Good Friends
The young woman's smile grew more evil by the second as the bag of weed dangles from her fingers in a taunting way. A whole bunch of unrealistic fears run through my head as the woman inches closer to me. She starts making a disapproving sound with her tongue as I stood there slack jawed with nothing to say. It's game over.
To be fair, this is my karma for hitting her with my car last night...in fact, if my little brother wasn't in the picture I would've turned myself in right after we hit her.
"Tsk tsk tsk." The young woman clicked her tongue. She is now standing close to me, dangling the bag of pot near my face. As much as I hate to admit it...she's low key starting to piss me off.
My eyes never left her face as she begun to part her dark, plump rosewood colored lips again. "What a real fuckin' shame, this really hasn't been your best day eh?" She retorts as if she's some sort of disappointed middle aged soccer mom. The woman's sinister smirk contorts into a hateful glare as I try to grab the bag from her. Being the clever young woman she appears to be she holds the bag away from me and presses her rough, cold hand on my chest to stop me from overpowering her. If I were to try and reach all over her she'd easily have access to my vital areas.
Then it comes to realization, if I keep apprehending her, she will no doubt call the red and blue on me, not only will I get serve some time, my brother won't have anyone to watch him and support him and provide the money when the time comes.
Impulsively, I open my mouth to speak, "Please. The police can't know about this." I plead, letting the sincerity of my voice grow.
All of a sudden the woman starts laughing, they went from small creppy giggles to hysterical bellows of laughter, she starts hugging her stomach with one arm and begun slapping her knee with the other. Watching intensely, I raise an eyebrow. This woman is fucking crazy.
She snaps her head up quickly almost startling me. Almost. Instead of a nasty scowl plastered on her face, her had a malicious smile growing from ear to ear, her pale bloodshot eyes glistened at me as her thick eyebrows slowly raise as if she's trying to see whether I'm bullshitting her or not.
With a heavy sigh she opens her mouth to speak, "You're such a pussy," she insults.
My mind swiftly shuts out her ruthless insults and lectures; I begun retracing everything that happened last night right after I hit this young woman with my car near the vacant train station. . . .it started with Jace and I checking for her pulse, then me glimpsing at her burlap bag that she had with her. . . .she had two handguns inside in which I assumed they were for protection. Something doesn't feel right. . . .
The woman rolls her eyes and tosses the bag at me causing it to bounce off my chest. She looks me directly in the eye before crossing her arms as if she's trying to decide something.
"Calm your tits," she sighed once more, "I'm not calling the police." She promises making me exhale in bittersweet relief.
Now everything is at ease. . .
She cuts me off from my moment of relief. "But. I'm going to need you to do something for me." She spoke in a suggestive manner, walking closer to me.
"You see, I'm just as bad as you are." She added while putting emphasis on the word 'bad'. What the hell is she talking about? I hit her with a car!
I could see her eyes scan at my intimidating height and the muscles that tensed along under my skin. There was no longer a glint of anger in her eyes. . .in fact there was nothing in her eyes. It was like staring into a dark hollow tunnel waiting for some sort of light to shine it's way through. That's how empty her eyes were.
She notices my silence. "Consider this as a way to get even. I'll need you to take me to Neon Lagoon. If you tell anyone I'll be sure to go to the police about this incident." She explains with a slight sadistic smirk growing across her face. I knew there was a damn catch. There's something about this woman that intrigued me, for some reason she's not who she appears to be. . .
"Why do you need to go there? Don't you need to find someone you know before fucking your digestive system up at a bar?" I ask her. She says nothing.
The young woman speaks again. "Good question. But I don't need to answer to that." She winked.
"So basically I'm your ride?" I joke slightly, she narrows her slender eyes at me before answering, "Something of that sort." This only made me even more curious of what kind if person she is.
Suddenly, that threatening aura of hers vanished. The young woman reaches her hand out to pat my shoulder. My eyes shift to her tiny hands, her knuckles were slightly swollen from the punch she gave me. My eyes avert her hand and focus on her face.
"Who are you?" I ask, my low voice slightly raising. She tilts her head as she moves her hand away from my broad shoulder. Her eyebrows raise slowly.
"They call me 'Smoke' in the streets." The young woman introduced herself, letting the corners of her lips lift into a wide Chesire-like smile.
Smoke? What kind of name is that?
It's my turn to introduce myself. "Well Smoke. I'll get you to where you need to go. My friends call me Kit by the way."
Smoke just gazed up at me. I find myself looking into her eyes once more, it was something about her that I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
"Well Kit, we're about to become really good friends." Smoke implies, chuckling at my expressionless stare.
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