Ch. 44 | Guardian Vs Guardian
We sleep; separated.
Simply trying to block that thought, Iris turned her side so she could no longer see her Guardian. The wall which met her face was nicer, but it was cold for her. In fact the whole idea for them avoiding each other caused her more pain that any deadly wound had. Optimus hadn't said anything, but the young Leader was way too afraid to speak him privetly ever again.
After been rejected that bad so he no longer wishes to speak to me.
"... I know you are awake."
Till the frag now.
Iris kept her mouth shut, hearing how his bigger frame stood to sit as she could feel his optics land right on her. She wasn't going to even flinch.
"Is it something that has happened for these couple of days that you wish to avoid me, Iris?" Optimus stood up, reaching soon Iris' table easily. He saw her inchly froze, which ment she was listening to him.
"... Can't tell has your processor gone old or are you trying to just block what I said back then." But Iris desided to speak, now or silence forever.
Optimus fully understood where were they going.
But tried to convince Iris being too hesitant for her feelings.
"-- I do remember." Optimus sat to the table's huge chair ment for him, watching his Charge slowly rose to sit but still avoid any look directed on him. "But I believe your actions of expressing them towards me... are bad choice for you."
Iris widened up her eyes, as well turned only now towards Optimus.
"How can love be bad for anyone?" She stood up, approaching Optimus until he rose his servo for her to stop. Iris did, but only to continue. "You know you've been given a new chance and I wished that you'd find someone you're able to love... not that I myself start feeling something towards you." Iris wasn't proud of herself, but wasn't ashamed either. The Leader watched her Guardian hmm deep in though, as well sorrowfully lower his gaze. "I completely understand that this came as a shock-- to be exact it came for me as well... you see I'm not good in these kinds of situations, I'm more of a 'guy-girl' than 'girl-girl' ya know... but the point--!" Iris shut her eyes in embarassment after realizing what the actual had she explained. But Optimus watched with interest. "I, uhh... just to let you know you're special Big-Rig... I can't tell how grateful I am to you for sticking by my side all the way till to this point. I'm quite hard case to deal with and talking you all this preach makes me feel uncomfortable-- but you don't listen!" Her face was all red, even making the former Prime's features curl into shy smile. "But I like you...! That is all there is to say."
Now Iris ended, her cheeks flattered and flustrated of Optimus forcing her to say things like that. It may hurt the reputation she had given of herself, but she damn right spoke the truth. Optimus wasn't self-conscious of himself. Heck no. He despited the fact of doing something else than protecting Iris but the Leader was too naive to allow something like that. The mighty Optimus Prime may once lived, but now it was just Optimus. With his legacy and demons. Megatron had changed, why couldn't Optimus also?
What's he doing...?
Keeping me waiting this long.
Damn, this was a bad idea.
"... I am flattered." Optimus' words made Iris open her eyes. She couldn't see his optics open anymore nor his frame online which made her tense quite much. She felt warm grip suddenly on her Cyber-arm, causing those turquoise eyes switch to look up. There he was. In his holoform, seeking for his turn to speak as he slowly and casually grabbed Iris' other hand, never breaking their locked eyes. "In my entire lifetime while I lived on Cybetron and on Earth-" He ran his fingertips along on Iris' skin/metal reaching her face, sending some flinches go down the girl's spine. "Anyone hasn't spend this much time, effort, passion or interest into me ever. It may had been since the war begun and I was chosen to be the Prime to lead our kind to peace, but while in Golden year as my designation indeed was Orion Pax only few tried, but never succeeded." His blue eyes shined in the darkness, only ending Iris get lost in them. Trying to search the answer for him.
"... May I ask why?" Iris shyly required, still quite tensy as Optimus reached her cheek. He cupped it with his one palm, while the other rested on her shoulder. He was looking at her, deeply and with trust.
"Call me 'old-fashioned', but we Cybetronians of my age wait for our other half." Optimus said, making the girl chuckle quite a bit then lower her gaze little down. Wondering.
"For my main topic--" Iris met his eyes, their faces only inches away. How it had come to this, they couldn't tell. But something drawned them to it. Optimus looked still little distant, but was waiting Iris' answer almost with knowledge. "Have you found it?"
Optimus gave a hint of smirk.
That head lent down slowly, but calculatingly. Iris only tensed worser than before but froze on the very spot, her every limb locking. Her face must've be heated and look as cherry as it can be, but it was just the start. Iris' nose was rubbed against soft, baby skin and kind of growing beard face, as Optimus placed sweet kiss on her forehead. The Leader couldn't believe it and just widened her eyes very wide, looking up in disbelief when Optimus narrowingly unattached himself of her. They still were close tho, closer they couldn't get.
But Iris wasn't shocked of that, but the fact that Optimus respected her privacy and noticed her uncomfortableness over the situation. So he only... kissed her on the forehead.
"Will that give you the needed information?" Optimus rubbed Iris' shoulder, chuckle escaping him when Iris looked little dumbfounded but sweet at same time. "You are so beautiful..." Optimus caressed her long brown hair, making the girl even more embarassed.
"Please, stop it." Iris wanted closer, burrying her forehead onto Optimus' red T-shirt as she clunged to it. Like her life depended of it. While the former Prime couldn't do else but hug his Charge now in his arms and assure that this wasn't a joke, he still heard her faint voice.
One, that would turn his and hers world upside down while spelling those two words.
"Thank you..."
"It is time."
Wheeeeee, wheeeee.
Say it maybe the loudest alarms, but that was true. Iris was scared awake by their berth suddenly jumping so Optimus was forced out of his recharge and to catch his now flying Charge. He luckily did, curling his palm around her tiny frame as turning to see Megatron and Praxina quietly just enter their room. They looked odd, but Iris didn't much of put that on effort.
The screen Siri opened right in front of them did.
"Do we fight now?" Jack came inside also, Chromia walking so the young boy remained below her pedes.
"Fight?" Will growled, oh look, Predacon guys. Guess are they in or out. "Against who?" His Guardian Crusher was way angered by this, but Savannah was almost way too perfect professional to this job. After all; her Guardian was a Predacon also.
"Guys, I told you last night." Savannah growled, her cocky finger raising all the way up to point Predacon's faceplate. "I fight that dude, you fight your own."
"Like seriosly?" Rosalie panicked, Chris... 'ladiesman'--
"No need to worry, Rosemary." Chris said, how cringe. Not only did everyone almost sigh in defense that Chris spelled her name wrong, but he grabbed Rosalie's shoulder and tried to cheer her up. Savannah deeply facepalmed for the stupidity of his. "It's only a match-- a competition that if you pass, you get some upgraded guns." Rosalie looked kind of dumbfounded.
"That is incorrect."
"Idiot." Savannah spat, folding her arms. Chris shrugged, but backed off when Solar -Rosalie's Guardian- stepped forward, her tail wagging uncomfortably.
"What'd you mean, Siri?" Alex at least paid attention.
"Can't we get the cannons back there?" Perceptor holded his cigarette. Iris couldn't tell where in the Pits he took that from.
"They would be useful." Cyclonus admired.
"For you to earn the Ancient war-killing weapons there must be price for it."
"Price?" Why did that word worry Praxina a little bit? Well, it sounded way too threatening. "How bad?"
"Perhaps we should first pass what is up ahead, then worry of that problem." Optimus suggested, putting Iris back on the ground to stand. The girl gave a grateful smile, knowing now was not the time to tell the others of their little 'thing' between each other, but it was time for their mission.
"Siri, get us ready." Iris commanded.
The ground shifted, and their rooms did also. This part of the Ark was made for special use, which ment that in case of danger it was possible to create ways to protect the ship or move walls if needed. But now Siri rose the Cybetronians and humans up, creating an arena kind of place for the partners. There was a huge rink and walls surrounded it, then standing area. Everyone holded their breath. Fighting was about to begin... and they were still passing this kind of tests in order to have some match with the enemy.
(Elita and Zoe has nothing to do with this, say that they're repairing the monitors.)
Will this get us anywhere either... anywhere else than knowing that we may be able to defeat a Cybetronian.
Back then we couldn't even kill an insect.
But now... alright. We've come a long journey.
"Whoa--!" The floor turned into a slipping metal, just halfing humans and Bots separated. They slided all the way down, luckily everyone were enough fast to jump down when needed. "Not funny!" Andrea groaned, glaring up at Siri.
Then the Guardians turned to see their Bots alright, nodding in grateful manner also. A beep above caused everyone's attention, and there was a screen again. Iris saw first opponents going for the ring; Alex and Moonracer.
"Good luck." Ann already scared the man little, sorrowfully tapping his shoulder. Alex looked kinda freaked out admitting enough.
"If you die can I have your gun?" Praxina smirked, Iris nudged her shoulder little to stop their teasing right there. Alex only sighed, closing his eyes as transforming up to his mode. He looked at Iris, who nodded for him.
"Good luck." But being their Leader wasn't any fun job, Iris had to be supportive and cheerful. First round will tell it all, right?
"Luck is all I need." Alex groaned, stepping into the ring. Others sat down onto the seats, but with builted air. They saw that white femme stand middle of the arena awaiting her Charge, wearing pained faceplate. Alex himself didn't look happy and probably left 20 meters between the both of them. The arena was humongous don't be shocked.
"I try to go easy on you...!" Moonracer warned, taking her blaster out. Alex drawned his blade out too, taking in a deep breath. "If that's allowed..." She added quietly.
"What are the rulers?" Praxina asked, her arms folded as the fight which was about to begin was way too hesitant.
"This training is all about testing how you Guardians of the Stones can fight bigger opponents than yourselves, especially Cybetronians. It is best if you learn your limits, but remember that this is an important lesson. Take everything of it. Deadly harms are not allowed." Siri explained.
"So technically everything's included... fun!" Jack sarcastically piped out.
Moonracer was first to start by launching for Alex, the whole Team X and Team Trio concentrated to look intensively. The guy only took one step back, now looking to see fired plasmas coming right at him. Basically he dodged each, but then Moonracer was known as 'speeder' on the field, of course she was fast. But her try to snatch Alex didn't work but her Charge drawned his blade on her palm and jumped back, pretty much everything froze. Iris couldn't breathe once Moonracer swung her ped back and hit Alex, and this sent the poor guy hit one of the arena walls quite hard. Even Megatron just stared, while being best on the Arenas.
"You aren't rusted then, aren't you?" Alex kackled, forming himself out of the dust. He had blood on his lip, which he quickly only wiped away. Moonracer laughed also, sitting on her one knee as she drawned her blades out.
"This will be fun." And the femme launched again.
"Use your inner-strenght, idiot!" Katie called out, grabbing the railing in front quite firmly. "Or do something, don't just stand there!"
"Don't yell like that!" Chris groaned, serious.
"Is it allowed to instruct the fighter?" Iris looked up at the screen nearby.
"Yes, as long as you do not interrupt the actual fight."
"So no part in it... damnit!" Praxina bit her lip, watching pretty much of a close call when almost Moonracer got Alex. Most certainly this femme's plan -- like each Cybetronians'-- were going to be grab their humans then squeeze little bit so whetever will they lose their conscious for it or admit their lost. Blackmailing, fun. "Take distance already!"
"I thought you to be better shooter than blade drawner, Alex--" Moonracer got frustrated and started using force, using her fists and hitting the sand below where Alex was. The guy kept his dodging plan and went back fast compared for their size difference. For human... or Guardian of the Stones Alex knew damn well what to do and when. Iris wished this was one of the times. "Don't give me all the fun!"
"Don't get too excited." Alex gave a grin, suddenly jumping high. But he went back? Moonracer stood on her pedes, the blinding light above interrupted her sight as she blinked multiple times, not able to see her Charge in a minute. But others did. Only watching in impress. "I will make this interesting--!" Something hit Moonracer's cheek, then like a flash only the Stone carriers witnessed Alex take speed from one wall and went with quite the speed forward. He stroke her side, then repeated with the opposite wall, and continued it constantly.
"What a... stradegy!" Sebastian said in amaze.
"Ohh?" Moonracer giggled, reaching back. How fast!
"DOWN!" Each human screamed from the top of their lungs. And Alex saw that coming also. Like predicting this his body whirled between Moonracer's digits, as he went for his goal. Everything; just in three seconds. Iris widened her eyes as her heart beat one time, and with blinking moment Alex had his fist up, blue powersourse surrounded it like some deadly magician shit while he yelled. Out loud in rageous, of succeeding.
Alex hit Moonracer.
He hit her faceplate so hard, that even one of the heaviest femme's was thrown back, and hit one of the walls so it cracked up apart. That wasn't it as Alex within blink was already pressing his blade's sharp tip against Moonracer's extra pumping spark point, both of them breathed unexpectedly heavy. Everything froze, and once in a while it was quiet.
"Wanna still try your luck?" Alex asked with cocky tone, earning his femme Guardian chuckle so he rose each vibrate she did. Moonracer rose her servos up, then tapped the ground three times. It was a sign of defeated soldier. Or surrending one.
"I allow you to win this round." Moonracer warned, now it was time to breath again. Others sighed for the adrenaline already builted up in them, as the fight they just witnessed was so damn hard! "When you've learned that ability?" Causeway came into the ring to assist her fallen comrade, while Alex gave a shrug and turned back.
"No idea."
"Yo, how come she can be in the arena and I don't!?" Ann screamed from the other side, some Bots found it hilarious since Causeway chuckled evilly also.
"You must be blind or something--" Causeway grabbed her hip, Ann froze as the arena's ring door was opened up for her. Iris looked up also, noticing now it was time for Causeway VS Ann. "Get your aft in here so we can have this match right here and now."
"I've waited to kick her ass a long time..." Ann pursuited forward while folding her hoodie sleeve's up.
Iris looked down, grabbing her chin in the wonder;
When will I and Optimus fight?
... How will it end?
~ Time skip ~
"You've got to be kidding me."
On the board; Predaking Vs Savannah. Iris actually found that hilarious and giggled little, giving small push forward for their cowboy-girl to get it all together. Predaking already waited in middle of the arena, not excited but more like 'let's get this already over with'. For others, Ann lost the fight for Causeway when letting her guard down... so Iris didn't know how they'll go on after that but then was Jack against Chromia and he surely beated that fight also. Before Predaking and Savannah were Andrea and Perceptor but allow me to just say... Andrea gave up. She started crying-- and Alex had to get her.
"You'll be fine." Iris reassured, hearing loud snort right beside her.
"Can't be worser than fighting that Tyrant right over there." Praxina snorted again, watching Megatron his arms all folded as their eyes met one time. "He's gladiator, I guess... thus Zoe's watching." Her eyes gazed above, Iris forming hint of glare in order to get her shut her mouth. "What?"
"Now I will definitely join those two up there, get some nice warm popcorns and make damn sure to laugh to the two of you till someone will have to force me into that field!" Savannah; drama maker. Iris sighed in defense while smiling at the girl, as Praxina and Chris chuckled also. Katie simply had gone to Alex and kept him company till it was his turn. "I can't possibly beat that Horn-head down there!"
"We will help you." The Leader reassured again, looking at Chris and Praxina then. Rosalie, Will and Sebastian only watched the forming fight, taking no part in anyone's personal life. "You know how greatly Alex and Jack did their job."
"Ann and Andrea lost..." Savannah murmured, denying to look pathetic but more like worried. Her eyes gazed down again, but frustrated sigh left her after quite some time. "But I guess this was coming up ahead anyway."
"You can do this!" Rosalie cheered, clapping her hands once the cowboy girl was in the ring. Each step she took closer for her opponent looked hesitant and unsure, while Predaking looked like ready to sleep.
Savannah stopped, and the air was quiet as ever.
"Begin." Siri said that they were ready.
"Don't make me outrageous then." Predaking flawned his tail a little, claws clinging on each other as he approached Savannah with speed.
"I thought you to spare me at least little!" Savannah growled, backing away. She hadn't even transformed yet!
"Predaking's not going easy on her..." Will murmured, arms proudly crossed on his chest.
Iris looked at his direction, then looked back in the fight again.
Optimus didn't go easy on me back then either...
"-- Come on girl, you can do this!" Praxina grabbed the railing forward tightly, after seeing her taking same plan Alex did; start dodging the crushing pedes, tail and coming claws to reach her. "Transform already..."
Savannah may heard that but she finally was in her 'beast-mode', her claws digging to the ground as she brushed some sand on the Predacon's optics. Luckily Predaking hadn't transformed for his mode... 'cause hell would be on the loose.
"You thought me to be a loser--?" Savannah used Predaking's own tail to take speed of it, then she grabbed his spiky-back stripes and got hold of them; blasting his back as well making one cut for it. "Well think again, Horn-head!"
Predaking roared. Like stampeded bison he shaked Savannah off of him, turning to see his Charge fly and hit the ground, but she was okay while rolling back few meters. Now she had her fists up, telling everyone else what was about to happen.
Some damn destruction.
"Cover your ears for possible sand, ladies." Chris warned, already pulling his hoodie above his head while leaning down. However anyone else didn't do same but watched intensively.
"Can't go easy on me, huh? Well then--" Predaking shifted to stand balanced once Savannah actually hit her fists to the sand, causing the whole arena shake as the sand had rose up quite above. It came down rain then, blocking pretty much everyone's sight of what was happening on the field. "I will defeat you in no time!"
Iris saw claws drawned out as something blue flash in the air; a loud roar echoeing through the halls of the Ark. The sand was suddenly brushed away with forceful air draft... forming Savannah like 30 meters away of an... Beast. Iris tensed. Predaking was now in his beast mode. Savannah's own claws were filled with blue energon which explained the cut right on the Beast's chest, she must've done it during her explosive hands' work. But now, hell was about to begin.
"Savannah!" Predaking roared, coming with all he had now towards the girl.
Imagine Savannah's face drop immediately.
"Oh hell no!" That was unexpected for her to say... and the fact that she ran into same direction Predaking did. Away from her opponent. "Don't you touch me with that pretty tail of yours either, dude!"
"What's she doing!?" Sebastian groaned, seeing Savannah make enough sharp turn so the Predacon hit one of the arena wall, but was right back on her heels. "She should never make Predacon become her hunter, but her to make his hunter."
"Tell me you're joking!" Praxina turned for the boy as swing her arms down in defense and worry.
"I think she's re-thinking her plan..." Iris grabbed her chin, watching Savannah this time stop and form 'X' of her arms. Oh fuck. "Oh no--"
Once Predaking collided with the small puny girls' arms everyone just gasped. The Dragon was send back of an unknown barrier so much that he flew out of the ring. Predaking got lost into the smokescreen caused by hitting the solid brick wall, while Savannah peeked out in disbelief and shock. She stood up, took in some deep breaths, kept small moment of silence and then;
"In. Your. Face!" Savannah screamed from the top of her lungs. Everyone got already relaxed, chuckling for the girl down below who made her victory dancing. "I fucking beated ya, I fucking beayed ya, I fucking beated ya!"
Iris sighed in defense, not long did it take as she saw a fast flying object pass them. Going for Savannah.
"Savannah--!" Praxina and Chris were late; a humongous paw had already pinned down the girl enjoying her small moment of victory, as Predaking now shrienked loudly for the girl, and showed his teeth. Will was ready to leave the area where they had to wait and help their 'Predacon-friend', as well Crusher tended to. But Sebastian and Rosalie helped Iris who watched down.
It was silent for a moment.
"... Idiot." Savannah laughed, biggest smile spreaded on her face as she tapped the ground three times. Showing her defeated state. Even Chris was taken back at this and almost passed out. Predaking relaxed by this, backing off of his small Charge but still remained by her side in his mode. "Look!" The girl looked down at her clothes after switching back, a loud frustrated growl left her. "Now you ruined my damn boots!"
"Is the only problem here that she lost her 'boots'?" Praxina watched in disbelief, only ending Iris to laugh.
"Yeah... gladly." Iris said, hearing after the complains of Savannah and Predaking which moved out of the arena next chosen fighting couples.
"I hope Chris gets his ass beaten next--" Praxina's laugh was repressed down as she looked above. The very water bottle in her grasp dropped, while she saw the two pictures there, and the names read down. Iris widened her eyes, no air going for her lungs.
Megatron Vs Iris.
Ohh damn none of you saw that coming, but my fact here goes again that 4213 words for ya mates, and another chap is comin' right up!
Also, I wrote that earlier but now this after hearing that 'xxxtentacion' singer is shot to death I'm... damn.
In case ya don't know him listen the song down below👇.
| R.I.P xxxtentacion🙏 |
~keep reading.
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