Chapter 2
I don't own the series The Loud House or the Transformers or any car brands, make, and models in this story. The Loud House is created by Chris Savino for Nickelodeon, Hasbro owns Transformers and G.I. Joe characters, and all vehicles named or described are owned by their proper companies.
Disclaimer: This is a spin-off mini-series Between the events of Chapters 16 and 17, to avoid confusion read the original story first and please enjoy this chapter.
Chapter 2: What a sweet deal!
Story summary: After checking on the Junkions both Stella and Raoul along with the Autobots Tracks, Blaster, and his Mini-Cassettes to check up on them, sadly it seemed that the Junkions chose to reveal themselves to deal with a biker gang known as the Dreadnoks.
About half an hour ago
Inside a warehouse dozens, possibly over a hundred people in a mix of bikers or post-apocalyptic clothing, it was more of a large auto mechanics shop and a junkyard with countless amounts of vehicle and machine parts with many of the members of the group working on motorcycles, the Dreadnoks symbol on a banner that hung from the ceiling show who they were, the Dreadnoks. On a makeshift throne of parts was a man who looked more as a monster than a man, he had pieces of scrap metal oclearly,egs and chest almost like armor covering brown ripped clothing, a hood over his head and black markings almost like a mask over his eyes, a scowl showed clearly he was not in a good mood. Facing this man, the three Dreadnoks Ripper, Buzzer, and Torch stood side-by-side looking nervous.
He turned his gaze to a few of his fellow members of his gang on a large computer looking into something before turning back to the trio, rising from his seat he walked over to the three, removing a knife from a holster on his backside, pinching the tip of the blade looking it over. "So... you three went into town doing what we normally do but got humiliated by two teens then got jumped by a bunch of trash-looking bikers?" The man said in a rough and strong voice. Before the three could answer, the leader grabbed Torch by the lapel of his jacket, the tip of the knife pressed against the lenses of his sunglasses, it was still. "Tell me this is just some sort of joke?!" They were furious.
"Well, um... It isn't! No, it isn't! We're sorry Zartan!" Torch was clearly afraid of this man, their leader named Zartan.
-Leader of the Dreadnoks
-Known by many names, faces, and lies
-Hired thug seen as a petty criminal but much more
"You little-- You ran from some punks!" Zartan then threw Torch to the ground before stomping his foot onto their side hurting the man, Buzzer and Ripper stepped back clearly afraid. "You didn't just take them apart! You made us look like chickens, we don't fight fair, we fight dirty! Any cheap trick to win!"
"Zartan sir!" One of the few people at the computer spoke up, catching their leader's attention. "We have an issue with those two that they ran into in town." Zartan stopped his abuse of his fellow follower and walked over to the large computer. "So, we ran facial recognition on those towns from cameras we hacked in town but while we were trying to find out who they are the system alerted that any info on them is monitored by a Sector Server."
"What?! You mean to tell me those two are under government watch or protection?!" Zartan was lost, confused as to how two teenagers were under government watch.
"We don't know how Zartan, we just know if we look into them by our normal tactics, we'll be found out by anyone, that includes the G.I. Joes--" The man was caught off guard as Zartan slapped them.
"Never worry about that! As far as those Joes believe, they think me and a lot of you are dead, killed in the last battle of Cobra four years ago." Zartan was furious, they built up a small empire and needed to grow, and now two out-of-state kids were in his way. "Grah!"
"I see you're having some trouble." A voice came from out of view, Zartan looked over his shoulder with an annoyed look as he turned to see a man in full combat gear sitting inside the Alt mode of Swindle who was doing the talking. "This isn't affecting our business, is it Zartan?"
"Swindle!" The biker gang leader marched over to the self-proclaimed "former" Decepticon with a scowl on his face. "Don't talk down to us like you're better!"
"Hey, hey, calm down, I didn't mean to insult my customers, especially the ones who struggle to pay the rental bill on that makeshift supercomputer that anyone, even low intelligent beings like you can use, now what seems to be the problem here?" Swindle asked, it was clear he didn't actually care but just wanted to get to some sort of point. "Speaking of the payment?"
"Now is not the time! Some punks are messing with my gang members!" Zartan then started to walk away. "If you want your money then show up in person, you've only called us through a radio, how about coming face to face for once."
"Alright, we'll meet in person one day, maybe in a while, just not now. I was sent here on business, so good luck with whatever you're doing." Swindle then had the "driver" start up the car and drive off from the building.
Once Swindle was outside of the building, Zartan began to curse under his breath, his patience wasn't spent but rather thrown out the window. He then called for every member of the Dreadnoks to show up for an announcement. "Dreadnoks! Someone decided to make us look like fools! We're not just going to let this go, are we?!"
"NO!" All the Dreadnoks shout in fury.
"Good, but it isn't just those punks, or just two dump kids, no! It is this whole town! They think they can just have some punks show up and make us look like idiots! We're going to scorch the Earth of this town, burn it to the ground!" Zartan then noticed something, some of his followers had either a confused or worried look on their faces, he pointed at one of them, Ripper. "Do we have a problem?"
"Um, wouldn't just destroying the town make people look into it and find out about us?" Ripper asked, slightly worried.
"Not if we blame it on those punks that stood up to us, we make it look like it was them destroying the town and leave no trace of us behind, some of us will stay here and move any evidence of us being here." Zartan explained this helped make everyone understand the plan, finally they would move away from a nowhere town. There was one more issue, Swindle. "Right, Swindle has been asking too much for payment, since he is arriving in person, we'll gun how down the moment he shows his face." With the Dreadnoks cheering, without knowing that the supercomputer had spyware on it, Swindle heard everything they said.
Back in the abandoned mechanic's shop Swindle was finishing his little tale of the Dreadnoks. Blaster, Rewind, and Eject had a look of shock on their face, well Blaster did, the two Mini-Cassettes had their faces covered in armor. Steeljaw looked furious and Ramhorn just always looked a little angry. Tracks were still in his Alt mode so it was hard to tell. Inside of him, however, Stella and Raoul were a mix of emotions, how could the Dreadnoks be so cruel, so twisted that they have no issue destroying a town as if it was nothing. "We- We have to find a way to put a stop to all this!" Stella stated.
"Stella, calm down, we just need to find a way out of town to call for backup." Raoul explained.
"Yeah, that isn't going to happen." Swindle explained, surprising the two humans who looked out the windshield to see him waving at them. "I can see the two little humans in you, so you guys are getting friends or something?" Swindle said with Blaster getting the barrel of his gun just a few inches away from their forehead as an intimidation tactic, Swindle just looked more annoyed than anything. "Oh please, look I am here to explain that I want to help, I'm not a Con anymore, as you can see, I have no badge, no badge means I have no allegiance anymore, so I want to do what I always wanted to be a business Bot."
"You just want money." Blaster was on the dime; Swindle didn't deny or object to this but shrugged his shoulders while nodding his head. "Called it."
"I'm serious, I just want to do my own thing. I do sell alien tech, but it is for a good cause." Swindle explained with Eject muttering something, Stella could have sworn he said ""Yeah, your wallet." Swindle tried to step forward, Blaster put his finger on the trigger of his rifle only for Swindle to swiftly grab the weapon by the barrel, pushing it towards Blaster, hitting him with the stock of his rifle knocking him slightly back then with motion he got in front of the Autobot, turning around to elbow them making them let go of their weapon. Swindle then turned again aiming the rifle at his torso looking directly into Blaster's eyes with a cocky smirk on his face.
Tracks managed to Transform into his robot mode, aiming his own gun at the back of Swindle's head. Swindle then unloaded the ammo clip from the rifle and handed it back to the Autobot and turned back to Tracks; he was here to make an offer, not a fight. "Alright, you've made your point, but threaten the humans--"
"I did no such thing--"
"--Threaten the humans in ANY way, we will end you, you'd think we were the Wreckers, understood?" Tracks asked with Swindle nodding in agreement. "Alright, begin to talk but we're keeping our weapons locked on you."
"Alright, I understand, you see there is a major issue I have been having for the Dreadnoks, they are behind on payments and now they think they can jump me if I meet them in person. So, I am willing to sell them out... for a price." Swindle said with a tone matching his cocky smug look, sitting on a platform like it was a kitchen counter. "I offer you this, proof that the Dreadnoks are attacking the town and sending out a message to a contact, so it won't be cut off from the signal jammer tracker from the supercomputer I loaned them."
"What do you want, Energon?" Blaster asked with Swindle shaking their head. "Then what?"
"Shanix of course."
"Shanix?" Stella asked. "What is that? I think I heard about that somewhere before."
"Glad you asked, little lady." Swindle stood up to explain. "You see, Shanix is the galactic currency of countless worlds, and Tracks here, before the war, was a successful business owner in gadgets and a few stores."
"Wait, so you're willing to sell out the Dreadnoks for Shanix? How do you know I still have any?" Tracks asked.
"I know for a fact a Bot of business wouldn't just keep it on them, that and yes I am willing to sell them out since they haven't been paying their bills." Swindle then looked down on the humans. "Free advice, stay out of debt."
Tracks just took a moment to think this over, it would be helpful for them, but Stella spoke up. "Hold it!" The Transformers all looked down to see her standing between them. "How can we be sure you'll keep your end of the deal? You look like you'd sell the parts of your friends for chump change."
"Whoa, first off all... one time and it wasn't for cheap."
"I knew it!"
"Yeah, he sold them to aliens and Megatron put a bomb in his head to return the pieces." Tracks explained he sounded disgusted.
"Second, I am a Bot of business, if the price is right, I'll do the job or sell you anything you need or want. Need a weapon? Just keep in my budget. Want a secret? I'll bug your victim or break into a government building. Is someone bothering you? Just don't ask what I did to them, you'll sleep better at night." Swindle explained before standing proudly.
"Hmm, no we're not buying it, c'mon guys we're leaving." Stella pointed at the Autobots telling them to the Transformer so they could roll out, everyone looked at each other frantically and to Stella who winked at them and mouthed: "Follow my lead." They then nodded their heads, and the Cassettes transformed and entered Blaster's chest and the two Autobots changed into their Alt modes, before entering Tracks Stella looked back. "Sorry, but we have no deal."
Once they entered Tracks Swindle actually lost his cocky look and actually looked worried, he changed his face to a stoic one but started to look concerned as Tracks started to back up he nodded to the non-natural human that was with them, the ran faster than a normal human to stop Tracks by standing behind them. "Hold on, hold on! What do you mean no deal? C'mon here, I'm offering you something you'd like, right?"
"You want all of Tracks' money, right?" Stella asked with Swindle nodding. "How much is Shanix worth to earth money?"
"1 Shanix is roughly around a few hundred dollars, and I have close to a million in a digital banking account." Tracks explained. Swindle looked around, trying not to panic, he wanted to make this deal, and he looked a little desperate. "You've lost your touch huh Swindle?"
"Hey, you know how hard work is in my line of work because of this blasted war. Look what will it take for you to agree to this?" Swindle asked with Stella rolling one of Tracks' windows down.
"Collateral, something you need in our hands, so you don't double-cross us and you are only getting a small amount of the Shanix, around under 10% of what he has, nothing more," Stella explained, Swindle backed away before taking a moment to think.
"Alright, let's talk, how about instead 20% for this deal of sorts, huh? How does that sound?" Swindle looked calm and smirked at this.
"Hmm, no, that is a little too high for us, I do like that 10% deal I suggested, I mean Tracks could just fly us out of town actually."
"Whoa, who wait up lady, how about 18% instead?" Swindle offered but she shook her head, starting to walk back to Tracks who was getting ready to turn into his alt mode. "15% Final offer on my end of the deal."
"12% And something more, we need something to help us make sure you keep your end of the deal." Stella pointed out.
"Alright, so how about I take the 12% and give you something I can't leave town without, you'll have your cortical and I will send your message. Deal?" Swindle looked like Stella looked at Raoul and the Autobots, Raoul nodded and Tracks gave a signal that it was okay to take the deal.
"We have a deal, Swindle."
"You drive a hard bargain human." Swindle offered a handshake, Tracks transformers back into his robot mode and took the handshake, unaware to the humans they were transferring money to the other. Once their hands were free, Swindle tapped his foot to the back of the soldier that was with him, making him stumble forward. "This is my collateral; he is an informant who works with me within a... small group in my terms but I will be needing him back by the end of today." The soldier looked back, despite having their face covered, their body language showed how irate he was at this action. "Oh, don't treat yourself Nightstick this is temporary, you're still my partner in crime." Swindle then turned back to the others. "So, this message is that all you need me to do about all this?"
"Just send out the message while we find a way to help the town," Swindle nodded before walking to the exit and transformed into his Alt mode and drove off. Tracks then turned to Blaster. "Now what do we do about this problem, we can't exactly fight back."
"What about the Junkions?" Stella asked, Tracks looked down, questioning her idea. "No just think about it, they are human sized at this moment, right? And they just took down three of their members easily so an army of a few dozen could take on those guys until backup arrives. Good idea, right?" Stella made a rather good point, the Junkions have proven they could take a hit and be hard to take down. She even turned to look at Raoul and the soldier who calls himself Nightstick, most likely a code name of sorts, they both looked at each other and actually nod in agreement, this seemed like a good idea.
"Alright, let's roll out and get the Junkions out of jail." Tracks announced as he transformed into his alt mode with Blaster following suit with the Mini-Cassettes. "Let's just hope they don't yell out "Jailbreak" or something, we need to do this quickly."
"With any hope, the cops will be reasonable about this." Said Stella.
Outside of the garage, Tracks drove off with Stella, Raoul, Blaster, and Nightstick, they didn't notice someone was watching them, Swindle watching them behind some garbage so no one could see them. He had transformed back into a robot smirking as he entered an ally trying his best not to laugh; it was too easy for him, he couldn't stop. "Suckers, it wasn't about the money, but this was too easy, shame I couldn't take any more money but at least I got what I needed."
Swindle walked behind the building, there were no windows so no one could see him as he lay on the wall of the building and started to look at his arm, opening a part that released a hologram. The image showed a large demonic-looking robot with a helmet that had a horn on the side and jet wings on its back. "Swindle, I take it you managed to find a way to eavesdrop on the Autobots and their allies?"
"Yes, I did, the Autobot named Tracks practically gave it to me for something, Hehe." Swindle sounded proudly at this. "Those humans think they're so smart, but it is easy to get what you want."
"Hmm, wait don't tell me you--"
"Yes, I did trick them. Those dumb Dreadnoks owe me so much earth money for the Supercomputer, I gave them the information they need and I told them I could send a message to their allies for help. Leaving a small little bug program into their systems, we'll know exactly what they'll be talking about, and I got money too." Swindle smirked before tapping on the blank patch on his leg as it started to move around turning into a black badge with a demon-looking face with a set of four horns. The symbol of the Terrorcons.
-yellow XR311 jeep
-Puts the Con in Con-artist
"So, you'll be returning then?" The Terrorcon asked the con artist who just shook their head. "Hmm?"
"Not yet, I had to let Nightstick be with them, and I still need to send this message, a job is a job you understand me Sky, I know why you were on the List for selling out your fellow cons." Swindle winked at this, a hint of respect for his fellow Terrorcon. "Plus, I still need to get my computer back."
"Just be back by the end of the day then, you know the master doesn't like us being out of the base for too long, he wants us to be hidden unless he wants us to, he informed me we're also sending Rampage and two others to some sort of island looking for something."
"Oh, are our plans moving forward then?" Swindle asked, sounding very interested in this.
"I believe so, until then we wait just a little bit longer."
"Understand." Swindle then hung up on his end of the call, he then started to send this message for help. "Hmm, maybe I should send those rocks for brains, just need to be exactly detailed in my orders for them."
Elsewhere, the Dreadnoks were gathering around the part of town where they lost Stella and Raoul, most of them were still down, some of their bikes damaged or some of them hurt. They all felt one thing, anger at the fact the two they were after got away. They then noticed Zartan showing up, not looking happy at this, some didn't look at him while others were slightly terrified.
"How did you all mess this up!" Zartan demanded an answer, he looked furious at them.
"Um... We don't know what happened." One man answered, Zartan walked up to them, and they grabbed them by their throat making them nearly chock at this. "Wait- Wait sir we didn't know what happened we swear!" The grunt said with any strength he had. Zartan just tosses the man away from him, turning to the others still furious.
"Well! Get back on your motorcycles, get going, and burn everything you see!" Zartan ordered, he then noticed Ripper running towards them. He was shouting something. "Ripper? What is it this time?"
"Sir, we have a major problem! Some of the guys back at the base said the supercomputer just shut down on its own!"
"What?! What happened?!" Zartan grabbed Ripper, his grip was strong enough that he was practically crushing Ripper's bone. "What is going on?!"
"Um, s-s-s-something happened, the computer just shut down on its own and they can't get it back running, then the call just ended too, I can't reach them."
"What? How is this--" Suddenly Zartan remembered there was only one person who could know about the computer and the location of their base. "Swindle! He played us!"
"Huh? Are you sure about--"
"Who else would know where we are and what we have? He must have been spying on us and the moment we were at our weakest attacked it was the only way." Zartan couldn't look more furious about this matter, he wanted to hurt something, no he wanted to hurt everything around him and such. He turned to one member of his gang and pointed at them. "YOU! Get back to the base, tell them to pack up and get out of town right now! We need to get out of here as soon as possible. NOW!"
"Yes sir!" The grunt then took to his bike and started to drive off towards their base.
"Alright then, everyone gets ready and start to drive off and get those punks!" Zartan announced with so many of his followers cheers as they started to drive off to find the Junkions.
Downtown, the police station was filled both in the cells with the Junkions and the outside filled with people full of fury, the town was being destroyed by the Dreadnoks, they were destroying everything left and right. They were blowing up cars, breaking windows, so much damage with no one stopping them. The people were a mix of fury and worry for the town itself as they feared the Dreadnoks would destroy the entire town out of anger for what the Junkions had done. Many people spoke out.
"Do something! They are destroying the town!"
"What is going on?!"
For the love of all things holy, let us just turn those people over; the Dreadnoks might be merciful!"
The sheriff of the town spoke up, he wanted to address the problem, wanting to make the people feel safe. "Everyone, please calm down." People didn't calm down, he spoke up again, shouting. "I SAID CALM DOWN!" This managed to get everyone to do so. "I-I know this seems bad, we're stuck in a situation where we can't seek help... They outnumber us, there isn't much we can do and--"
"Let out the Junkions!" Stella shouts as Tracks parked just outside of the crowd. "They can help. They took one three of them with no issue and they could take a hit" Some people were confused, others not knowing the full details about what happened this afternoon.
"There is no way we can let those dangerous people out of their cells." A cop replied.
"You locked up the only people who could stand up to the dangerous criminals who are currently destroying the entire town as we speak!" Stella pointed out, there was some muttering and discussing what they heard. "Seriously, you guys are officers of the law, why don't you stand up and do your job and arrest the Dreadnoks?"
"We've tried!" The sheriff shouts to Stella, surprising her. "When they first arrived in town, we had a few more officers but when they tried to arrest the gang they either didn't make it back or be able to walk ever again. They are ruthless and they hunt down people who leave town to make sure they stay quiet."
"Then why didn't any of you find a way to get help? They are dangerous criminals so some people had to find a way to help out." Stella was confused, she was told they monitor calls and messages online but they couldn't do everything, they couldn't read every letter through mail or anything like that.
"We-- Were just afraid for everyone, if one person sold them out they would destroy everything and wipe us all out, there is almost nothing we can do." The cops lowered their heads in shame, they felt so weak, like they were pathetic and failures at their jobs.
"Don't you see kid, this town turned into a dangerous place because of those punks that are currently destroying everything." The sheriff explained to Stella and Raoul.
"Bad timing but we found someone to see an SOS." Stella explained with the half-a-dozen cops looking at her with wide eyed shocked expressions across their faces.
"Um, right we met someone who could get a message out to help out, to address someone we know for help." Stella explained.
"You what?! Do you know what they'll do to our town now?! Is that why they're acting like this now?!"
"N-No it isn't because of that it was because of the Junkions and--"
"Do you have any idea what you've done!" An officer shouted at Stella, Raoul stood between them.
"Hey pal! We're just helping and help will arrive!"
"Raoul, calm down." Stella said, pulling Raoul back as he was sounding aggressively.
"Turn around, the both of you!" A cop shouts while pulling out a pair of handcuffs.
"Wh-what?" Stella was confused, Raoul was the first to realize this, they were being arrested.
"You heard me, turn around now!"
"You can't be serious, we're getting you guys help and--"
"Who is going to help us?! You're both just kids who might have just cost this town so much with your little stunt!" The sheriff said to the town. When they got close, Raoul showed he wasn't just going to give up and Stella was just pleading with Tracks powerless to help.
"No! We have to find a way to help out." Tracks said with worry in his voice, he couldn't do anything he was literally powerless to do anything to help the two.
"Maybe we could try and play chicken with them, just act like you're about to crash into them but stop right before?" Blaster suggested.
"No, that is a bad idea Blaster." Rewind replied to his friend's idea while inside Blaster's tape deck.
"Do what we did with the bikers chasing us and use Steeljaw?" Eject offered the idea.
"No! That is worse as they could harm the humans." Rewind was rather disgusted by the idea itself too.
"Well what can we do?" Blaster asked as they couldn't do anything.
"Let me help." They all couldn't look with their faces but if they could they would turn to the one who spoke, Nightstick who was silent before, they could have sworn they were mute or something but he spoke. "I could help them out." He then started to reach for the door and tried to open it but Tracks locked them out. "Ahem, the door."
"What is stopping you from running off? Huh? You think you can--"
"Don't worry, I'll just deal with the cops, I sometimes like to fight them off. Now the door or the window?" Nightstick explained with him hearing the door's lock being undone and he opened the door. "Thank you."
Nightstick then walked towards the police with one grabbing Stella's arm, he dashed towards the officer jumping into the air and landing a kick to their face, knocking the cop down. Landing next to an officer who pulled out their baton to hit Nightstick who took the blow to the head as if it was nothing and took a sucker punch in return. Three of the remaining officers pullout their side arms but Nightstick with swift motion grabbed one by their arm and tossed them at another officer, then with the last officer who had the man dead to rights, Nightstick grabbed the gun out of their hand then pulled the slide of the weapon back before removing it and dropping it.
"What in the--" The officer was cut off guard as he reserved a headbutt knocking them down and out. Nightstick then picked up the keys from the belt of the officer.
The sheriff then pulled out their own sidearm, aiming it right up to Nightstick's head who stared back at the officer square in the eyes though their mask, he could have sworn their eyes were glowing under the goggles. "STOP!" Stella stood between the two making them flinch. "This isn't helping you know?!" She said to Nightstick. "Why would you attack them like this?! Are you trying to get arrested?!"
"Hey, wouldn't be the first time I fought some cops and you wanted help right, I'm helping you get to your friends in lock up!" Nightstick pointed out.
"Like I said, help is coming and we need the Junkions but fighting the police isn't going to help!"
"Why do you even care so much about this dumb little town! They were going to arrest you and top it off their cowards!"
"Because it is the right thing to do alright!" Stella shouts with all eyes on her, some of the officers getting back up, clearly slightly hurt from the fight. " Those bikers are overgrown children who think they can do anything, they are messed up and need to be handled accordingly, if we don't do something these people will get hurt from those monsters. No one should do this to these people." Stella explained to Nightstick.
The officers looked away, they were ashamed again, they couldn't even actually do their job right, they should have gotten help before things got too out of hand, find a way to get help. The sheriff put away his weapon and started to walk into the station confusing everyone. "Alright, let's get your friends to help out."
"Wait, really?" Stella said with the Sheriff getting inside with Stella and Raoul following, some of the officers calming the people down, one cop even snatching his keys back from Nightstick.
"You know we should arrest you too right?" The cop said with a bloody nose.
"Try me." Nightstick replied.
Inside the station, the Junkions were in several different jail cells doing what you would expect in iconic prison movies. In one cell a group was playing a round of poker with cards, in another cell they all had their hands on the bars trying to look sad but their faces were covered in goggles, rags, and other materials. In Wreck-Gar's cell, with a few of his men with him as he was drawing on the ground using some choke he had snuck in while one of them was playing on a harmonica.
The Junkion was playing on the free reed instrument, somehow not using it without lungs, pausing to sing lyrics about his surroundings like a 1960 blues or jazz musician. "I don't know what I have been told!" He played again for a quick note. "I wish I didn't end up here!" They repeated their actions again. "Stuck in a cell with my friends for doing good things and now we're planning an escape that won't work because we lack uranium 238 and for some reason a chicken!"
"Axlegrease! Stop that, you'll tell everyone about our entire plan!" Wreck-Gar explained with the Junkion stopping. The Junkion leader then turned back to his fellow followers. "Alright, here is escape plan number: 13. I know this could work out for us, all we need this time is an unmarked van, an armadillo, and a rocket launcher. Trashmaster you have any of those in your pocket?"
"No, I never finished making the van and the armadillo broke free before we got arrested, but I have the rocket launcher." The Junkion explained as he pulled out a rocket launcher.
"Dangit! The plan is ruined!" Wreck-Gar erased the plan he drew on the ground. "Okay new plan number 14! We use our parts that are locked in the police lot and crash them into the walls and--" Wreck-Gar stopped as he and the others heard the door open to see the Sheriff, Stella and Raoul walking into the room. "Hey guys!" Wreck-Gar waved to his human friends.
"You're all free to go." The sheriff explained to the Junkions.
"JAILBREAK!" Some of them shout as they dashed out the moment they got out of the cells.
"Mind if I ask why officer?" Wreck-Gar asked the officer of the law.
"We need your help, that's why." The sheriff tipped his hat down, avoiding eye contact but Wreck-Gar ducked down to look at them in the eyes.
"If you need help, it is polite to look someone in the eyes to let them know you want help." Wreck-Gar got up and gave the officer a salute before walking out of the room. "Alright boys, let's go and save the day!"
"I hope your friends will really help out with this." The officer asked Stella and gave a confident smile. "I guess you they will then?"
"Yeah, they can be rather odd... but they can do this trust me." Stella said with confidence.
"We have known them for... not too long." Raoul remembered they literally met them today while Stella was with them back on Cybertron. "But they seem to be loyal to their friends. Just trust them and let them help out."
"Right, I'll tell people to go either back into their homes or to go somewhere safe, I just hope you're right... By the way, who was it you called for help?" The Sheriff asked.
"Um... it is hard to explain." Stella and Raoul smiled nervously.
Outside, the Junkions march out of the station with the sheriff informing the people that they need to go and hide to avoid any and all dangers that could come their way. The vehicles they built from their body parts to make smaller versions of their alt modes, they were inside of an impound lot but turned one by themselves and started to drive towards the entrance but rammed through them. They started to drive by themselves down the road towards the Junkions.
"Alright, Junkions let's go take out the trash and recycle their parts!" Wreck-Gar shouted with his fellow Junkions cheering them on as they started to drive off. When they were leaving Stella and Raoul ran back to Tracks, Stella got back out to run over to Nightstick and drag him back to Tracks and started to drive off and after the Junkions.
As the Junkions were driving down the road they noticed all the damage that the town was dealing with by the Dreadnoks. Some of them were disgusted by the actions of the bikers while others were excited to get into a real fight. "Alright boys, here is the game plan!" Wreck-Gar announced. "We hit them and we hit them hard!"
"How hard?" Junkheap asked his leader.
"Hard enough to knock them down... not enough to keep them down though, we're going to break their bones, not their lives." Wreck-Gar replied before they saw something in the distance, it was the Dreadnoks. "Act alive boys, the enemy is ahead of us!"
The Dreadnoks noticed the Junkions heading towards them, they were all getting ready, some shouting profanities and threats at the Junkions. Zartan tells his Dreadnoks to ram into the enemy and fight them to tell them they were down and stayed down. "RIP THEM APART MY DREADNOKS!" Zartan yelled in fury.
"Everyone, it is a good day to get scrapped boys!" Wreck-Gar yelled with them all ready to fight off the Dreadnoks. Wreck-Gar then jumped off from his bike to go into the air before landing onto one of the Dreadnoks own bikes and stomped on the handle making them swerve and crashed into another one of them sending the Junkion flying but he used the motion he was gaining to crash into another one of the bikers off of his bike and drove it into another bike.
Some stopped while others kept driving, crashing into each other or such, everyone starting to attack the moment they were off or out of a vehicle. Just far off down the road, Stella, Raoul, Nightstick, and Blaster were inside of Tracks watching from a distance with a mix of worry for them. They haven't actually seen these guys fight, so they didn't know just how things would go during this battle but each of them had hope for so many different things, such as they would win for the town or for them not going too far and accidentally kill someone.
Just outside of town, a lone member of the Dreadnoks was driving down the road due to an order by his leader to check up on the base they used. The base was mainly an abandoned warehouse they found and used for hiding from certain people, many being those who were seen as allies by outside forces but really, they were clients. They reached the front of the base, it had several piles of scrap metal and trucks all over the place, looking around there was no one around. "Where the heck is everyone?"
They marched to the main building where they kept the supercomputer they got from Swindle but the moment he opened the doors to the building, there was light, strange since the building had bad wiring for bulbed lights but when he walking in, the building was completely destroyed with the front of it being the only thing standing, it was as if everything was hit by a hurricane when through. Looking around they failed to find anything that wasn't destroyed but also found nothing else that was stone, it was mostly stone with no sign of metal, no rebar in the concrete walls, no pipes, or any other form of metal such as parts of vehicles or technology they had before. They also failed to find any bodies; there was no one around, not a single living being.
The Dreadnok grunt walked deeper into the destroyed building to look for anything, even someone who would have been inside, hoping to find someone or anyone to find out what happened. They looked back outside and remembered something, running back outside the piles of metal actually looked bigger than before, there were a few pieces of broken parts and scrap metal but looking he saw a few motorcycle frames and some pieces of rebar with small amounts of dust and pieces of stone along with metal pipes. "What is going on?" The grunt said before noticing another thing, his motorcycle was missing. "Son of a--"
The grunt rushed outside to find his motorcycle but was stopped as something was in the air flinging up in the air, it was his motorcycle that crashed into the ground making the Dreadnok back up as it was thrown. He slowly backed up slightly before hearing something, it sounded like the roar of an engine of a powerfully strong car, rough and loud. "What was that..."
He then saw three strange-looking cars, each looking as if they were banged up and made of sandpaper with two looking nearly looking identical as one on the right was a obsidian black with grayish piece covering the wheels and roof of the car, the one of the left was identical but was blue with cyan armor over the wheels, the one in the middle was different, it was still looking banged up like the others but was completely white with bits of gold on the rims of the wheels and windshield and what looked like jet engines on the back of each.
"Oh, freak no!" The grunt shouts before running away back towards the destroyed building but the moment he made it through the doors he thought of running somewhere away from the cars. Looking forward he noticed a spot that looked green, as if light above was enlightening that spot in a green lens, looking up he saw a helicopter that was slightly banged up like the cars but something was hanging onto the bottom of it, a humanoid figure hanging on, they let go of the helicopter and landed on the ground making the man stumble backward and fall onto their back.
What was before them was a 9-foot figure covered in rock-like armor with a light red color, as if it were lava rock with cracks across its body and glowing red lines. They reached for something on their back and pulled out what looked like the front end of a motorcycle and with a clicking sound released a large blade that glowed red as fire and produced enough heat that the Dreadnok could feel it from a few feet away.
The Dreadnok started to run away but stopped as something was thrown through the wall, it was a giant blue pickaxe, the force knocked them back a few feet and back on the ground, they were then picked up by the being that looked as if they were wearing a volcano as armor, grabbing them by their leather jacket and was punched in the face, knocking them out. The strange rock-like being then dragged them to a piece of the building, a wall most likely, with something covered in an obsidian armor with several frightened members of the Dreadnoks inside, who ducked down shaking then the unconscious grunt was tossed in with his fellow Dreadnoks, the wall covering the hole. The wall had something carved on it, a message that read: "Dreadnoks buried here." Followed by several lines that had the total underneath, and another line added like the rest.
Location: Unknown Federal building, office of Agent O'Neal
Inside an office, Agent O'Neal was writing on papers about recent events such as Doctor Arkeville suddenly keeping dark secrets and going missing. They can't label them as dead as there wasn't anybody to be found so he had to have escaped or something. "Sigh, can't believe that guy." Agent O'Neal put the pen down, he hated doing paperwork and wished for something else to happen, this did, his phone going off and answering it as not too many people have his number. "O'Neal answering." He said in a stoic tone to take it seriously.
"Agent O'Neal, this is Tracks." The voice of Tracks answered, but it sounded blurry and static, like it was a bad signal. "I need your help."
"Tracks? What is going on, is something wrong with the Junkions?" Agent O'Neal asked the Autobot.
"No, something else, a group named the Dreadnoks." Those words left the voice of Tracks and caught Agent O'Neal's attention—every detail about the group, their equipment, their activities, and their leader Zartan.
"Tracks... Thanks for telling me about this, get the kids out of this town and stay away from anything happening. Stay safe." Agent O'Neal replied before hanging up, unaware the one who called wasn't Tracks but Swindle who was giggling from his victory. Agent O'Neal then started to dial in a new number into the phone to call from someone, the caller ID titled "Duke" He waited for only a few seconds before getting an answer. "Duke, we've got the Dreadnoks."
End of Chapter
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