Chapter 36 - An Unexpected Visitor
A/N - Hi my Reylo Lovelies! We're getting deeper into the story.... and I hope you're still enjoying it. I have more plans for this one, so thank you for staying with me! Please vote and send me your comments and reactions - I really enjoy reading them all! Enjoy!!
The doctors decreed that Rey needed to spend the night in MedBay. She kept insisting that she was fine, but Kylo put his foot down. If the doctors wanted her to stay – she'd stay. Resigned to her fate for the night, Rey grudgingly gave in, but saw no reason for Ben to spend an uncomfortable night in a chair. Given his massive size, it would be even worse for him than it was for her. Glancing over at him, she told him. "You look exhausted. And I really am fine, so why don't you head back to the room and get a decent sleep? You can come back and spring me from here tomorrow morning."
He looked shocked that she would even suggest such a thing. Shaking his head he replied. "I am not going anywhere. Today's events scared me half to death – and I am not yet recovered. I wouldn't be able to sleep anyways. So, before you continue to argue, let me repeat it. I am not going anywhere."
She sighed. "Why are you being so stubborn? The pain meds are going to make me sleepy – so I'll probably be knocked out the whole night. There's no point in you being uncomfortable."
Looking down at her, he smirked. "You're calling me stubborn? Sweetheart, you invented the word." Shaking his head, he continued. "Did you leave me when I was in here? If I remember correctly, you spent 4 or 5 nights in this chair – even when it was clear I was going to be fine."
Her face coloured and her eyes flicked away from his briefly. She could feel him moving closer, and when she glanced up, realized that he was leaning over her for a kiss. Before he touched his lips to hers, he whispered. "Besides, I like watching you sleep."
When he finally kissed her, it felt like her heart was going to melt in her chest. She could feel all of his emotions flow through to her. What she felt most was an overwhelming sense of shaky relief and protectiveness – and underneath it all, that constant thrum that she knew was his love for her. She wasn't even sure if he knew, or even recognized that it was love.
In so many ways he still felt undeserving of her – and that was why he just couldn't say it. She knew – just knew – that deep down, he still believed himself to be a monster, and because of it wouldn't dare admit he loved her. Well out loud at least, but she wasn't even sure if he had admitted it to himself. It would be like crossing some sort of imaginary line he'd drawn, and he simply had too much honor for that. But it didn't matter to her – one day she'd make him see, or he'd eventually figure it out on his own. The fact that he was willing to kiss her here – with the nurses nearby, already showed how much progress he had made.
When he pulled away from their soft kiss, she looked at him languidly, her sleepy eyes full of contentment. He swallowed thickly, his heart suddenly pounding at what he saw in her eyes. If they were back in his quarters, he'd slowly undress her and make love to her so tenderly that she'd be boneless – a mass of quivering jelly – by the time he was done. Not realizing that he had let that slip through to her, she pulled him back down for another soft kiss. "Tomorrow." She whispered. "I love you."
He leaned his forehead onto hers and sucked in a deep breath to control his emotions and his body, trying to break the spell she had unwittingly cast upon him. "Tomorrow." He stoked her cheek and kissed her one last time, before leaning back. "Now, go to sleep – you need to rest." She smiled back and nodded before reaching her hand out to entwine her fingers through his, and closing her eyes. He kissed her knuckles and sat down in the chair, holding her hand for the rest of the night.
The next day, Rey was comfortably ensconced back in Ben's room, while he literally drove her crazy, hovering over her. He had barely let her walk back to his quarters, but she told him that under no circumstances was she going to be returned in a hover-chair! She was only a little weak from blood loss, not incapacitated!
Once in the room, he insisted that she rest in bed – as per the doctor's orders. She didn't correct him. The doctors did want her to rest for the day, but didn't specify that it had to be in bed. She would've preferred to rest on the sofa, but it was easier to comply than argue.
At first she found it amusing – the way he hovered over her. Was she comfortable? Did she need any pain meds? Was she thirsty? Hungry? Bored? After about an hour she had had enough.
"Ben! I am fine. Yes, I need a little rest, but I'm not going to get any with you hovering over me!" Taking a deep breath, she went on. "Now, I'm going to have a shower, and I want you – Supreme Leader - to please go back to your duties."
Kylo just stood there, mouth agape, and stared. "Rey, I....."
Getting out of the bed, she strode over to him, wrapping her arms around his torso and laying her head on his chest. "Ben, please. I know you're worried about me, but I am fine in here. I promise I will shower, and go right to bed for a nap." She looked up and gave him a soft kiss.
He didn't say anything for a minute, just wrapped his arms around her and propped his cheek on the top of her head. Finally, she heard him sigh. "Okay." Pulling back, he looked into her eyes. "I'm sorry if I've been a bit.....overbearing. Its just -"
"I know. It's fine. I've never felt so pampered – so cared for – in my entire life." She stroked her right hand through his hair and gave him another kiss. "Now go. I'll be waiting for you when you get back."
As he turned to leave she stopped him. "Wait! Did you find out about your Knight? Is she alive?"
His posture stiffened, and she could feel him try to control his anger at her mention of the Knight. "Yes." He told her, tight lipped. "It doesn't matter though, she'll likely be executed for treason before the end of the week."
Rey sighed. "Ben, is that really –"
"Yes! We've already been through this. She tried to kill you. Against orders. Even if there weren't specific orders to leave you and the rest of the Resistance alone, she tried to kill a guest on my ship. It's done Rey. Leave it alone."
Letting out an exasperated breath, she looked at him warily for a minute. "Fine."
He nodded, and stepped back over to her to give her another quick kiss, not wanting to leave her like that. "I'll see you later."
She gave him a tight smile and nodded as he walked out the door.
True to her word, Rey had a relaxing shower to wash the smell of the MedBay off of her, and afterward immediately climbed into the big comfy bed for a nap. Smirking, she decided to forego clothing, hopeful that Ben would return and find her there naked under the covers....
She was awakened a few hours later by the ringing of the holopad that Ben gave her. Groggily, she climbed out of bed – remembering that she was completely naked, and quickly grabbed one Ben's tunics, throwing it on before she answered.
Surprised to see that it was Leia, she immediately knew something was wrong. "Leia! What's happened?" She could see that the woman was visibly upset.
"Rey – I'm so sorry. It's Poe." Leia took a deep breath. "He's on his way to the Finalizer. He's determined to bring you back."
Rey growled in frustration. "That stupid ass!! I told him I was fine. What the hell is he thinking! He's going to get himself hurt – or even killed."
"I know! I tried to reason with him, and thought that I had convinced him – but he snuck off anyways. Rose just came to tell me, and I thought I should let you know."
Rey ran her hand over her face and sighed deeply. "Leia, Ben is going to freak! I need to let him know right away – to try to keep either of them from doing something stupid. Thank you so much for letting me know. I will contact you later – but I will not be returning today with Poe."
Leia smiled back at her sadly. "Okay Rey. I'm sorry.... And – I never thought you would return with him. He's on a fool's errand. I'll talk to you later."
Rey took a deep breath and put her head in her hands for a minute to collect her thoughts. How am I going to keep them from trying to kill each other? Obviously, Poe will face the greater danger, coming into Ben's turf. But if Poe was stupid enough – no deranged enough - to come here to try to wrench her back, then any consequences would be his and his alone. Well, as long as he doesn't end up dead.
She pressed the button on the holopad that Ben told her would go directly to his com-link. He answered almost immediately, concern evident in his voice. "Rey, what is it? Are you okay?"
Her heart warmed at his worry. "I'm fine! Its not what you think... um, are we private?"
"Just a moment." She could hear a muffled shuffling. "Okay, what's going on. Its obviously something urgent."
"Ben, its Poe." Steeling her courage, she went on. "Leia just contacted me. He's on his way to come get me."
"He's WHAAT?!!" She winced at his roar, as well as the feeling of icy rage she could feel flowing through the bond.
Quickly, she responded. "He's doing this on his own! He's not authorized. But Ben, please, don't kill him."
Silence was all that she could hear. Hoping to reassure him, she said. "I won't be going with him Ben."
His relief was palpable. "I will try Rey, but I can't guarantee it. If he does something stupid..."
"I know." She took another breath. "I should be there when he arrives. That may help."
"No. You're still recovering."
"Ben – you have to be reasonable about this! He is coming because he believes I am somehow being held against my will. I need to be there to show him that I'm not being restrained, and that I am not in some sort of stupor. Otherwise he will do something stupid, and he likely will die!"
She could feel his growl. "Fine. Do you know when he will arrive?"
"I... I'm not sure...." She stammered.
He exhaled deeply. "I need to let General Pride and the command deck know to expect a resistance shuttle to arrive shortly – and to allow it to dock rather than blasting it out of space. I will be there in 10 minutes to get you."
"Thank you, Ben." Again, she was met with silence, before hearing the link click off.
She really didn't need this today.... So much for resting.
Rey and Ben were waiting in the docking bay with General Pride and 20 stormtroopers as the small shuttle landed. They watched the ramp lower as Poe sauntered out, hand on his blaster in the holster at his side. His face lit up as soon as he saw her, and he started to make his way toward them. "Rey!" He yelled happily.
"That's far enough, Dameron." Kylo intoned menacingly.
Poe stopped in his tracks and gave Kylo a nasty look, before once again looking toward Rey. "Are you ready?" He asked – anticipation clearly showing on his face.
Rey shook her head, not quite believing how nonchalant he seemed about all of this. "I am not leaving with you Poe. I told you that the other day when we spoke." Her voice was firm, but not harsh, when she told him that.
She could see something flicker across his features, before trying again. "Rey, you've been here long enough. Everyone misses you. It's time to come home." After a few seconds he added. "I am not leaving without you."
At this, she lost her temper. "Really? Says who? You? What's so urgent at the Base that you would risk your life on an unauthorized mission to come and get me – despite my telling you not to?" This time, she let her frustration be heard. "Are you that crazy? Or do you just not understand the word no."
Kylo was proud of her. He knew she was pissed – and was trying to keep him from getting hurt or killed – but she wasn't being gentle. And he was pretty sure her reference to 'not understanding the word no' was directly referring to his stubborn refusal to give up on gaining her affections.
"Rey, you are coming with me if I have to drag you off this ship!"
At his impetuous words, the Stormtroopers that were part of the greeting party automatically raised their weapons at him in unison.
Ben! Rey hissed through the bond. Do not escalate this!
Kylo smiled proudly at their actions, glancing over at Rey with a shrug. He didn't hesitate to respond out loud – wanting to make sure Dameron heard him. "They did that on their own – I swear. They're reacting to a potential threat to you."
Everyone could see Dameron's mouth flatten into a thin line before he cautiously asked. "Rey, may I speak with you privately?"
She could feel Ben was on the verge of denying him, and she quickly placed her hand on his arm. Inhaling deeply, she let it out on a long sigh, and looked over at Ben, speaking quietly. "I'd like to speak with him privately somewhere. I think it will help calm this situation before he gets himself killed. I want to convince him that I have freedom here, and let him know that no matter what happens, I will never be interested in him the way he wants. I'm pretty sure that's the heart of the problem. At this point, there's no other way – but I'm probably going to have to break his heart."
Kylo looked deeply into her eyes before nodding. He glanced up at one of the Stormtroopers. "Take them to the Empire Conference room on deck 11. I want you and three of your comrades to accompany them." He looked up at Poe and made sure he could hear what he said. "If he tries to accost Lady Rey in any way, I want you to shoot him. Understood?"
"Yes, Sir!" Called the Trooper.
Rey rolled her eyes, and placed her hand on Ben's arm. "Thank you. I'll call out to you if I need you, but I'm sure I'll be fine. I'll let you know once he's gone." He nodded at her, gave one last glare at Dameron, and turned to walk away.
Rey walked over to Poe and motioned for him to follow. "Come on."
Poe practically skipped along with her as they followed the Stormtroopers – 2 in front of them and 2 behind. "So... Lady Rey?" He tried to engage her in conversation, but Rey maintained her frustrated silence as they walked. Getting the hint, he remained quiet until they reached the conference room.
Taking one of the chairs, she motioned for Poe to take one too. "Okay Poe. What did you want to talk to me about in private?" Resignation was clearly evident in her tone.
Poe was taken aback at her directness. "What's wrong with you Rey? Why are you acting like this? You don't even look happy to see me!"
"Acting like what Poe? Pissed off at your continued insistence that I return?" She shook her head. "I'm trying to keep you from getting hurt or killed, and you ask why I don't look happy to see you?" Taking a deep breath to control her temper, she continued. "Let me ask you something. Why do you keep insisting that I return – and that it has to be now? Today?"
He sighed. "Rey, we're all worried about you. This isn't like you at all. You don't belong here. We want you to come home."
She looked him directly in the eye. "Then you don't know me at all." Glancing down for a brief second, she looked back at him. "Remember when you guys said I was acting weird after Crait? And then I slowly started to get better?" He nodded, and she continued. "I was acting weird because I felt alone. Isolated. And then I realized how concerned everyone was about me, and I started to keep up a good front when I was with all of you, so you wouldn't worry."
His face fell, and he looked confused. "I don't understand. What are you trying to say?"
"What I'm saying Poe is that I faked it. I was unhappy there. I was lonely. Even amongst all of you – my best friends – my new family. Don't get me wrong, I love you all. But you are not what I need nor what I want. Well, not the only thing I need or want."
Poe was stunned. "But... but..."
Knowing that what she said next would hurt him, she tried to be gentle. "Poe, I am a Force user. That makes me different than the rest of you. I don't fit in – not really. Ben – and let me be clear – the man you see as Kylo Ren is Ben Solo now that Snoke is dead – is like me. We connect on a level that no one else can come close to."
He continued to watch her with wide eyes, saying nothing. "Given that the Resistance is close to a treaty with the First Order, you don't need me anymore. I always felt that I was some sort of Jedi secret weapon for the Resistance anyways."
"Rey, that's not true. We do need you. I... I need you." He swallowed thickly as he gazed directly into her eyes.
She shook her head. "I know that you think you do. But you really don't. As I said, I love all of you – as my family – my brothers and sisters. But its not in the same way that I love Ben, and the way that he loves me."
As she watched, the colour drained from his face. "So its true then? We started hearing rumours...." She nodded. "Finn was right this whole time. He's brainwashed you. Used the Force somehow to make you forget how evil he is, and get you to fall in love with him." His voice began to increase in volume, and he spat out the rest of his words. "The thought of you with that monster makes me sick! I think I'm going to puke!"
Rey's anger spiked as she stood up and placed her hands on the table, leaning forward towards Poe, speaking quietly. "Let me be very clear Poe." She pointed towards the door. "The man on this ship is Ben Solo. I know him better than anyone else in the galaxy – just as he knows me as no one else does. He has not done anything to me! Not brainwashed me, nor used the Force to make me forget the things he has done! I told him the exact same thing as I'll tell you – so listen closely. I will NEVER forget the things that he has done. NEVER!! But he is a different man now – and won't repeat those mistakes. And because of that, I forgive him. But I will always remember – I'll remember Han – and I'll remember the countless other lives he has taken, chasing a misguided, twisted goal."
Ben must have felt her anger, because she could hear his concerned, but stern voice in her mind. Rey, are you okay?
Yes, I'm fine – don't worry. I'm just setting Poe straight on a few things. I'm almost done, okay?
Okay Sweetheart.
Poe noticed that a strange and distant look appeared on Rey's face, and the corners of her mouth suddenly turned up in a small smile – but it was gone by the time she looked back at him. "Poe, I'm sorry if I've hurt you – and any of the others. I know this is hard for all of you to understand. Believe me, it took a long time for me to come to terms with it myself. Rest assured, I will come back – and soon – to see you all. And I will always come to help when you need me. But its my intent to spend most of my time with Ben. I have my freedom, and am not being held here. Most everyone treats me very well – for Resistance Scum, that is." She finished with a smile.
He was silent for several minutes, thinking about everything she had told him. She didn't say anything, giving him whatever time he needed to process it. Finally, he spoke. "There's nothing I can say to change your mind?"
She smiled broadly. "Nope. Sorry."
Poe rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Well, then I guess I should be going."
Rey nodded, and motioned for him to follow her back to the Docking Bay. The Stormtroopers were waiting outside the room to escort them back. He was quiet on the way, and she could see him stealing glances at her, continuing to look at her strangely. She understood that it was a lot to accept. After all, she had just told him that she was in love with the Supreme Leader. Before they exited the lift, she tried to break the silence. "Please say hi to Finn for me, and give Rose and Kaydel a big hug? And Leia too please?"
He was looking down at the ground, still trying to make sense of it all, but glanced at her sideways and nodded. "I will."
Once they got to the bay, she stopped him before he walked up the ramp. "Thank you, Poe. For understanding." Leaning over, she gave him a quick hug. "I'll see you soon – probably in a few days."
He nodded once again, and said. "Of course Rey. See you soon." With that, he turned and walked up the ramp.
Something in the way he said it caused a flicker of unease in her, but she assumed that it was just everything that she had told him. She specifically didn't mention the bond – wanting to keep that private – but maybe she should have. Maybe it would have helped him to better understand. But their connection was something special – something she wanted to keep just between her and Ben.
She watched the ramp go up, as the shuttle's engines fired up and it departed from the Finalizer. Glad that was over, she took a deep breath, and called to Ben through the bond. He's gone now.
He answered back immediately. Good. I'll see you back in my quarters shortly Sweetheart – I won't be much longer.
She smiled. Okay. I'll be waiting..... She waited a beat before adding.....Honey... on a giggle.
She felt his answering laugh as she headed back to his quarters, asking the four Stormtroopers to escort her.
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