6th September 2019
The first thing I noticed when I woke up was the sensation of headphones over my ears.
I slowly sat up as my vision returned. Rubbing away the blur, the room slowly came into view.
The curtains were drawn to block out the light and I was lying in a small, single bed with a thin sheet covering my clothed body.
Over in the corner was a bookcase with more books than it looked like it was able to hold up.
Where was I?
Nervously, I secured the headphones over my ears and swung my legs out of the bed.
I didn't remember much... just that man. What if he had kidnapped me after I fell unconscious?
Grabbing the closest thing to me (a table lamp) I neared the door and wielded it like a sword.
No way in hell was I going to stay here if the house belonged to him...
Gently, I tweaked the door handle and it swung open to reveal a dimly lit corridor.
Funny... all along the top of it were.. fairy lights?
Not the normal kidnapper hideout...
I gripped the lamp tighter and edged towards a doorway with light spilling out of it.
Peering round the corner, I saw a man in a dark hoodie, leaning over a stove.
If I had know it was you all along, Yoongi, I wouldn't have swung the lamp so hard.
You didn't turn round in time because you couldn't hear my footsteps...
I'm sorry I hit you round the back of the head with your bedroom lamp...
I hope you'll forgive me for making you spill the soup you were making for me.
I never meant to do it...
I felt dreadful...
But I could barely hold back my laughs when you turned to face me with soup all over your face from where you had fallen forward...
Sorry :)
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