knockout x starscream
Knockout was working on a new type of formula for new engergon to see if it will be any of use.
The engergon was yellow so it was knockout job to test it but every result always end the same way.......nothing
Knockout but the yellow engergon on top of his shelf and decided to take a break he had been doing this for 10 earth hours
That's when starscream entered the med bay and saw knockout doing nothing and starscream being the asshole he is he crept up to him and.....
Starscream"BOO!"he said shouting
Knockout jumped and banged his head on the shelf and the yellow engergon feel onto of him and a puff of smoke came too. Starscream covered his eyes and look to see knockout but he wasn't there!
Starscream "knockout?"he said looking around
Knockout "thank primus it didn't ruing my paint"
Starscream looked down to see knockout on the table but he was small
Starscream "knockout?"he said looking down
Knockout realized what had happened and looked up at starscream
Knockout "starscream what have you done?!"
Starscream"me!? I didn't do anything you were the one who put the engergon on the shelf and near it!"
Knockout "well you shouldn't have scared me!"he yells
Starscream growls at knockout then his fuel tank growled and looked at knockout and smirk and picked him up
Knockout "Hey watch the paint!"he said worried about his paint
Starscream just chuckled and opened his mouth and licked him he tasted nice like cherries then statscream's his fuel tank growled again but much louder knockout looked at him horrified.
Knockout "s.Starscream dont you dear"he said seriously
Starscream held him over his helm and opened his mouth knockout struggled trying to get out,starscream let go and knockout landed on his tongue and starscream closed his mouth not to bite down.
Knockout"starscream let me out right now!"
Starscream just chuckled and started to licked and tossed him around enjoying his taste and by this knockout was covered in his saliva by this point.
Starscream tilt his helmet back and swallowed hard and knockout fell into his throat,starscream swallowed again and track him with a digit and knockout fell into his fuel tank and started to pound on the walls
Knockout" starscream let me out I can't go out like this!"he said shouting
Starscream saw that knockout was banning on his walls because he saw little bumps that come and go he put his hand over his fuel tank and licked his lips
Starscream "dont worry doctor I'm not going to digest you"he said as he rubbed his fuel tank
Knockout "y.your not!?"he said a bit confused and thankful
Starscream "well of course you are the sweetest thing~"he said smirking
Knockout blushed a bit
Knockout "you like me don't you"
Starscream "very~"
Knockout smirked a bit and started to stroking the walls in witch doing so cause starscream to moan a bit
Let's just say when some vehicon came to the med bay and heard starscream moan they didn't even what to know not even megatron entered
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