Child! Regris x Child! Narti
Regris isn't the only half Galra in his colony; there's a girl named Narti that he has a crush on, but because she's blind and mute she doesn't have any friends. One day while she's out in the village garden he decides to greet her.
(Narti is ten and Regris is nine)
Regris felt shy as he hid behind a large bush. There, sitting on a rock in the village garden, was Narti, his crush. Just like him, Narti was only half Galra, but she was blind and mute. From what his mother told him Narti could communicate telepathically. When his tail brushed up against something Narti's head snapped in his direction, the short little ears on her head twitching.
"Don't worry, it's only me, Regris." Regris said calmly as he came out of hiding, sitting next to her on the rock.
Narti relaxed a little when she heard Regris' voice. The other children in the village often bullied her because she couldn't talk or see; they called her a freak. Regris also got picked on a lot, but he usually just ignored it. Regris had a little crush on Narti because he knew that she wasn't a freak. His mind tingled a little and he heard someone quietly speaking, but it took him a few moments to realize that it was Narti.
"H-hi Regris." Narti said telepathically, feeling a little shy.
"Hi." Regris said out loud, thankful that she couldn't see his blush.
"Are you feeling alright?" Narti questioned as she became more comfortable 'talking' to him.
"I'm feeling fine. I- I just wanted to tell you that you're really pretty." Regris said shyly, his little tail quivering as nervousness welled up inside of him.
Narti felt her face heat up as she blushed; everyone usually avoided her, especially boys. Regris thought that Narti was even cuter when she got shy. To him, she was the prettiest girl in the entire village. He noticed a lone heart's desire flower and picked it.
"Here, this is for you. It's a heart's desire flower." Regris said as he took one of Narti's hands in one of his, giving her the flower.
"Why are you giving me this?" Narti questioned, carefully holding the flower.
"Because you're pretty and the flower is pretty." Regris answered bashfully.
"T-thank you, Regris." Narti said shyly, her tail twitching with excitement.
Regris smiled, knowing that he made her happy. He could talk to her all day and never get bored. Narti couldn't believe that someone other than her mom was talking to her; she felt as though she could talk to him for hours and about anything. Since no one else was around, that's exactly what they did.
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