« Pouring Rain »
Chase's POV
"How do you take your coffee?" I stared up at the chalkboard full of different variations of coffee. I could never keep up with the newest trends, but this little hole in the wall cafe was my favorite place to escape to when I didn't want to work in the office at the gym.
"With a shot of Bailey's." Gabby had her arms crossed in front of her. At first I thought this was a defense move, but then I realized it's more than that, it's her way of hiding. I sighed, wishing beyond measure I wasn't such an ass.
"Yeah, I don't think you'll get that here."
"I'll just take water," she sighed, turning and walking straight towards the couches in the back corner.
I ordered myself an iced coffee and got her one, too. "I said a water would be fine." She eyeballed the drink I held out to her.
"You also said you liked coffee. I promise it's good, trust me."
"Funny, you recently lost that attribute from me recently." She took the drink from me and held it in her hands, not making eye contact with me.
"I'm really sorry about that," I said, sitting on the couch facing her. A part of me wanted to move in closer and I'm not sure why or where that desire is coming from. Well, I do know. I need to know if that connection I feel with her whenever we touch is still there. It's something I've never felt before with anyone.
It's slightly addicting.
"You know what's funny about that?" Gabriella started to pick at the little label on the cup of her iced coffee, still not taking a sip of it.
"What?" She laughed dryly and then finally looked up at me, her hazel eyes so broken behind her tears.
"You wouldn't have said what you did if it wasn't true, Chase. Why lie and apologize because I overheard something I shouldn't have heard to begin with? For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. I don't even know why I'm here right now, you wouldn't have said it if you didn't mean it." Tears started to stream down her face even though she tried her best to hide them. "I hate crying over stupid guys." She took a sip of her coffee and just fuck me up already, this is just going to shit because how do I apology?
"I'm a dick," and she busted out laughing.
"You got that right." She took another sip of her coffee, "this is good, by the way, but it doesn't give you kudos, you're still an ass."
I settled into the couch, taking a drink of my own coffee and watched as the sky outside got darker and darker, then suddenly the clouds opened up causing a downpour. I couldn't help but think that Gabby had the power to change the weather since I know the outside is reflecting what she felt inside.
And who am I to keep calling her Gabby when she constantly corrects me?
"Why does Ryan get to call you Gabby and I can't?" I still didn't understand their relationship and boy was I little more than surprised when I saw them at the grocery store together, even more perturbed when I saw them at the same vehicle.
"I told you, only friends can call me that."
"So, he's a friend of yours, then?" I'm not sure why I'm fishing, I should just as Ryan straight up how they know each other.
"I'm not here to talk about, Ryan, Chase. I thought I was coming here to hear some poor excuse of an apology." She bit at me. I huffed, trying to not allow her anger to get me to but it was like a catalyst. The more emotion she threw at me, the more it triggered my own.
I chewed on the inside of my cheek and stared at her, waiting for her to look at me but she wouldn't. So I took that time to really look at her. From her short blonde hair that was slightly wavy, to the freckles that littered her nose and cheeks. Her pink lips where in the shape of a heart and I could see a little birthmark on her neck that disappeared into the top she was wearing.
"You can stop staring at me." She didn't miss anything. "Or at least tell me what you're really thinking."
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I don't even believe it myself, truth be told. I've been blinded by what I thought beauty was when in reality Gabriella was truly beautiful.
"If you're going to tell me I'm beautiful for a fat girl, then go ahead, let me hear your lies."
"Like I said, you wouldn't believe me."
"Why should I? I hear it all the time, 'Gabby, you would be so hot if you just lost some weight', 'Gabby is hot for a fat chick'. I've heard it all, Chase, so hearing it from you would just prove that all you guys are the same." Gabriella shifted in her seat to sit half Indian style with her back on the arm rest. "Besides, you said I wasn't even your type, so I'm not even sure why we're having this conversation right now?"
"I'm not sure why we're having it, either," I said truthfully, "but I'm starting to realize that I'm drawn to you, Gabriella, and I'm not sure why."
She laughed, "it's cuz I'm fucking charity case, I mean, look at me! No one like you would even give me a glance." I opened my mouth to correct her but she cut me off before I had the chance, "don't you dare say you would because the first day you laid eyes on me you made it very clear that I was one." She slammed her iced coffee on the table in front of us and got up. "I knew coming here with you was a mistake. I thought we would have a heart to heart or something? Boy was I wrong."
"Gabriella, wait! It's fucking pouring, don't go! Talk to me." She didn't listen to me, of course she didn't, why would she? Instead, I watched in disbelief has she walked out the door and disappeared into the pouring rain.
It took me all of two second to do the unthinkable. I mean, what am I thinking? Gabby wasn't my type, but what I told her was true, there was something drawing me to her and I can't ignore it anymore.
I ran out the door into the rain, not sure what direction she went. I was barely outside for a second before I was drenched through my clothes completely. I thought of maybe getting in my truck to look for her or peak into the windows of the surrounding stores, but out of the corner of my eye I saw her across the street, running towards the overpass down the street.
"Gabby!" My feet hit the pavement as I dodged through traffic to chase after her. "Gabriella!" I could barely see her through the sheets of rain but right before she reached the overpass I managed to grab her arm.
"Let me go!"
"Never in a million years." I pulled her into me, no longer caring we were standing in the middle of a monsoon with the rain and wind swirling all around us.
Gabby was in my arms and that connection I felt the first time we touched was stronger than I ever felt before.
"Tell me you don't feel this." I yelled to her, "tell me you don't feel this connection between us."
"Chase! You're crazy! Let me go!"
"Tell me!" I pushed my hair out of my face as I tried to read her expression, which was damn impossible to do in the pouring rain.
"Fine!" She screamed back at me, pushing me as hard as she could and backed up against a wall. "I feel it, Chase, are you happy now? Happy to know that some fat chick is drawn to you and no matter how much she runs away from all of this, you still manage to turn up in my life. Are you happy?"
That was all I needed to hear.
I pulled Gabriella flush against me, one hand on behind her back while the other went to her cheek.
And then I kissed her.
A/N: *sequels* THEY KISSED!
I saved the gif for last because I did not want to spoil the end of this chapter. Honestly, this chapter, along with the next few, are some of my favorite chapters I've ever written and I can't wait to post them!
I want to thank every single person who's reading this story and leaving me comments. It means the world to me! I love hearing your thoughts on this story!
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