Ch. 2 - What Just Happened?!
Kiana woke up to weak sunshine coming in through her bedroom window. Rubbing her eyes blearily, she stumbled out of bed to go get breakfast for all of the girls —- wait.
Her body felt...different. Kiana felt much taller and her feet just the tiniest bit bigger. Her head definitely was bigger, her chest was more...rotund, and her hips felt wider. Panicky, she felt her face, where she awaited the regular feel of her large eyes and big nose. Instead, her fingers found a slightly smaller nose, and larger lips. Her eyes were the only thing that had stayed the same, or so she thought. Growing more scared by the minute, she dashed into her bathroom that was adjacent to the bedroom and slammed the door shut, not caring if she woke up her friends now. She stared at her reflection in the mirror.
Her hair, once a normal dark brown, was now a lustrous black, and the tips of her bouncy, long hair were now dyed orange and red, blending flawlessly together. Since when did I dye my hair? Kiana thought. But, the color was much too smooth to have been done artificially! Her body was indeed what she had felt, and looked more like that of a teenager than a fourteen year old girl's. What startled Kiana most was the new color of her eyes. Both once brown, one now appeared to be a molten amber, while the other was a deep, icy blue. Fully terrified now, Kiana did what any normal girl would do in that situation.
She shrieked, loudly, effectively waking up all of her friends in the next room.
Kiana heard the muffled yells and ran back into the bedroom, where she saw their predicament clearly. Delaney, Sara, Layla, Jamie, and Lauren were all stumbling and tripping over each other as they attempted to get up, entangled in their sleeping bags. Kiana might've laughed at the sight if the situation hadn't been so dire. However, she noticed that Vera was nowhere to be seen. Strange, she thought randomly. Is that a metal wall? Where the door to the living room had been, there was now a solid, shiny, and immovable wall that had strange markings engraved in the side of it. "Um, guys?" She called out to the girls, making them stop at the familiar sound that was slightly deeper than usual. They turned and shrieked as they saw Kiana, and Kiana shrieked at the sight of them.
Layla now had pink and purple streaks in her hair, also looking like they were naturally done. Her eyes had changed color slightly, gaining a brighter hue.
Sara's hair was more bushy and voluminous than ever, and she appeared to have a slightly sharper nose and pair of eyes, which were now a golden color. Kiana noticed with a shiver that when she shrieked, it revealed her now much sharper looking and slightly longer canines.
Delaney, who's pale arms had once been clear of images, were now covered with strange symbols marked in black ink. She also appeared more fit.
Lauren had once had mousey brown, almost blonde hair. It was all now a light shade of purple, along with her eyes. Her features had changed too to end up looking more anime-ish.
Jamie, who had once had a wafer like and skinny body, was now more muscular and filled out. Her eyes had gained a darker hue, and her hair was shorter and a rich brown color.
All of them had had growth spurts, and their clothes were now WAY too small for them. "Guys," Delaney whimpered. "What the heck just happened?!" She shifted from one foot to another, uncomfortable in her tiny pajamas. "I have absolutely NO freaking idea..." Sara muttered. "But, dude, we have changed a LOT. But, not necessarily in a bad way..." She trailed off, turning round and around slowly, adjusting to the new height. The girls tiptoed across the room multiple times, falling almost as many. This new vantage point was so confusing!
Suddenly, a loud hissing noise blasted from the strange metal wall. The girls jumped at the sound, but Kiana approached it bravely. "Hello?" She called out loudly to the object. The metal gave an ominous rumbling sound, and the girls shrieked and jumped back as it split in half, like an egg, to reveal Vera curled up inside of its hollow interior, still snoring. Kiana let out a whistle as she examined the object while pulling Vera out of it. It was most certainly a giant, metal egg!
Vera yawned once, twice, before opening her eyes blearily and rubbing them, glancing at the astonished girls. She stood up and stretched, towering over all of the others due to her growth, unaware that the changed girls were all surrounding her. "Hey, guys, what's up—ACK!" Vera yelped as she did a double take, staring at all of the girls. "What the frag happened to ya guys, man?!" Kiana laughed weakly at her friend's behavior. "Vera, we weren't the only ones. Look at yourself."
Vera yawned again before padding over the giant mirror that hung on a part of the bedroom wall. She stared at her reflection, before breaking the tense silence by yelling out, "Man, we got hot!"
The silence was broken by the girls' laughter, Kiana chuckling. All at once, the laughter stopped as Vera turned around for the first time, examining her muscled arms. The girls gasped.
On the one girl's back were two enormous, dark purple angel wings.
Vera turned around, still laughing, but she stopped as soon as she saw the girls' expressions. "What?" She asked, confused. Kiana, gaping, simply pointed at her back. Vera furrowed her eyebrows before gasping as she finally registered the new weight on her upper back. She ran back to the mirror only to lift her wings hesitantly in front of it. "Oh, wow." She whispered. Weakly, she turned to the group, her wings spreading unconsciously.
"Guys, we really got ourselves into some deep slag, here." Vera quietly told them, before she swayed and fell over, hitting the pillow covered ground with a hump as she fainted.
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