"Don't give me that face," Kaminari sighed.
Jiro clenched down on her teeth and tried to stop herself from screaming.
It was all wrong.
She was looking through the thick glass that the prison "tartarus" used to separate the criminals from their visitors. Kaminari looked at her from the other side.
He was strapped to a seat, wearing a one-piece suit that was lined with rubber. He couldn't so much as move without being threatened with life - he was a traitor and they got this fate.
God, the mere thought of that was wrong! Kaminari? Traitor? Tartarus!?
It should've been unimaginable but... a month ago she had been proven wrong. A month ago class 1-A was attacked (unsurprisingly) on a field trip. Nomus had been warped to their location but no villains... except the one in their ranks. Kaminari had let loose a huge amount of electricity that had knocked out many of his comrades and had revealed that he was the UA traitor.
They would've all been captured had other pro heroes not arrived in time. Kaminari had been beaten down by the heroes and the numos retreated. The students had been physically treated but there was nothing to be done about their mental states. They had trusted Kaminari and trying to wrap their head around him being their enemy was harder than anything they had done.
Kaminari had pleaded guilty and when he was placed in juvenile detention... he only solidified his plea by attacking fellow inmates by calling a nomu to his location.
He was too dangerous with his quirk... and he had connections to the League of Villains which only made matters worse... there was only one place they could send him.
"Why," Jiro asked her voice cracking. Kaminari looked at her. His eyes were dark and hopeless, his hair hung around his face mirroring his mood.
"Why not?" Kaminari asked, he moved to shrug but the restraints even held his shoulders down.
"Why would you betray us?" Jiro asked. She was standing and knew that he could see her shaking.
"Oh really?" Kaminari asked his voice cold and harsh, "The better question is how the hell couldn't you tell?"
Jiro looked up. Her chest was burning in rage and betrayal, she was shaking, her mind was screaming, but tears of sadness just kept bubbling to her eyes.
"Why...?" Jiro asked again.
"Why couldn't you figure it out?" Kaminari demanded.
Wrong. He'd never used that tone, never seemed that aggressive.
Jiro wiped away the tears quickly.
"Come on, we both know why," Kaminari sighed a smile lighting his face, his eyes were still dark and angered. "It was always, 'Quick Kaminari; Kirishima is sad, we need you to cheer him up'. Or it was 'Kaminari, could you do that stupid thing you do, Bakugo had a rough day,' or Momo, or Izuku, or Iida, or Asui, or whoever the hell was struggling. But it was never, 'are you okay Kaminari?' No one ever wondered how I was doing? Where was everyone when I needed help?! " Kaminari's voice was shaking, his eyes were full of rage, he spat as he spoke, and Jiro watched in horror.
"We never knew - "Jiro began.
"They never do," Kaminari answered coldly.
Jiro quickly wiped away her tears, turned and faced the wall. She was shaking so badly she was afraid she'd fall down. Slowly her mind returned and with a shaky voice, she asked her final question.
"Before the attack," she began, her voice was a quivering mess of syllables, "That night... You asked Sero and me... you asked us if we wanted to skip the field trip with you and head downtown..."
She turned and faced him and at that moment she saw it; Kaminari's fear. She saw normal Denki - a teenager who was easily startled but always shook it off with a smile. It melted away quickly and turned into that cold mask that Kaminari had on.
"I figured it would be easier to take you out separated. Sero's quirk is good for a bunch of things and is hard to take down; basically, he's someone who can easily get away and become a big problem. And you... you could have heard the attacks coming and made things even more difficult. I figured that I could take you both out in the city and have Kurogiri warp us out," Kaminari answered, "Yeah, those weren't my orders but I was willing to go off the script a bit."
"That's not true!" Jiro denied her voice cracking again.
"Stop fooling yourself," Kaminari ordered coldly, "I'm the UA traitor Kyoka, just accept it."
Jiro turned and left the room without saying another word. When the metal door slid shut behind her she pushed her back against it, held her face and sobbed a few times.
Meanwhile, behind the glass Kaminari sighed and looked down at his restraints.
'It's for your own good Kyoka.'
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