TFRID2015 Bumblebee x Strongarm
After living on Earth for nearly three years Strongarm wanted to surprise Bumblebee with something for Valentine's Day; Denny and Russell told the Autobots all about it during their first year on the small green and blue planet when they taught them about different holidays, so she knew what Valentine's Day was all about. Just like so many others who weren't sure how to surprise their boyfriend on the day that celebrated love she turned to the internet for advice, knowing for sure she'd find something to help her. It was the morning of Valentine's Day when Strongarm snuck off to the farthest corner of the scrap yard with her datapad to look up what she needed to know, although she felt as though she was doing something naughty when she clearly wasn't. She listened for a moment, making sure she wasn't going to get interrupted before she typed in her password and began her search. There were more than enough search results but most of it could generally only be applied to humans since cybertronians couldn't eat chocolate and there was no way for her to attain energon sweets.
More than anything Strongarm wanted Bee to kiss her; they'd only been dating for two Earth weeks and there hadn't been a single kiss on the dermas thus far. Traditionally, cybertronians didn't kiss each other to show love like humans did, but she wanted to try it with her mechfriend really badly. She'd seen it happen in so many movies and it looked like it felt really good, she had even seen couples in public share a kiss or two. During her search she found the perfect thing; the article said to watch a romantic movie with one's boyfriend and during a kissing scene to ask him for a kiss. It was the perfect thing to kiss Bumblebee for the first time, all Strongarm needed to do was figure out how to watch a romantic movie alone with him; she was so busy looking at her datapad that she failed to notice Denny heading in her direction.
"Hey Strongarm, whatcha doin' all the way back here? Was Sideswipe bothering you again?" Denny asked the white and blue femme when he saw her, guessing that she just needed a little alone time to read something; he was just looking for a vintage statue, so finding Strongarm was a complete surprise.
"What? Oh, hello Denny. I was just doing a little research. Would it be possible for Bee and I to go watch a movie together alone tonight?" Strongarm responded with surprise, turning her attention to the human man.
"Ah, I see what you're trying to do. Why don't you two lovebots go to the drive-in theater a few miles out of Crown City? There's a place behind it where no one would see you two." Denny replied, knowing Strongarm wanted to go out on a date with Bee; he'd taken his wife to a movie on their first date, so he knew he was giving her good advice.
"That's perfect! Thank you, Denny." Strongarm thanked Denny as she stood up, carefully walking around him before rushing off to go find her mechfriend.
"You're welcome! And don't be out too late!" Denny called out after her, silently reminding himself that Bumblebee and Strongarm weren't exactly kids.
Strongarm couldn't wait to go see a romantic movie with Bee; since it was Valentine's Day the local drive-in theater would be showing romantic movies, giving her the perfect opportunity to kiss him for the first time. She went to go find her mechfriend before she casually asked him to go see a movie with her, elated when he agreed that a movie date would be good for them since it was a holiday for couples. Bumblebee wasn't at all suspicious of what Strongarm's true motives were because he trusted his lover, little did he know what she had planned for the evening during the movie. For the rest of the afternoon he kept Sideswipe busy so that he wouldn't pick on Strongarm the way he usually did; he cared very much about his femmefriend's mental well-being and he didn't want the young red mech to ruin the day for her. Since it was the day to celebrate love Bee picked a bouquet of wildflowers for Strongarm which she thought was sweet of him, although she couldn't wait to give her gift to him.
Before they left the scrap yard Bumblebee made sure the defenses around the scrap yard were secure as an extra precision in case there were any Decepticons lurking around; he didn't want anything bad to happen during his date with Strongarm, luckily everything was working perfectly. Strongarm felt incredibly nervous when she and Bee left the scrap yard and the anxious feeling only got worse after they arrived at the hill near the drive-in theater where they could sit and watch the movie together, she was going to kiss her mechfriend for the very first time and she felt as though her processor was going to crash. It was dark outside by then and the hill wasn't too close to the parking lot, giving the two cybertronians the privacy they desired where no humans would see them, and yet they could see the movie perfectly. The movie playing on the screen was one of Bee's favorites, The Harvey Girls, and Strongarm knew for a fact there would be some kissing in it. As the kissing scene soon approached about half way through the movie Strongarm's cooling fans kicked onto low when her frame began heating up, causing the femme to nearly faint when she thought about what she was about to ask once the time was right.
"Hey, are you alright?" Bumblebee quietly asked Strongarm when he heard her cooling fans kick on, wondering if his femmefriend was okay; it was February which meant the weather was still chilly, so he knew she couldn't possibly have been too hot from the weather.
"D-don't worry about me, I'm fine." Strongarm whispered back, scooting a little closer to her concerned mechfriend so that he wouldn't be as worried about her.
Bee gave Strongarm a suspicious look before he went back to watching the movie, just happy to finally have some alone time with her without having to go out on a potentially dangerous mission. He did feel a little suspicious after her cooling fans came on, she was obviously up to something, he simply had to wait for it to happen, whatever it was. As the movie went on Strongarm made sure to pay attention, feeling the anticipation of having the opportunity to kiss Bee for the very first time. When the much anticipated part of the film quickly approached Strongarm felt her spark racing in her spark chamber; she didn't want to embarrass herself in case Bee wasn't ready to kiss her, they hadn't exactly been a couple for very long, but the more she thought about it the more she wanted to kiss him. Living on Earth had an impact on their team and each of them picked up little habits that were normal for humans, so the blue and white femme convinced herself that her plan was worth it.
"Hey, B-Bee?" Strongarm hesitantly asked the mech next to her right before the kiss scene happened in the movie, finally putting her little plan into action.
"Yes?" Bee questioned with a quiet tone, his own spark racing in his spark chamber when he realized what scene was about to play on the large screen; a romantic mood had been set between them and it made him feel flustered.
"K-kiss me- I mean, will you-" Strongarm shyly demanded despite feeling incredibly flustered, but before she could finish she felt Bee's dermas pressed against hers while he cupped her faceplates; she closed her optics when she realized what they were doing, not wanting to accidentally ruin the mood.
Earlier that day when Bee remembered it was Valentine's Day he wondered if he should kiss Strongarm, although at the time he wasn't sure if she wanted him to kiss her or not and he decided to let her make the first move. He'd seen more than enough romance movies back when team Prime was on Earth, so he knew quite a bit about basic human romantic gestures. However, when Strongarm basically demanded for him to kiss her Bee lightly placed his servos on the sides of her faceplates, closed his optics and leaned in before he pressed his dermas against hers in a gentle kiss. Strongarm was so caught off guard that her processor went blank for a moment; she couldn't believe that he was kissing her, but the sensation she felt was unlike none other that she'd felt before. A few moments later Bee and Strongarm broke the kiss and opened their optics, gazing lovingly at each other.
"Was that good enough?" Bee asked his femmefriend, his own internal cooling fans turning on in order to cool his frame down.
"It was more than enough." Strongarm answered in a dreamy voice, no longer feeling embarrassed about wanting to kiss him; now that they'd kissed each other for the first time it would be easier in the future.
Out of the few Valentine's Days spent on Earth Strongarm loved that one the most, mainly because she had the opportunity to go out on a romantic movie date with Bee and because they finally kissed each other for the first time. Bee and Strongarm shared another quick kiss before they turned their attention back to the movie, this time sitting closer to each other so he could wrap an arm around her midsection. Strongarm wasn't exactly known for being very feminine, although Bee loved her the way she was and it made her feel truly loved for the first time in her life. After everything he'd experienced while living on Earth, both in the past and the present, Bee never thought kissing someone would actually feel as good as it did. He and Strongarm stayed near the drive-in until late at night after the final movie ended, thoroughly enjoying their time alone together, occasionally sneaking quick kisses from time to time.
This wonderful fic was requested by Bleenas2
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