« Promise »
Gabby's POV
I silently sat in the passenger seat of Chase's Chevy, holding his hand and watching the sun set behind the Charlotte skyline. The sky was colored in blue, purple and pink hues. The further away from the city we drove, the darker it got and the stars began to shone.
One fell from the sky; I closed my eyes and made a wish.
Please let this be real.
Chase squeezed my hand at that moment, causing my heart to stutter.
After everything we've gone through; the horrendous first meeting, me running away, us fighting, to me finally facing reality, I hope in the end of all of that - what Chase and I have together is real.
I don't want a romance that's caught up in the moment and a tiny party of me fears this is the case. I don't want this to be a charity case where Chase feels bad and somehow feels like he needs to save me. Even though he told me otherwise, a part of me still thinks that.
"I can feel you over thinking over there." I sighed, interlocking my fingers with Chase.
"Some things are hard to overcome."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"I just want this to be real, a small part of me is scared that it's not. Like I'm making this all up in my head and come the morning, you'll be gone... or worse, that all of this will disappear."
"I promise you that it is real. I haven't left you yet, and I don't plan on it." Chase raised our hands so he could kiss mine. "I'm not going anywhere. I'll tell you a million times a day if I have to."
"You promise?"
"On my heart."
I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and closed my eyes. Chase squeezed my hand, reassuring everything he just said.
This is so hard for me to believe that he's mine, but he is. For the past month I've woken up everyday expecting this to be a dream. Chase is seriously the sweetest guy I've ever met. He opens doors for me, holds my hand in public when we go out and looks at me like I'm the only one in the room.
He's forever encouraging me, whether at the gym or when I'm having a bad day at work. He always knows what to say to cheer me up, and he's also not afraid to tell me the truth when I need to hear it.
Chase also gets it when I have no energy. Like how on some days all I can do is just sit on the couch, because that's all I can do. Some people don't even realize how much energy it takes to interact with people. I was scared of what his reaction would be when this happened, but instead of asking me what was wrong, he just showed up at my place and sat with me. We barely talk to each other on those days, but him just being there was what I needed.
I haven't asked him how he understands depression because I know people who do understand it, has dealt with it themselves. I can't even imagine this boy being depressed.
"Hey, where did you go?" Chase brought me back to the hereto as we pulled into his driveway.
"Just thinking about how amazing you are to me." And that I'm 100% falling for you. Chase smiled at me, that earth shattering smile he gets when he's happy. My heart skipped a beat when he leaned in and kissed my lips so gently. When he pulled away, he was biting his lower lip to hide his smile.
"I think you have it the other way around." I went to rebuttal, but Chase cut me off with another kiss. "C'mon, I have a surprise for you."
My heartbeat was louder than my thoughts as I followed Chase wordlessly into his house. He stopped in his kitchen, grabbed two glasses and a bottle of champagne. "Chase, no." I laughed as handed me a glass and popped the bottle and filled up our glasses. "You don't have to pop a bottle for me, Chase." He just shook his head no and smiled down at me.
My heart can't handle how amazing he's being to me right now.
"I've had this bottle saved for a special occasion..." I could hear the sadness in his voice, but he hid it by taking a drink. "...but today, this bottle and celebration is for you. I know how hard you've been working and you deserved this small praise. I've learned that if you don't celebrate the small victories, you're never going to appreciate the big ones. I'm so proud of you, Gabby." I sat my glass down on the counter, reached up and took Chase's face in my hands.
"I couldn't do this without you, so thank you." I searched his brown eyes, trying to see if the sadness in his voice reached his eyes, but all I saw was adoration, and something... more.
It took my breath away.
Chase must have seen the change in my face because he took that opportunity to kiss me - not just a peck on the lips, or a brush against my flesh - but kiss me.
His mouth opened against mine; the sweetness from the champagne flooded my senses as Chase's tongue found mine. His hands went to my lower back, dipping and contouring my body so I fit perfectly against him.
When he broke the kiss, both of us had to catch our breaths, our eyes met with an unspoken decision that today would be the day that both of us got what we need, what we both craved for.
"I.." I swallowed, unable to say what I needed to say. I need you to know I haven't done this before. Chase took my hand and placed it on his heart. I looked up at him in shock, it was beating so fast.
"We'll take this slow," his voice was so soft, "okay?" I nodded. "We don't have to do anything you don't want to do, okay?" I nodded again. "I want you to be comfortable with me, Gabby."
I let out a deep breath and took both of Chase's hands in mine and looked up at him.
"I always feel safe with you, Chase, but you need to know that... um..." I couldn't say it as I looked away.
"Hey, it's okay." Chase titled up my chin, "you can tell me anything."
I closed my eyes and swallowed, "you'll be my first... I mean, I've done stuff with guys before, but it was such a horrible experience that I just kind of block that out of my mind."
"I'm sorry you've had a bad experience beforehand." He squeezed my hands, "I promise I'll make it good for you." His voice was just a breath away from my lips and I gasped at his bluntness. "That is, if you'll let me." He closed his eyes and rubbed his nose on mine. "This is all your decision, Gabriella." I melted when he said my full name, and how could I say no to him when I wanted this just as much as he does?
I've wanted Chase since that first night we stayed together, but am I ready? I think if you asked me 2 months ago, I would have said no. Emotionally, and physically, I wasn't ready then. But today? I am. I feel nervous, as one should, but a huge part of me wants this, and wants this moment to be with Chase and no one else.
I've never felt more alive than I do in this moment right now.
"Yes, Chase." I squared my shoulders and looked up at him, "I want this..." I placed my finger on his chest, "with you."
"You can always change your mind."
"I'm not going to."
"Are you sure about this? I don't want to rush..."
"Just shut up already." I cut Chase off, pushing him against the wall and kissed him like I was starving for his touch - which I actually am.
My body is coming alive in places that's been dormant for as long as I can remember.
"Feisty, aren't we?" I laughed as Chase began to lead us towards his bedroom. His laughter died down the moment he opened the door and led me into his room and turned the lights on to where they cast a soft glow. The last time I was in here was the morning after our huge fight. I woke up with Chase's arms wrapped around my center. I never wanted that morning to end.
"What are you thinking about?" Chase was behind me, pushing my hair off of my shoulders and kissing my neck.
"About the last time I was in here. I didn't want to get out of bed that morning."
"I didn't, either." Chase turned me around so he could kiss me.
"You didn't?" He shook his head no.
"I realized that morning as I held you in my arms as you slept that I never wanted to wake up to anyone else if I couldn't have you."
"Chase..." My heart thrummed heavily in my chest.
"I think I'm falling for you, Gabby, you've completely capture my heart in such a way that it's indescribable." Chase held my hands and placed his forehead on mine. I couldn't believe he was confessing his feelings for me. "So when I tell you that I want us to happen, I truly mean it."
I let go of his hands and grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down to me.
"I think I'm falling for you, too." And then I kissed Chase, stealing his breath just as he stolen my heart.
A/N: This chapter, along with the next one, are my favorites and it's killing me not to post the next chapter already so you can read, but you gotta wait!! SORRY.
Thanks so much for reading this story, it means so much to me. The next comment will be my 200th one! Love you guys!
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