Aren't we friends?
Aizawa drove her away from Tartarus and back to the dorms; they were silent.
The teachers were all silent now.
Jiro slowly opened the door to the dorms; it was quiet.
Everyone was quiet now.
Jiro walked in and looked up. Most of the students were already in bed.
It was wrong, no one used to go to bed at 8:00... except Bakugo.
Momo Yaoyorozu, Eijiro Kirishima, Hanta Sero, Mina Ashido, and Ochaco Uraraka were on the couch occupying themselves. When Jiro walked in they all tensed and looked to her expectantly.
"How was it?" Yaoyorozu asked slowly.
Jiro looked to her and her next words caught in her throat.
'You would've known if any of you had dared to go...'
She didn't say it though, she went to walk away into her room.
"What'd he say to you?" Kirishima asked. Painful curiosity, that's all there was to that question.
"Did he..." Uraraka began.
"Did he say why he did it?" Ashido asked.
Jiro clenched her teeth and fists. She was so confused, she couldn't do it, she couldn't understand anything.
"He said," She began slowly, "He said that... that if we had cared enough we would've figured it out." Her voice was shaking again and the words were catching his her throat. No one noticed Shinso who had been leaning on the hallway wall, as soon as he heard those words he gritted his teeth and silently walked back to his room drawing no attention to himself.
Jiro felt like she was going to start crying, luckily one of her friends sensed it.
Yaoyorozu was there in a moment, she took her by the arm and guided her to the couch. Jiro slowly sat down and stared at her feet.
"What does that mean?" Ashido asked quietly.
"He said that we never listened to him... we never cared... he - " Jiro began tears threatening to burst through her eyes.
"Forget him," Yaoyorozu said softly.
It was meant to soothe her... but something in Jiro snapped.
"He's trying to get into your head... he's messing with you the only way he can - " Yaoyorozu began.
"BUT IT'S TRUE!" Jiro yelled standing up. She was madly trying to hold back her tears, she could smell the salt, she could almost taste them, but she didn't want to cry.
"What are you talking abou - " Uraraka objected.
"When was the last time we asked him how he was?" Jiro demanded, "When did we ever worry about him? Why didn't we guess it!?"
"He's just getting into your head," Yaoyorozu said sourly, "He fooled us."
"No..." Jiro denied bringing her hands up to her face and scrunching her eyes shut as if she could drown out the facts. "There's something else... there has to be."
"Kyoka," Kirishima soothed standing up, "Kaminari fooled us all, none of us expected it. We have to let it go. It's over now."
"Maybe for us!" Jiro cried whipping around to face him, the tears opened like a flood gate, "but what about him?! You didn't see him! You didn't see him strapped to that chair, he can't move, he can't laugh, he so much as breathes wrong and they'll kill him! It isn't over for him!"
"He got what he deserved!" Ashido defended, "He betrayed us Kyoka. He's the one who told the villains about everything. The USJ, the Training Camp, it was all him!"
"I can't believe that," Jiro pressed her voice shaking, she tried to wipe the tears away to no avail.
"It's hard to believe he could've - " Sero began.
"There's more to it," Jiro gritted.
"Like what?" Yaoyorozu asked lightly. Jiro knew she didn't mean it, she was only trying to calm Jiro down.
"I... I... I don't know," Jiro gritted, "But I can't believe that he could do that... we knew him. We -"
"He was just a good liar," Ashido choked.
"We were his friends!" Jiro cried, "Doesn't that mean something!? If we don't believe in him who will!?"
"Kyoka!" Yaoyorozu announced standing up, she was on the verge of tears too, "Maybe he's not worth believing in anymore."
"Yeah, what even makes you think that there's more to it?" Uraraka asked.
"Just... just how he looked..." Jiro explained. Her voice trembled as she realized how stupid it sounded but she saw that look - the Denki look. "Like he was afraid..."
"He was caught," Ashido shook, "who wouldn't be afraid."
"I... I can't!" Jiro cried before descending into more sobs.
"Kyoka," Kirishima said calmly grabbing her shoulder in a concerned manner, "If you hold on to this, you're going to get yourself in trouble. Kaminari betrayed us, we need to accept it. He'd behind bars and he can't hurt us anymore."
Sero had been rather quiet throughout the entire but now he watched Jiro closely, worry etched into his face.
Jiro turned and walked away leaving them. Yaoyorozu got up and followed her, she grabbed her wrist.
"Kyoka please, we're just worried -" Yaoyorozu began.
"Please don't touch me," Jiro choked. Yaoyorozu released her. Jiro looked back her eyes puffy and full of tears. "None of you went, none of you saw. I did. And I swear I'm going to get him out of there because he would've done the same if we were in his place."
"No he wouldn't have -" Ashido objected.
"Goodnight," Jiro sobbed briskly walking down the hall opening her door and slamming it shut. The group watched her go, they were all full of concern.
Once Jiro was behind her door she slowly collapsed to the floor holding her mouth and trying to muffle the sobs. The tears fell down her face and into her skirt.
One by one the rest of the students went to their rooms, except one.
Jiro lay on her bed still crying into her blankets when there was a knock on her door.
"Go away," Jiro choked.
"It's Sero," Sero's voice called from the other side of the door.
"Go away," Jiro cried through her sheets.
The door opened and Sero walked in.
"Jiro," Sero gulped, "I wanted to ask you something..."
"What," Jiro asked expecting more words against her stance.
"If... If you ever go back to see - to see him... could you take me with you?" Sero asked. Jiro slowly sat up and pushed her messy hair out of her face and looked at the boy in the doorway. Sero looked sad and conflicted.
"What?" Jiro asked.
"It's just... I kinda just accepted that Denki was the traitor but I kept trying to think of how I could've missed it... but then you... you seemed so certain and I - I just want to go see him again. I want to ask him... I want to see what you saw because... because..."
"Because, what?" Jiro asked a small bit of hope blooming.
"Because even if there's a small chance that Denki is innocent, or was forced to do this... I want to know. He was my friend and... and I can't live thinking that maybe he doesn't deserve what he got."
Jiro released the breaths she'd been holding but more tears came streaming out of her face, "Thank you," she breathed.
Sero looked surprised, "For what?"
"For actually listening," Jiro choked holding her knees. Her voice cleared when she spoke again "I was thinking of going again this Friday... Mr. Aizawa could drive us."
"Cool," Sero nodded sounding distant, "Do... do you think that he may be innocent?"
"I don't know," Jiro admitted, "But I need to know."
"Alright, Friday then," Sero nodded, "Sorry... for you know intruding," slowly he walked out and closed the door softly behind him.
Sero softly walked to his room, only one person heard his footsteps; Shinso. The boy lay awake in his room staring at his ceiling and thinking back to the happy student who had seemed so understanding and kind.
He thought of his friend.
And he began to cry.
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