08; Jet isn't cute
I hummed, walking around and following the newest pet that Katara, Sokka and Aang brought back from some air temple while I was away with Zuko. Zuko, that darn hothead had been on my mind but I also wondered if he was angry with me, for leaving with the Avatar. It was bound to happened, it was more sooner than later. I shake my head a bit, I did let my thoughts wonder to him but it had to focus on Aang now too. After they filled me in, it was decided that we take Aang to the North pole for a waterbending teacher.
Now, we were somewhere near the fire nation, around the forest areas that use to be an Earth kingdom area until the Fire nation took over most of it. We were just savaging food for the next few days. Or at least Momo and I were. My eyes glanced around before gasping happily as I saw a nice little bundle of berries on the floor. " Momo! Look!" I walked to it about to pick them up, but as soon as Momo landed in front of me, a trap shot upwards capturing me and Momo, the trap hung us in the air making me gasp a bit, holding onto the handle bars a bit.
" I should've seen that coming," I muttered and looked to the two animals beside us crying too, trying to get out. I felt my cheeks heat up a bit, the first time I've been off the ship and into actual forest, I get caught in a animal trap. " This is so embarrassing."
Momo squished beside me, he looked out the bars and began screeching, probably for help. His was much louder than the other animals. After a few minutes, I saw a spot of orange and two blues and I smile a bit. " Guys? A little help?" I called to them as Aang began climbing towards us, using a bit of Airbending. " Thanks Aang." I said as he moved the cage down to the floor, Katara and Sokka opens the cage, Momo zips off with a berry and I stumbled out onto the floor.
" Ugh, why are you always caught in traps or taken prisoner?" Sokka groans and I shrug as I stood up. " It's a gift and a curse." The animals above us began groaning and whinning wanting to be set free as well. " All right, you two." Aang said zipping off, I moved to Sokka grasping Boomerang, " This is gonna take forever." Sokka groans as I launched Boomerang into the air, the weapon cutting the cages free and they land on the floor. The animals didn't seem hurt so it was worth it. Sokka caught Boomerang and put it back.
Sokka looked at the traps as I strectched my arms a bit from being in a cramp cage. " These are Fire Nation traps, you can tell from the metalwork." Sokka said, his thumb lightly brushing over the metal.
" That means we have to pack up." I said, as they looked at me, " They can't be that far away. It's a lot safer if we leave now." They kept staring at me and I took a step back a bit, " What?" I asked, eyeing them as they eyed me back.
" You're hair..it's..down." Sokka said and I touched my hair and panicked a bit seeing my hair was indeed out and flowing around me. " Your bandage ties must've came off when you went up."
" Oh, great." I sigh, I hated my hair down unless I was showering. " This is just great."
" I think you look pretty." Aang said, trying to make me happy or smile, " I-I mean if you want to be called pretty then You're pretty! No offence."
" Yeah, Mirza, maybe later I can find you something to tie your hair." Katara offered, and she smiled once more, " You look nice with your hair down." I shake my head before walking back towards Appa, wanting to pack up. I look like a girl with my hair down and around me, I just hate cutting it. I huffed, kicking a rock away.
As we began packing up, we started loading it up on appa thinking we were gonna use him as usual but Sokka had a disagreement.
" Uh-Uh! No flying this time!" Sokka said as Katara hands Aang a wrapped sleeping bag. " What? Why wouldn't we fly?" Aang asked a bit confused, " Yeah, I mean we're in a dense forest, who would look up?" I said throwing the sleeping bag over Sokka's head and onto Appa's saddle, " Think about it. Somehow Prince Zuko and the fire nation keep finding us." Sokka said, " It's because they spot Appa he's just too noticeable."
" What? Appa's not too noticeable. Plus like Mirza said, the forest is too dense to look up, you would only see leaves!" Katara argues and Sokka sighs, well I am right. " He's a gigantic fluffy monster with an arrow on his head! It's kind of hard to miss him." Sokka said gesturing to Appa who turns his head growling a bit, not in a aggressive way but more of, " I'm right here" type of way.
" Stop picking on Appa, he's just a sweet little snot monster." I said moving pass Sokka and rubbed Appa's face a bit. How could Sokka be so judgmental about the big fluffy animal? It was a crime.
" Sokka's just jealous because he doesn't have an arrow." Aang told the flying bison affectionately and rubbed Appa's Head.
" I know you all want to fly,but my instincts tell me we should play it safe this time and walk." Sokka said, I scoffed a bit. " last time you used your dumb instincts, you had two fish hooks in your thumb." I said, remembering holding Sokka still when I pulled the hooks out in an hour.
" Hey! That was different!" Sokka said, as Katara rolled her eyes, " Who made you the boss anyway?"
" I'm not the boss, I'm the leader." Sokka corrected her, " how is that any different?" I asked, climbing up Appa's tail and looked down on them from the saddle, eyebrow raised.
" They are two different things!" Sokka huffed a bit, arms crossed.
" Pft! You're the leader?" Katara snorts a bit, " but your voice still cracks."
" I'm the oldest, and I'm a warrior!" Sokka said, voice cracking a bit and proved Katara's point. " So I'm the leader." Using a deeper voice and points a thumb to himself, glaring at his sister a bit. " Hey, Last time I checked, I was the oldest." I said, looking at them with a raised eyebrow. " And I was the tracker, doctor, Chef-"
" That's beside the point!" Sokka said shaking his head giving me a pointed look, " Plus you just came back from Zuko, you haven't been what we've been through. Not to mention you look like a girl." I glared at him a bit and huffed, get another wound, see if I clean it you little sexist pig.
" Sokka, we've talked about this." Katara slapped her brother's head a bit with her hand, " If anyone's the leader, it's Aang. I mean, he is the Avatar after all." Sokka rubbed the back of his head a bit with a frown, " Are you kidding? He's just a goofy kid."
" He's right." Aang agreed as he hangs from Appa's horn. Katara sighs loudly as she crossed her arms. " Why do boys always think someone has to be the leader? I bet you wouldn't be so bossy if you kissed a girl."
" It's a dick thing," I said, watching them, " Sokka wants to feel big and bad since he has a smal-"
" SHUT UP MIRZA!" Sokka demanded, his cheeks pink and he turns towards a giggling Katara sharply, " I've kissed a girl! You just haven't met her."
" Who? Gran-Gran? I've met Gran-Gran." Katara teased with a smirk. " NO! Besides Gran-Gran; Look, my instincts tell me we have a better chance of slipping through on foot, and a leader has to trust his instincts." Sokka huffed.
" Okay, well try it your way, o wise leader." Katara mocked and I rolled my eyes a bit, they expect me to walk with them? These are the times I miss sleeping and using Zuko's small boat. I laid on the saddle as Appa began walking in the same direction as everyone else, I wonder what's he's doing now. Probably yelling at Uncle.
" WALKING STINKS!" I snapped out of my daydreams and thoughts when I heard Aang complained, I moved sitting on Appa's head and watched them. I may have let them walk but I wasn't gonna Actually walk, why would I if we have Appa? Though, I should be sitting on Sokka's back instead of the Sky bison.
" How did everyone get around with a flying bison?" Aang asked, clearly not use to walking instead of airbending his way around or riding around on flying bisons. " I don't know Aang. Why don't you ask Sokka's instincts? They seem to know everything." Katara said, as we kept walking in whatever Direction Sokka said we should.
" Ha,Ha, very funny." Sokka said sarcastically with a roll of his eyes. " Mirza get off Appa, he isn't your personal butler to walk you everywhere you go."
" I'm tired of carrying this pack." Aang complains as he walked, almost a bit sluggish. I shake my head as I hop off Appa and began walking beside Aang. " you know who you should ask to carry it for a while?" Katara said with a bright smile. " Sokka's instincts." I snort a bit, covering my mouth as Sokka shoots me a tired look. I couldn't help it, it was funny.
" That's a great idea. Hey, Sokka's instincts, would you mind-" Aang was either playing along or really thought Sokka would carry his stuff. " OKAY! Okay, I get it! Look guys, I'm tired too." Sokka said as he moved towards another opening and pushed the branches away, we followed after him. " But the important thing is that we're safe from the Fire Nation." He said just as we stopped to see Fire Nation soilders were sitting around in their camp.
" Of course this happens." I groan and rubbed my hands against my face a bit, " E-" " RUN" Katara yanked my arm as Sokka said that, we went to run back but a solider fires a ball of fire in front of us, cornering us. " We're cut off!" Sokka said in alarm as I looked to him and panicked seeing fire on his arm. " Sokka your arm!" I said patting the fire down with my hand, he was still squirming as I finished. We turn our backs against the fire and towards the Fire Nation soldiers who were slowly surrounding us.
They must've been camping around, keeping guard for some illegal Earth bending. If not, then something else must be out here important. I thought eyeing them, moving under my Southern jacket, unhooking the whip underneath and pulled it out, still wrapped up. Aang and Katara take their bending stances as I stood the close to Sokka just in case, In case that I have to actually bend. Which is something I do not want to do at the moment.
" If you let us pass, we promise not to hurt you!" Sokka said in the most confident voice he could muster.
" What are you doing?" Katara whispered, " Bluffing." Sokka replied and I rolled my eyes a bit.
" Yeah well, bluffing isn't getting us out of here." I whispered.
" You? Promise not to hurt us?" One of the solders said just before his eye went wide and he falls forward in pain.
" Nice work Sokka! How did you do that?" Aang asked as Sokka shrugs and answered unsure, " Uh, instincts?"
" Look!" We turn to see a boy around Sokka's age coming down a tree branch with his two hook swords and kicked down two solders to the ground before flipping another two to the ground. He was not gentle towards them. He wore makeshift armor and had brown shaggy hair and dark brown eyes not to mention he was lightly chewing on some weed from the grass. He smirks over to us, " Down you go." He said just as he takes down another solider and flings him back.
" They're in the trees!" A soilders said surprised just as a tiny kid falls onto his shoulders and shoved the guy's helmet on his face. More kids began coming down and taking down the soldiers with ease like they've did this before. I kept looking at them taking down solders, soon Aang and Katara joined the fight with their bending.
" Come 'ere!" A guard shouted and I turn, barely getting out of the way of his hand. I moved to the side and kicked the guard in the gun, the man moved back groaning and crouching, I kicked him in the face. He turns over passed out. I saw another guard coming towards me with the spear. I used the whip, aiming at his hands but I was actually aiming at the spear itself. I yanked it close and the guard trips up as I launch the spear behind me, the whip letting it go.
Sokka was about to help but a spear stabs the ground beside him making the Water Tribe boy squeak. "WHAT THE HECK!"
I ignored him as I kicked the now unarmed guard in the face, and winced as I felt something stretched, a muscle at least. Now I gotta work on that, stretching my muscles more, Fantastic.
I looked around for more guards to fight when I saw one coming behind the guy who started this. He was too busy on two other guards that he didn't see the guard behind him with the spear. " Watch out!" I called to him, the guy turns towards me confused as I lassoed the spear away from the guard behind him. I held the spear as I yanked the whip back, the guy swiftly pelvets his foot, kicking the guard in the face. Okay, that was kind of hot.
" Thanks beautiful." The guy winks at me as he hurried to the next solider, I stared at him a bit surprised as my cheeks burned a bit. I shook my head and walked towards Sokka who was sulking and pouting at the same time, he puckered his lip out and everything. Okay, not hot.
" You almost took out an army single-handedly." Aang said walking beside us, the kids and teens were now looking at everything the guards had in the camp. " ARMY?!" Sokka said in disbelief as the guy began walking away. " there were only, like, twenty guys." Sokka exasperated.
" My name is Jet," The guy said, or well, Jet said as he turns to look over us. " And these are my Freedom Fighters." I looked at the kids around, they were different, some visibly older then the others and looked too young to be fighters at all. "Sneers, Longshot, Smellerbee,-" I kept looking around at them. Wondering, where exactly were their parents? Unless this was some orphan crime fighter league. They all are practically younger than me. they probably fighter better than me too.
" What's your name beautiful?" I snapped out of it when I felt my hand was touched and someone kissed it. I looked to see Jet at the end of my hand pressing another kiss against my knuckles, heat came to my cheeks but I shook it off and pulled my hand against my chest. " Can't talk?" he asked.
" M-Mirza." I answered, cursing the stuttering a bit. " Why-"
" When I see something beautiful, I point it out." Jet said smoothly, ruffling his hair a bit trying to appear sexier but it wasn't honestly working. He probably expected me to swoon or something. " And you are the most bea-"
" Ahem." We turn towards Katara who walked towards us, she eyed us for a moment before smiling. " Um, thanks for saving us Jet," Katara said as she smiled towards him, a shy one. " We're lucky you were there."
" I should be thanking you." Jet said looking at her this time, " We were waiting to ambush those soldiers all morning. We just needed the right distraction. Though, I am a bit surprised." He said, Katara and I both turn to look at him confused. " About what?" Katara asked curiously, Jet didn't answer her as he grabbed my hand and smirked at me. I do not like where this is going.
" That they weren't captured by this beauty's appearance." Jet flirts making my cheeks flush up but embarrassment this time around. " But you guys stumbling in made do." Katara crossed her arms this time and her own lip puckered out a bit.
" Yeah well, that's what you get for relying on Instincts." Katara said sourly.
" You'll get yourself killed doing that." Jet said just as my other arm was pulled and much to my relief, Jet had no choice but to let me go. " Come on Mirza, we should go check on Appa." Sokka said as he walked us away from Jet and Katara, who seemed to be beaming when Jet looked at her.
" You okay?" Sokka asked as we moved away, ignoring the kids around us, packing up. " I mean, he kissed your hand twice, I would've thought you would've done something in return."
" It caught me by surprised and he called me beautiful twice which REALLY caught me by surprise." I said, arms crossed as we stopped once we were a good feet away from the two. " it's probably because of your hair," Sokka said pulling a few long strains of my hair, his fingers twirling it a bit. " He probably thinks your a girl." I nod a bit as my dark hair fall from his fingers. " I could braid it later if you want me to." Sokka offered, I thought over it. It has been a while since I did anything to it other than putting it up.
" Hey Jet, these barrels are filled with Blasting Jelly!" Duke called out, peeking into the barrel.
" That's a great score." Jet said.
" And these boxes are filled with Jelly candy!" Pipsqueak called after. " Also good, let's not get those mixed up." Jet warns them. " let's take these to the hideout." Duke said with a grin.
" Hideout?!" Aang said with a large smile, excitement in his grey-brown eyes. " Do you want to see it?" Jet asked with a smirk. " Yes! We would love to see it!" Katara answered with clasped hands and a smile. Jet liked the answer and he pushes off the tree and began leading everyone back.
" I don't remember agreeing to this." Sokka said under his breath as we walked side-by-side. " Me either. Let's just see it and leave." I answered as we stopped, we were surrounded by trees and no hideout in sight. Is this a trap?
" Hold this." Jet said as he hands a rope to Sokka, " Why? What's this do-AHHAHAHA!" Sokka screams as the rope pulled him upwards into the trees and was gone. I stared at him a bit shock and surprised before it turns to annoyance when someone's arm was wrapped really low around my waist. I was pulled into Jet's chest and I glared up at him as he smirked down at me. " Hang on beautiful." Jet said as I huffed.
" Go jump in a river." I huffed, hoping he would get the hint I didn't like him.
" Only if you come with me." He said as the rope began pulling us upwards into the trees. The leaves touching my head and face covered my vision a bit and we both landed on the wooden platform above. I wanted to awe at the sight of their hideout, but when I felt something pinched my butt, I attacked.
I sat there at the big feast table, arms crossed and smirk on my face, even when I was thrown down to the ground by Smellerbee and pipsqueak. My back was killing me but the large red mark on Jet's face made me proud. I ate some meat that they cooked on the table, it had to be some sort of rabbit. Ignoring most of Jet's heroic speech.
" I liked what you did to his face." Sokka mutters beside me, while chewing I glanced at him. His arms were crossed and a lazy smirk on his face. " It brings personality." Sokka mused with a chuckle escaping his lips.
" I like it too." I said with a smirk of my own, " I figure he deserved some.. Improvement."
" Shh!" Katara shushed us and I stuck my tongue at her before looking at Jet. "-now the Fire Nation thinks they don't have to worry about a couple of kids hiding in the trees. Maybe they're right." Kids began booing all around. " or maybe, they're dead wrong." I shivered a bit, how he said it made myself even a bit scared. Kids began cheering after that, not hearing the deathly undertone of his speech.
" Hey Jet, nice speech." Katara said as Jet sat on the other side of Sokka.
" Thanks."
" By the way, I was really impress with you, Aang and Mirza." Jet said as Katara's eyes shine a bit more and Aang smiles happily. " That was some great bending I saw out there today."
" Well, He's great. He's the Avatar." Katara said, " I could use some more training." She said as a blush came to her cheeks with a little smile. " Avatar huh?" Jet said, a bit interested in Aang than Katara. I rolled my eyes before picking up another piece of rabbit and eat it. My eyes glaring at Jet's back. " Very nice." Aang smiles and replied, " Thanks Jet."
" So I might now a ways that you and Aang can help in our struggle." Jet suddenly says eyeing the two benders. I knew he wanted something.
" Unfortunately," I began while standing up from my seat, apple in hand. " We have to leave tonight." Sokka finished as he stood up along with me, he began walking and I followed after.
" Sokka, are you kidding me. I need you on an important mission." Sokka stops and I nearly crashed into his back. " You too Mirza, you owe me for hitting me too." I glared at him a bit, biting into the apple with a scowl.
" What mission?" Sokka asked looking over his shoulder.
They ended up waking us up at the crack of dawn, my hair flowed behind me as wind passed over us. We were apparently watching for any intruders coming through the forest or any Fire Nation solders or spys. It had been a quiet morning for the most part until I heard something crunching ahead, we stopped and Jet made a bird sound. Soon another bird sound answered back within seconds.
Sokka rolled his eyes and stabs the tree with his knife, he was gonna amplifies vibrations. Though the tree to the knife. " What are you doing?" Jet asked eyeing Sokka weirdly. " It amplifies vibrations." I quickly answered, having been taught that trick too by Hadoka.
" Good trick." Jet said turning back around, I lean on the tree branch and watched the road for anyone. So far, no one has seen or heard anything just yet, this would be the first person that came by. " Anything?" I asked Sokka as he cup his hands against the knife and ear pressed against it. " Nothing yet." Sokka answered, " Wait! Yes, someone's approaching."
" How many?" Jet asked.
"I think there's just one." Sokka answered as Jet made a bird call, " Good work Sokka. Ready your weapon." Jet said as Sokka yanked the knife out the tree, I unbuckled the whip from my side and it curved and clung to my arm. We waited for a brief few minutes until the one person came out. An elder male wearing Fire Nation clothes and a crutch. He was obviously not a threat. " Wait! False alarm. He's just an old man." Sokka said but they advanced.
" Sokka, this..what.." I was lost of words, I didn't like Jet at all but I didn't expect the guy to gang up on the poor elderly man. " We need to stop them." Sokka said as we both slide down the tree, I landed on my feet and walked towards Jet with Sokka beside me. " What are you doing in our Woods, you leech?" Jet demanded.
" Please Sir, I'm just a traveler." The older man begged, jet walked forwards and knocked the older man's cane away. The elderly man tries to run away but pipsqueak was right behind him, he falls to the floor with a groan and a whimper. My eyes stared at the scene and my stomach curling in disgust. I moved but Sokka held my arm back, I looked to him. " Wait."
" Do you like destroying towns?! Do you like destroying families?" Jet asked menacingly. The older man tries covering his head, " Oh, Please, let me go! Have mercy!" He begged but Jet wasn't done. " Does the Fire Nation let people go? Does the Fire Nation have mercy?!" Jet asked, no answer but whimpers of fear. " Now." Sokka said as Jet lifts his foot and brings it back, using my whip, I yanked Jet's foot back making the teen stumble a bit and glared at us then to me. " Why do you always Do this Mirza?" He asked darkly.
" I do it because I know when stuff has been pushed too far," I answered and yanked the whip back and around my arm. " You're really pushing it."
" Pft." Jet huffed as he turns to Smellerbee and pipsqueak, " Search the old man!" They both scramble to do so. " He's Fire Nation." Jet said coming towards us, " He's an innocent old man! He's not hurting anyone!" Sokka said as Jet turns his anger towards him. " Have you forgotten that the Fire Nation killed your mother? Or your father, Mirza?" He snapped, and I stared at him wide-eyed. How does he know about my..KATARA! I thought with grit teeth. She trust so easily, and ends up telling him something private. UGH! " Remember why you fight!" Jet snapped more as he get's in Sokka's face.
" And remember that his Village was once Earth Kingdom. He could be an Earth Bender for you know." I snapped shoving the guy back, " And leave my Father our of your dumb mouth." Jet stared at me hard and clicked his tongue.
" You're lucky that you're a girl." Jet sneered, " We got his stuff Jet." Smellerbee spoken up holding up a black bag. " This needed to be done, let's get out of here." He brushed shoulders with me and shoved Sokka out of the way. The other two following behind Jet. I glared at them and then looked to Sokka, " We can't stay here." I said, as Sokka nods, " We can't..come on.." Sokka said as I looked to the older man before bending down offering the man a hand. He flinched which squeezed my heart painfully. " I'll see you back." I said as Sokka nods as he hurried after them.
" I'm so sorry, we haven't met him that long and I didn't know they were going to do this." The elderly man nods as he slowly stands up, I put his arm over my head and on my shoulders. " You're a kind young man." The elderly man said as we began walking towards the village. It wasn't that far from Jet's hideout which was nice. " I've seen young men like him before, He screams...danger." The man said as the guards barely glanced at me as I walked him towards his hut.
" I know, I'm sorry still." I said, as the elder man made it to his door but looked to me. A smile on his lips, and eyes gleaming. It almost reminded me of Iroh on the ship. " My dear boy, you have no worries. You didn't attempt to kick me or harm me. If he were, I would most likely not survive it. If anything you saved my life, but between you and me...I can feel a great heat within.." he hinted as I take a step back a bit. " No, no. It's fine..though..here..take this.." He said as he pulled out a tile from his pocket and offered it to me with shaking hands, the smile still on his lips. " If you need assistance." I take it and looked over the tile as the man walked into his home.
A lotus tile? Weird but cool.
I walked back, grasping the rope. That poor old man, he didn't deserve this at all. If anything, Jet deserved to be the one to be kicked. Maybe I should. Though, I should have a talk with Katara about sharing my own information. Especially sharing with that jerk, I open our hut but no one was inside. I moved inside and began packing my things, no way was I staying here anymore.
" Oh, Mirza, you're back." Katara said from behind me and I huffed a bit, " What's wrong?" She asked, eyebrow raised once she sat beside me. Aang follows her and sits beside her, Momo curled around his neck and shoulder.
" I don't like it when you talk about my father to people who don't know him." I said icily making her furrow her eyebrows. " He said that my father was murdered by the Fire Nation." Her eyes widen before they narrowed.
" Wasn't he?" She said, arms crossed, " I mean, people don't usually die from infected wounds. Unless they go untreated." He died from that obviously and he was stabbed in his stomach. " Why are you so..so.." She stammers as I looked to her with narrowed eyes. " So what? Spit it out." I snapped.
" So touchy? Since you came back from Prince Zuko, you've become bolder and really.." Katara narrowed her eyes at him, Aang watched between the two helpless. He hadn't known Mirza for long but he knew him from the stories both Katara and Sokka told them, He was a meek one. " Really outspoken." Katara finished. I stared at her narrowed eyes, Was I? I knew I was a bit shy and meek at best but.. " What's wrong with it? Sokka likes how I turned out and Aang hasn't said anything about it. I'm growing up." I said as I finished packing my sleeping bag up. " I'm not naïve like you."
Katara takes a deep breath and shakes her head, " Whatever, Come on Aang." Katara turns on her heel as Aang shot me a meek smile and followed after. I watched them leave as a sigh escaped me. I sat down against the wooden wall and stared at my hands a bit.
Maybe I did change when I was on Zuko's boat. It wasn't that long but I had to speak up when I was around the Prince. Get shoved and told to Fire Bend with him. That's my new objective but..did my personality sour? I thought as a small flame burns in the middle of my palm. I'm scared of you. You destroy and murder people. You murder Kya, My father, lots of other people..would you murder me too?
" You shouldn't have that out ya know." Sokka said as he enters, the flame leaves and I watched him sit across from me. " We're stuck here for another night, Katara and aang are so charmed to help him." He huffed a bit as he looked over my hands, " I thought you hated fire."
" I do." I said as Sokka watched me before I turned around in front of him. I felt his fingers slowly gathering my hair and began doing the braid. I taught him because it was a way to make nets for fishes. Hakoda taught me and Kya. " Zuko was teaching me fire stuff. I read his scrolls too." Sokka hummed, " Let me guess, he was all yelling and threating to throw you off the ship?"
" Nope. Well, once but his Uncle was showing me too. He's the dragon of the west." I smiled a bit as I looked at my hands. " He's a smart man. Likes tea and Pai Sho."
" Old people like Pai Sho." Sokka said with a chuckle, I can feel his hands weave my hair correctly into the braid. " Why were you and Katara fighting?" He asked as I rolled my eye a bit.
" I told her she was naïve and not to talk about my dad." I said, " And she didn't like who I was turning out to be." Sokka sighs and I feel him tying my new braid and I turn to look at him over my shoulder. " Am..Am I turning into a bad person?"
" No. She's mad that we're not taking her boyfriend's side." Sokka said, crossing his arms and scowl on his lips. " he said the old guy was an assassin and he had a knife. He was there to kill Jet." I stared a bit perplexed," I didn't see a knife." " I know! But she takes his side and they're gonna help him with some little project. Gah! Anyway, about yourself." Sokka said as he smiles just a bit, " You're you Mirza. You're just showing who you want to be. You use to be this..shy, timid and quiet kid. But after we left, you became more open. Outspoken? Yeah, confident? Yep. Stubborn? Sadly." I punched his shoulder as Sokka laughs a bit. " See! Who cares what Katara thinks. You're gonna be the same Frostie I've known."
" Ugh, you and your nicknames."
" HEY! Not my fault that you stuck your tongue to a piece of Ice!"
" You saw nothing."
I woken up to Sokka moving around, he tried to be quiet but I felt him move around. There wasn't any light out, but it wasn't too dark either. After he leaves, I stood up from the floor and walked out. I watched Sokka follow Jet's crew, I moved after Sokka got down the branch. I watched Sokka from afar as he watched Jet. I knew this guy was dangerous but I now know he's more than willing to kill people or brutally harm them.
Once the Freedom Fighters got to their destation, my eye started to act up. I shut it, hoping the pain would stop and I pressed myself against the tree once Sokka found a better hiding space.
" Now listen, you're not to blow the damn until I give the signal." Jet orders, and I almost flinched how close it sounded yet far from where I was. I closed my other eye and tried to focus on jet's voice. " If the reservoir isn't full, the Fire Nation troops could survive."
" But what about the people in the town?" Duke asked innocently, " Won't they get wiped out, too?"
" Look, Duke, that's the price of ridding this area of the Fire Nation." Jet explained to the child. You're killing both innocent and guilty people.
" Now don't blow the dam until I give the signal." Jet said to someone else as I opened my eyes, peeking, I could see Sokka too before Pipsqueak and Smellerbee caught him. I opened my whip but before I could move quickly enough, they yanked Sokka out of the hiding spot and throw him down in front of Jet. Spirits..They're just as bad as him.. I noticed the sun had came up fully and I felt myself get warmer thanks to the heat and power of the sun. I take a deep breath and fire blows out from my mouth, a small one but something for my next attack. I watched the two fighters began yanking/leading Sokka away. I followed as quietly as I could be, into the brush and trees.
I made my way in front of them quicker, they shoved Sokka forwards a bit making him huff and grunt. I take another deep breath and shoot my fist forwards, fire eating up the grass in front of them which scared the Fighters. Their weapons drawn as I moved showing myself just a bit.
" IN THERE! GET THE FIRE BENDER!" Smellerbee orders as I ran over the hidden traps with those berries. Fool me once, shame on you.. I heard two clicks and turn to see both of the fighters struggling in their cages. " Fool my twice, shame on me." I mused as they spinned a bit.
" Nice job with the fire." Sokka said as he came towards me, smirk on his lips before it falls. " We have to go warn the village. They want to blow the damn to kill them all."
" What are we waiting for?" I said, " I'll go tell them, I need you to get Appa and our stuff." We would need a get away plan just in case things went south and we had to leave fast. Sokka looked like he wanted to argue but I shook my head. " I'm the oldest, I should go just in case if I fail, they'll still have you." I said before hurrying away as I heard Sokka whisper. " Don't die."
I don't intend to.
I skid down the hill and hurried to the entrance of the village. " EVERYONE! HURRY! GET OUT!" I shouted which caught most of their attention. " THEY'RE GONNA BLOW THE DAM! YOU GUYS ARE IN DANGER!"
" What? Who are you?" A guard asked as his buddies pointed their spears at me. Normally this would made me shake just a bit but their lives were more important than my fear. " Answer me!"
" I'm Mirza!" I said, shaking my head. " Listen to me! Some kids are gonna blow the dam! You all are gonna die if we don't start evacuating!" I said but the man pressed his hand on my shoulder, gripping it tightly. " Wai-"
" You're a spy! There is no way the dam is gonna blow." The guard snapped as he began shoving me away. " You're-"
" Wait just a second!" A familiar voice said getting in between me and the soilder. " This young man helped me just the other day. He's no spy, Teng, this is the young fella that helped me. The other one, the mean one, is the one probably behind this." The older man that I helped said, vouching for me. " He has to be telling the truth."
I watched the confusion in the guards eyes before they narrowed, not from anger but into determination. " Alright, if you vouch for it then Gramps then so be it. Everyone! Evacuate to the hills! We need to get to high ground!" The guards began leading people out, everyone was in a rush towards the place. I stood there watching around before exiting the gate, thank the spirits for the old man. I watched them leave before seeing Sokka on Appa, landing. I hurried up on the large animal and sat down, Appa took off into the air once more.
" What that everyone?" Sokka asked, as he directed Appa towards Katara and Aang, Jet stuck to the wall. " Everyone." I assured as Appa lands on the ground.
" We got everyone out Jet." I said as Katara and Aang sigh in relief but Jet's eyes clouded with anger. " WHAT?" He spat.
"I followed you guys this morning, because Sokka was. When I heard your plan, I began my own by saving Sokka's butt and helping the villagers. At first, they didn't trust me because they thought I was a spy. But someone vouched for me." I said, Jet squirming to get out of Katara's ice. " The old man that you could've killed. I got them out within minutes."
" Thank goodness." Katara sighs as Jet snarled, " You little traitor."
" No Jet, you became the traitor when you stopped protecting innocent people." Sokka replied calmly.
" Katara..please...help me.." Jet said, voice smooth and pleading. That made her weaver for a moment but she closed her eyes. " Goodbye Jet." She said before hurrying onto the flying bison. Sokka grasped the regins on Appa and flicked them. " Yip-Yip" Appa groans before flying into the air, over tree tops and away from the scene. I watched ahead as I sat beside Sokka, playing with the lotus tile in my hands.
" We thought you two were going to the damn." Aang said as he pets Momo's head making the animal purr. " How come you two went to the town instead?"
" let me guess, you instincts told you." Katara said a bit amused, as Sokka smirked. " Well, yeah, what can I say? My instincts are always right." he said, holding the reigns and slapping his hand on my back making me wince and I elbowed his gut making Sokka laugh breathlessly. " I give! I give!" Sokka laughs as I huffed, a bit. Damn right, I'm always right.
" Uh, Sokka, you know you're going the wrong way, right?" I said, as Sokka shrugs, a bit surprised. " And sometimes they're wrong." Sokka turns Appa and I laughed just a bit. " That was all you Sokka. Not me." Sokka stuck his tongue at me as Appa began heading course to our next destination.
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