01;The Boy in the Ice
Do you know what's worst than getting no fish? Being hungry and not getting any fish.
Sokka had dragged me and Katara up from our lovely slumber to the ocean where a packed boat was waited at with two Spears inside.
" Come on. We're going to hunt breakfast." Sokka had said as he gets into the boat. His sudden weught making it rock a bit. " This morning were going to eat fish instead of Seal jerky." Katara gets in the boat without a fight, maybe she was too tired to fight?
" Sokka, it's too early for fishing. Why can't we get another hour of sleep before we go out to the water?" I suggested but he makes a noise of disagreement. " Fine. Fine. Only because I don't want to do any chores."
" I know." Sokka stated smugly before helping me into the boat. I sit next to the half-asleep Katara and began rowing towards the usual fishing spot which was a bit far from .The village. It was the usual place we would go fishing and usually we caught tons for a whole week. But today was not this day.
It has been five hours and we caught nothing. I stared at the water with a raised spear, but nothing came my way and was only met with my reflection and its empty stare. I am was so done, if Sokka doesn't catch another fish then I'll eat him. And tell Gran-Gran that a polar-dog ate him. " Sokka, if we don't catch a fish soon, I'll eat you whole." I said glancing at him in the corner of my eye but he was focused on the water with his spar raised eagerly to kill any fish.
" Hush, patience is virtue, Mirza." Sokka said as he kept his gaze locked to the water as I rolled both of my eyes. All I saw was one stone colored eye and one milky white eye staring back at me, no fish.
"You're not getting away from me this time. Watch and learn, Katara, Mirza." Sokka said suddenly and I placed my spear down to watch him. "This is how you catch a fish." Katara watched then away as I watched Sokka, nothing really interesting to learn.
" Guys, Look!" Katara says as my attention focused to her and my eyes widen, she caught one using waterbending, one hand she was moving it in a calm pace. " Not now Katara!" Sokka says as he kept his focus on another fish. He was missing it! " But Sokka I caught one!" She tried to argue as she slowly brought it closer in a floating water orb towards the basket. I opened the top for her to put it in as she brought it closer but the water orb pops when Sokka's speared end popped it.
" Ugh!"
" Hey!"
" Come back fish!" We let out our own cry of displeasure.
" Why is it that every time you play with magic water, I get Soaked?" Sokka asked shaking his gloves to get the water out. I frowns as some hit my face and I quickly wipes it off with a huff. I hated water on me when I didn't want it.
" Urgh." Katara groans as she narrow her eyes at her older brother, "It's not Magic. It's waterbending and it's-"
" Yeah, Yeah, an ancient art unique to our culture, Blah Blah Blah.." Sokka interrupted with no hint of care in his words. He rings out his warriors wolf knot as he kept talking, " Look, I'm just saying that if I had weird powers, I'd keep my weirdness to myself." Sokka nods to Mirza, " Plus, you don't see Frostie going uptight about our culture." Mirza shrugs, he knows enough respected waterbending as well, sometimes he wished he was a non-bender or a waterbender at times.
" You're calling me weird?" Katara said in disbelief and arms crossed and eyebrow quirked, " " I'm not the one who makes muscles at myself every time I see my reflection in the water." She says smugly as Sokka made the gestures into the water with a grinning smirk until her comment made the smile turn into a frown. " Or pretend to pick up girls and cheesy lines into the water either. " I spoke up for the first time in the conversation.
" Who's side are you on, Mirza?" Sokka asked me as I simply said, " The winning side." Both me and Katara High-fived but then the boat suddenly jolted making us gasp. I peeked over to se the boat headed on a course of ice chunks. Sokka grabbed the oar and tried to direct us away but the boat kept hitting them. I was also paddling but it was no use, the boat kept on getting hit against the ice debris, if only Katara could stir us with her waterbending abilities. We would be safe. We tried anyway possible to get away but the flow of the current and the ice chunks weren't letting up and forced us to keep going in the direction the current was heading.
" Watch out!" Katara shouted as smaller chunks of ice hit the boat and directed us in certain directions. " Go left! Go left!" She tried to direct us away from the huge ice slabs in the water that were going to meet. They narrowed the path, I grabbed Katara and Sokka grabbed the spar before leaping onto a floating ice slab that help crushed our boat into pieces. We laid their panting a bit. The current settled down.
" You call that left?" Katara asked as she settled herself next to her brother and myself as I slowly pushed my hair back that seemed to have ended up in front of my face when we landed. I would cut it but it help shield me from the cold at times.
" You don't like my steering?" Sokka asked sulkily like as he looked away from his sister. " Yeah, I don't enjoy you driving the boat at all." I said glaring at him and he sulked more. " Yeah well, maybe you should have waterbended us out of the ice." Sokka says as he mocked waterbending gestures and I let out a large sigh while staring up at the sky, this would lead to a fight between the two. I was too hungry and tried to be the mediator today.
" So it's my fault?" Katara asked sharply as she stood up and stared down at her brother. I sigh as my eyes darted between them, " Come on guys, just settle down." I said. I didn't want another fight and I was the oldest technically since I was born two months before Sokka. " It was nobodies fault."
" I knew I should have left you at home." Sokka ignored me as he continue to argue with his sister. " Leave it to a girl to screw things up." he grumbled and at this point it was no return out of the two now, at times Sokka can be really sexist when it came to females doing so-called warriors work. This always railed up Katara and by the look on her face, it wasn't going to be pretty.
" You are the most sexist, immature, nut brained-" Katara began to rant as she swung her arms back creating small waves in the water. " ugh, I'm embarrassed to be related to you!" She exclaims as the waves gotten bigger which was a huge warning sign to me. If we don't calm her down sooner, she will blow up. I mentally panicked as I stood up like her holding my hand out to calm her like she was some wild animal.
" Katar-" She kept ranting about how horrible Sokka is and the waves get bigger and bigger. " Ever since mom died," She said as an iceberg behind her cracked loudly but that didn't stop her. " I've been doing all the work around camp while you've been off playing solider! Mirza does more work than you, and that's funny! Last time I checked, Mirza is hundred percent man! But he doesn't go off playing solider because he knows his real duties as a man!" Every sharp statement and wild gesture of arms, the ice cracks louder and louder behind her.
" Katara?" Sokka tries to points out but she kept going off. " Katara, please calm down!" I exclaimed my worry but she ignored me. I'll see you in the spirit world dad.
" I even wash all the clothes! Have you ever smelled your dirty socks? Let me tell you, not pleasant!" With both arms she swings back and the waves rise up along with large cracks on the ice.
" Katara! Settle down!" Sokka exclaimed worriedly.
" Please, Katara! you can yell at him at camp, you need to calm down!" I pleased my hand on her coat but she shrugs my hand off and glared down at her brother.
" NO! Mirza, he needs to know! That it's over, I'm done helping you!" She snapped glaring at her brother with grit teeth. " From now on, you're on your OWN!" She brings down both arms to her side as two separate waves hit the iceberg and finally it began to break. It breaks down and clashed into the water as all of us clutched to the end of our broken ice slab as the waves pushed us from our original spot. I closed my eyes as the ice slab floated away from the spot but stops.
" Okay, you've gone from weird to freakish, Katara." Sokka commented drily and I gave him a bored stare. " Sokka, if you weren't such a pig, this wouldn't have happened." I stated and he gave me a bored stare in return. " It's true."
" You mean I did that?" Katara asked astonished by her work as she stared where the iceberg was before it crumbled up.
" Yup, congratulations." Sokka said sarcastically just as a glow came from under them. I stood up first in fear, thinking it was some spirit animal that we heard from stories over the years.
" Guys, get up, it might hurt us." I said as the thing came above the water floating there, it looked like a giant snowball-iceberg. My eyes drifted around every curve of it before noticing the figures inside it. It was giant and glowing. I stared at the figure until it's eyes open and they were glowing like his arrow on his head. " How-w.." I muttered shocked, it was still alive and spirits only knows how long its been down there.
" It's alive!" Katara gasped as she turns to Sokka and grabbed his club from its sheath " We have to help!"She stated before rushing towards the ice-ball with her hoodie now on, stepping on ice towards it. I was right behind her with my own hoodie on, I wanted to know what was alive in the ice-ball. I stepped on the ice floes behind her.
" Mirza! Katara! Get back here!" I heard Sokka barked after us but we kept going until we reached it, I had no weapon so I watched from behind her. Whatever it is, it must be magical right? It's glowing. " We don't know what that thing is!" Sokka states as he stood beside me. He wanted her to stop, but I wanted to know more.
Katara kept slamming Sokka's club against the ice-ball over and over until a fifth swing hit it and a burst of light and air pushed her towards us. It blew us back a bit as a shot of bright white light hit the sky and I could hear some tiger-seals nearby roaring too. They were probably startled as us too. Sokka held us, his arms stretching around his sister to reach me too and his spear pointed at the open sphere-ball. Whatever it was in the sphere-ball was far more powerful than Sokkas spear.
" Get up, before whatever is in there decides we're its new lunch." I said standing up as the siblings stood up as well. We watched in amazement as something slowly climbed up over the ice wall, his eyes and tattoo still glowing a bright white color. Sokka jerked forwards with his spear up, " Stop!" He demanded of the glowing-eyed boy. Once the boy straightened himself up he stops glowing and falls forwards but Katara moved quickly to catch him. I was in shock to do so. I bend down on my knees to take a look of him too, making sure he didn't have any wounds at all.
" He looks fine on the outside, but how exactly did he survive being in this iceberg.?" I stated before noticing Sokka poking him with the butt of his spear, I grabbed it and pushed back on it making Sokka jerk back. " Can you not?" I said with narrow eyes. Even if I couldn't see with the other, it was still added with an effect of being annoyed.
" Yeah, stop it!" Katara added, annoyed as me, " Come on, Mirza, put him on his back." I did what I was told before moving the iceberg boy against the broken ice-ball, on his right side to watch him. " I think he's an airbender." I stated as my eyes wonder to his clothes, they were colors of an airbender but for all I know he could be some kid dressed in airbender garb.
He suddenly groans and I moved back to give him space but Katara stays where she was, she was amazed at him. So was I but I wasn't in his face. His eyes fluttered open slowly and stared back at Katara, " Please, I need to ask you something.." he said in a low voice.
" What?" Katara questioned.
" Please, come closer." He said looking at her and she did move closer towards him. " What is it?"
He paused for a second, and for a second I thought he died but then, " WOULD YOU GO PEGUIN SLEDDING WITH ME?" His tone of voice from rough to childish in a second.
" uh, sure, I guess." Katara said a bit surprised and dumbfounded. She moved back and he floated himself upwards, he didn't stand up like a regular person but floated himself up. He is an airbender, I thought they all died. That sudden gesture spook Sokka because he moved back and Spear back towards the young airbender. " Where am I?" he asked glancing around.
" Around the southern water t-" I get interrupted by Sokka speaking over me. " Wouldn't you like to know!? Don't tell him anything, Mirza!" I crossed my arms and lightly kicked Sokka's shin with my foot making him wince and rubbed the spot, " What was that for?" He asked rubbing the spot.
" As I was saying, you're right near the southern water tribe." I stated with a small smile, " Welcome. How'd you get in the ice? How are you not frozen?" I asked polity because I really wanted to know. No regular human could do that.
" I'm not sure." he replies and I frown before staring up at the broken ice-sphere when there was a loud groaning sound from the other side, the boy gasp and began climbing up the ice towards the sound. I hurried around the corner to see a huge beast, it also had an arrow on it's head like its owner but the beast was something I've never seen in my whole life. It was mostly tan colored with the brown arrow starching down its back to it's large tail. I hear both of the siblings walk beside me and took in the whole scene like I did.
" What kind of monster is that?" Sokka asked.
" It's not a monster, it's my flying bison, Appa!" The boy chirps his reply back. Amazing, can he actually fly? He looks kinda heavy-setted.
" Oh, right. And this is Katara, my flying sister and our friend, Mirza can turn blue ." Sokka introduced us but then my foot made contact with his shin making him yelp and rubbed the spot I kicked. " Ow! Why!"
" And this is Sokka, he likes blowing kisses to the water." I introduced, as Sokka let out a, " Do not!" As he fixed himself as but Appa made a strange face and I moved away from Sokka in time to see green snot hit Sokka full force making him yelp in disgust and try to get it off by wiping himself into the snow.
" Don't worry, It'll wash off!'" The boy commented happily as he rubbed Appas snout. " So, do you guys live around here?" He asked but Sokka pointed the spear at him, " Don't answer that! Did you see that crazy bolt of light? He was probably trying to signal the fire navy."
" You do have a good point.." I said, he could be but he was clearly not part of the navy even so, I didn't want attention brought to us if there WAS a fire navy ship nearby to find the avatar. " But I hardly doubt he was trying."
" Yeah, I'm sure he's a spy for the Fire Navy. You can tell by that evil look in his eyes." Katara states sarcastically as she moved in front of her brother just as the airbender boy shot them a innocent grin with his innocent eyes.
" What's your name, kid?" I asked with arms crossed, as I scanned him. He didn't look harmful enough or not even older than twelve years old either, pretty young. " I'm A....A......A..." He stopped himself as he made the same face as Appa did then sneezed pretty loud and he went pretty high. Yup, Airbender for sure. He comes back down on his feet with a cheerful smile.
" I'm Aang." he introduced himself, " I'm Mirza. If you didn't already know."
" You just sneezed.. and few up ten feet into the air." Sokka states awestruck.
" I felt like it was higher." I commented, it felt more.
" Right! It felt higher like that too!" Aang agreed, " You're an airbender." Katara finally connected the dots. " Sure am."
" Light beams, airbenders, flying bisons. Ha, I think I've got midnight sun madness." Sokka states as he walked away from us, of course he wouldn't believe in anything like this. Small-minded.
" You know, we can't go home right?" I called out to him and he stops while staring at the water, my stomach growls hungrily and I tried to cover it. I was starved and could hear plum soup calling me. I'm eating you, Sokka.
" Well, if you guys are stuck, Appa and I can give you a lift." Aang offers and floated onto the flying beasts head with ease. " Yes please!"
" We love a ride! Thanks!" Katara follows suit with me and climbed up the monster with me holding her hand to help her up.
" Oh, no! I am not going on that fluffy green monster." Sokka disagrees quickly, " Are you hoping some other kind of monster will come along and offer you a ride home?" Katara asked as she settled herself into the flying bison's saddle.
" Yeah, like before you freeze to death?" I added for effect and Sokka comes climbing in, stumbling as he climbed too. " though so."
" Shut it, Mirza."
" Make me."
Katara and I held each other in excitement as we waited, Aang sung the reins for Appa to start up and take off. " I can't believe we're doing this." I muttered to her happily as Appa groans and tail lift itself.
" Me either! I hope we don't fall off." She states just as Appa leaps into the air before falling into the water, he didn't fly. He began floating forwards as a scoffed left my lips, " Damn."
" Wow." Sokka let out a sarcastic comment, " That was truly amazing." and I kicked him in the shin once more for today, " OW! What's with you and my shin?" Sokka asked before rubbing the spot, "Because I've had it up to here with you, " I raised my hand high, " I'm hungry and sleepy and you look like a tasty piece of jerky right now." I said before crossing my arms, plus my eye is starting to hurt.
" Is your eye okay?" I glanced to Katara who gave me a worried glance, " Does it sting? you've been out here long too.."
" Yeah, It's swell.." I assured and lean against the saddle with a sigh, " Goodnight, we won't get there until another two hours at this point." I said laying against the saddle and slowly closed my eyes, the second I did, the darkness consumed me whole.
When I woke up, I was in my tent, Sokka probably help carry me in, I dressed in my usual clothes. Usual WaterTribe shirt, navy pants, brown boots and this time I put my brown belt on after putting my heavy jacket on. After clasping it, I picked up my weapon of choice which was a long black whip, Sokka was better at weapons and I only needed one to use just in case. Legally I was a firebender by right but chose not to use it because I didn't want to get kicked out of the village not to mention fire is my number one fire since I was a child. Blame my mother, it was her fault.
I left my tent just as Katara yanked Aang out of his, I watched a bit amused as she introduced Aang to the tribe. Some were more scared then awestruck as we were. They feared him, women tried to shield their children when he came closer. " Oh, Okay, what's wrong with them?" Aang asked as Gran Gran walked forward.
" It's been a while since anyone seen an airbender." She said softly, " Until now, we thought all of the airbenders were extinct up until now when my grandchildren found you." They were extinct and Aang was the last one, the fire nation murdered them all. I sighed at the thought, the poor kid was all alone.
" Anyway, what kind of weapon is this? How do you stab things with it?" Sokka asked as he looked over the brown stick, " Not pretty useful." He huffed and moved back as Aang took it back from him, " It's not a weapon, it helps me fly." Aang said as he clicked it open and orange like flaps open up, one large one and a little one by the end. " It's my gilder."
" OOh, magic!" A kid exclaims, it was like magic but it was just airbending.
" No, not magic, airbending. It lets me control the air currents around my glider and fly." He said as Sokka commented in a know-at-all tone, " Ya know, last time I checked, humans can't fly."
" Check again." Aang said as he adjust himself on the glider before leaping into the air and flies around us, which made everyone whisper how cool he looked, he glides into the air watching us. I got to admit, that is pretty cool how he was doing this with his airbending. Amazing. Until he hits face first into the crappy watch tower that Sokka made.
" My watch tower!" Sokka gasped out with wide eyes, I chuckled while shaking my head, this kid was too awesome. " It was kind of crappy anyway." I nudged him making him shoot a dull glare at me, " It was." Before he could retort an insult or two, the tower fell on him a bit and he falls with it. He pokes his head out the snow with his limbs, " Great, you're a airbender, Katara is a waterbender, together you can just waste time all day long." Sokka grumbled as he got out the snow.
" Yep. Don't mind him, it just took him a week to make this stupid thing." I kicked at the base a bit and bits of snow fell on the ground. " Anyway, I'm going hunting, gonna catch a few things." I announced but the women were already doing their work.
" Good luck." Katara said as Gran Gran called her for chores, " Yeah, See you soon." Aang said as the kids wanted him to perform more airbending and he does happily agree. I pulled my hood up and grabbed an extra spear that the men left Sokka as a spare. I Walked out and the cold wind hit my face but the heat within me kept me warm and further, if I find some tiger seal then we would be set for at least five days.
When I was a good mile away, I ran ahead with my spear pointed and my eyes glancing around for any movement, I'll even hunt a wolf but I don't because they fight. We needed food for the tribe, I would even resort to firebending to scare some into me. I had to make sure nobody followed me or even saw me, they'll cast me out and I know it. Katara would be betrayed and Sokka would be guilty. He only knew because he saw me as a child do it, he was amazed at first because I looked southern water tribe but be able to bend fire.
It's been two hours since I've been gone, the sun almost at sun set. I caught one tiger seal and carried it on my back, it had friends and they tried to attack me but in a last second I bend a large flame from my palm and it scared most of them but the beauty on my back, it had a burn on is stomach but hopefully they wouldn't notice it. I kept walking until I noticed a firework was launched into the sky, and I knew who it was and it made me start running towards the village. That was a fire nation signal, for the fire navy. I almost slip a few times but it was worth it to hear Sokka snap at Aang, the women there too as I entered the village.
" That's it! You're banished!" Sokka snapped pointing his finger at Aang, " Sokka you're making a mistake." Katara tried to intervene, " No, I'm keeping my promise with dad! I'm protecting you from threats like him." He gestures to Aang, they were the ones that went on the ship, we told everyone not to go there.
" What's going on?" I asked dropping the meat down, pulling my hood down along with it. " Why are we banishing him?" I asked as Sokka turns to me, eyes narrowed.
" He signaled the fire navy, we're gonna be under attack at any mintues because they went on the dumb ship." He explains but Katara cut through, " Aang is not our enemy, don't you see? Aang brought us something we haven't had in a long time. Fun."
" Fun!? We can't fight firebenders with fun!" Sokka exclaims loudly. They were kids, but Katara should know better being older than Aang and our rules.
" You should try it sometime." Aang commented joyfully. It wasn't helping his case.
" Aang, don't say another word." I advised but Sokka interrupted me. " Get out of our village. NOW!"
" Grandmother, please. Don't let Sokka do this. Mira." She begged us, " My vote wouldn't count as much, Katara." I said as her hopeful face fell and turn towards her grandmother.
" Katara, you knew better then to go onto that ship, it was forbidden." Gran Gran said with narrow eyes, disappointment in her tone. " Sokka is right, I think it's best if the airbender leaves."
" FINE! Them I'm banished too! Come on Aang, let's go!" Katara snapped as she turns on her heel and yanked Aang by the arm, walking away.
" Katara, wait!" I called out to her, worried. I didn't want her to leave with him, on their own. This world was cruel enough and they were kids going to be thrown into it. " Where do you think you're going!" Sokka shouted.
" To find a waterbender, Aang is going to taking me to the North Pole." She said as she kept walking with Aang in toll.
" That's basically across the world." I muttered, I wouldn't see them ever again.
" I am? Great."
" Katara! Would you choose him over your tribe?" Sokka asked, his voice pleading, I knew he didn't' want her to leave either, to leave our home. " Your own family?"
I watch as Aang whisper something to Katara as he jumped on the huge sky boson, and adjusted himself. " It was nice meeting everyone." Aang said, with a bitter smile.
" Let's see him fly now, sky boy." Sokka mocked as I rammded my heel against his shin making him flinched and glare at me. " What?" He muttered.
" He's going to find out he's family is dead. Then he'll have no one." I muttered glaring at him a bit, he flinch probably because my eye looked even scarier. " He can't come back because of this. He'll be alone." I began walking, into the tribe walls and began pulling the tail of my tiger seal into my hut to ready the meat.
" Stupid, Sokka, Stupid Katara, stupid kid.." Before I could start the cutting, my lantern began flickering widely, there was something coming. I placed a blanket over the tiger seal before grabbing the cutting knife, sticking it into my boot which was uncomfortable but I can still walk. Then the rumbling, It felt like an earthquake.
I hurried out as the children start screaming, There was a large navy ship breaking through our wall as everyone scrambled into their tents. Sokka, being the stubborn bull he was, stood at the wall as the ship came through. " SOKKA, GET OUT OF THE WAY!" I screamed as Sokka is pushed down thanks to the snow. The ship stops but the front opens on the snow and Sokka narrowly escaped it.
Fire benders, a seven of them, I wrapped my arms around Katara as I watched Sokka run towards them with his club but the guy in front simply kicked the club away then Sokka into the snow. They continue to walk down as I could literally feel my heart beat very loud in my chest like it was going to explode within minutes. two groups of three stayed back as the front guy, walked close to us. He had a scar on the left side of his face and very pale. His golden eyes scanned us, up and down like he was looking for something or someone.
Please tell me they aren't here for the last waterbender. I held Katara closer as his eyes scanned over us. They can't take her. They can't.
" Where are you hiding him?" He asked, voice kind of deep and rough, like his scar. Hiding who? We have no one to hide. He moved his arm and grabbed Gran Gran by her hoodie and just held her, no burning or fire. " He would be around this age, master of all elements?" He asked again while shaking the hoodie but nobody answered. When no one answered he shoved gran gran back to us, Katara got free of my hold and pulled Gran Gran close to her this time.
He swings his arm forwards as a stream of fire barely touched our heads making some women and children cry. I flinched as well as I felt how hot it was, the heat of the flame.
" I know you're hiding him!" He snaps but Sokka and his screaming distracts him for a moment. Before Sokka could land a hit with the weapon, the fire guy merely chucks Sokka to the ground in front of us with the club at the fire guy's feet. He shoots a flame to Sokka but Sokka rolls as the flame hit the snow and I moved back a step, it was too close. Sokka throws his lucky boomerang at the fire guy but he took a step back as the boomerang flew passed him.
" Do something, Mirza, this is a one-sided fight." Katara encouraged. She was right, I was there, the only other older guy in the village and was hiding from the firebender. Sokka had more fighting skill but I had my whip, the only weapon I was good at.
" Show no fear!" A kid throws Sokka his spear and Sokka went back at the fire guy running. I moved to the right side from Fire guy's point of view, whip out as the guy destroyed Sokka's spear by cutting it up with his hands. He grasped the bone part from Sokka before hitting Sokka's head with it three times and Sokka fell on his butt. Of course that would happened, but what I didn't expect was a direct hit by boomerang that knocked the fire guy's helmet a bit. He growls in annoyance as his hands heated up into knives or dagger shape.
I moved my whip over my shoulder and aimed at the fire, it missed as I expected it and the whip grasped tightly around the fire guy's wrist making the fire daggers stop. " Huh?" I hear him grunt.
" Listen, we don't have the avatar, he's been gone for almost hundred years." I said , my grip on the whip tight. " I can assure you, Sokka and I are the only older males here." I wanted to be peaceful in this but he had other ideas as anger washed over his face as I spoke the truth. Before I could react, he pulled the whip towards him and I digged my feet into the ground as I was dragged. He gave one pull and he had me by the scruff of my hoodie, his golden eyes more dangerous up close.
" That's a complete lie, we saw the beam of l-" He was interrupted by something that made us fall over, me on my side and him into the ground. His helmet on his butt. I see Aang on a penguin, his happy face. " Sorry, for making you trip, Mirza!"
" It's fine."
The fire guy stood up as the soldiers behind him circle Aang but with his staff he blew snow at them with ease and on myself along with the fire guy.
" You're the avatar?" The guy asked a bit confused. Called it.
" I spent years preparing for this encounter. Training, meditating.. You're just a child!" Fire guy said, he had a lot of issues and I could tell. They circled each other as fire guy spoke.
" And you're just a teenager." That didn't stop as fire guy made hand movements which flung streams of fire at Aang but quickly, Aang began defusing them by twirling his staff in front of him. As he did, flames barely touched the tribe making kids scream.
" If I go with you, will you leave everyone alone?" Aang asked, he was giving himself up to save the tribe. It was a few minutes but the fire guy nods at the request until another solider comes up to him and say something, I couldn't catch.
" Minus one more. A waterbender." My eye widens and in the corner of it, I see Sokka stand protectively in front of Katara as Gran Gran try to hide Katara with herself. " We have intel from one of our navy ships that there is one waterbender left here. We are taking them and the avatar with us. Give her up now."
" Wait, I just agreed to go with you! Why hunt for someone else when you have me?" Aang asked as he was pushed along to the ship. " You can't d-"
" It's me!" I crawled in front of the fire guy, on my knees and looking up at him with my good eye. " I..I.I'm not a trained waterbender but it Is me..you agreed to him, the avatar to spare us.." I restated while looking at the tribe. Sokka was shaking, I could see him and Katara's eyes were watery. " I am your prisoner." If I am not a skilled fighter then I'll give myself up for them.
He watched me, like he was trying to determined if I was lying or not. He yanked me by my arm, his grasp hot and tight. " Another trophy for my father." He muttered as I was pulled beside him I was barely keeping up with him too. I turns back to see some droplets of tears falling from Katara's eyes and one from Sokka.
" Head a course to the Fire Nation! We're going home!" The fire guy called over as the soldiers hurried Aang along with them. The black part of the ship closed and the light was gone. He kept dragging me, taking my whip with him, on his own belt.
" Take the airbender to his cell!" The fire guy said, " The waterbender will be close to the water by the cell. He'll stay in my quarters." He said as Aang and I parted ways, I was shaking within his grip. I was cold but fearful that the prince will kill me in his room. We stopped and he shoved me into the warm room.
" No funny business, I don't want to harm you, I want you clean and unharm when I give you to my father." He said, as he began closing the door as I stood there frozen in fear as his hand lit up. " Or this will be your future." The door shuts as his flame dimished into his hand as I'm left in the room. Panic set as I glanced around, the room was pretty big and covered in red fabric, and the Fire Nation symbol hanged behind his bed.
Is this my life now? Some slave or a prisoner of the Fire Nation? I wanted to go home. The door opens and I see the staff get thrown in. I picked It up and sigh, they must been locking Aang away, that poor kid.
" Mirza! Come on!" The door slams open and I looked up to Aang, nodding, he grabbed my hand as I held his staff and the kid ran fast. I barely caught up to him as we came to the deck of the ship. "Okay, I think I can carry you on my staff but not for long!" Aang said as he grabbed the staff from me. " Is this a good idea?" I asked, it was probably the only idea we had. He opens it but quickly goes behind me, twirling his staff making the fire ball at me disappear.
" No where to run or hide, Avatar." Fire guy said as he gets into stance, we backed up farther. Then a groaning sound, " APPA!" Aang yelled as I looked up to see the huge boson flying with Katara and Sokka riding him, " He can fly." I was in awe. But it was sort lived when a fire ball aimed at us, I jumped away but Aang was dispersing them with his brown staff. He kept going and going until the last one knocked him off the ship.
" Aang! No!" Katara yelled, as I looked over with worry but it didn't last long as Aang came out the water, his tattoos glowing white with his eyes.
" Cool.." I was in awe, and it felt like I needed to bow but he carried the water, shaping it around him pushing everyone off included me. I hit the water but hurried to swim up but I couldn't the current and I felt freezing, closer to death if felt until something yanked me up by my arm. When I hit the surface, I let out a gasp trying to suck some air in then exhaled making a small breath of fire blow out from my lips.
" You're a fire bender?" I perked to see the fire guy, his eyes wide as he carried me and kinda yanked me to the chain. I kept quiet and hanged onto the chain with him as he yelled. " Shoot them down!"
They were flying away without me. They should've, Aang was more in danger. The fire guy yanked me aboard as I take deep breaths, my clothes clung to me as many soldiers circle around me with their own weapons, the ship stopped because ice fell down onto it thanks to Aang or they crashed.
" Take him to a cell, one next to mine." I hear him demanded the guards, as I sit up looking at him, my hair a mess and I felt the fatigue and my lungs burning. " New clothes too. I can't have the hostage sick. It would be bother some." The fire guy said to a much large man, kinda short but looked kind.
" Of course, Prince Zuko." He said, as he turns to look at me with a smile. " Come along. You're going to catch your death out here." He offered a hand and I took it. He seemed nice. " Then I'll make you some nice hot tea. it will warm you up."
I smiled back. " Thank you, um.."
" Iroh. Yours will be?"
" Mirza."
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