A/N - Hey Lovelies! We're getting close to the thick of it now - but there's still more to come! I hope you're still enjoying and keeping with the story. Unfortunately, as we all know, nothing is ever easy, so there's still some heartache to come! Please let me know what you think - and as always don't forget to vote and send your reactions!! Enjoy!!
Rey sat in a chair in Amala's room and let the attendant fuss over her. Her name was Jaeru, and she was chatting non-stop at Rey while she readied her for the dinner party. She still couldn't believe that she was going to a dinner party! When Amala had approached her yesterday and told her that she wanted to host a dinner in her honour before she went back to the Resistance Base, Rey had abjectly refused. She had never been to something as formal as that before, and the thought of it had made her very nervous. But Amala had persuaded her, explaining how fitting it would be, since the Generals she had rescued had never really had a chance to thank her properly. Amala had also let her know that she could invite any others that she would like to attend.
Rey laughed as she remembered her first words after agreeing. "Um, not Hux."
Amala had also laughed and whispered. "I don't think anyone would ever invite him to this type of a party. He has a giant stick up his ass. Makes it hard for him to sit still and behave for more than a few minutes." They had both laughed uproariously at that.
Rey had insisted that both Lieutenants Tiga and Munro also be invited, in addition to Peavey and Needa, as well as General Pride. She also wanted the Stormtrooper Delta to be invited, with a guest. Amala had initially been taken aback at Rey's request for Delta, and had gently told her that Stormtroopers generally didn't socialize with Officers. Sensing Rey's disappointment however, she thought about it a bit more, shrugged and told her with a smile. "Why not? Things in the First Order are changing, so why not this too?"
Once the guest list was settled, they had needed to decide on what Rey would wear. Amala suggested that Rey drop by her quarters once she was off duty, and they could browse through some dress designs on her holopad. It had ended up being a fun evening, with the two of them comfortably curled up on the sofa, glasses of fruity wine in hand, browsing through literally hundreds of dresses. At the beginning, Rey didn't even know where to start. She told her new friend that she had grown up with literally nothing, and had no clue what style of dress would suit her lithe frame. Amala had just smiled, and said, "Trust me, we'll find one and it'll be beautiful."
They had started with basic shapes, and then eliminated, finally settling on one with a clingy, halter shaped top and a long flowing skirt. Rey had always been partial to grey or white, but Amala suggested that she go with something different – maybe a blue or a red tone. She didn't feel comfortable with red, feeling that it would be too bright and she'd stand out too much, so instead decided on a royal blue. Amala assured her that it would be stunning, and also ordered a long, sparkling crystal necklace set in a silvery metal.
Now, as she sat and watched her reflection in the mirror as Jaeru applied some light make-up, she didn't recognize herself. Her hair had been curled, and was pulled up away from her face and onto the top of her head, flowing down in a cascade. The dress had arrived earlier today and Rey could only stare at it in wonder when she had first opened the box. Seeing it on herself, she was overwhelmed at how beautiful and feminine she felt wearing it, as well as the necklace that Amala had insisted upon. The make up Jaeru had used highlighted her eyes and lips, and there was a light sheen of sparkly colour on her cheekbones that made them glow. A pair of matching shoes had also arrived with the dress, and added at least 2 inches to her height. She'd still be several inches shorter than Ben though.
She was nervous at how Ben would react at seeing her like this. Was she too fake in these fancy clothes, hair and make up? After all, she was just simple Rey from Jakku. All of these things really didn't seem like her, and maybe he wouldn't like her looking like this? Sighing, she decided it was too late now. They'd be leaving for the dining room shortly, and Ben would meet them there.
Just then, Amala walked in, herself dressed in a long, metallic silver dress that hugged her body. Rey's eyes widened. "Wow! You look so beautiful! That dress is perfect for you!"
"Thank you Rey. That's so nice of you to say!" Her friend gave her a sincere smile.
"No, really. You look like a Goddess – like you were born to wear that dress! I feel so fake in this. And I wish I was a little more curvy. My breasts are so small...." Rey looked at Amala's fuller chest wistfully.
Amala shook her head. "Nonsense. You are perfectly proportioned for your size. You look absolutely stunning. The Supreme Leader won't be able to keep his eyes – and probably his hands – off of you." She smiled a secret smile. "Its plain for all to see that he's smitten with you, but when he sees you in that dress, well.... we may need to cart him off to the MedBay because he'll probably be overcome."
At that, Rey blushed. "I'm not sure. He's never really seen me dressed in anything but my usual wraps."
Amala smiled yet again, letting out a delighted chuckle. "Oh... then this is definitely going to be fun! Shall we go?" Rey thanked Jaeru profusely, and they headed off to the dining room.
Kylo excitedly waited for Rey in the dining room with the others. He had donned a formal black suit and a white dress shirt for the occasion, and was trying to make small talk with some of the others. It was definitely not one of his strengths, but he was forcing himself to learn.
He had originally been surprised that she'd invited a Stormtrooper and a guest to the dinner. She had mentioned that she'd gotten to know 'Delta' while he'd been in the MedBay, and wanted to thank him for being so diligent in his duties as one of her Stormtrooper escorts. He could feel that there was more to the story though, and eventually pried the incident with Hux out of her. She didn't know that Pride had also told him about the incident in the guest quarters during her first day on board. After that, Pride had let him know that he'd given a number of extra orders to ensure her safety – which is why all of the Stormtroopers who were selected to 'escort' her were under strict orders not to permit Hux to accost her in any way. That was likely the reason why 'Delta' had stood up for her. Most were too afraid of Hux to ever do anything like that.
He shook his head. Rey. She seemed to make friends wherever she went. Her light – her kindness and compassion – her strength and determination - shone through to everyone around her. People were inherently drawn to her. Now even the bloody Stormtroopers were befriending her! He laughed to himself.
Hux. That slimy bastard infuriated him. He suspected that at some point he would have to deal with him, and it wouldn't be pleasant. Sighing to himself he knew that if Hux really crossed the line, he'd eventually have to kill him. Kylo wasn't a fool. If he expelled him from the First Order, Hux would be like a small, biting insect, constantly coming back to take small chunks out of you until you were able to finally squash him. Expulsion would likely not be enough, but he'd cross that bridge if and when he came to it.
At that moment, Kylo's thoughts were interrupted as Rey and General Avanti arrived. His breath stilled in his chest and his mouth went completely dry at the first sight of her. She was simply stunning. The dress accentuated her slim figure, showing off her toned shoulders, and she was wearing some sort of crystal necklace that glittered in the lights. The colour was perfect against her skin, and she positively glowed and sparkled with life. And her hair. It had been curled and done in an intricate style that highlighted her delicate face, and the graceful curve of her neck. He wanted to bury his hands in it, and slowly run his tongue up the beautiful column of her throat....
He stood, rooted to the spot, unable to move a muscle for several long seconds. Finally recovering enough to be able to breathe again, he exhaled heavily and clenched his fists. He was starting to become aroused, and needed to gain a measure of control. She looked so beautiful! He could imagine slowly drawing the thin straps of the dress over her shoulders, teasing her skin with his fingers.....Stop! He told himself, swallowing thickly, and breathing deeply.
He watched, as she greeted those who were located closer to the doors. General Pride politely fawned over her, taking her hand and giving a small bow over it. Kylo smiled. He wondered if she even remotely realized the amount of deference that action carried.
Needa had noticed his reaction, and wandered over to Kylo. "You're a lucky man, Sir."
Kylo looked down for a second, before glancing over at Needa with a slight smirk on his lips. "I am. Very lucky." At that instant, Rey's eyes finally met his across the room, and she blushed, looking away. "Excuse me, Needa. My Lady awaits."
Needa smiled back at him. "Of course Sir."
Kylo walked across the room to Rey. At first he said nothing – incapable of speech upon experiencing her beauty up close. He took her hand and kissed it gently, letting her beauty wash over him. "You look stunning. The room lit up the moment you walked in."
Rey blushed, and her heart sped up as she stepped a little closer to him, a shy smile on her face. "You don't look so bad yourself." Truthfully, when she first caught sight of him, her breath had caught in her throat. His masculinity was mesmerizing to her at the best of times, but attired as he was in the formal suit, he looked.... simply sinful. Gorgeously male. She had heard some women at the base once talking about a few of the pilots, and used the words 'Tall, Dark and Handsome' to describe them. Smiling to herself, she thought, those men had nothing on Ben. With his tall frame, broad shoulders and firm torso, he was the absolute epitome of those words.
She wanted to be closer to him. To touch him. To run her hands up the front of his suit, and feel his hands at her waist. Giving herself a mental shake, she looked up at him as he leaned over to whisper in her ear, his voice deep and seductive. "Your dress is beautiful. I'm going to enjoy looking at you wearing it all night. And I'm going to equally enjoy imagining peeling it off of you later."
Rey's blush went even deeper red, and she tried to inconspicuously fan herself. "Stop that!" She whispered back.
He gave her a devious smirk, and offered her his arm. "I'll try to behave for the rest of the evening. Let's get you a drink."
The remainder of the evening went very well. Rey made an effort to talk to each of those present. Both Needa and Peavey once again expressed their thanks at her assistance in uncovering them from the rubble after the blast on Coruscant, while Rey tried to brush off their thanks as something anyone would do. She also went out of her way to speak to the Stormtrooper known as Delta. She was happy that he had agreed to attend, and that he even brought a female Stormtrooper as a guest. Her designation was BL-1042, but went by "Belle" to her friends. Rey could see why – she was extremely pretty, which seemed a bit incongruous with her job as a Stormtrooper, but nobody knew better than her how deceiving appearances could be. Rey also thought that it was great that many of the troopers seemed to be adopting some form of moniker, rather than just their designation numbers. She wasn't sure if this was happening naturally, or if the Troopers had heard the story of 'Finn' and decided to take on their own names too.
Ben's mouth had thinned into a line when the two troopers were introduced by their nicknames rather than designations, but Rey had spoken to his mind to try to cool his annoyance. If you want to continue changing the First Order, this is another thing that you could – and should – allow and even encourage. She felt his sigh, and smiled at him when he acknowledged them by their 'names' after being introduced. When she smiled up at him, he leaned over and whispered into her ear, grazing it lightly with his lips as he spoke. "You're right Sweetheart."
Shivering, she answered back. "You said you'd behave."
"I am behaving. Do you want me to show you the difference?" He asked teasingly, raising a brow at her. She just shook her head and rolled her eyes.
Tiga and Munro also wandered over to chat, and Rey gave them both a sincere smile. "Gentlemen, how are you doing?" Tiga excitedly proceeded to tell her about his new assignment as the Ensign to the Supreme Leader. As he went on, Kylo noticed that Munro seemed to be in a daze and was staring at Rey in a lovesick, starry eyed sort of way. She immediately felt the stab of jealousy that streaked through him. Speaking to his mind, she told him. Ben, calm down. He's not doing anything wrong.
He's staring at you.
She sighed, trying to break the tension. Yes, but he's not being inappropriate about it.
Tiga eventually noticed the Supreme Leader glaring at Munro, cluing in as to what was going on when he realized his friend was staring adoringly at Rey. Acting quickly, he dragged Munro away under the guise of getting fresh drinks before dinner. If Kylo had the ability to do it in the Force, his annoyed stare would've burned holes in Munro's back as the two Lieutenants departed. Rey rolled her eyes and squeezed Ben's arm. "Behave."
Kylo took a deep breath and bit the inside of his cheek. "I am trying."
Rey leaned up and gently brushed his cheek with her lips. "I know you are." His annoyance forgotten, Kylo reached out and brushed her cheek with his thumb.
They were snapped out of it by General Avanti announcing that dinner was served, and they all took their seats. The dinner conversations were a bit stilted at first, but then gradually everyone started talking about various topics – mostly about the changes to the First Order. Kylo was shocked at how enthusiastic – how positive – everyone seemed at the changes being made. And as the evening wore on, many of the participants had suggestions for how to further implement some of the changes, and even ideas for several new ones. The two Stormtroopers, Delta and Belle, were particularly engaging, as they provided a number of suggestions for enhanced training, as well as improvements to their living conditions and lifestyle in general. And then there was Rey, smiling and shyly laughing with them all during the conversations, tentatively giving her opinion on things, and bringing up some new ideas of her own for future First Order improvements.
Kylo decided that he had much to think about, and was glad that several other generals were present during the conversations. If he truly wanted to keep moving the First Order forward, he needed to listen keenly to such ideas, know when to implement them, and to what extent.
The evening was generally a great success, and as they were leaving, everyone – every single one – of those in attendance, told her not to stay away too long, and to come back soon. Before they left, Rey gave Amala a big hug, and thanked her for the little party, telling her how much she enjoyed it. "It was my pleasure Rey. I'll miss you while you're away – so please come back soon. If you want, you can message me on my holopad if you'd like to chat!"
"I think I'd like that – I'll definitely get in touch to say hi."
With that, Kylo gave a brief nod to the general as well. "Thank you General. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Yes Sir. You're welcome Sir. It was my pleasure to do it for Lady Rey." She gave him a small smile as they turned and walked out the door. I wonder if he knows how head over heels he is. She said to herself. Tomorrow will definitely be interesting once she departs....
They walked hand in hand back to Kylo's quarters. Rey had had a couple of glasses of alcoholic drinks, and she felt happy and very mellow. "I really enjoyed tonight." She told him quietly. "I've never done anything like this in my life, and it was a lot of fun!" She looked up at Ben and smiled.
"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself Sweetheart." He paused, before hesitantly continuing. "You know, we can do things like this as often as you like."
She nudged herself closer to him. "Are you trying to convince me to stay again?"
"No. I don't want you leave, but I know you need to go back to the Base. Like you said, they're your family, and as much as it pains me to say it, I would never keep you away from them."
Her heart practically burst at hearing him say that. How far he – both of them – had come from the beginning, when he wanted her to join him and forsake the Resistance. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she snuggled closer to him, which made it difficult to walk. "You know....when Poe was here the other day, I told him something...."
"Yes, I know. You told him you love me." He told her in mock resignation, gazing down at her tenderly, a smile on his face.
"Well, yes. But I told him something else...." He just looked at her quizzically and waited. Her tone was soft and quiet as she looked up at him. "I told him that although I would always help them when they needed me, and that I'd be back to visit soon, that it was my intention to spend most of my time here with you."
He stopped dead in his tracks, emotions swirling through him. His breath huffed out of his chest, and then sped up. Did he just hear her correctly? He turned her to face him, squeezed her hands, and said, "Say that again!" disbelief showing plainly on his face.
"I told him that I wanted to spend most of my time here, instead of -." She never got to finish her sentence, as he crushed her to him and smashed his lips to hers, uncaring as to who may be nearby to see them. After a minute, he pulled away and looked at her, elation and awe on his face. "Do you mean it? Are you serious?"
"Yes Ben." She smiled brightly. "Completely serious. I don't want to be away from you – and there isn't a need anymore if the Resistance and First Order finalize their treaty – stay at peace with each other - which I assume they're going to do. So, yes, while I consider them to be my family – you're my family too – my other half – and I want to live with you, and visit them every once in awhile.
He almost couldn't believe it. She was choosing to stay – to live - here with him. Joy was surging through his chest, and he could feel a sheen of moisture in his eyes. "Rey..." He swallowed thickly. "Sweetheart. Thank you. Do you have any idea what this means to me?"
"Of course I know, Ben. It means just as much to me." Her eyes were soft, and her face full of love as she looped her arms around his neck. "And you're telling me more right now through the bond than any words ever could. I love you. I don't want to be apart from you. And while I would like a real home someday, we can figure that out eventually. But for right now, I can see myself living here, with you."
He leaned down to kiss her fiercely one more time before swinging her up into his arms. "Ben! Wait! Stop! What are you doing? Put me down!"
"Sorry Sweetheart – I simply can't wait any longer to get you back to our quarters." He began walking through the corridors, carrying her in his arms, leaning down to kiss her every so often. They were already in the corridor that led to his suite, so there were no staff around to see the spectacle that was the Supreme Leader carrying her to his rooms.
"Did you just say our quarters?" She asked on a laugh.
"I did." He said, kissing her again, just as they reached the door to the suite. The Stormtroopers guarding the entrance snapped to attention, but he didn't even acknowledge them, just walked right by as the doors opened, too intent on Rey and the storm of emotions for her still raging through him. He used the Force to close and lock the door, and set her down gently on her feet.
He felt off balance, desperate to show her what he was feeling, yet too afraid of losing control. Taking a step back, he gazed at her for a few seconds, breathing heavily, then closed his eyes and clenched his fists to try to gain some semblance of control.
She stood and watched him for a moment, feeling his tremulous emotions ripple through him via the bond. He was definitely happy – elated, joyful even – but he was also overcome by abject relief at her decision, and was perilously close to breaking down. Leaning up, she placed a hand on his cheek. She could see his bottom lip start to tremble and his eyes opened as a soft huff escaped him. "Ben." She whispered, feeling him nuzzle her hand, as she leaned up to kiss him. Slowly. Deeply.
She felt him shudder – a bone deep tremor that went through his entire body – and then calm down enough to embrace her tightly. Breaking the kiss, he dropped his head into the crook of her neck and sighed as she carded her fingers through his hair. They stayed that way for several minutes, just enjoying the serenity of one another, and the feelings coursing between them.
Eventually, he raised his head and gazed down at her adoringly while softly stroking her cheek. "I......" His throat tightened up once again, and she could see the frustration in his eyes. "I...."
"Its okay Ben, we've been through this –"
"No!" He growled shaking his head, starting to lose his temper with himself. "No! You've given me everything! You deserve at least this much. You can't tell me that you don't want to hear it!"
"Ben, really. Its not an issue to me – you're making it one to you. When you're ready, you'll say it. But saying the words doesn't change anything. You tell me every time you open the bond." Her voice was soothing, trying to further calm him.
"I feel so stupid! I love you, dammit! Why can't I just say it??!!" The expression on his face was almost comical as he realized what had just popped out.
Rey burst out laughing, her eyes glassing over, happy not just for herself, but for him too – that he'd finally, if not unintentionally – gotten past his fear of saying the words. "I believe you just did." She said, still chuckling. "See, you made it a big deal in your head. But its really not – silly man." Winding her arms around his neck again, she gave him a laughing kiss.
He gave her a small shake to try to get her to stop laughing, and broke the kiss, leaning his forehead on hers, sighing. "Fine. I'll admit that I've been somewhat stupid about this. But I am glad I was finally able to say it. Even if it was on a curse." He said sheepishly, and she giggled again. Turning serious, he looked down at her still amused face and placed his hand on her cheek. "I...I do love you Rey." He sighed again, happy that the words came out easily this time. "With everything in me. With all that I am, and all that I hope to be. For the rest of my life."
Her breath caught as her eyes welled with tears. She couldn't help feeling the importance of this moment between them. A somewhat unintentional pledge to one another. As if yet another puzzle piece was falling into place. She placed her hand over his and nodded. "For the rest of my life. I am yours and you are mine."
She could hear his sharp inhale at her repeated vow, and he leaned over and kissed her once again. It was tender, full of love, and full of promise for the future. Soon, the kiss began to deepen, and he broke it, kissing across her jaw and down her neck. She could feel his fingers at the strap of her dress, resting at the top of her collarbone, as he slowly began to ease it over her shoulder. His lips followed the same path as the strap, as he slowly peeled her out of the dress, just as he'd promised.
It was a night neither of them would ever forget.
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