07; Kya's necklace
" It looks beautiful on you." Iroh said, watching from behind me, a smile on his lips as I turn towards him with my mother's engagement necklace on. " Though, you would look better if you smile." I tried to give the older man one but I couldn't, the thoughts of my mother being a fire nation admiral was very, very new to me. Not to mention I had to fight her along with Aang because she was crazy or just as evil as Fire Lord Ozai. " Chin up, maybe you can watch me play a game of Pai Sho? I could teach you if you want." He offered and I shake my head.
" Iroh, I-I want to thank you for giving me this necklace." I said, trying to keep my emotions in check but it wasn't working too well. " I never knew that you knew both of my parents."
" I knew your father when he was working in the fire nation colonies in villages. He was the nicest man there was, a wonderful healer. I just couldn't believe your sitting right here as a young man. Zuko is lucky to have you as his friend, you come from a good man." I only smiled a bit, despite the memory of anger on his face. He was so very angry with me, then the guy saved me before I could jump off the ship to save Sokka. He's so weird. I thought with a sigh.
" Come on, we should go above, it's dinner time!" Iroh said with a large smile and rubbed his large stomach. " I heard they were making turtleduck tonight, it's been so long since I had any." The older man sighs. I couldn't help but chuckle just a bit, How could this silly old man be the Harsh Dragon of the West? I've read and listen to his stories but so far, I'm not intimidated like others were.
We walked upstairs to the dinner room of the ship, a table in the middle of the room with a steaming tea set sat on the table. I could tell it was jasmine and it made me a bit happy, since I've came here on the ship my appreciation for tea has grown. Especially nice sweet ones that Iroh gets from markets every time they port. " Jasmine, my new favorite." I said as I sat down, and looked at the tea, Iroh sitting in front of me with a smile. I moved sitting our cups right side up and began pouring the tea slowly, making sure to keep it from over filling the cups.
" New favorite? What was the original?" Iroh asked, as he picked up the cup and blew on it before sipping the hot liquid.
" We don't have a lot of tea in the South pole, if anything, we're lucky that Hakoda sends us any. My favorite he use to send was ginger." I said, a smile coming to his face a bit. " He tries to get the good ones then the ones that taste sour or bland for us to consume. I usually drink water that we dilute most of the time. " I sipped my own tea humming as the taste went down my throat, though, I almost choked when the door of the dinning area was slammed opened, I turn to see Zuko with a deep scowl on his face and sat down beside Iroh.
" Hello, Nephew." Iroh greets happily as he poured himself more tea, Zuko grumbled and crossed his arms. He's probably having another tantrum.
"What's on your neck?" Zuko asked, finally looking at me and eyed the necklace around my neck. I touched it and frown a bit as I felt the curves of the necklace with my thumb a bit. It was a crescent moon that hanged against my neck a bit, it swings a bit with every moment I made.
" It's a betrothal necklace." I said as Zuko rose an eyebrow at me, " Apparently, this is my mother's before she threw it at my dad. My dad gave it to Iroh for safe keeping." Zuko kept staring at it and I chuckled a bit. " Why? Is it ugly?" I asked, a bit playfully as Zuko turns his head a bit.
" No, it look's weird on you." I stared at him a bit offended, " But it suits you." I smile a bit, my cheeks turning a bit pink from the compliment. " Thank you Zuko." I said with a small smile on my lips. Soon, the servants began putting food on the table, my stomach growls loudly at the sight and smell. There were fried noodles, fried and steam rice, roasted turtleduck, some honey bread and miso soup.
I used my chop sticks to grasped some steamed rice and ate it when Zuko's fist hit the table making most of the food on the table shake but not spill over. " Zuk-"
" WHAT IS THIS?!" Zuko hissed as he glared at the roasted turtleduck, " I said no more turtleduck on the ship!" He said glaring at the shaking servants who shook even more when Zuko glared at him. " Ugh." Zuko huffed, standing up, exhaling and smoke came out his nose a bit, I watched him as Iroh turns his head to watching his nephew leave. The older man sighs softly and kept eating but I didn't. I knew Zuko was one for tantrums but something this small wouldn't be really tantrum worthy. I stood up, picking up Zuko's bowl and my own, fried rice and walked after the prince.
" Be careful Mirza." I heard Iroh called to me as I walked towards the deck, knowing the Prince would be out there to let out steam. I held both bowls in my one hand as I open the door to the deck, I saw Zuko leaning against the railing and staring at the sea. I walked out, sighing softly as the moon light hit my face a bit making me smile a bit. The moon light always made me feel light as a feather and it soothed me too. It must've been my Water Tribal blood running through me.
" Are you okay?" I asked as I stopped a foot away from the Prince. He didn't look at me and kept staring at the water. " I brought your food."
" I'm not hungry for roasted turtle duck." Zuko said, " Give it to Uncle."
" That's not what I brought." I said taking a step closer and nudged him with my arm that held the bowl. He turns his head slightly and saw the bowl, slowly he grasped it from me and returns staring at the ocean. I stared at it too, with both the moon and sea, it made everything around us peaceful. " You're not gonna tell me or my business but what's with the whole turtle duck tantrum?" I asked.
" You're right, it's none of your business." Zuko said as he slowly began eating the steam rice. I stared at him and then looked back at the sea, eating my own rice bowl, trying to find a way to connect with the Prince, I really was curious about the whole Turtleduck situation.
" I don't like or smelling Sea prune soup." I said as I took a bite of my rice, " Kya used to make Sea Prunes all the time, especially when we were sick. She use to hand feed us when we laid in our sleeping bags and changed our rags for our heads.I didn't get sick a lot neither did Katara but Sokka got sick all the time. Sometimes I thought he faked it so he can be taken cared for." I chuckled, remembering Sokka moaning and groaning in his sleeping bag. Me, being a young fool thinking he was dying would cry to Kya saying Sokka was dying but she use to relieve my worries with a pat on the head and a kind smile. She was a beautiful woman with a large heart.
"Every time I smelled it, I can feel my eyes tear up a bit but I quickly wipe them away. I can even make it but only when my friends or anyone in my village was sick. I don't even touch it when it's a special occasion." I said as I looked at the prince.
" Special occasion.." Zuko mutters and I nod my head a bit and stared at the ocean a bit, a fond smile on my face. " Did you love her?" he asked, as he turns a bit, his golden eyes looking at me and I nod my head. " What happened to her?"
" The Fire Nation." I responded softly, " They came for the last water bender in the Northern Tribe, since our village is small and pretty much defenseless, it was easy." I remembered the day vividly, I was playing outside with Katara and Sokka, tag and laughing as Sokka was shoved into the snow when sooth mixed with snow. I tried sticking next to Sokka, who was holding my hand in a death grip and leads me around to avoid the Fire nation solders. The invastion lasted for minutes and when it was over, Kya was gone. " She gave herself up for Katara. She lied about being a Water Bender, she thought they were taking prisoners' but they were actually taking bodies. I lost my mother on that day too."
"...I'm sorry." I snapped my head towards Zuko who looked down a bit and at his food. "That you lost your mother." I only smile a bit bitterly and looked at my half-eaten rice. " You shouldn't, you weren't there."
It was quiet for a few minutes, we kept eating but I could feel Zuko's stare on me a bit, I tried to ignore it as I ate. Opening up to him a bit made me feel a bit vulnerable and naked, it made me feel like a scared little boy but it also made my own burden of my own loss a bit better. I finished my bowl and looked to Zuko, catching his stare and smile, " I'll see you in-"
" I use to have TurtleDucks at my home, the palce." Zuko said, as he looked to his bowl, eating. He stirs the rice with the chopsticks a bit, " I use to feed them with my mother, they were also there when we visit. We sat under the tree in the court yard, and feed the turtle ducks that swam in the pond by the tree. There were three small ducks and one mother duck. They always swam there in the pond and eat all the bread we brought out there. There was this one time that I threw the whole loaf of bread at the baby, because I've seen Azula do it the day before. I mom scolded after she took the mother duck off my foot." Zuko said, a ghost of a smile on his lips a bit. " I can't eat roasted Turtle duck because they remind me of her. It makes me feel guilty for eating them at all."
" What happened to her? Your mother?" I asked as he looked at me, his golden eyes had this conflicting emotion in them and pain. He doesn't want to talk about her, something bad must've happened then. " Sorry, I pushed my boundaries." I said moving slowly pressing a hand on his, his skin was a lot paler than my tanish colored skin. I gently gave him a squeeze and offered another soft smile. " Thank you for telling me, I'll let the servants or chef next time know that we should stick with roasted fish and dumplings." I removed my hand and Zuko watched it move away.
" Thanks Mirza, but if you tell anyone, I'll throw you overboard." Zuko said, I stared at him a bit perplexed and took a step back, I knew he could actually do that if he wanted to. " I-I was kidding." Zuko said, his voice cracked a bit which made a little grin come to my face of the crack. " Stop looking at me like that!" Zuko said, his tone a bit frustrated as I chuckled a bit. " That's it! You're going overboard!" I crackled a bit as I hurried off Deck, I couldn't hear Zuko but I knew he was where he stayed, I shake my head as a bubbly feeling shook in my stomach. It felt weird but In a nice kind of way. Talking with Zuko without him yelling at me was nice, it felt good.
He may have been nice last night but he's burtal when it came to training. We've been training since dawn and I was almost half-asleep for most of the time until the adrenaline of blocking Zuko's surprise attacks woke me up.
" STOP BLOCKING MY ATTACK! FIGHT ME!" Zuko orders, he was a few feet ahead of me and his fist held fire coming out. Most of this mornings sessions was me dodging or blocking his attacks since I was half asleep. His golden eyes narrowed at me and he began running towards me, kicking an arch at my head but I bent my knees, dodging. He was about to kick fire at me but I pivot my legs, lifting my right leg up a bit sending a stream of fire at him but he blocks it.
" GOOD!" Zuko praised aggressively but not breaking his attacks. He kept himself grounded and shot a fist at me of fire. This time I had to disperse it, I used my hands in a circular motion and the fire dissapears, I stood up and moved towards him running but yelp as the ship shifted, tripping forwards into Zuko's chest. I felt Zuko's arm wrap around me and held me still as he balanced out himself for a moment, but we still fell against the metal railing.
" A-are we under attack?" I asked holding onto Zuko's shirt but the prince glared at the tower on the boat. " Someone's changing our course." he said irrated and annoyed, " And get off of me!" I shoved me off once the boat fixed itself. I wobbled a bit but stuck my tongue at the Fire Bender as he began walking away to probably argue with Uncle.
" Well, might well clean myself." I said to myself as I walked into the ship, my feet lightly clapping everytime I walked on the metal floor. Once in my room, I picked up my water tribe clothes up, they were clean and dry now. I left and walked towards the bathroom on the ship, Iroh's since he said I could use it while I stayed there. I started the water and steam came up making me smile a bit. Once I undress, and threw the red clothes by the sink in the large bathroom, I slowly sink into the water and moan a bit as the hot water slowly undid my sore muscles. I hated working out or trainning.
It's been a while since I've been by myself.. I thought as I let my hair out of my white bandages that acted like a hair tie. It's weird how I ended up in this situation, a month ago I was hunting food for my small village so they wouldn't go hungry, now I'm on this ship with a hotheaded prince with a kind uncle. Everyday I learn a new thing from Iroh or from scrolls on here while also learning more about my birth bending element. Now apparently, I have to fight a women who gave me this eye..my mother. I gently pressed a hand against my eye and felt over the scar above it, it was a deep one and every time I looked in the mirror it made me wince myself. Now I'm becoming friends with said Hothead who probably did or didn't loose his mother. But I'm also taking lessons from him and Iroh. it's weird how everything came to be like this.
I scrubbed myself with a white rag that was clean and on the counter with others, washing everything including my hair. Once I felt I was clean enough, I stood up and water dripped down my body, I moved my leg out of the tub then the other. " Man, that felt go-" The door opens and I turn towards it with wide eyes, pressing my hands against my chest like it would clothed myself.
" MIRZA! Hu-" Zuko began as he opened the door, his hand never leaving the handle as he stared at me and I stared back at him. His golden eyes wide as were mine, then I noticed his eyes trailed downwards a bit and I gasped which shook off the shock of his own. " I-I'm So-"
" GET OUT PERVERT!" I shouted, my cheeks turning red and I bent fire at his feet, thankfully he hurried back and slammed the door, I could hear himself rush down the hallway as I take deep breaths. I rubbed my hands against my flushed cheeks and closed my eyes, embarrassment filling in. " Spirits, that was so embarrassing, he saw me naked.." I said, as I began brushing my hair hurridly, and ignored the tugs of pain every time my hair was caught by the brush.
" How could this day get any worst?" I said to myself before slipping on my Water tribe shirt, I didn't even pull the purple one long sleeved shirt on first, I just wanted to hurry and focus on something else. Once I was dressed, the door opens and I saw Iroh standing there this time around.
" What happened?" Iroh asked, as he entered, " I saw Prince Zuko zip out of the hallway when he went to go fetch you. Did another fight happened between you two?"
" Nope!" I squeaked a bit before clearing my throat. " Nope, he...just being werid."
Iroh eyed me a bit before shrugging it, " Okay well, we're about to port. I've lost my lotus tile and need a replacement. I sent Zuko to come get you but he was too flush to even look me in the eye." Iroh said, a bit amused it seemed. I didn't look at him in the eye either and he began chuckling, " Oh you two, such fun antics, come, we shouldn't let the prince wait for so long." He said walking out as I followed him, fiddling with my own necklace now.
Oh spirits, kill me now.
I didn't meet Prince Zuko's gaze as we walked around the market, looking for the lotus tile that Uncle lost. After the sixth store, we stood outside tired, " I've checked all the shops on this pier, not a lotus title in the entire marketplace." The older man sighs as I shook my head a bit with an amused smile on my lips.
" This trip was a complete waste of time." Zuko said, glaring at Iroh, " FOR EVERYONE!"
"Quiet the contrary." Iroh smiles, " I always say the only thing better than finding something you are looking for is finding something that you weren't looking for at a great bargin!" he said as guards were carrying many things that Iroh had bought while looking for the Pai Sho piece. I watched as they pass, chuckling a bit.
" You bought a sungi horn?" Zuko asked, watching the guard pass them.
" For music night on the ship!" Iroh explained, " Now, if we only had some woodwinds." He said, walking and Zuko and I followed behind. My eyes glanced around at the market place, happy to be off the ship to stretched my legs. " OH! This place looks promising." Iroh said as he pointed at a large sip with odd looking sails and the way the ship was shaped.
" I don't know Iroh, they are known to be sketchy." I said, as I walked behind the older man. I stayed on the port but Zuko yanked my arm frowards. " H-Hey! I didn't want to get on."
" Oh, No." Zuko huffed, keeping his eyes ahead as we entered the ship, Iroh already captivated by some monkey statue with glowing ruby eyes. " If I have to be here in the ship then so do you." I sigh before ripping my hand away from the Prince and began looking around before yelping as my hair was yanked back, I tried pulling back but the person had a hard grip on it. " L-Let go!"
" Where's the water tribe girl and the monk you were with?!" The man asked yanking my hair harder, " I know you're with them!" The man growls as I yanked harder, ignoring the pain, I feel onto my knees scrambling to get up, hurrying behind Uncle who held the monkey statue. Zuko hurried to the man, almost sizing him up. " This monk, did he have an arrow on his head?" Zuko asked as the guy with the weird bird on his shoulder scowls at the prince, flicking my black strains of hair away from his hand.
" Indeed he did," The pirate said, his eyes narrowing on Zuko. " What's it to you?"
" Nothing much, I need the boy with the arrow tattoo while you need the waterbending scroll. I say if we work together, we both get what we want." Zuko said, arms crossed. " I'll even pay you extra for your services." The pirate stared down at the prince and smirked, offering his hand. " Deal." I frown a bit, not really trusting the pirates, since the man literally pulled some hair out.
" Excllent, Mirza, Uncle, let's go prepare." Zuko said as Iroh pays for the monkey statue much to My annoyance but I said nothing as we head to the ship. My arms crossed a bit as we walked, Zuko beside me, I looked at him but he was too busy looking forward then I noticed something hanging off his armor belt. Kya's necklace.
" Why do you have that?" I asked, I grasped Kya's necklace and looked over it. The last time IO saw it was around Katara's neck. Zuko turns and yanked the Necklace back, " HEY!"
" It's bait." Zuko said, frown on his lips as he wrapped the necklace around his wrist. " You shouldn't be concern, especially tonight when we see your friends." I stared at him a bit perplexed. " Why is it bait? It's something important."
" Oh don't worry, it's not the only bait I had in mind," Zuko said eyeing me and I stared at him and looked down a bit. Great, looks like I'm bait tonight, just great. Zuko yanked my wrist forwards onto the boat, he began barking orders to the servants to ready the smaller boat on board for the search tonight. Zuko tied my hands together behind my back before we took off on the boat, the pirate ship catching up easily.
I sat on the floor, my knees hurting just a bit as they began to numb from my postion, the captain pirate and Zuko speaking quietly. I might as well practice my breathing, just like Iroh showed me. Adjusting myself that I was crossing my legs, I began taking slow but deep breaths before exhaling out.
After a few hours, I open my eyes, blurry but I blinked a bit. " I've must've fallen asleep," I muttered with a yawn, yelping as I was yanked up by one of the pirate's goons. I was lead beside Zuko and the pirate captain, they kept searching for my friends. " How much longer?" I asked.
" Until we find them," Zuko answered as his golden eyes glanced around. I stared ahead, not saying anything. " Sorry about the bathroom." Zuko said as my eyes dart to the prince, frown pulling onto my lips. " I-I didn't know you were still changing."
" You could've knocked." I said, " You're impulsive to think things like that through. Maybe you should've knocked first before opening the door."
" I s-"
" OW! Stupid water!" I heard Katara's voice and I snapped my head towards the direction. The ship shifted and stops on land, I almost fall forwards but my hair was yanked back making me hiss, " WHY TH-MMF!" The captain pulled a gag around my mouth and began moving me off the ship, I almost tripped a few times but managed to keep on my feet just as I heard Zuko tell Katara.
" I'll save you and your friend from the pirates." He grasped Katara's arms, immobilizing her before tying her to the tree. She huffed and glared at Zuko before her blue eyes soften when they came to me.
" Mirza..you're okay." She breaths out as I tried to smile but the gag hid my face a bit and I yelped when I was shoved to the ground. The pirate's heel digging into my back, " Uck!"
" Hey now, there is no need for that kind of treatment." I heard Iroh speak on my behalf, the pirate removed his heel as Iroh helped me sit up and winced. I was totally gonna bruise later.
" Tell me where he is." Zuko questioned Katara who turns her head away and looked to him. " Or I won't hurt your or your friends." He said.
" Go jump in the river!" Katara snarled.
" Try to understand, I need to capture him to restore something I lost; my honor." Zuko said, his tone calm and soft making knots tighten in my stomach uncomfortably. He never talked to me like that before! I thought bitterly. " Perhaps in exchange, I can restore something you've lost." Zuko said, a smirk crawling on his lips as he lift Katara's necklace up showing her.
"My mother's necklace." She gasped and kept her blue eyes on it. " how'd you get that?"
" I didn't steal it if that's what you're wondering." Zuko said, holding up the necklace, " Tell ma where he is."
" No!"
" Enough with this necklace garbage." The captain huffed, " you promised the scroll."
Zuko scowls but took the scroll out, I could see it was a waterbending scroll, a nice one too. " I wonder how much money this is worth." Zuko said as he held it and moved his hand beanth it, fire ready to eat the scroll. The pirates gasped seeing the Prince about to burn it. " A lot apparently." Zuko mused with a smirk, " Now you help me find what I want, you'll get this back, and everyone goes home happy."
Except me clearly, I huffed I'm tied up like some moron.
" Search the wood for the boy and meet me back here." Zuko commanded. The captain huffed, " Fine." The pirates began separating out, taking off in different directions. " Put Mirza beside the water girl. I don't need him in my way." Zuko orders the soldiers who do, they dragged me beside Katara and I sat there gagged and glaring at the floor. I kept my head down as Katara kept tugging on her own ropes, I on the other hand began slowly burning them with my finger tips. It would be a slow process but it would be worth it.
I kept trying to burn the ropes off, even when the sun came up and hit my face. It would be risky but I had to get Katara out of here.
"Nice work." Zuko said and I looked up, eyes widen a bit when I Zuko talking to the goons, seeing they captured Aang and Sokka. I shake my head, vigirously and the gag fallen out of my mouth finally and down my chin. My heart beating rapidly against my chest, as I stared at the two captured teens. Sokka was trying to get out of the rope as Aang stood there like a lost puppy.
" Aang this is all my fault." Katara said sadly, " No Katara, it isn't." Aang tried to assured her, but Iroh cuts in. " Yeah, it kinda is." I snort and Katara kicked my leg making me wince a bit but the ropes went slack much to my joy.
" Give me the boy." Zuko demanded.
" You give us the scroll." The captain retores.
" you're really gonna hand over the Avatar for a stupid piece of parchment?" Sokka asked, eyeing the captain. Good job Sokka, turn them against each other. Your brain is finally working for once.
" Don't to him! He's trying to turn us against each other." Zuko said, pointing at Sokka. " Your friend is the Avatar?" The captain said, eyeing Aang, " Sure is!" Sokka said, cutting in between with a smile. " And I'll bet he'll fetch a lot more on the black market than that fancy scroll."
" Shut your mouth, you Water Tribe peasent!" Zuko sneered at Sokka and I rolled my eyes a bit, Great, you're using my own nickname on them? How cute.
" Yeah Sokka, you really should shut your mouth!" I called to the teen who grins in my direction. " Who knows, those pirates could have some sexual disease or worst." The pirates all glared at my direction as Iroh beside me gasped a bit, " Mirza!" He said in a scolding tone and I grin to myself.
" I'm just saying, it's just bad business sense." Sokka said grinning, adding more fuel to the fire. " Just imagine how much the Fire Lord would pay for the Avatar. You guys would be set for life." The exictment on their faces clearly, and they looked to be more than agreeing with Sokka all the way. The captain grins, and looked to Zuko, " Keep the scroll. We can buy 100 with the reward we'll get from the kid." he said turning his back towards Zuko.
" Here it comes." I grin to myself. This was my chance to untie Katara and help them escape. Knowing this transaction went the way Zuko didn't want, the Prince would most likely attack the pirates head on. " You'll regret breaking a deal with me." Zuko growls as him and two other solders fire bend at the pirates. The pirates jumped back from the fire but the one in green with the lipstick ran towards them with smoke bombs, he throws them and everything went misty. I couldn't see anything but I heard the fight. I moved my hands out of the ropes and stood up, cutting Katara's off with my fire but she couldn't see it.
"Thanks! Come on Mirza!" She said grabbing my hand, she began yanking me through the mist but something hit my head hard. I groan and my eyes were a bit woozy, on my knees I fall to the floor.
" Mirza!" I heard Katara called and I began crawling, coughing until I felt something on the floor. Picking it up, I saw Katara's necklace. " Zuko must've dropped it." I wheezed and hurried out of the smoke to see my friends trying to lift the boat into the water. I hurried over to them, coughing and I felt Sokka rub my back a bit. " Mirza! You're back!" Aang said happily just as the boat began floating in the water.
" Come on! get on the boat!" Katara said jumping on the ladder and Aang blew himself onto the ship with ease as Sokka yanked on my arm. My feet stayed planted and Sokka turns, eyebrow raised. " Mirza! Come on, what are you waiting for?" He asked, confused as I blinked looking to him, what am I waiting for? These are my friends, I known them my whole life. Why do I feel the need to stay.
" Mirza!" Sokka shouted to get my attention, I blinked once more glanced at the smoke then shook my head a bit. " I-I'm coming!" I said taking a deep breath and climbed the ladder as the boat began heading deeper onto the sea and down the river. The Pirates came after us on Zuko's boat but we handled them with ease, and Katara even did a move she was trying to do, and I didn't use my bending but I did kick a few pirates off the boat. Though the boat wasn't as useful as I thought seeing Zuko's boat practically knocked us off the waterfall. We didn't die, thanks to Appa, but it was all for a stupid scroll.
I watched the three laugh about Katara stealing the scroll and probably learn her lesson. I shook my head with amusement before thinking back of the necklace.
" Katara." I said as I kneeled on the saddle, She turns her head to me and eyed me curious. " Zuko sends his regards." I said and pulled out Kya's necklace, the way her eyes water and lit up made me smile as she took it gently and tied it back around her neck. She touched it with a loving smile on her face.
" Thank you Mirza." She whispered, as Sokka moved getting in my face, eyes wide and glaring at my neck. " W-What?" I asked, falling on my butt and moved my head away from his a bit.
" Where the heck did you get that necklace?!" He questioned loudly, " DID ZUKO PROPOSED TO YOU!?" I felt my face heat up and touched my own necklace, that's right, they don't know.
" NO! Of course not!" I snapped shoving Sokka back making him grunt, " Spirits! This is my mothers! apparently, my father and Zuko's uncle were friends or something. He kept my mother's necklace because my father asked him to. Iroh gave it to me."
" Wow," Katara awed, " it's pretty."
" Thanks." I said with a sigh, leaning against the saddle, " Now, we're are we going?" I asked, as they smile, Aang sat down, and turn towards me with the biggest grin on his face as he began explaining everything that was happening or going to happen to them and that they were heading towards the North pole so he could learn professional water bending.
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