, Mineta and Kaminari just told us that all the girls have to wear cheerleading uniforms after lunch."
"What? Really?" Ochaco questioned.
"Yeah. Apparently Aizawa-sensei told them." Izuka frowned.
"That doesn't sound right."
"What do you mean, Midoriya?" Momo asked.
"Why would Aizawa-sensei tell Mineta and Kaminari, and not you or Iida, it's illogical to not tell the class president and vice president about this." Momo nodded.
"You're right, Midoriya. I think Mineta was trying to trick us." Jirou growled.
"I'm going to give that purple crap a piece of my mind!" With that declaration, Jirou stormed off, Mina right behind her.
"Aw, I thought it might have been fun." Hagakure said with a whine.
"But we would have been embarrassing Aizawa-sensei and U.A." After another twenty or so minutes the lunch break was over and Mic and Aizawa were back in the commenter booth.
"Before we get to the final event, I've got good news for all those out of the running! This is still a sports festival, so we've prepared a recreational activity for all participants. We've even shipped in cheerleaders from America to get you pumped up!" Momo sighed in relief.
"Thank you so much, Midoriya."
"No problem." She said as she was giving her a hesitant smile.
"Aww c'mon, Midoriya. Why'd you have to ruin my fun?" Mineta whined.
"I hope everyone enjoys this little recreational competition. Once that's over, we're on to the final event. Between the 16 members of the four winning teams. We'll have a formal tournament! A series of one-on-one battles!"
"The matchups will be decided by drawing lots. Once that's settled, we'll move on to the festivities and then the tournament itself!" Midnight said holding a box.
"It's up to each of the 16 finalists whether or not you participate in the fun. I expect some of you would rather take a breather and save your strength. Now, let's start with the first-place team..."
"Um.. excuse me?" Ojiro interrupted, raising his hand.
"Yes?" Midnight asked, pointing her whip towards him.
"I'd like to drop out." A few kids gasped as everyone turned to look at him.
"Why?!" Ashido demanded.
"The cavalry battle... I have no memories of anything that happened until the tail end. It's probably her quirk that did it."
"Wasn't Ojiro teamed with the purple haired kid?" Uraraka asked.
"Yes, he was." Tokoyami answered.
"I know this is a great opportunity. And I know how stupid it must seem to throw it away... But this final tournament everyone else made it here by their own strength. Yet I'm standing here, and I don't even know how or why. I just can't take it."
"I can't remember anything either... I wanna withdraw too!" One of the other kids who was part of Team Shinso said.
"We have a strange turn of events as it seems two of the competitors wish to drop out!" Present Mic announced.
"What will the coordinator, Midnight, decide?"
"How naive... " Midnight hummed for a moment.
"Turns me on, but no. Whether on your merits or not, you made it to the final sixteen and thus will compete."
"And it looks like Midnight has denied it. But that just means they have to make up for it, if they feel like they didn't deserve it, then these fights they can prove that they did deserve it!"
"And here are the matchups!" The list appeared revealing the first 8 fights.
"Hatsume Vs Ojiro, Sero vs Yaoyorozu, Hitomi Vs Iida, Midoriya vs Ashido, Todoroki Vs Shinso, Shoda Vs Tokoyami, Uraraka vs Bakugou and finally Aoyama vs Kirishima! Let's hope everyone enjoys the matches when they start!" Present Mic said to the crowd.
So, Izuka would be facing Mina. She would have to figure out a strategy against her during the recreational competition. The kids soon separated, some choosing to do the festivities, others choosing to rest and prepare for the finals.
Izuka was one of the latter as she thought of what she knew of Mina. Right now, she was limited to her cards and her familiars as she didn't want to risk breaking her bones and losing the limb as Recovery Girl warned her really. All she knew was that some of the matches would definitely be worth watching really.
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