Hello, raper
Izuka needing to go to the bathroom, started to walk away from the recreational activities. The activities would be going on for another hour or so to give the kids who failed a chance to show off to the watching hero and other visitors.
She walked into the hallways and after a few minutes, she found the bathroom. Quickly, she did her business and walked back out. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up and Izuka felt a feeling of dread wash over her. Stomach twisting, she nervously started walking a bit quicker, unsure why she felt scared.
She was safe now, wasn't she? This wasn't like back at Aldera where that teacher had been. Then from around a corner in front of her a familiar male appeared. With shoulder length blonde hair and yellow snake like eyes, he appeared making Izuka to be scared badly. The man who featured in her nightmares. The one who made her last year of middle school hell.
"Finally. I have been looking all over for you, Midoriya." The english teacher said, stepping forwards step by step. Izuka stumbled backwards, eyes wide in horror.
"I should have just taken you before you started attending this stupid school, I should have realized that the heroes would figure it out. Now I have them following me." The man grinned, forked tongue flickering out.
"Of course, if they are going to get me, I'm going to make sure they won't be able to save you." She felt like she was going to be sick, she needed to get away. To flee, but her body didn't seem to be responding to her and she was locked into place.
Scream. She had to scream, if she could get some sort of shout out then someone would help her. But her throat was locked up and no sound would come out. Nashido-sensei chuckled as he stepped closer.
"Look at you, still the same pathetic self, you can't even fight me, can you? And you want to be a hero? How can a gutless weakling like you be a hero, when you can't even talk?" Shakily she managed to move back a few more steps, legs feeling like lead with each step he took. Her vision blurred and she could barely see.
"Tch, such a crybaby," Nashido's tongue flickered out again.
"But really your obvious fear just makes this all the more enjoyable really." Izuka froze as a hand gripped her chin and she was forced to stare at Nashido's face.
"But you want to know what makes this better? This isn't to raise your grade, this is just because I want to see you suffer." Nashido hissed before cold lips were pressed against her and Izuka cried silently, unable to move or do anything as Nashido forced his tongue into Izuka's mouth. Present Mic hummed lightly after turning the mic off.
"Hey Sho, can you cover me for a little bit?" Aizawa sighed.
"Do I have to?"
"Well, I may have forgotten to use the loo." Present Mic said laughing a bit as he rubbed the back of his neck, giving it a bit of breath as his speakers had been sitting on his neck for awhile.
"Be quick, I'd rather not be announcing for long." Aizawa grumbled glaring at the mic.
"Thanks, Sho." Present Mic said as he got up and exited out of the room making his way through the hall's, he found that the closer bathroom was out of order with a note with a scrawled sorry in Cementoss's handwriting. With a sigh, he made his way through the halls to one of the more public restrooms.
He turned the corner and his eyes widened in horror as he saw a blonde haired figure standing above Izuka, mouth pressed against Izuka's and fucking Izuka harshly as he saw white stuff dripping out of her each time the man moves making him to be sick to his stomach as he then saw the man stopping as he cumms inside of her making him to not stand it anymore really.
He ran forward, shoving the guy off and out of Izuka and he saw red, his training took over as he quickly grabbed the stunned figure and bound his hands up. Okay, so he may have thrown the guy against the walls and floor a few times, but he was just making sure the guy was properly stunned.
He turned to Izuka who was on the ground crying, but making no sound as white stuff leaves her and her bosom was showing with lots of bites marks all over them with her neck and shoulders making him to not like it really as this is not right for her to go through this ever in her life before Present Mic saw her eyes were hazeled over.
"Little listener?" He questioned and Izuka flinched away. He felt that spark of rage grow, how dare that scum assault Izuka. Present Mic lifted his shades up, looking at Izuka.
"You're safe now, I'm here, I won't let that trash touch you anymore." Izuka stared at him before she suddenly rushed forward, hugging him and burying her face into his clothes. She wants to wail, wants to scream, wants to forget, wants to... Be safe once more.
"A-A-Aizawa-s-sensei." Izuka's muffled voice was barely heard.
"I'll take you to him." Hiazashi promised, he pulled out his phone and texted Nedzu.
[Pedophile who was raping a student caught. Bound in halls.]
[Which hall?]
[Hall S-34, close to the bathrooms] There was a moment in which there was no response. And then his phone buzzed.
[They will be dealt with. Harshly.] Present Mic grinned sharply. That trash deserved to have Nezu sicced onto him. Present Mic picked up Izuka after placing his jacket around her and Izuka was quiet and not making a sound making Present Mic to kick Nashido in the balls as hard as he can.
Present Mic knows that's low, but he doesn't care as he left the area and went through the halls and soon had made it back to the commentators booth. Present Mic walked in with Izuka in his arms still and Aizawa turned as soon as he saw them, he muted the mic's.
"Midoriya?" As soon as Izuka heard Aizawa's voice, she rushed from Present Mic who placed her on her feet to Aizawa, hugging him and crying, but not saying anything. Aizawa looked up, eyes wide, even as he wrapped his arms around Izuka.
"What happened?" He asked. Seeing how Izuka just shook even more, Present Mic spoke up, trying to keep his voice even so as to not scare Izuka.
"She was being raped a second time by Nashido Rioja. There was white stuff leaving her as he thrusts into her repeatedly." Aizawa's hug tightened around Izuka a bit, even as his eyes narrowed into mere slits.
"I tied him up and messaged Nezu."
"They're taken care of then."
"Yep, Nezu won't let them off the hook." It was at this point that Izumi started to stop crying, Aizawa looked down at her, eyes softening.
"You're going to be alright now, Midoriya." Izuka just sniffled, hands reaching up to rub at her eyes, trying to wipe the tears away.
"Go on out, Shouta. I'll take care of announcing." Present Mic murmured. He still had to go to the bathroom, but he could hold it for a bit longer. Izuka was more important. Aizawa nodded and carefully stood up and led Izuka out of the room.
Aizawa led Izuka to the teachers lounge, Izuka seemed withdrawn, not crying nor protesting. Besides for the occasional sniffle, she was quiet. He sat her down on the couch with his jacket underneath her and sat on a nearby chair.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked gently. He was a hero trained for all sorts of situations... But not dealing with the aftermath of a sexual assault and rape, usually he didn't interact with them further than handing them off to the doctor.
Which, he should probably bring Izuka to Recovery Girl. He, Present Mic and All Might had suspected before, but it seemed now they had proof that the assault had happened. Was happening. And now it went further today. Izuka shook her head.
"Do you want anything?" Still, too of his underground follow heroes were supposed to be keeping an eye on him, so how was it that he was able to hurt Izuka?
"J-jelly p-packet." Izuka whispered out, hesitantly. Eyes trained on the ground. Aizawa nodded and went to the fridge and pulled out one of his jelly packets he kept stored and handed it over to her. Izuka sipped a small bit of it.
"Do you want to continue in the sports festival or would you rather be pulled out?" Izuka took another sip, not responding for several moments. Thinking about it most likely. Aizawa waited patiently for the answer.
"I don't know."
"That's fine, you still have time to decide." Aizawa stated. It was silent for another minute or so before Izuka's voice whispered out.
"A-am I w-weak?"
"No." Aizawa replied, because Izuka wasn't.
"You are my student, Midoriya. You have potential to become one of the best heroes. Whatever he told you, isn't true." Izuka's eyes started watering and Aizawa idly wondered how a kid could cry so much.
"Midoriya, look at me please." He waited as she slowly lifted her face up and looked him in the eyes.
"You will be a strong hero, you will save people. Whoever told you otherwise is wrong." Izuka's eyes were wide as she stared at him, then seconds later a flood of tears seemed to be coming out as Izuka sobbed.
Another five minutes passed before Izuka stopped crying so much, but now she seemed to be hiccupping a bit. Wordlessly, Aizawa got up and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, handing it to her who dranked it down.
"C-can I hug y-you?" Izuka whispered hesitantly. Aizawa sat down next to her instead of the chair across from her and let Izumi curl up into his side. The door opened and Recovery Girl walked in.
"Nezu texted me to come here, gave me a general idea of what happened." She said. She came over and started asking questions which Izuka reluctantly answered, though she kept her face buried into Aizawa's side, except when she needed to look into her mouth.
Still while the questions were blunt, it alleviated some of their worries for STD's. Apparently Nashido had never gone further than forcing Izuka to give him blowjobs. Izuka whispered that Nashido had said he was planning to go all the way again this time before killing her.
Aizawa was relieved Present Mic had found Midoriya when he did, before it could get to the point Izuka was murdered. Recovery Girl gave Izuka a clean bill of health, but that she would have to do a few further checks to be sure. She left, giving her a look that conveyed that she better be careful.
"Do you want to know how I met Hizashi?" Aizawa started. Izuka's head tilted up, green eyes peeking through her hair at him with a quizzical expression.
"As you know, the entrance exam consists of giant robots and my quirk isn't useful against them. Well, I did get into general studies and I knew that my chance for being a hero would be the sports festival. I made it to the finals and met my opponent for the first time. Hizashi." Aizawa chuckled.
"I didn't have the best first impression of him, he was loud and outgoing, two things I'm not, well I erased his quirk and beat him as he didn't have the best hand to hand. Having won the sports festival I was immediately placed into heroics, with the teacher removing a kid that was forced to become a hero by their parents.
Anyways, much to my annoyance Hizashi was in the same class and dragged me to sit with him. At lunch, he kept dragging me along and I met Nemuri, who was a year older. Despite my initial thoughts on Hizashi, I still found him becoming a good friend and eventually thought of him as more than a friend." Izuka remained quiet. A couple more minutes passed and Aizawa glanced at the clock, noting there was about ten minutes left before the finals were going to start.
"H-he..." Izuka started.
"N-nashido-sensei would f-force m-me to k-kiss h-him or d-do t-t-things to r-raise m-my grade. H-he w-wanted me t-to h-have s-s-sex w-with him t-to g-get my g-grade h-higher.
B-but h-he a-assigned a p-point v-value to e-each ac-action. I... I o-only d-did the l-low p-point actions e-enough to b-barley p-pass. I-i w-was d-drugged b-by h-him once a-and h-he r-r-r-raped me. I-it was a-about f-four m-months ago b-before I-I j-joined t-the s-school."
"You're safe now, he can't hurt you anymore." Aizawa promised, fuming at how a supposed teacher abused Izuka. Of course, it seemed that almost all of the school had been in it.
'Why? Why would they hurt a child? Was it seriously just because she was pretending to be quirkless?' Aizawa couldn't comprehend how an entire school could get behind hurting a kid. Only one teacher there had been sympathetic, but hadn't acted in fear of losing her job.
Izuka spoke that the normal gifts didn't work. It seemed that the kid was used to having to give things to the teachers to keep her grades raised. Aizawa let out a slow breath, Izuka trusted him, but he didn't know how he could help her.
"I w-want to p-participate in the f-finals."
"Are you sure?" Aizawa quietly asked. Izuka nodded looking up at him,
"I... I want to prove... prove that I'm worthy of being a hero." Izuka looked down as a barely audible whisper was heard.
"I want to make you and... Dad proud of me."
"I'm already proud of you, kiddo." Aizawa said honestly know who she means by 'dad'. Izuka had stepped into the danger at U.S.J to save her classmates, to protect All Might even though most would think that the number one hero would be able to protect herself.
Even in the battle trials, despite the fact that Izuka and Bakugou had some sort of history. Still, Izuka had something she wanted to prove and Aizawa wasn't going to stop her if she was determined. So he carefully sat up.
"Are you ready to return, now? Or would you rather stay here until your match?" Izuka bit her lip, but then said.
"I'm ready to return." Aizawa nodded and helped her up, grabbed a paper towel and wipes her face gently to remove the tear tracks and help Izuka look more presentable. Then he walked her towards the stands as he was happy Izumi has so much trust in him really
"You can do it, kiddo." Aizawa said, carefully giving her a pat on the head with his cast and watching as Izuka entered into the stand where the rest of her classmates except Ojiro, Sero and Momo were sitting. Once Izuka was seated, Aizawa turned and he left heading towards the commentator booth. As soon as he entered, Aizawa turned the mic off.
"Finally! I really got to go, I didn't get a chance to earlier, take over for me. Bye!" Before rushing out of the room. Aizawa stared blankly for a moment before facepalming at his friend's antics really.
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