Chapter 2: Chromia and Mathias: Battle of Soulaires
Soulaires, France
It is a day like any other that begins. Soulaires is a small rural village located not far from Paris. It is in one of the houses of a street, at the out of the village, that lives Mathias, a young man of 21, brown hair, blue green eyes, and a small goatee on his chin. Mathias is home alone because his parents and sister are in traveling, but he wanted to stay at home. Mathias is currently unemployed, but looking for a job to earn his life. The young man takes his afternoon to arrange the attic. He enters the room and looks at all the boxes in storage.
(Mathias): "What a mess."
He began to open a box and noticed something strange: a blue remote control car, which seems not to work. Mathias seems surprised and examines the small car.
(Mathias): "Strange. I do not remember having had this car when I was little."
Mathias feels as observed, as if the car looked him. But this is ridiculous, a car can not see. But still, this small car has something strange. Mathias puts it on the ground and begins to descend the first box of the attic. When he is no longer in the room, the remote controlled car begins to turn into a small blue Autobot, with big red eyes and small clawed fingers. The little robot checks that Mathias is not there, and starts to activate a monitor built into his wrist.
(Wheelie): "The source of the signal from the key is close. It's probably in the house, but I have no clear indication. This young human maybe know, but I’m not sure. I hope the others will come fast."
Wheelie discreetly goes out of the attic and begins to search in the rooms to see if he can find the key. Meanwhile, Mathias is got out in front of his house to carry the first box in the garage. The young man is always intrigued by this remote control car. Soulaires is a very quiet village, and the weather is nice today. But when Mathias passes before his street, something catches his eye: several vehicles parked in the street, and all in front of his house. Three motorcycles: one blue, one red and one purple. There is also a yellow Camaro with black stripes and a red Ferrari. Mathias is surprised to see such vehicles in his street. He puts the box in the garage and then goes into the street to see the vehicles a little closer. He approaches especially of the blue motorcycle, because strangely, he feels attracted to her. When he wants to touch it with his hand, he felt a strange energy in his fingers. Mathias really seems to like this bike.
(Mathias): "What I would like to have a motorcycle like that."
But the young man knows it's impossible, and he still has the feeling of being watched, but by what? He does not try to understand and returned to his house, and takes one last look at the vehicles before closing the door. When the coast is clear, the vehicles begin to roll slowly out of the village, without attracting attention, and will hide behind the grove of trees outside the village. Once out of sight, they all become Autobots. It's Chromia and his team.
(Flareup): "This human seems much you love Chromia."
(Chromia): "Yes, and it's strange, I also felt a sensation when he touched me. He looks different from other humans. I don’t know, it's really strange."
(Bumblebee): "I get a message of Wheelie: he says he is in the house of the young man we have just seen, and the signal from the key is very close, but it fails to determine or."
Bumblebee has still has problems with his vocalizer, and try to fix it. Mirage spells his wrist blades and began to prepare himself.
(Mirage): "The young human should know, we have just to make him talk."
(Chromia): "No Mirage. Threats and torture are not a solution, and this is not what Optimus would want. We are here to protect humans."
Mirage growls of annoyance and tidies his weapons and continued to listen. Arcee thought and has an idea.
(Arcee): "We should wait for the night to begin searching in the village, when humans are all asleep."
(Chromia): "Good idea, we'll be sure to not being seen, but remember well: Humans are not our enemies."
(Bumblebee): "We must be on our guard I'm sure the Decepticons are going to try something soon."
The whole group nodded and understood the orders. Later, in the early evening, Mathias prepares his meal and sat in front of the television to watch the news. While eating with his two cats are sit on the couch with him, Mathias look at what the presenter is saying.
(Presenter): "There are some days, strange unidentified flying objects were seen in the sky and crashed in the central region of France. For many it comes meteorites, but none does was found at the scene of the crash. The case continues."
Mathias is surprised that meteorites have may be crushed in the region. The young man did not even notice Wheelie that sneaks behind the couch to hiding. But suddenly, one of the cats feels the presence of the robot and starts meowing. Mathias wonders what he has and when he looks behind the sofa, there is nothing. Mathias thinks his cat has visions, and decides to go to bed. In his room, Mathias is preparing to go to bed and look out the window at the starry sky. He notices strange lights in the distance, but he does not know what it is. Maybe other meteorites? He does not know. But Mathias is too tired and turned off the light before going to bed and to sleep quietly.
Later, around two in the morning, Mathias is asleep and suddenly awakened by a loud explosion in his street. The shock of the explosion shook the whole village. Mathias opens his eyes and gets up quickly to see what happens. He goes down the stairs and looks out the living room window, and what he sees terrifies him: a huge robotic creature that resembles a monstrous dog with red eyes is just out of the crater in the street and pushing a fierce growl, before starting to shoot the homes with cannons on his back. Other robots reaching the streets in the same way and start shooting everywhere. There are explosions everywhere and cars catching fire. Mathias is stunned and terrified by what he sees. And suddenly, the yellow Camaro and the red Ferrari arrive in the street and turn into robots. Mathias does not believe his eyes and keeps to looking without saying a word. Bumblebee leaps into the air and destroyed two robots dogs with his cannons. Mirage catches a Decepticon soldier and decapitates him with his wrist blades. People are starting to take to the streets and panic. Several houses explode under fire from Decepticons. Bumblebee and Mirage continue to fight and head to the village center. Mathias dresses himself and leaves his house to go to the street, but cautiously. He looks dead carcasses of robots on the asphalt, and dare not get closer. A pack of dogs robots comes towards him, growling, and Mathias is paralyzed by fear. A noise of motorcycles is heard and Mathias turns to see. The three motorcycles he had seen in the afternoon, arrive at full speed towards the pack, and with no driver. Mathias is still amazed. Motorcycles turn into robots with a thin and feminine allure, and the three begin to shoot on the dogs with their cannons on their arms.
Mathias is thrown to the side and hides himself behind the low wall in front of his house. The dogs start to shooting, but the three female Autobots dodge all the shots, with jumps and incredible speed. Chromia rolls on a wall, like on a skateboard ramp to gain momentum and leapt in the air before shooting in the head of one of the dogs, and kills him. Another dog bounded toward Flareup, but she pierces the jaw with a blade integrated on one of her arms. Arcee jumped to the head of a Decepticon soldier and shot him several times in the head and in the body to kill him. In the village center, Mirage is in difficulty against a group of Decepticons, but Bumblebee comes to help him, and together they manage to repel the invaders. People panic and run in all directions, and some people are dead in the streets, killed by explosions and gunfire of Decepticons. In the street, the three sisters Autobots continue to fight against the dogs Decepticons and defend the houses. Arcee get thrown to the ground by a dog, but she manages to kill him with an accurate shot in the jaw that makes him head explode. Chromia kills another robot-dog and turns to see Mathias, who continues to watch her with amazement but also fear. She turns to him and starts to shout something.
(Chromia): "Do not stay here, hide you now!"
Mathias obeyed and will hide in his house. Explosions and gunfire are always heard. Soulaires became a battlefield. There is fire everywhere and Mathias can still hear people screaming in the streets. He decides to go and hide in the garden behind the house. But when it comes out on the terrace, a Decepticon missile comes and explodes on the lawn. Mathias is thrown to the ground by the shock wave, but was not injured. He rises up, and when he looks at the crater in the middle of the lawn, he noticed something shiny on the inside. He approaches and when the smoke clears, he sees that it is a metal box. Mathias wants to take it, but a Decepticon comes before him and the threat of its weapons. Mathias falls sitting on the floor and is paralyzed with fear, not knowing what to do. The robot looks at the young man with cruelty, and sees the metal box at his feet.
(Decepticon): "So, it was you who had what we seek."
(Mathias): "What? I do not understand!"
(Decepticon): "You're going to die, human!"
He's about to shoot, and Mathias closes his eyes and expects to be sprayed. But suddenly, the Decepticon was hit by a shot in the eye and screams in pain. Mathias turns and sees Chromia leap in the air above his house, and continue to shoot on the Decepticon. The robot tries to shoot on Chromia, but she dodges the shots and running at full speed. She pulls into the legs of the robot, which falls to the ground, and she kills him in rolling on the head. Mathias slowly rises and walks slowly toward Chromia, which checks if the Decepticon is really dead. Then she turned to the young man, who is still a little intimidated.
(Mathias): "I ..... Th.... Thanks. You have saved my life."
The female Autobot picks up the metal box. Suddenly the fighting stops and the silence returns. Arcee, Flareup, Bumblebee and Mirage arrive in the garden of Mathias in a circle around the young man.
(Arcee): "The Decepticons have beaten a retreat. We managed to defeat them, for now."
(Mirage): "But it's the little human we saw this afternoon. What's he doing here?"
(Chromia):”What is your name, human?”
Mathias did not dare to move and try to stay calm. Encircled by the Autobots, but they store their weapons instead of attacking. Mathias feels a bit more reassured, but he wants to understand.
(Mathias): "Listen, I do not know what happens, but it's really not normal. What you are, damn?"
(Chromia): "You have nothing to fear from us, Mathias. We came to your planet to help you, but now you must come with us."
(Mathias): "Uh......Why?"
(Chromia): "Our enemies, the Decepticons, have discovered the hiding place of the key, and they think it is you who have robbed it. You and your family are in grave danger now. Come with us, we'll explain you."
(Flareup): "Quick, the Decepticons will surely return with reinforcements."
Mathias is still in shock and has struggling to realize what is happening. Chromia advances towards him and extends his hand. Mathias remembers that she saved his life, and that if she wanted to kill him, she would have done, so, he decided to trust him. She put him on her back, and the group is joined by Wheelie that clings to the back of Bumblebee. Mathias thinks recognize the little remote controlled car, which is also a robot. The group of robots begins to leave the village, and Mathias clings to Chromia, without knowing or he goes.
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