2. Fated
The streets were bustling with activity. From down the city, he could see the black flags that were set across all the watch towers in the city. It had been 10 days now since King Oberon had died and the entire kingdom was still in mourning. He'd been a good king yet the gods had never blessed him with a child. That meant his successor was definitely his younger brother, Lord Miraz. Politics didn't interest him but Arthur had a vague idea of how terrible a king Lord Miraz would make.
The man was ruthless. He had ruled as regent during his brother's final days and already his men had spread fear across the heart of the city. Anyone who disrespected Miraz was brutally punished. The taxes had been doubled over night and a new tax had been inflicted upon all the citizens, the household tax. 5 coppers per individual every week.
Arthur and his father were lucky it was just the two of them but he had no doubt as to the effect of this burden on the people. It was punishment. Miraz's ridiculous solution to limit the growth of the population whilst filling up his coffers with the fruits of the people's labour.
The streets were crowded and the stench of the old sewer left a question as to where all this money was going to. He soon found what he was looking for, and after giving the old woman a bronze coin, he had himself a bag full of sprouts. As he manoeuvred his way back home, he came across a large gathering of people. Curiosity getting the best of him, he decided to see what it was that had the people's attention. It was a sort of travelling caravan that was putting on a play, the male actor seemed to be playing the role of king.
"It's a tribute to the king. His life story." A familiar voice said from beside him.
He turned to see her. Her hair was covered in a turquoise head scarf that complemented her eyes whilst she was dressed in a beige dress.
"My.... I mean, Nym, I didn't expect to see you at such a place." He said.
"My, my, I've heard many misconceptions about myself but this is truly a first." She said with a laugh.
"Forgive me, I didn't mean to offend you." He said as he flushed in embarrassment.
"Hardly. You could say I'm a hypocrite. After all I disguise my true self and walk amongst the common folk as someone else." She said with a sad smile.
"Forgive me for asking but, what do you have to hide?" He asked.
For a moment she was quiet as she continued to watch the play.
"This play won't teach me anything I don't already know. Would you mind if I walk you back home?" She asked as she pointed to his package.
"Uhm, not at all." He said.
"Lead the way." She said with a smile.
They slowly made their way.
"People often misunderstand me. I don't blame them really, we high born have been a constant disappointment to our people that they have seized to trust us." She said without turning to face him.
"I was six years old when my Abba passed and so I was named Queen. You would think they would have faith in a child but no, I was privileged spawn of a wicked generation. After my great Abba restoring and maintaining public confidence has been key to the survival of our dynasty.
The only way my people could open up to me was if I was one of them but I could never be one of them could I? In the end I decided to become someone else in order to learn of my people's needs. Those are the sacrifices you make as ruler. Forego your own happiness for the good of your people."
"I'm sorry, that doesn't sound fair." He said sympathetically.
"Don't worry about me." She said.
They came to his home.
"So, uhm, my home..." He began.
Just then, the door opened and his old man stepped out.
"There you are. I was beginning to wonder where... I'm sorry, I didn't know we had a guest." He said.
"Forgive him, Sir. I fear I may have delayed him a little." Nymeria said. "I'm Nym, a friend of Arthur's."
They shook hands.
"A pleasure to meet you, my dear. Please do join us. We are having beef stew and brussel sprouts for supper." He said.
"Thank you. I'd love that." She replied with a smile.
"Arthur, don't just stand there. Hand me those sprouts and show this young lady around will ya? I'll get the table set right away." Henry said as he grabbed the package from him and shooed them on.
Oh great, his father knew it. He understood this was the girl that had been the occupant of his mind all day. How embarrassing.
"Well, uhm, would you like to see it whilst my father works his kitchen magic?" He asked.
"Is it done?" She asked in surprise.
"Almost. we laid it out so the stones can set. It's probably still hot but by the time it cools, it would only need a good polish then its all yours." He replied.
"Lead the way." She said.
They made their way to the work shop and after making sure the door was sealed tightly behind them, he led her to where the sword lay. The steel still had a faint glow to show it was still in the process of cooling. The overall effect was dazzling as it sparkled against the rubies on the swords handle that were set to make it look as if the dragon on the handle was breathing fire.
"Wow, amazing." Nymeria said in awe as she stared at the sword. "Valar had the right idea."
"Valar?" He asked in confusion.
"My great Abba " she said.
"Oh," he said as he made sense of it. "Might I ask? This was meant as a family heirloom, yes?" He asked.
"Something like that." She replied, her eyes not leaving the sword. "He named it El Dracon'a, the dragon's tooth."
"Then why give it away?" He asked.
"According to legend, our ancestors - the ancient Azzari or the Magi as they are often called - created dragons by giving their blood filled with magic to the titan of the sun Helios as tribute. In return, Helios gave breath to the sacred ground upon which this blood was shed. Birthing beasts of fire. The dragons. They became a symbol of the chosen. Helios was the most powerful Titan. Far more powerful than Kronos himself. Even the Olympian gods recognized his magnificent power for they never did challenge him. The dragon became a symbol of power.
Whoever could tame a dragon was proclaimed King. Eventually the Magi seized to exist. Many tried to tame these great beasts but many failed. It is said Helios knew that man would seek to use his gift as a weapon. So the gift was only given to a chosen few. If a person was born with the ability to tame a dragon, it meant the world was in great turmoil and the great Titan had sent a saviour.
Unfortunately, such persons have not been found for a very long time and my great Abba's attempt to make the dragon our right was a prideful and folly act." She said.
"If Oberon's chosen successor be the rightful king of Atlantis, the dragon shall bow to this noble person. If not, it will burn him. That was the belief my great Abba had concerning the sword. He believed the rubies on the sword were infused with the ancient magic of the Magi and hence the sword would glow in the presence of a chosen. Perhaps we could put his theory to the test."
"That's an interesting tale." He said.
"Indeed." She said as their eyes met.
For a moment nothing else existed, only them. That moment soon passed, leaving an awkward silence.
"Will you be there tomorrow? At the great hearing, I mean." She asked as her cheeks turned crimson.
"Oh, that's tomorrow by the way." He began, "I'm not sure if we're going."
"Why not?" She asked.
"I don't think my father wants to go. We got an invitation but still - something seems off." He replied.
"Oh, okay then." She said as she looked away.
Was he imagining things or did she seem a little disappointed. Now that's ridiculous, Arthur chided himself. Why would Queen Nymeria be disappointed at you not going to the grand hearing of king Oberon's will?
"Are you still interested in my father's beef stew and brussel sprouts? He makes a mean stew." He said.
"Absolutely." She said with a wide grin.
He led her back home and arrived just as his father began to serve the meal.
"This is so good. I've never had anything like this before." Nymeria said as she gobbled down her share. "You have to give me your recipe."
"Oh, its nothing special. Just something my sister picked up somewhere and taught me." Henry said.
"Your sister must be one hell of a cook." Nymeria said as she licked the last of the stew off the plate.
"She was." He replied sadly.
"I'm sorry." She said.
"Don't worry about it." Henry said as gave her his best smile.
"It's getting late. I have to head back." She said as she stood. "It was nice seeing you again, Arthur. And it was nice to meet you, sir."
"Oh, the pleasure's mine my dear." Henry said. "Arthur, why don't you accompany her back home. I'll handle the dishes."
They headed out, leaving the old man all alone. They walked in silence for a while.
"Your father seems like a good man." She said.
"He is." He said fondly. "So, what now? What other epic adventure awaits the silver Queen?"
"Unfortunately, nothing much." She replied with a laugh. "This is the most fun I've had in a long time."
"Oh, that must be terrible." He said.
"Not really. The way I see it, I can look back to these few days with fond memories of all my adventures. Of you." She said softly.
He felt a familiar magnetic force draw them together. A force so strong he didn't have the strength or the will to fight it as he stared into her violet eyes and watched in wonder as they stared back at his own hazel ones. Just then, approaching footsteps stole away the moment.
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