TFP Arcee + Shiro - Unexpected reunion
When Voltron gets a distress signal the Paladins go to check it out. When they get to where the signal is coming from they're surprised at who sent the signal.
And yes, I know that Jack is NOT Shiro. But for the sake of this chapter, they're the same person.
When a distress signal popped up on one of the holoscreens in the Castle of Lions Shiro, Lance, Keith, Hunk and Pidge rushed to their lions. Within a matter of minutes they were ready to go see who needed help. This wasn't the first time that they got a distress signal, so they were prepared for anything. Or so they thought.
"Do any of you find it strange that there's a distress signal coming from all the way out here?" Hunk asked over the comlink system.
"Yes, but we need to help whoever it is." Shiro said as he followed the distress signal.
The other Paladins talked among themselves as they followed Shiro in their lions. As the signal got stronger they saw a fleet of Galra ships near a small organic planet. They managed to get to the surface of the planet unharmed.
"Okay team, let's do this. Form Voltron!" Shiro yelled as he flew upwards.
The other Paladins followed him. Like many times before, they quickly formed Voltron and started attacking the Galra fleet. As each ship exploded they were able to get a closer look. Shiro's heart stopped when he saw a familiar blue and pink Cybertronian on the planet being attacked by Galra soldiers. When Voltron landed, the Galra fled for their lives. Once all the Galra were gone the Paladins disassembled Voltron and landed.
Arcee, who was a little wounded, wasn't sure what to think of the strange robotic lions. When she saw them bend down and let their pilots out she saw that they were humans. Her spark beat quickly as they approached her. She hadn't seen any humans in a while, so it was strange for her.
"Who are you? How did you get so far away from Earth?" Arcee asked the humans.
Pidge told the others that the air was safe to breathe and they took their helmets off. Arcee's optics widened when she saw that the human in the black and white armor was someone she knew.
"Jack?" Arcee asked in pure shock.
"Who?" Hunk asked, looking at Shiro.
"A-Arcee?!" Shiro asked, surprised to see his old guardian.
The Paladins watched as Shiro walked to Arcee. They didn't know what was going on, so they stayed quiet. Arcee was surprised that Jack was in space again.
"Guys, this is Arcee, my Cybertronian guardian from when I was in highschool. Arcee, this is my team, Hunk, Pidge, Keith and Lance. We are the Paladins of Voltron. And I changed my name to Shiro." He told Arcee, introducing his team to her
"Jac- Shiro, I've missed you." Arcee said, smiling at him.
"I missed you too, Arcee." Shiro said as he remembered the first time he met her.
"Wait wait wait. So you're telling us that your name used to be Jack and you had a super hot robot girlfriend back when you were in highschool? And you never told us?!" Lance asked, trying to process this new information.
Both Shiro and Arcee blushed a little. Sure, Shiro had a small crush on Arcee, but she was never his girlfriend. Arcee wasn't sure what to think of Lance. In a way, he reminded her of Smokescreen.
"Arcee wasn't my girlfriend, she was my guardian." Shiro said, not wanting to embarrass himself.
"I've read up on Cybertronians and it says that you can transform into vehicles. What did you choose for your vehicle mode?" Pidge asked Arcee curiously.
"A motorcycle." Arcee said with a proud smirk.
"Woah, cool." Keith whispered in awe.
"Ja- Shiro used to ride me all the time after we met and after his mom found out about me." Arcee told the Paladins.
Lance smirked at Shiro, taking what Arcee said the wrong way. Shiro's blush got even darker, making Lance smirk more. Keith, Hunk and Pidge knew what Arcee meant, thankfully.
"Uh…. So, are you okay?" Shiro asked Arcee.
"I'm a little dented up, but I'll be fine. Ultra Magnus will be here in a mega cycle." Arcee told him.
Shiro was happy that Arcee was going to be okay. She told him and the other Paladins about what had been happening since Cybertron was restored. Pidge asked her a million questions. When Ultra Magnus arrived, Shiro and Arcee said their goodbyes. Once Arcee and Ultra Magnus left the Paladins went back to their lions and flew back to the Castle.
Fun fact, Jack Darby and Takashi Shirogane are both voiced by Josh Keaton
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