Ratchet x Reader
This is going to be a lot of fun to make, but due to covid updates will be slow but never fear I will try to have at least 2 one shots updated per week but like I said it will be slow for a while. Anyway I hope you enjoy this very first one shot (Ratchet x Reader). Before I forget I will be adding in some of my Cybertronian OCS into this book but for now I will wait on what you think about that. I will as put up a poll so y'all may vote for one of my OCS to use in this one shot book so keep your eyes peeled out for that and enjoy!
Reader's POV
So far it's been a normal day, and if you don't know what I mean by a 'normal day' well it my usual day usually begins with going to school, getting bullied by Vincet and hanging out with Jack, Miko and Raf. Right now I am in math class with Raf which was thankfully our last class of the day. Once the bell rang both me and Raf shot up from our chairs grabbed our backpacks and rushed outside to waited with Miko and Jack for our guardians. Raf's guardian was of course Bumblebee, Miko happened to have Bulkhead as her guardian while Jack got Arcee as his guardian. My guardian was Ratchet he was grumpy most of the time but around me he was kind and caring which was honestly the cutest thing ever! I saw Arcee, Bumblebee, Bulkhead and Ratchet pull up and I rushed over to Ratchet's vehicle mode. "Hi Ratchet!" I said to him, hopping into the front passenger seat. "Hello Y/n, so how was school?" Ratchet asked in his usual grumpy voice. "It was boring as per usual." I told him with honesty he hummed in response and we drove back to the Autobot base silently. Lately me and Ratchet haven't been saying much to each other and the only reason I don't say much to him anymore is because I have a big crush on him for a while and I didn't know how to express my feeling so I have tried my best to keep it hidden.
Ratchet's POV
We arrived at the base and I let Y/n out of my automode before transforming into my regular form. I had been working on a relic that was found by Optimus, Bumblebee, Arcee and Bulkhead a few hours before I went to go pick up Y/n from school. I glance up from what I was currently doing to look at Y/n she was doing homework with Jack, Miko and Raf. As usual Miko was complaining loudly which was giving me a processor ache but I ignored it for the time being as Y/n laughed and spoke to her friends, once she saw me looking at her I immediately looked away blushing like a mad man. ' Ratchet get a hold of yourself you shouldn't be blushing no matter how cute she may be, wait no what am I thinking! She would never love someone like me not to mention that we are different species.' Ratchet was snapped out of my thoughts by Optimus. "It seems we have a energon signal." Optimus said. "It is coming from somewhere in the middle of the desert." Ratchet said to him while he asked Bumblebee, Arcee and Bulkhead to accompany him to investiage. He opened the groundbridge and watched them go through then closed the groundbridge and went to the med bay to work on the relic. Before that he looked to see the kids were gone he looked everywhere in the base couldn't find them, he couldn't find Y/n! At this point he was having a panic attack he tried to comm Optimus but all he could hear was static.
Miko just had to go and run through the groundbridge! 'Out of all the things that could have happened and this had to be it!' I thought to myself while I helped look for Miko. "Where did she go?" Raf asked quietly. I shrugged as they looked around however I managed to get a glimpse of Miko running behind a boulder. I pointed out to Raf and Jack where she was and we quickly ran over to her and Jack tried to get Miko to be quiet but because she was so loud Bumblebee, Arcee, Bulkhead and Optimus heard them and went to check out it. "What is Primus's name are y'all doing here." Acree asked disappointedly with her servos on her hips. "Well we were trying to stop Miko from going through the groundbridge but when she went through, so we decided to go after her." Jack said as me and Raf nodded in agreement with Jack. "ARE Y'ALL KIDDING ME WE GAVE Y'ALL ONE RULE AND THAT WAS TO STAY AT THE BASE!" Arcee yelled at us and we were a little shaken. Bee chimes in with beeps and whirling sounds 'Arcee you shouldn't yell your going to give away our position.' Arcee sighed before Optimus spoke sternly to us "I told you to stay for a reason if something were to happen to you it would be our fault and we do not want to see any of you hurt." Suddenly Ratchet spoke through the comms and was panicking."OPTIMUS I CAN'T FIND THE KIDS THEY WERE HERE AND ON THERE GONE!" Optimus answer him with a calm voice in order to calm Ratchet down "We know Ratchet they are her-." Optimus was cut off by Ratchet telling at him through the comms "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND OPTIMUS I'VE SEARCHED EVERYWHERE AND THERE NOT HERE! NO JACK, NO RAF, NO MIKO AND NO Y/N!!!" Optimus sighed in irritation, then out of no where Decepticons showed up and aimed their blasters at us. I frozen but lucky Jack snapped me out of my trance and we went to hide as the autobots went to fight. The fight seemed to go on for hours but I do tend to exaggerate so lets about 45 minutes? That's when Optimus called Ratchet for a groundbridge. Arcee took Jack through the bridge while bulkhead took Miko, then Bumble picked up me and Raf while Optimus followed behind us shoots his blasters. We were now back at base and Ratchet was we he was very upset.
Ratchet's POV
I can't believe that the kids followed them through the groundbridge! I swear to primus they want to give me a stroke. I sighed as he began to lecture the kids specifically Miko. Y/n looked down to the floor in shame as I lectured her then I pulled her aside knowing I probably wouldn't have another chance. "Y/n come with me please I need to tell yoi something." I said walking to the med bay to have a private conversation with her. Y/n followed behind me once we were both in the med may I closed the door. "Y/n...I-I know I'm not as young as I..uh I used to be but....... I have to confess I really like." I said as Y/n's face lit up with happiness she smiled happily knowing my feelings. She didn't respond quickly so I looked away in shame knowing I shouldn't have told her. "Ratchet..." I heard Y/n say and I turned my head to look at her "I like you too!" Y/n said happily.
I picked her you carefully and held her close to my faceplate.
Y/n's POV
'I can't believe it he likes me back!' I thought to myself as I kissed his metal lips, then I felt him deepen the kiss but we broke away so I could breath I was a blushing mess, however what we didn't realize was the other autobots were standing in the door way with Raf, Jack and Miko. 'This is so embarrassing!' I thought Miko was taking pictures while the autobots asked questions and congratulated us. This was by far the happiest moment of my life!
Thank you guys so much reading the very first one of my book I hope you all enjoy the upcoming Mirage/Dino x Reader one shot so I would also like to say thank you to those who gave me confidence in writing transformers one shots! 🙂 Have a good day guys and I will give you more updates in the next story!
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