the wages of the poke war is DEATH
Tall-dark-and-king has updated their status, "Hello, I was bored so I decided to explore the site a little more and I discovered this thing..."
<BlackIron has logged on>
BlackIron: what thing?
<hardcore_fire-breather has logged on >
Hardcore_fire-breather: what are we talking about?
Tall-dark-and-king: poking
Silence_is_golden: OH PRIMUS NO
Tall-dark-and-king: Soundwave?
Silence_is_golden: yes?
Tall-dark-and-king:....nevermind poking is a way to irritate the scrap out of your friends and enemies alike
<Blackbloodedruler has logged on>
Blackbloodedruler: what are we discussing?
Silence_is_golden: the most twisted creation of all time...
Tall-dark-and-king: poking
Blackbloodedruler: oh unicron NO
<Blackbloodedruler has logged off>
Hardcore_fire-breather: you guys know who I really wanna poke?
Tall-dark-and-king and BlackIron: starscream?
Hardcore_fire-breather: starscream *pokes starscream*
Tall-dark-and-king: *pokes starscream*
BlackIron: *pokes starscream*
<LordStarscream has logged on>
LordStarscream: no
<LordStarscream has logged off >
BlackIron: *pokes Predaking*
Tall-dark-and-king: oh you did not just do that... *pokes dark steel*
Hardcore_fire-breather: oh I am getting in on this! *pokes dark steel*
Tall-dark-and-king: *pokes skylynx*
BlackIron: *pokes Predaking*
Hardcore_fire-breather: *pokes dark steel*
10 minutes later
<IcePred has logged on>
IcePred: what the frag is going on?
Hardcore_fire-breather: *pokes Predaking*
Tall-dark-and-king: *pokes dark steel*
BlackIron: *pokes skylynx*
<BlueandGold38 has logged on>
IcePred: oh primus no, my data tablet had been notifying me all morning [keeping me from recharging mind you] all because you want to have A FRAGGING POKING WAR?!?
<BlueandGold38 has logged off>
Tall-dark-and-king:...yes?.... *pokes Jaws*
<IcePred has changes her name to YourDemise>
YourDemise: you did not just poke me... YOU DID NOT JUST POKE ME!!!
YourDemise: listen up you predacons will get off the computer and take your insufferable poking with you. And if I hear the slightest ding of a notification that you are poking there is no where on the face of cybertron [or any other planet] that you could possibly escape my wrath...
YourDemise: are we clear?
<Tall-dark-and-king has logged off>
<hardcore_fire-breather has logged off >
<BlackIron has logged off>
YourDemies: good :)
<YourDemise has changed her name to IcePred>
Silence_is_golden: thank you
IcePred: no problem *pokes Soundwave*
<IcePred has logged off>
Silence_is_golden: *faceservo*
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