Chapter 2
Left to his own devices, Error tried to decipher Ink. Ink, despite how he acts, is dangerous, this much Error knew -he was still internally kicking himself for forgetting that-. Ink may act like an idiot, be totally obnoxious, and dare he say even cute. However, all this could be a front; for all he knew, the Ink he'd known these past few months could all be a lie, a façade that the other made to lower Error's guard before killing him.
Error stewed over his thoughts for almost 10 minutes before Ink appeared at the entrance of the abandoned building wearing his assassins clothes once again. "You feeling any better?" Ink said leaning down to where Error was sitting, handing him his water.
"A little." Error replied quietly.
"Good." Ink also replied just as quietly, noticing Error's need of quiet. Ink was bad at being quiet, he's known this all his life, but he'll try especially hard in Error's moment of vulnerability. Seeing Error become so vulnerable, the most vulnerable Inks ever seen him, didn't settle right in Ink's non-existent stomach, causing it to churn and twist in unpleasant ways. So consequently he tried to help the best he could, fetching Error some cool water, quieting his normally loud voice down into a low whisper, anything he could think of to help Error.
Silence flooded over them. Ink knew that they had to talk about any information that Error had on the Mafia, but after Error's "episode" it hardly felt appropriate to bring it up. They'd get to that later, for now Ink needed to make sure Error would be alright so the painful tightness in his non-existent stomach would stop.
"So, got any hobbies?" Error asked, studying the large cracks in the concrete. Ink's voice, he needed to hear it, to focus on something else as he calmed himself, something to distract him, to ground him further.
Ink thought for a moment before he sheepishly said, "It may seem weird, but I like to paint, draw, about anything art related, really." Ink said relaxing slightly now that there was not longer a tense silence. "I just started on a new one recently actually. You see, my neighbor's cat passed away recently, and ever since they've been pretty depressed. So, I asked for a picture of it to paint. They're very nice and even baked some cookies for me after I told them." Ink said rambling. The so far one-sided conversation had eased both of their nerves, Ink continued to ramble and try to describe how the cat looked, the background color he'd chosen, even the pose the cat was in.
It was obvious to Error that Ink was patinate about art, so obvious that Error found himself relaxing, and letting himself retain the idea that, maybe, just maybe, the Ink he'd known these past few months, was in fact the real Ink, not some front. Error watched how his eyelights shifted from where Ink sat next to him. Perhaps, their "plans" could be altered. After all, the assassin didn't seem like he'd need much convincing, he was apparently already pretty attached to Error.
Error's train of thought was interrupted by a hand waving in front of his face, he glanced over to see Ink looking concerned at him.
"Are you sure your okay? You zoned out for a while there." Ink paused waiting for a response, Error remained quiet trying to think of an excuse, before he could respond, however Ink continued. "We could cut this meeting short if you'd like." Ink glanced down to his watch. "Actually, this is the longest we've met up, about an hour longer than normal." Ink said, he was surprised that so much time had already passed.
Error went rigid in shock and quickly got to his feet. "An hour? I have to go." Error said walking briskly toward the exit. When Error got to the door he turned back to were Ink stood trying to follow after him. "Nightmare is said to be showing up on the eastern side of the city in a week, on a Monday. He'll be sending some made men/soldiers to gather payment. Follow any made men who have a hostage. They'll be taken to Nightmare where he'll decide if they deserve his mercy or not." Error said firmly. "We'll meet the Friday before to discuss plans."
"Sir yes sir." Ink said with a mock salute as Error opened the door and walked out, closing it after. Ink was slightly nervous, he had little time to prepare but if Error was going to work out a plan later with him, then he'd be fine. For now however, he has to report to his hirers when the assassination will happen.
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