13; Family
It's been a couple of days since the whole Lava incident, it was a few days of non-stop flying. We landed down in a forest, Appa resting up, eating any grass or apples that were found before moving down towards the water that we spotted from above for waterbending practice.
"Hey, look a sword made out of a whale's tooth," Aang said, which caught my attention, I slide down beside Sokka. "Let me see that?" He yanked it out from Aang's grasp and looked over it. Telling from the coloring and the fact it was a whale's tooth, it was one of ours.
"That's one of ours," I said, looking over Sokka's shoulder. We were the only people who used animal-based weapons, unlike the Fire Nation or the Earth Kingdom. I had no idea what the Nomads did but they were always peacekeepers than fighters. "If this was here, then there has to be more around."
"Exactly, see if we can find some more." Sokka orders, Aang nods as we split up to look for more Water Tribe weapons in the bushes or any arrows in the tree bark. I search through the bushes but found nothing, moving on down the hill a bit. "Did someone lose something?" Katara asked as she came down.
"No, we found something!" Aang said.
"We found a Whale sword, it has to be one of ours," I said, moving down further and stopped at a tree. There were some singe marks on the bark, and I ran my fingers on it. Just a few days old. Sokka squats down and pushed the leaves away and showed an arrow, burned. "There must've been a fight."
"Right. Water Tribe Warriors ambushed a group of fire benders, the warriors kept pursuing the fire benders down, getting the upper hand, they were pushing them down there." I narrated the actions they took, there were some impressions going down and Sokka moved down, towards the water where the Water Tribe boats were possibly there. "Hakoda must be here!"I said as we follow behind Sokka onto the small beach where there was nothing there. Sokka stopped a few feet ahead of us and I sigh.
"Then what happened?" Aang asked.
"I don't know.." Sokka mutters, " The trail ends here."
"Wait!" Katara shouts, pointing to the side, "Look."
"It's one of our boats!" Sokka gasped, rushing towards it with me following closely behind. "Someone must still be here if the boats here!" I gasped, moving my hand over the wooden boat, it felt familiar. "Is it one of Dad's boats?" Katara asked hopefully.
"No, it's not, but it's from his fleet," I answered with a smile, moving my hand away. " Dad was here."
"What do we do now?" Aang asked as a groan came from behind us. Appa walked over, and laid down, as Momo chitters from within the saddle.
"I say we came here for tonight, see if there's a village or something," I said looking at them, smiling a bit. "We can restock on things, get some rest and maybe see if someone from the fleet is around. Hopefully, the warrior can let us know where Hakoda is, drop-in to see him before heading back on track."
"That doesn't sound like a bad idea," Aang said, Katara nodding as well. "Yeah, it would be nice to see dad."
"That sounds good," Sokka said before helping with the unpacking of the things. Appa moved closer to the boat, better to hide from Zuko in a way. Once the camp was set up, the fire was going and a quick dinner with the apples we found in the forest, everyone was asleep.
Minus Sokka and I, I couldn't sleep and Sokka was on watch. Though, as I leaned my head against Appa's paw, I noticed the look he had on his face. He was deep in thought and his eyebrows were furrowed as he poked at the fire. He must be thinking about Hakoda, it's been almost two years since we saw him, this boat must've brought back memories of his department.
"Why did you stay? Here with me and Katara?" He asked, looking at the fire as he poked at it. "You're a year older than me, old enough to fight but you stayed at home without giving a fight to go with them."
"I stayed because I knew my place was staying at home with you two, " I answered honestly, my eyes peered at him with a small smile on my lips. " Plus, I'm only half good, my eye messes my balance off. I would be good as dead, deadweight."
"..Do you regret not going? Seeing the world before us?" He asked, glancing at me then to the fire.
"I regret not going ice dodging before they left," I chuckled, I always wanted to ice dodge with Hakoda and Bato but they left before I was of age for it. "But, no, I never regret not going. I'm happy that I stayed and took care of you guys. If we could go back in time at that moment, I would do it all again."
Sokka doesn't smile but I could tell his mood was just a bit better, sitting up better. At least he's not upset again..
There was rustling which startled me but stood up, unclicking the whip out of the holster and unravels it. "Who's there?" Sokka called out, alarmed but Boomerang out for his choice of weapon. There was a blurry figure coming towards us, but slowly as they made it towards the fire, it was a man we all grew up knowing. "Bato?"
"Who the what now?" Aang asked, wiping his eyes as he wakes up. Katara doing the same, "Bato?!"
"Sokka, Katara, Mirza," He said, a smile on his face as he opened his arms for a hug. Sokka first, then Katara and Me, huddle, hugging the man, trying not to reach his injured side. " You've all grown so much." He cooed a bit as Aang came from behind us, I pulled back to see the Airbender bowing respectfully, "Hi, I'm Aang."
"Where's dad?"
"Is he here?"
"No, he and the other warriors should be in the eastern Earth Kingdom by now," Bato said, as their faces dropped a bit, the wind coming by making the two siblings shiver and I blew some hair out of my face. It wasn't so bad, but it must've been my fire keeping me warm. "Come on, this isn't a place for a reunion." He said as he began leading us away. I turned to gesture for Aang to follow us with a smile.
Within minutes, we came to a large Abby, Sisters moving around and greeted us with smiles as we entered. "Your father carried me up to the abby, the sisters have cared for me ever since." Bato said as we walked towards an older woman, "Superior, these are Hakoda's children, they've been traveling with the Avatar. I've found them by my boat."
"Young Avatar," She bows a bit, "It gives me great joy to be in your presence. Welcome to our Abby."
"Thank you, it's truly an honor to be here if there's anything-"
"What smells so good, Bato?" Sokka rudely interrupts, I smacked the back of his head and he whines, glaring at me but I glared back. "What?"
"Mirza, don't," Bato warns me and he looked to the large pots in the courtyard, "The sisters' craft ointments and perfumes."
"Perfume?" Sokka said, grinning, pointing his thumb at Appa, "Maybe we can dump some on Appa? Because..he stinks so much? Am I right?"
Nobody laughs and I sigh a bit, " If Appa only knew what you said, he would've crushed you like an apple."
That got a giggle out of Katara.
"You have your father's wit," Bato said, "Come along, let's get you guys out of the open." he leads us to one of the rooms and slides the door open.
"Bato! It looks like home!" Katara gasped, amazed at the whole Water Tribe feel, walking in with Sokka with a beaming expression.
"It feels like home," I admitted as I walked in, looking over at the fur and the traditional hats on the walls. I felt over the traditional wedding hat that was on the wall, "You even brought the pelts."Sokka said, moving onto the ground and felt over it with a smile.
"Come on, gather around, dinner is cooking," Bato said, moving towards the spot as Katara lifted the pot's lid and the smell came through. My stomach growls but I refused to sit down, I kept standing up and a bit away from the pot. "No way, stewed sea prunes." Katara sighs, smiling at the food.
"Help yourself," Bato said, gesturing them to take a bowl, "Mirza, there's a bag of Jerky inside it, I know you don't eat the soup anymore. The bag is hanging by the door." Without a question, I walked towards the bag, picking it up, opening it, and began eating the seal-jerky inside it, humming as I sat a bit back from the group, eating the jerky. I almost moaned at the taste, stuffing the meat in my mouth with a groan.
"Bato is it true that you and dad lassoed an Artic Hippo?" Katara asked.
"It was your father's idea, he just dragged me along," Bato said, smiling a bit, "Well the Hippo did the dragging." Katara and Sokka began to savor the soup in their hands, sipping it.
"Hey, I ride animals too, one time there was giant eel-" Aang tried to explain his own story but Sokka cuts him off again. "So, who was it that came up with the great blubber phasco?"
"You know about that?" Bato asked, chuckling a bit.
"Everyone does!" Katara giggled, I chuckled a bit before biting down on the jerky. It was a big mess and everything was sticky with blubber remains for a week.
"What's that story?" Aang asked curiously. "Well, when Bato and Hadoka were kids, they-"I began but Sokka interrupts me. "It's a long one, some other time Aang." I glared at Sokka a bit, wanting to kick his head but chewed on the jerky in silence.
"You and dad had so many hilarious adventures," Katara said, smiling. "Not all of which were hilarious at the time. But, everything is funny with hindsight." He chuckled before glancing at Aang. "Aang, please put that down, it's ceremonial and very fragile." I glanced and chuckled to see Aang in a wedding dancer hat, for dancing at weddings. Aang slowly hangs it before slumping a bit, leaving the hut. He must've felt left out? Hm, maybe I should share some stories with him when we're in the sky again. Let him know about our culture and such?
Sokka kept asking about stories they heard from me and Gran Gran, and my thoughts wandered around. About home, about Hadoka being okay, but went back and forth with Zuko. I wonder if he's hot on our trail? He usually is but he has yet to make an appearance in a while.
"There's something I should tell you, kids, I'm expecting a message from your father," Bato said, and I perked up, looking at him with wide eyes.
"Really?" Katara gasped, "When?" Sokka asked right after.
"Any day now. Your father said he'd send a message when they found the rendezvous point. If you wait until the message arrives, you can come with me, and see your father again." Bato explained, looking at the two siblings. I was happy that we could see Hakoda again, and just be a happy family again. I just wanted to see him if he was alright and ask him questions about my mother.
"It's been over two years since we've seen Dad. That would be so incredible! Katara! Mirza!" Sokka grins.
"I do really miss him, it would be great to see Dad," Katara added with a smile. I see Aang leave the tent but the others didn't notice.
"It would be nice to see Hakoda but I don't know about you two, but I think I should stick with Aang." I said, looking at the two. "Or at least take him to the North Pole first before seeing Hadoka again."
"Yeah, that's the most important thing at the moment, taking Aang to the North Pole." Sokka agreed. "Even if we do have time to wait for the message, who knows how far we'd have to travel. We don't have time for a long detour." Katara admitted, a bit of longing in her words but she meant them.
"I'm sure your father would understand, and be proud that his children are helping the Avatar," Bato said, giving a smile at them. "Now Mirza, have you find any women on your travels, you're getting at that age to pay attention to women-"
"Oh, Mirza likes guys-" Sokka began but I slammed a piece of tiger seal jerky in his mouth to stop him.
"Oh? Hm, then any men-" Bato began but the door opens and in walked in Aang with a fake but wide smile.
"Hey everyone! Sorry I was gone so long." Aang said.
"Hey Aang, I didn't notice you left." Katara said with a smile, "Yep, but now I'm back and Sure could go for some delicious sea prunes!" Aang nearly sits on me but takes a lukewarm bowl of sea prunes, making a face as he ate.
He did something but I couldn't tell what, just yet.
"We should all go to sleep, we have some catching up in the morning," Bato said, yawning as I nodded in agreement. There are questions I have about what Aang did or not did.
The next morning, Aang kept acting tense every time someone walked beside him or called his name out. His movements became frantic, almost tense, if you were to push him, he would break type. His hazel eyes glancing around nervously, I've caught on quickly but everyone else hasn't just yet. Once breakfast was served, Bato, Sokka, and Katara were talking about old memories as I stepped outside the hut. I turn my head to see Aang dropping a piece of crumpled paper. Before he could pick it up, a Sister picked up and scolded the Avatar for littering. Once she walked away, he tried to hide it but I quickly snatched his arm and stopped him. He tried to wiggle out of my grasp but I yanked the paper.
"No! Wait don't-" He started as I opened it, smoothing it out before looking over the map, a trail that would lead to Hakoda's camp with the other warriors. "I wanted to show you guys but.."
"But what Aang?" I asked, keeping my voice leveled despite wanting to yell at the Air bender, I turn to look at him and saw his lips pucker a bit and eyes getting misty. Like he was about to cry.
"I didn't want you guys to leave me...I was gonna give it to you guys.." He whispered, sniffing a bit, rubbing his eye with his sleeve. " I don't want you guys to go just yet...or ever.."
"Aang," I sighed, moving my hand to rub any stray tears, " We aren't going anywhere, I can assure you. We can tell them once breakfast is over, okay? But don't try to hide anything else, ya knucklehead." I said, rubbing his head affectionately, " Just keep it on you." He takes the map, folding it back under his clothes for safekeeping.
"Mirza! Aang!" Sokka called over to us, waving his hand in the air. "Bato is going to visit the beach for some extra supplies on the ship."
"Better late than never, we can explain there," I said as Aang gave a nervous nod in agreement.
"This ship is sentimental to me, it was built by my father," Bato said, rubbing his hand over the boat with a fond smile. I stood beside him, admiring the boat. I loved the water tribe aesthetic, it fit us with the animal furs, their bones, and how it matched the moon's aesthetic. It was just perfect for the water tribe. I didn't really like Zuko's ship, everything metal, cold and unfeeling. It could get really cold at night too, well for people who probably didn't have fire running in their veins.
I was happy with the kitchen at least, everything always warm and cooked. The food was always cold on the ships.
"Is this the boat he took you ice-dodging in?" Sokka asked, looking over the boat too.
"Yep, it's got the scar to prove it." Bato agreed, smiling at the older teen, his eyes drifted between the two of us. " Heh, How about you Sokka? Mirza? You two must have some good stories about your first times."
"Sokka never got to go, and dad didn't have enough time to teach Mirza," Katara said, my lips pulling into a frown that matched Sokka's. Hakoda taught me so many things within a week, before they were going to leave, things for survival, and how to help the village. We didn't have enough time for my own right of passage. Sokka was still a few years younger and unable to do it either. "Dad left before they were old enough."
"I would've taught him but I don't really know how to do it," I said with a sigh.
"I forgot, you two were young." He said with a sigh.
"What's ice-dodging?" Aang asked.
"It's a right of passage for young water tribe members when you turn fourteen, your dad takes you-" His eyes lit up, Bato placed his hand on Sokka's shoulders, giving them a squeeze, " You know what? You're about to find out." I moved back a bit, nudging Aang a bit.
"I'll tell them after this, now come on," Aang said, helping Katara slowly raise the water up a bit for the boat to move off the land and into the water. I sigh a bit before hurried after the others as they climbed onto the boat. My balance was a bit off but I held the pole of the boat as we get further into the water.
"Ice dodging is a ceremonial test of wisdom, bravery, loyalty, and trust, In our village, ice dodging was done by weaving a boat through a field of icebergs," Bato explained as he steers the boat more into the water, moving a bit around the beach. "How are we suppose to Ice-dodge without any ice?" Sokka questioned, looking at Bato.
" You'll be dodging those." He said, pointing ahead, though they were a bit blurry since they were far. I narrowed my eyes but it turns out, we were dodging rocks, very sharp rocks.
" Sokka, you steer and call the shots, lead wisely. Katara, you secure the mainsail." Bato commands and they move to do what he said, "The winds can be brutal, so be brave. Aang, you control the jib. Without your steady hand, we all go down. Your position is about trust. Mirza, you stay on guard and listen to everything Sokka says, you're the extra hand."
"I know that. Why wouldn't I know that? I'm the Avatar; I know about trust. " Aang said defensively, crossing his arms a bit. Yeah, way to be less suspicious than you already are.
"For this is to be done right, I cannot help." Bato sits in the front, staring at us, "You pass or fail on your own."
As Sokka gave orders, the waves started to become rougher and heavy against the boat, splashing water inside as well, hitting our faces. We tried to dodge the incoming rocks but the water was just getting stronger and stronger. " Mirza, help me pull the Steer!" Sokka orders and I hurried over, almost slipping before pushing the steering towards him as he wanted and then back towards me when a Rock nearly hit us.
"Great job!" Sokka said, everyone, grinning until an even larger rock was crowding us from afar. We were going to die.
"Aang, I'm gonna need air in that sail, Katara, I want you to bend as much water as you can between us and those rocks, Mirza, help me steady the damn Steering. NOW!" Everyone moved into their places. Aang sending arches of air into the sail and Katara bending the water, moving her hands up and the water began to lift us. I kept the steering straight and eyes ahead as we make it over the rocks, no scratches or casualties.
Once we hit land, Bato lines us up with the traditional paint for the symbols we earned.
"The spirits of water bear witness to these marks. For Sokka, the Mark of the Wise." Bato paints a dot and an arch on Sokka's forehead, earning a smile from the teen. "For Katara, the Mark of the Brave. Your courage inspires us." Bato paints an arch on her forehead as she beams happily and proudly. " For Mirza, the mark of the Loyal. Your Loyalty will inspire generations to come." I can feel him putting the mark on, a line and two dots on each side. "And for Aang, the Mark of the Trusted. You are now an honorary member of the Water Tribe." Bato finishes with the Avatar, getting his own mark, one clean arch on his forehead.
"I can't..." Aang confessed, rubbing the mark away.
"Of course you can!" Katara said but he backs up, shaking his head. "No, you can't."
"Aang, what are you talking about?" Katara asked, concerned.
"Aang.." I tried to warn , this was not the best way to tell them, they would get angry, pissed at him.
"A messenger gave this to me for Bato." Aang hands over the paper and Katara unwraps it, gasping when she noticed what it was. Sokka looked it over, almost snatching it away from his sister. "You have to understand. I was afraid you would-"
"This is the map to our father! You had it the whole time? How could you? Mirza!" He turns towards me, eyes narrowed, " and you knew?!"
"I told him to tell you when we got here, then we went Ice-dodging and-"
"No! You always pick people over us! All the time, like with Zuko and now you're taking a side of a kid you knew for some months?!" Sokka exclaimed, his fist clenched and he glared at me harder. "You need to know who's the side you're on, and who you're actually loyal to!" his focus went to Aang, "Well, you can go to the North Pole on your own. I'm going to find Dad."
"Well, Sokka. I think you should-" Bato tried but Sokka ignored the man. "Katara, are you with, me?"
Katara looked concerned and lost for a moment, her eyes closing, "I'm with you Sokka." She agreed before following after her brother. They began walking back and I bow my head a bit, looking at the sand.
"...I'm sticking with you, Aang, I hope you know that..." I whispered, feeling that my heart was ripped out and spat on.
"I know, we should pack up.." Aang whispered, grasping my warm hand in his cold ones, walking back to the compound quickly and quietly.
I've always been on my Water Tribe side, I could never imagine myself as a Fire Nation citizen, not at all. I couldn't bare the thought of thinking I was better than someone else because of an element, no, my element is feared, hated. Something that should've been wiped out along instead of the air nomads.
Once we got there, they were packing up, moving towards the gate as Aang and I moved to Appa, lifting ourselves up into the saddle and Aang on Appa's head. I watched them pack up, not sparing us a glance even as they walked. Katara on the other hand walked to us, eyes staring at us, in a sad way like a kicked puppy would.
"Good Luck," She said.
"You too." We replied before she too moved away with Bato and Sokka. They soon began their journey out of the compound and a Sister stared at us expectingly, "Guess we should be moving on too." Aang answered her wordless question.
"That would be best." She agreed. Appa began moving when Aang yanked on the reigns, leaving out the same entrance and their figures were a couple of feet away. "I'm such an idiot, I should've listened to you, Mirza." He sighs before Appa started moving again.
"It's not your fault, I should've taken the blame, they wouldn't be as angry," I said, they would but they would still be with us on the saddle. " Noth pole now?" I asked, looking at him.
"Yup, have to find me a water bending teacher, then an earth bending teacher then find us both a fire bending teacher." He said, sighing as we make it to the beach. "I'm gonna miss them."
"Me too," I whispered, rubbing the tear coming down my cheek. It felt like being taken again.
"Avatar!" A sister gasped, running towards us, "You must leave!"
"Rude!" I called out, looking at her.
"A group of people came by the Abbey, looking for you." She explained.
"who?" Aang asked worriedly.
"A fierce-looking woman with a horrible monster, and a young man with a scar." She explained and I looked at her wide-eyed. "Zuko!"
"The beast was using the scent of a necklace to follow you." She added, looking at the Abbey behind her.
"Necklace?" Aang muttered, "But he would've come here for you." Aang said looking at me, I looked at myself before noticing my bag by the end of the saddle, coming closer, giving the sniff test, I held my nose.
"Sokka left his everything here, he must've grabbed my bag by mistake," I said, waving my hand around the area, to get Sokka's BO away from my face. " Come on, I want to get my necklace back."
"Alright," Aang replied, "Appa, come on." Appa began moving towards the Abbey, as we got closer, we could hear growls within. It came back it seemed, probably with Katara and Sokka. "I'll take through the air, you stay with Appa!" Without question, Aang got into the air with his glider. I sat on Appa's head, gently petting his head as we slowly came through the gate. We see a large animal with a woman on it, heading full speed at Aang.
"Appa! Yip-Yip!" I ordered and without a groan, Appa pushed forwards, smashing his body against the other animal. I held the reigns and looked towards the situation. As predicted, Katara and Sokka laid on the ground, Zuko there as well but he picked himself up, blowing smoke from his nose before heading towards Aang. His fist burning fire, an ugly glare on his face. Zuko makes the first move, then Aang, both giving blows of fire and air to each other.
The woman gets up after Iroh pats her cheek a bit, she looked angry as she whipped her animal. It gets up with a growl, once she was on him they began heading towards Appa and me.
"Appa, Jump!" He did, flying in the air for a moment but the other animal snapped its tongue at us, I didn't know what it hit on Appa but it made him go down roughly. I gasped, rubbing his head a bit. " Come on Appa, come on." I chanted a bit and the air bison gets up, a bit shakingly. I looked to the woman and glared, " I'm gonna whip your damn smirk off your face." I hissed.
"Try me, Mr.Grumpy's boyfriend." She taunted, whipping her animal to go forwards. Once it did, Appa did too without command, and thanks to Appa's bigger shape, it caused the woman to flip behind us. I watched her, and wince when she whipped Appa. I didn't feel bad too long because Appa turns to smash her but she moved out of the way quickly. She got back on her animal but her gaze switched.
I followed and saw it was locked onto Aang, " Appa, attack!" He groans just as the animal she had, almost caught Aang. It goes on the roof of the Abbey, chasing Aang, about to pass us when Appa turns and used his tail to send air at the woman. Aang tried losing it in the water they had, coming up on the other side but it was getting closer. He missed but tries it again, trying to hit the animal. The animal she had, hissed staying a couple of feet away until Zuko was getting closer to Aang, the bison growls, hurrying towards Zuko.
"Appa, don't eat him!" I panicked, not wanting the bison to eat him. Zuko moved back and the other animal's tongue lashed out at Appa's face, Appa groans and tried back up but he was off-balance, he kept standing but the animal kept whipping its tongue out. "Hey, stop it!" I ordered before Appa goes down for the count. I clenched my fist, sending a warning arch at the other animal. It jumps back, obviously scared.
"Besides the eyes, no wonder you two would make a lovely couple." The woman mocks before sending her whip towards Appa. Or what I thought she was doing, I looked up a second and felt pain radiate on my cheek, just below my blind eye, I screamed. I covered it quickly, just as Appa falls over and I landed on the ground. "Ah! Spirits, it hurts!" I exclaimed, covering my bleeding cheek. She whipped me on purpose or by mistake, I couldn't tell, the pain was too real.
"Let me see!" I looked up, eyes watery to see Iroh standing in front of me, he bends down and I removed my hand. "It's not deep but you need to wash it with water and bandage it up." He said, moving inside his robe and grasped a tissue-like cloth and pressed it against my cheek, I take it just as he saw the animal the woman have to go crazy. Flicking everything, "Have to go, it's my chance." Iroh said, giving a smile before hurrying away to the woman before she fell. I chuckled despite the pain before rubbing my eye a bit, I looked to see the woman was cornering Aang with her beast but before she could do a thing. The perfume was dumped on it, it hissed, clawing at its nose before whipping anyone in sight, even it's the rider.
"Mirza, here, come here," I hear Katara and sit up, she removed the tissue and looked over it. " Oh, it's not that bad, it's gonna scar but with some water, we can wipe the blood off," Katara said as she poured water from her waterskin, wiping the blood off. It goes down my chin and I looked up at her.
"See! You're still handsome, you'll still win the hearts of guys." Sokka tried cheering me up but I felt over it, the new scar was long and was an inch below my lower eye. I felt ugly, I am ugly.
I hear Appa slowly groan, sitting up, shaking himself before turning towards us groaning. "Thanks for protecting Appa, Mirza," Aang said as he offered me a hand and I slowly hold it, standing up. I blinked my eyes at the scene and saw Zuko, Uncle, and that woman laying on the floor. All of them hit by the beast's tongue that paralyzed them. I looked at Zuko, staring at him before climbing up on Appa, the pain was slowly dulling but I placed my hand over the mark on my cheek.
Once we were in the air, I looked at the rest of them. "So...we all said some words that we might regret." I began as I lean against the saddle.
"You're right, and I'm sorry." Sokka said as he looked at me, "I didn't mean it, everything was just falling on me, anger and hurt. I took it out on both of you..."
"I'm sorry for hiding the map." Aang said, looking at us, " I wasn't ready for you guys to leave just yet or making you guys miss out on seeing your father."
"We can always visit him again, but right now, we're focused on going to the North Pole," Katara said, giving a small smile. "And getting us a Water bending teacher."
"That sounds like a plan." I agreed until I noticed Aang holding something in his hands, "Oh, what did you take now?"
"Something from Zuko," Aang grins, shuffling closer towards me, " He sends his love." I flushed a bit before seeing what was in his hand, a smile coming to my face.
"My necklace!" I take it from the Avatar's hands and gently clicked it around my neck, shuffling Aang's necklace in my pocket. " Hey, next time you fight, send him my regards?" I pinched his cheek playfully earing a chuckle and pulled back. "Now go steer before we crash into a mountain." He moved back as Katara and Sokka began talking, I rubbed over my chin a bit, feeling over the scar before adding heat to my hand, not enough to create fire but enough to seal the cut.
I closed my eyes, hoping the scar would seal up better but then my hands felt extremely warm. I blinked my eyes open to see my hands, eyes widen. My hand was covered in this white light, moving around on my hand like fire was covering my hand. I've never seen my fire act like this before, but the way they glowed reminded me of water, how the fire moved like water in a stream. I slowly placed it back on my scar and soon the fire stopped. I rub over the spot before my eyes widen, the scar was gone and the pain had fully stopped.
Fire...that heals?
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