You'll get hurt!
Kaminari had more visitors.
It was early Sunday morning... must've been almost one in the morning, and Kaminari had been woken up to meet these visitors. He was almost positive that it was Sero and Jiro again although he had no idea why they would come at this ungodly hour. And then he saw Bakugo and Yaoyorozu staring at him through the glass.
"Guys?" Kaminari asked as he was sat down and chained to the metal table. The two UA students walked into the room and sat down across from Kaminari.
"What are you two doing he-" Kaminari began.
Bakugo slammed the table, cold rage in his face.
"The hell are they dumb spark?" Bakugo demanded.
"What?" Kaminari asked startled.
"Jiro, Sero, Kirishima, Shinso, and Mineta didn't come back to the dorms last night," Yaoyorozu explained briefly, "We found out that Kirishima drove Sero and Jiro here and then came back and picked up the other two. Where are they."
Kaminari's mind was working in overdrive.
They hadn't come back to the dorms?
Where on earth would they be?
They wouldn't have been stupid enough to - No, they were dumb enough.
They did it.
"I-I," Kaminari stuttered.
"We're not playing your mind games!" Bakugo roared seething with rage, "You've been messing with emo ear jack and flex tape every time they've come to visit. They pulled shitty hair, tired, and gross grape into this. Where'd they go after they came here!?"
"How would I know!?" Kaminari asked. The lie almost caught in his throat.
They'd be watching him and if he broke now there was no doubt in his mind that they'd go after everyone. Jiro and Sero may have already screwed everything up but if he could play it off maybe they'd let them go and no one would get hurt.
"Kaminari," another voice stated. Someone else walked in; Mr. Aizawa. "We know you know."
"I don't though," Kaminari gritted, "I never actually knew the location of their bases, the warp guy always took me there if I had to meet them."
"What makes you think they're with the league?" Aizawa asked.
Kaminari froze.
He'd walked right into that. Stupid.
"They... they..." Kaminari began.
Then Aizawa's phone rang.
They all jumped and looked to Aizawa who pulled out his phone.
Phones weren't allowed in Tartarus... but Aizawa had his ways.
"Hello?" he asked putting it to his ear.
"MR. AIZAWA!" Mineta screamed over the sound of explosions and crashing sounds.
"Mineta?" Aizawa questioned pulling the phone away from his ear.
"Mr. Aizawa you gotta talk to Kaminari!" Mineta cried, "We're trapped in one of the League's crazy hideout places and we're all gonna die!"
"What? What are you - " Aizawa began.
"Just go to Tartarus and put him on the phone. We gotta talk to OH GO-" Mineta shrieked. There was a thump and much clanging making Aizawa stiffen. Then there were some more muffled sounds and then Aizawa heard a few more muffled voices.
"GUYS I LOST THE PHONE!" Mineta cried.
"YOU IDIOT!" Shinso yelled
"SHINSO! DUCK!" Jiro cried.
Aizawa's phone vibrated as he assumed Jiro's sound waves were utilized
"I FOUND THE PHONE!" Kirishima yelled triumphantly, "Hey, you there Mr. Aizawa?"
"Yes, Kirishima where are you - " Aizawa began.
"That's... complicated," Kirishima answered, there was what sounded like an explosion and a scream. Now it sounded like Kirishima was running. "But you have to get to Tartarus, we have to talk to Kaminari, it's urgent!"
"I'm in Tartraus," Aizawa stated.
"GREAT!" Kirishima cried. Aizawa assumed he had just avoided something, "PUT HIM ON SPEAKER! YOU HAVE TO HEAR THIS TOO!"
Aizawa slowly took the phone away from his ear and put it on speaker, "Alright, what is going on!?" he ordered.
"KAMINARI YOU THERE!?" Kirishima yelled.
"SHITTY HAIR!?" Bakugo questioned.
"WHOA! Bakugo you there too!?" Kirishima grinned.
"KIRISHIMA!" they heard Jiro shriek.
There was another explosion and a whole lot of sounds that made them all hold their breath.
"Hello? You still there?" Shinso asked on the other side of the phone.
"Shinso!?" Kaminari questioned.
"He's fine, he's beating someone up right now but that isn't important!" Shinso yelled clearly running.
"What are you guys doing!?" Yaoyorozu demanded.
"That's complicated. Kaminari!" Shinso ordered.
Kaminari leaned towards the phone, "Yeah?"
"Please tell me you went in the tunnel system beneath the spooky warehouse on 64rth!" Shinso prayed.
"THERE YOU ARE YOU BRAT!" someone roared.
There was a gasp and a clang as the phone fell to the floor.
"SHINSO?" all four yelled.
"YOU CALL THAT A PUNCH!?" a muffled Shinso roared.
"Yeah I d-" the villain began answered. Then he shut up.
"Good, now walk into that pit!" Shinso ordered.
After a few moments Shinso picked up the phone and was back, "So about that tunnel system?"
"Uh... once," Kaminari nodded.
"Great, because I have good news and bad news. Good news, we have enough proof that you're innocent, bad news we're HOLY SH-" Shinso was caught off with an explosion.
More chaotic sounds ensued.
"I LOST THE FREAKIN PHONE!" Shinso yelled from afar.
"SERO DO YOU SEE IT!?" Jiro yelled, she sounded closer.
"YEAH!" Sero answered.
There was more muffled jostling of the phone, and then Sero answered.
"Hello, Kaminari you there?" Sero greeted.
"THE HELL IS HAPPENING!" Bakugo demanded.
"Oh hey Bakugo," Sero greeted. They heard his tape being used and figured that he was probably swinging around.
"Sero, where are you?" Yaoyorozu cried.
"And Momo too!" Sero laughed, "Sweet, okay, Kaminari, you gotta tell us how to get out of this tunnel system. We were forced into it before Shinso was able to brainwash and guard and we could break free but no we have no clue how to get out."
"Uh," Kaminari began, "You're at the warehouse right?" Kaminari began.
"Yeah," Sero agreed.
"You gotta follow the white lights on the ceiling... and there's like, uphill ramps, you gotta go up those," Kaminari instructed.
"It can't be that easy," Sero laughed.
"It is... most of the villains are idiots," Kaminari nodded.
"THE LIGHTS ON THE CEILING?!" Mineta yelled back.
"WELL NO SH*T SHERLOCK!" Shinso cried.
"COME ON BRO WE CAN DO THIS!" Kirishima cried.
" SERO, THREE O'CLOCK!" Jiro warned.
There was a hiss and Sero grunted.
"DON'T WORRY SERO I GOT YOU!" Kirishima yelled.
There was more clanging and then Kirishima picked up the phone.
"Alright, see, we're pretty good. Don't worry we'll be back soon," Kirishima grinned.
Then there was a scream that sounded a whole lot like Jiro.
"JIRO!" Kirishima cried.
There was another explosion and then there was silence.
"Kirishima?" Aizawa asked.
"Eijiro?" Yaoyorozu asked.
The phone lay discarded.
Kirishima, Shinso, and Mineta were retreating and being pursued by villains. Sero and Jiro, however, lay unconscious a few feet away from the phone. Slowly Giran walked up and smiled at the phone. He picked it up and held it to his ear.
"Hello?" he asked.
Kaminari stiffened and a lump caught in his throat.
"Who is this?" Aizawa commanded taking the phone off speaker and listening intently to the phone.
"That's a need to know basis," the stranger answered, "But do me a favor, you tell Denki this; He messed up."
Then the stranger hung up and Aizawa looked at the phone clearly troubled.
"They're under the abandoned warehouse on 64th street. It's in Kasiko town, only thirty minutes away!" Kaminari explained, "You have to get there!"
"What happened to 'I don't know where they are?' " Bakugo hissed.
"Thank you," Aizawa stated briefly before running out.
"Wait, Mr. Aizawa!" Yaoyorozu yelled running after him.
"YOU AIN'T LEAVIN US HERE!" Bakugo yelled.
They left Kaminari chained to the table even though he wanted nothing more than to follow them.
"Mr. Aizawa wait!" Yaoyorozu ordered running after he teacher.
"You two stay here," Aizawa ordered, "With Kaminari."
"Hell no!" Bakugo yelled.
Aizawa stopped at turned to the two who had caught up.
"I'm not completely sure Kaminari is safe here, which means you two need to stay with him. I can get the other's back just stay here," He ordered, "And take the phone, if they call again, you tell them I'm coming. If someone else calls you, don't answer."
The two didn't argue even though they clearly wanted to and slowly Yaoyorozu took his phone.
Aizawa ran out into the parking lot and jumped into his car.
Mr. Aizawa had been gone for ten minutes; Yaoyorozu and Bakugo couldn't wait that long. They left and entered Bakugo's car before racing towards the location that Kaminari had given them. When they were a few miles away Yaoyorozu began to have doubts.
"Maybe we shouldn't have left him, Mr. Aizawa thought he could be in danger," She murmured, "Besides, I'm sure he can handle it."
"He left his phone with us, he can't call for back up if he needs it," Bakugo growled slamming on the gas.
"But what about Kaminari!?" Yayorozu argued.
Bakugo gripped the wheel and growled, "Alright ponytail bitch, get my phone..."
"Who do I call?" Yaoyorozu asked picking up his cell phone from the glove box.
"Call Deku... put him on speaker," Bakugo ordered.
Yaoyorozu looked confused but she did so.
The phone rung two times, and then Izuku Midoriya picked up the phone.
"Kacchan?" Midoriya's tired voice murmured.
"Deku you bastard, I know you have All Might's number," Bakugo roared angrily merging onto the highway... however, he was surprisingly safe when driving.
"It's one in the morning Kacchan," Midoriya murmured.
"What... why do you need it?" Midoriya asked.
"Midoriya," Yaoyorozu commanded, "Please make a three-way call with All Might."
"Yaoyorozu?" Midoriya wondered, "What are you - "
"DO IT NOW SHITTY NERD!" Bakugo roared.
"O-okay," Midoriya cried.
They'd been on the road for twenty minutes. The phones were on the dashboard and they were almost at the location when Aizawa's phone rang. Yaoyororzu answered it without hesitation.
"Hello?" she greeted.
"Yaoyorozu, is that you?" Kirishima hissed.
"SHITTY HAIR!" Bakugo yelled, secretly relieved.
"Shhhhh!" Kirishima hissed, "We're hiding right now!"
"We're almost there," Yaoyorozu promised, "Is everyone alright?"
"Well, Shinso, Mineta, and I are... we lost Sero and Jiro somewhere... we need to talk to Mr. Aizawa," Kirishima ordered.
"He went to get you guys, he should be there already!" Yaoyorozu cried.
"Maybe he is... I don't know, but we're hiding so if he is out there I don't think he'll be able to find us," Kirishima whispered.
"We're almost fucking there, just fucking tell us where the fuck you are and we can fucking find Mr. Aizawa and you bastards," Bakugo roared.
"Hold on, did you say you lost Sero and Jiro!?" Yaoyorozu cried.
"Yeah, we have no clue where they went," Kirishima agreed, "We're kinda freaking out."
"Hush dude, people are gonna hear you," Kirishima hissed, "And then they'll find us and we'll be screwed!"
Jiro and Sero were fine for the time being. They were strapped to metal tables so mentally they weren't as fine.
"I'm sorry Sero, I pulled you into this," Jiro choked looking around wildly.
"I mean... I kinda did this to myself so... this is fine," Sero smiled also freaking out.
"Do you think they got the others?" Jiro asked.
"I dunno," Sero choked.
"I hope Mr. Aizawa sends backup," Jiro prayed.
"Yeah, I'm sure he did, they'll get here soon," Sero assured her.
The door to the room opened and they both struggled to look at who walked in.
"Hey kiddos," Giran grinned
"You," Jiro spat.
"Don't worry we'll find your buddies soon, but in the meantime ... " he pulled up a chair and looked at them, "Why don't you tell me how exactly you found me?"
"It wasn't Kaminari," Sero said quickly, "He didn't know we were doing this."
"Maybe so, but he had one job," Giran sighed.
"Why'd you do this to him!?" Jiro yelled.
"The league hired me to. They paid me to get an inside man, they didn't care how I did," Giran shrugged.
"He didn't know. So leave him and his family out of this," Sero begged.
"Well, see that's hard because I gave him very strict instructions. He was supposed to stop you from digging this deep, I told him, that if he failed, you'll get hurt. And I'm the type of guy who keeps his promises," Giran smiled bringing the cigarette to his mouth.
Both Jiro's and Sero's mouth went dry in fear.
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