TFP Decepticons x Fem! Human Reader - An unexpected problem
You are the Decepticon's human friend and you live on the Nemesis with them. About one or two days every month when you're ovulating they can smell when you're most fertile.
You were currently walking down one of the halls in the Nemesis and minding your own business. Megatron had called you to the bridge for something. Normally someone would help you get there but they seemed to be avoiding you. Each time you passed a Vehicon or Eradicon you heard a 'bang' sound before they hurried away. Everyone on the ship was acting strange around you and you wanted to know why.
You hadn't considered that they could smell that you were ovulating. When you passed Dreadwing he looked at you for a moment. You missed the lustful look he gave you before he ran to the wash racks. As you entered the bridge your sweet scent drifted across their olfactory receptors. You saw that Megatron, Starscream, Soundwave, Knockout and Breakdown were waiting for you.
Megatron and Soundwave had the most self control, but your scent still smelled really good to them. When you heard another 'bang' sound you looked up at Starscream, who seemed to be blushing. You looked up at them and gave them a confused look and they looked down at you.
"Well, what's going on around here?" You asked them curiously.
They just looked at each other and tried to think of something to say. Sure, you knew how babies were made and you knew that you were fertile. But you were still somewhat innocent. They weren't sure how you'd react to them finding your fertile scent tempting.
"I-I need to g-go." Starscream said as he left to go take care of his 'problem'.
You watched in confusion as he left. When you turned to look up at Knockout and made eye contact with him you heard another 'bang' sound.
"Seriously, what's going on with you guys?!" You asked them loudly.
"Y-Y/n… I-I think… Uh…." Knockout stuttered, wanting nothing more than to put his holoform's babies inside your womb.
"W-what Knockout meant to say w-was… Um…. W-we think that you're o-ovulating…" Breakdown said, hoping that he wouldn't pop a boner from how you looked up at him.
"So, how does that affect you guys?" You asked them curiously.
"W-well…. We k-kinda have sensitive olfactory receptors a-and we can smell when y-you're ovulating…." Knockout said, finally getting up enough courage to tell you.
"Oh…" You said, not expecting that.
Knockout and Breakdown shared a look before they looked over at Megatron and Soundwave. They were hoping that you weren't going to completely freak out. You however were still processing what Knockout had just told you. You didn't think that they knew when you were ovulating. You blushed when you realized that the Vehicons, Eradicons, Dreadwing, Starscream were masturbating just from smelling your fertility.
You knew that since you ovulated once a month that pretty much everyone on the ship most likely masturbated after smelling you. You couldn't believe that you were causing such a problem.
"I-I'm sorry." You said awkwardly.
"Don't be, it's completely natural and when you choose a mate you'll need to be nice and fertile." Knockout said before he ran out of the bridge to go masturbate in his berthroom.
Your blush got darker now that you knew what he was going to do. Your looked up at Megatron, Soundwave and Breakdown and gave them a questioning look.
"You are dismissed." Megatron said as he, Soundwave and Breakdown went straight to their berthrooms, leaving you alone in the bridge.
You groaned as you went back to the berthroom that you were given. On the way there you heard pleasured moans coming from the berthrooms. As soon as you got to your bed you took care of the 'problem' that all those pleasured sounds gave you.
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