02; You know how to fire-bend?
" How do you like the new clothes? Comfy I hope." I looked to Uncle, or General Iroh of the Fire Nation. My eyes glanced back down to his new clothes, my hair was pinned up so high, it felt uncomfortable . My clothes were soaked to the bone and the sleeves were a bit rip thanks to being knocked overboard.
Thanks Aang.
" Their nice, I mean, I rather wear blue but the clothes are warm." I was now wearing a long sleeved shirt, dark red and the sleeves were a bit tight but I could still moved. Dark tight pants that went into my boots, they were dry at least, thanks to how hot it was inside the damn ship. I had a light red shirt over my long-sleeved one and one of those armor on my mid-section. " Thank you for the clothes." I bowed my head, despite them being Fire nation scum, Uncle Iroh was the kindest person on the ship.
" No need to bow," Uncle Iroh said as he opens the door for us, " Come sit with me on the deck. We are coming upon land for repairs on the ship. Your airbending friend sure did a number on us. So young yet so very powerful." He chuckles, " How long have you two been friends?"
" I honestly only knew him for three days." I said as we walked down a hallway, some guards stood against the walls and I shivered, they had to be watching us. " He's great."
We come above out on the deck, some soldiers spoke or stood next to each other, watching me. They had to, I could feel their eyes watching me and whatever I did, probably to strike me down if I did something bad or whenever they pleased.
"WHAT IS HE DOING UP HERE!" I turn to the voice to see the prince advancing towards me with narrowed eyes. He seemed very angry that I was up here. Uncle Iroh stood in the way and smiles to his nephew. " I have decided to let Mirza to come up and enjoy some fresh air, he needed it. The poor boy was cooked up in his room." Uncle said as he dismissed the prince. " You should host your guest in a polite way, Prince Zuko."
" Uncle!" Zuko seemed peeved that it was his own family member that had let me out of the cage, " He isn't a guest on my ship. He's a hostage or even better, he's bait."
" Now, Prince Zuko." Uncle Iroh began scolding him about how to behave while in front of a guest as I stared away from them to an upcoming boarding island. Many Fire Nation ships were boarding at the island. I felt like my nerves were on fire, so many fire soilders..so many ships..
" You!" I yelped when my arm was yanked and I looked into the eyes of the Prince, they were so intimating and angry. " Don't even think of trying to run away from me either, you're the key to helping me catch the Avatar. You try to run and I will drag you back here." His eyes narrowed even more, " Is that clear Peasant?"
" Mirza."
" What?"
" My name is not peasant or anything, It's Mirza. It means prince." I muttered as my gaze shifted to the floor. " I like to be called that, if you don't mind Prince Zuko."
He was quiet before he let go of me, turning his back to us as he walked away. I sigh shakingly, that Prince was just so close and so scary when he gets mad. Rubbing my arm I looked to Iroh who seemed to be lost in thought, " Uncle?"
" Prince Zuko has never walked away before when someone speaks up to him. It's usually a shouting match.." He muttered, I must've been lucky or the Prince would've taken my head off. " Just stick close to us and don't speak up to other firebenders, as far as they know, you could be a firebender." Iroh said giving my arm a soft squeeze and a smile, I smiled back, a bit timidly and flinched when the front part of the ship connected to land, a loud coming from below. " Come, before Prince Zuko yells at us for not catching up."
I follow, my gaze to the ground as the pointy part of the ship lands and we walked down the stairs. My mind drifted back to my thoughts as we walked, I can faintly hear Zuko ordering Iroh to hurry with the repairs. Katara, Sokka, Aang? Are you guys safe? Eating enough for all of you? How far are you guys, if I screamed loud enough, would you hear me? Are you guys thinking about me?
I yelp when I noticed Iroh stopped walking, looking up I see Zuko turned towards us with narrowed eyes. " Don't mention his name on theses docks. Once word gets out that the Avatar is alive, every firebender would be looking for him and I don't want anyone getting in the way." He said sternly before flinching when a new voice interrupted. " Getting in the way of what, Prince Zuko?" A older man asked, walking towards us, arms behind his back and had the same hair style as General Iroh's.
" Captain Zhou." Zuko huffed, fixing his arms, crossed and over his chest. I watched, eyebrow raised and freezed up when his eyes looked over me then back to Zuko. This guy was creepy and it showed. " It's Commander now." Zhou replies then looked over Iroh, giving a polite bow. " General Iroh, Great hero of our nation."
" Retired General." Iroh politely corrected and gave a tiny bow back with a small smile. Zhou looked over to me and I stared back, my heart thumping harshly against my chest as I felt his heated gaze observing me and it took everything in me from not running away into the ship and into the jail cell I was in. " Who might this be? I slave?"
" He's nothing." Prince Zuko interrupts and I glanced at him and saw his eyes narrowed at Zhou. " Nothing more, nothing less. A slave, a tribute if you will." Even though his words hurt, and lowered my self-worth a bit, he was trying to get the Commander away from me.
" I see.." Commander Zhou wasn't convinced, the look in his eyes basically beamed with suspicion. " The Fire Lord's brother and son with the guest added, are welcomed guest anytime. What brings you to my harbor?"
" Our ship is being repaired." Iroh gestures to the ship behind us and Zhou hummed, " That's a quite a bit of damaged." He replies after his eyes wondered over the ship. " Yes, you wouldn't believe what happened."
A 12 year old kid basically made us crash into an iceberg, why wouldn't he believe us?
"Uncle, tell Commander Zhou what happened." Iroh blinked and looked at his nephew then the Commander.
" Yes! I will do that.." Iroh seemed nervous and made gestures, never really looking at Zhou as he spoke. " It was incredible, what did we crash or something?"
" Yes, we did, right into an Iceberg, It was my fault, I did try to escape..being a...slave..and..all.." I blurted out which surprised Zuko and Zhou. Zhou's gaze was on me and I smiled, a bit sheepishly and licked my dry lips. My hands playing with the hem of my new red shirt. That guy was so intimidating and I didn't like the looks that came over his face.
" Really? The trip near the water tribes must've been amazing, especially when you have a cute slave like this one . Care to tell more over drinks?" He leans closer to my face but his words were directed at Zuko, it had to be. I felt a hand yank mine and began pulling me away, I looked to see Zuko who looked away.
" Sorry but we have to go." Zuko excused but Iroh pipped up. " Prince Zuko, show Commander Zhou your respect." Iroh said as I looked over to the old man who shakes his head, damnit, Fire Nation people were too damn respectful to their own. I looked to Iroh then Zuko's hand, it clenched tightly with mine and my face heated up, not on purpose.
I've never held another boy's hand before. Of course, I held Sokka's, Katara's and other peoples hands but not with someone new and attractive, a firebender no less but hand holding with someone else never really made me feel anything. His hands were warm, very warm and I liked the sensation but knew what it meant. He was angry and beyond it perhaps, if we stay longer in Zhou's presence. Having no idea what to do, I moved our hands and my thumb rubbed over Prince Zukos knuckles and gave his hand a squeeze.
" We would be honored to join you." Iroh accepted before walking passed him. " Do you have any ginseng tea?" Both older men walked away and Prince Zuko lets go of my hand, growling and firebending out an arch before marching right behind the men. I turn to head back to the ship but yelp once more when my hand was grabbed.
" Oh no, If I have to endure it then you should be too." Prince Zuko snapped as he yanked me towards the direction of Zhou's ship. So close to being locked up damnit. We walked to a large tent, my hand shaking a bit as we entered, too much red and fire symbols, too much of them. Three chairs sat around the table and Zuko pushed me into the one that sat across the two others and Zuko took the one on my right.
Oh, Katara, Aang, Sokka, where are you now?
"..And by the year's end, the Earth Kingdom capital will be under our rule." Commander Zhou went on about some special attack on the Earth Kingdom, I tried to daydream or recall things mentally, I couldn't and wouldn't believe this. Those monsters. I was apart of those monsters. " The Fire Lord would finally claim victory in this war." Zhou finished with a smirk.
" If my father thinks the rest of the world will follow him willingly, then he is a fool!" Prince Zuko snapped angrily and I looked to him then away when Zhou came, sitting down beside Zuko with a smirk. I feel, that he was going to anger Zuko.
"Two years at sea have done little to temper your tongue. So, how is your search for the Avatar going?" Zhou asked and the weapons on the wall falls, thanks to Iroh's curiosity. " Oops, my fault entriely." Iroh apologized and walked back with a faint smile.
" We haven't found him yet." Zuko replied cooly.
" Did you really expect to? The Avatar died a hundred years ago, along with the rest of the airbenders." His expression turned soured and eyes narrowed. " Unless you found some evidence that the Avatar is alive?" He questioned.
" No..." Zuko looked away from the man. " Nothing."
This man must've been bad news if Prince Zuko isn't saying a thing.
"Prince Zuko, the Avatar is the only one who can stop the Fire Nation from winning this war. " Zhou stood up and over Zuko, anxiety bubbles up from within my stomach, don't say a thing, he has nothing on you, don't blow up. I uttered mentally, Prince Zuko is someone that seemed to blow up. " If you have an ounce of loyalty left, you'll tell me what you found. " Zhou said as he moved closer to Zuko's face with a scowl.
Zuko's eyes peered to me then to Zhou. " I haven't found anything." His eyes narrowed, " It's like you said, the Avatar probably died a long ago." Prince Zuko's tone was soft but taunting, like how Zhou was with Zuko at first. " Come on Uncle, Mirza, we're going." Zuko said as he began walking to the exit as I did, hurrying behind him but stopped when the guards moved to block us. Another solider walks up tp Zhou. " Commander Zhou, we interrogated the crew as you instructed, They confirmed that Prince Zuko had the Avatar in custody but let him escaped."
There it was, the fear and anxiety coming back, bubbling in my stomach, knots and knots twirling in me. They knew, they knew Aang was alive, the Avatar was back and news of this would certainly reach the Fire Lord.
" Now..remind me.." Zhou started, I kept my gaze away and staring at the curtain behind the guards. " How was your ship damaged?" He asked, his hot breath against my ear and my hands began to shake wildly, " It isn't polite to lie to me, water slave. Sit down or else." I don't move, my heart was beating too harshly, I was scared. This man can and will kill me if I do something wrong.
" Go," Zuko turns to me, his eyes soften a tiny bit, I could see it. " We'll chat for a while.." gulping, we sit down, guards stood beside Zuko and one behind me, as Zhou paced in front of us, hands behind his back. " So a twleve-year-old bested you and your firebenders?" he stops and barely glanced at us, " You're more pathetic then I thought."
" I underestimated him once, and but it will not happen again."
" No, it will not. Because you won't have a second chance. "
This surprised Prince Zuko and a little myself, did he have the authority to take over Zuko's mission at all or even tell him what to do? Zuko is a prince, from the royal family and Zhou works for them or well, under Zuko's father. I don't want to see Aang captured but Zhou had no reason to be giving orders to Zuko at all. I rather spend my life with Prince Zuko then this creep.
" Commander Zhou, I've been hunting the Avatar for two years and I-" Zuko is interupted when Zhou turns towards him sharply, letting an arch of fire out in front of him.
" And FAILED! Capturing the Avatar is too important to leave in a teenager's hands. He's mine now." Zhou said sharply as he walked up to him intimidatingly. My eyes on Prince Zuko, waiting for some shouting or breathing fire or whatever fire benders do when they're anger. As I suspected, Zuko launched himself towards Zhou but two guards grabbed him and held him back.
" Keep them here." Zhou orders before leaving, I watched the man then back at Zuko. I should've spoken up for the Prince but then again, the guy did kidnap me and prevented me from leaving with my friends. Once Zhou was gone, Zuko kicks the table over.
" Really?" I said with a shake of my head, the prince has bad anger issues but thank god it was aimed at the table.
" More tea please." Iroh requested, finally speaking up since the whole ordeal. I watched Zuko huff and glared at the exit, his golden eyes burning with anger and resentment. I looked to him then away, hand holding my head up as I stared at the ceiling. What are you guys doing? Better I hope.
" My search Party is ready. Once I'm out to sea, my guards will escort you back to your ship and you'll be free to go." Zhou announced as he enters the tent, hands on his hips as he stared down at us. I looked to him and then Zuko when he asked, " Why? Are you worried that I'll try and stop you?"
Zhou began laughing, and I shake my head, why the heck did he find this funny?
" You? Stop me? Impossible." Zhou said coldy. This made Zuko angry and I flinched as he stood up, almost getting in Zhou's face. " Don't underestimate me, Zhao! I will capture the Avatar before you! " Zuko snapped harshly as I stood up along with Iroh, mine was worry that the two would engage in combat while in the highly flammable tent.
" Prince Zuko, that's enough." Iroh scolded sternly. He didn't want a fight in the tent as well, we wanted the same thing. Though, I did wanted Zuko to be hurt a bit.
"You can't compete with me. I have hundreds of war ships under my command and you? You're just a banished prince. No home, no allies. Your own father doesn't even want you. " Zhou snarled at the prince. My eyes widen, a father that doesn't want you? How cruel.
" But he does." I said, my eyes looking at Zhou, " He's banished, like you say but he's still a prince. He's your prince and as your prince, you do as you say. You're not married into royalty, so what if you have skill? You have not connection or real power." Zhou's face twisted into a snarl, when I spoke my part finally, he growls and flings his fist to my feet and fire came out. Gasping, I moved back as Zuko moved from his place in front of me.
" You should teach him some manners, or his tongue might be burnt." Zhou snarled, Prince Zuko said nothing but didn't move away from me, which I was grateful for. "If your father really wanted you home, he would have let you return by now, Avatar or no Avatar. But in his eyes you are a failure and a disgrace to the Fire Nation. "
"That's not true. " Zuko disagreed with his own snarl.
" You have a scar to prove it."
" Maybe you would like one to match." Zuko barks, getting into Zhou's face, I would've flinch but Zhou didn't move a muscle.
" Is that a challege?" Zhou asked mockingly, his posture switched like he was the one getting ready for a fight. " An Agni Kai. At sunset." Prince Zuko said, eyes narrowed.
" Very well. It's a shame your father won't be here to watch me humiliate you. I guess your uncle and slave will do. " Zhou said as he parted from the tent. Iroh watched his nephew worrdily, heck, I was worried too and I don't even know what an Agni Kai is. Sounded spicy. "Prince Zuko, have you forgotten what happened last time you dueled a master?" Iroh questioned as a soft frown grace his older features. My gaze landed on Zuko, a frown of my own on my face. What was it? Some dual?
" I will never forget." Zuko replies, his voice dark and hidden within it was something else. Something I couldn't grasp yet. " You should've stayed quiet." I looked to Zuko who stared at me, eyebrows pinched. " I don't need help from someone who doesn't understand the situation."
" But, you were being talked down, you're a prince are you not?" I asked, arms crossed over my chest with a frown on my own, blowing some hair away from my face. His eyebrow rose a bit, like he thought I was stupid. " Of course, I am. What d-"
" There, you admitted it, you're a prince. Banished, gay, stupid or ugly, you're still a prince even when some jerk says you're not. Now..." I looked at Iroh's amused face and Zuko's curious one. " What's an agni kai?"
" You don't know..what's an agni kai?" Prince Zuko repeated, " How do you not know your culture."
" My culture has been Southern water tribe since birth. Not a lot of firebenders out in the snow." Iroh chuckles before looking at me, a smile on his lips. " What?"
" Nothing, an agni kai is If one person has a dispute with another person, he or she may challenge the other person to an Agni Kai. If the challenge is accepted, the two combatants move to either an official dueling area or whatever open area is available, such as a parade ground or plaza. Who ever wins burns the other, a mark of defeat." Iroh explains, " And this will be Prince Zuko's second agni kai.."
" I'll be fine." Zuko said as he shakes his head, " let's go get ready." He leaves, Iroh and I share a look, before following after the prince.
" Remember your fire bending basics Prince Zuko." Iroh said calmly, as he looked at his newphew, I stood beside him, playing with the hem of my shirt again, the place was so big and Zhou looked like he wasn't about to loose. " They are your greatest weapons."
" I refuse to let him win." Zuko replies as he stood up from his crouching postion. The cloth fallen off and my eyes roamed on Zuko's frame before looking at Zhou, he was more intimdating, the air felt so dry and scary. " Zuko.." I muttered, his ear perked a bit but he doesn't turn to me.
" Good luck." Zuko walked towards the center as did Zhou, I watched with wide eyes as the gong rings. The kept their poses and seemed to stare at each other, waiting for the first move. Of course, it goes to Zuko who shoots a powerful fire blast from his hand and at Zhou who moved to the left to dodge it and back to the right when Zuko aimed at his spot. Zuko moved from his spot, letting out huffs as he shot fire at Zhou but Zhou moves from the flames. Once Zuko sent a powerful blast at him, Zhou crossed his arms over himself and takes the blast but disperses the fire with his own groan. I can see Zuko panting heavily and lifts his leg and shoots a large flame at Zhou who manages to disperse it as well.
" He's amazing.." I said, watching the fight between two men, my eyes were on Zuko who kept trying to leave a mark or even move Zhou away. " Their moves.."
" You seem to enjoy the fighting but refuse to use your own bending." Iroh said, his hands covered by his sleeves. " Why is that?"
" I don't like using it because it brings bad memories to me and my people." I answered, they weren't technically my people, fully at least. They killed Katara's and Sokka's mother, stolen waterbenders from their home and much worst, they blinded me.
I kept my eyes on the fight as Zuko shot flames at Zhou who deflected them and even parted Zuko's stream of flame. Zuko is left panting and Zhou smirks seeing this too. " Basics Zuko, break his root!"Iroh called out, Zhou pressed his foot down and shot a fire blash at Zuko who cuts the blast by two. He moves back because of the force. Zhou attempts it again with double fist and Zuko cuts it. Zhou repeats it which knocks Zuko farther and father until the double blast like last time, it successfully pushes Zuko down onto the ground.
" His root...root..." I muttered, I observed quite a bit, seeing Zhou launch more fire, he stomped his foot down everytime, just like an Earthbender would do. That was his root. I watched as Zhou walked closer to Zuko who was still on the ground. He launches into the air, landing by Zuko, and shot fire at the prince's head. Seeing it was going to hit him, panic came hitting me in the chest. " ZUKO, HIS FEET! KNOCK HIM OFF HIS ROOTS!"
Zuko moved, and swipes Zhou's feet from under him making the man stumble to his feet and Zuko stood up. With using his feet, Zuko slides fire towards Zhou's feet making the older man gasp and move back each time, trying to advoid the fire but Zuko kept shoot.
" Not bad, only few would see Zhou's roots." Iroh complimented as he watched the fight, a grin came onto my face. He kept stomping his feet which was obivious of course but his moves matched and Earth bender.
I watched the fight and finally, he kicks fire at Zhou who moved back, falling and rolled to his side then on his back, in pain. " Is he gonna burn him?" I whispered, Iroh doesn't respond. Zuko stood over him , arms position to burn the man who taunted Zuko and us the moment we got there, both breathing heavily and waiting for the next move like they did in the beginning.
" DO IT!" Zhou snapped and with a growl, Zuko hit the space beside Zhou's head. He didn't do it, he didn't and that made me feel happy. He wasn't like other firebenders who would've taken the shot. He pants slightly as I walked up to him with the vest he had taken off, my eyes on Zhou who looked annoyed and angry.
"That's it? Your father raised a coward. " Zhou snapped as I offered Zuko his vest back, Zuko slowly takes it and wipes his face with it.
"Next time you get in my way, I promise, I won't hold back. " Zuko said, sternly before turning away with me following after him. Despite him wanting Aang for his father, he was really something. " Wipe that look off your face." Zuko glanced at me as I smiled, " What look?"
" Th-"
I hear a angry shout and turn to see fire heading towards us making my eyes widen and a gasp, leave my mouth. Zhou would've burn us for sure if Iroh didn't intervene by shoving him back by his foot. My heart pumping rapidly and I watched as Iroh looked at Zhou with a frown. Zuko goes, growling but Iroh stops him.
" No prince Zuko, do not taint your victory." Iroh stated, I moved too, pulling his arm back as well, he was really sweaty. Iroh turns back to Zhou, " So this is how the great Commander Zhao acts in defeat? Disgraceful." His tone condsending and cold. "Even in exile, my nephew is more honorable than you. Thanks again for the tea. It was delicious." With that we parted, and I let go of Zuko's arm as we walked back to our ship.
" Did you really mean that, Uncle? " Zuko asked once we were earshot away from the creep, a smile on my lips as we walked.
" Of course. Of course. I told you ginseng tea is my favorite. " Iroh said with a smile. " And you will begin your firebending training tommorw, Mirza. Bright and early."
" That's good." I said before stopping and looking at the older man with wide eyes, I can't! " I-I can't, Iroh, with all due respect but I simply can't."
" Mirza, it took you seconds while it took Zuko minutes to figure out Zhou's roots. You held such amazement and wonder about your own element, that it reminded me of a child. I can't force you but believe me, firebending will help you in the long run, it's just like waterbending really or as you saw Earth bending with Zhou." Iroh said with a smile, " Don't you wish to do what Zuko did, under a different circumstance?"
Do I? Firebenders are bad, scary and murderous..they are something to be shamed on and not to be trusted..but when I saw them..fighting..I felt..so connected..with the fire that scares me..that..flame..like it was natural for me to like them...I'm just..scared..
" I do, Iroh..I'm just scared..of them..and myself.." I said, looking down, they were too dangerous.
" Don't be.." Prince Zuko said as he walked a bit ahead of us. " The flames scare you because you don't understand them. You shouldn't fear them, they should empower you." He never turns to look at me.
I kept looking down, not because I was nervous but because my face felt hot and it might've looked red or pink.
Do flames really empower you? Or do they destroy you?
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