Song above is... Scars by Allison Iraheta (This song is so beautiful)
Thank you for the lovely cover! It is so beautiful!! <3
Happy Reading! :)
Somehow the next two hours flew by. A few minutes after Alex left Noah came over and started talking to me. For the first time in a while I found myself relaxing around other people. Noah was so sweet and seemed genuinely interested in getting to know me. I dodged questions about my family and things about school but he didn't seem to mind.
It felt easy to talk to Noah. He didn't try to make me talk about things I didn't. He'd just 'hmm' and nod along but not press for details. It felt nice to have someone actually talk and listen to me. It's been so long that it threw me for a bit.
About thirty minutes after Noah and I started talking Alex returned. I had no clue where he ran off to but when he came back he didn't once look at me. I was curious about where he went off to but I knew it wasn't my place to go ask.
Not too long after Alex came back Olivia walked up followed by a yelling Derek. From the looks of it he seemed to be really feeling himself at the moment. He was almost like a little kid as he went around to everyone, hugging them and talking very loud. Judging by the looks from everyone this was a normal occurrence.
When Derek pulled me into a tight hug I stood there awkwardly with my hands by my sides. Pulling away he stood there staring down at me for a good minute, not once blinking.
"You know." He suddenly said loudly, the whole group staring at us. "I like you, regardless of what everyone else says about you." With that he turned around and headed back towards the cooler for another beer.
I looked after him not knowing what to do. Did he mean that? Probably not, drunk people always say stupid stuff. At least his little 'confession' proved he knew who I was, and I wasn't quite sure how I felt about that.
Looking around I found everyone staring at me, everyone beside Olivia and Alex had questioning looks on their faces. Even Lexi looked intrigued at what Derek said. I had been almost certain she was a robot who didn't care about anything earlier. Not liking everyone staring at me I found myself taking a step back.
"I-I got to go to the bathroom." I stuttered out lamely before turning and high tailing it in the other direction of everybody.
Really Riley? You did not just say that. Mentally I slapped myself.
I walked towards the water hoping to clear my head a bit. This whole thing was making my head spin. Just yesterday I was the rumored slut of school and had absolutely no friends. Now here I am at a party with Alex Kinley, the bad boy of school, and his friends. And what is more bizarre is I was having a good time. Sure I've only talked to Olivia and Derek for a split second, and Nico and Lexi haven't said a word to me, but it was nice.
None of them were pestering me with questions or looking at me like everyone else does. It was a nice change. I didn't want them to see me as everyone at school and town do, but I knew that wasn't going to happen. I was 100% sure that tomorrow Olivia and Derek or even Alex will fill everyone in on who I was. Then they will hate me like everyone else.
Riley just go back and forget about it. This is your only night to have some fun, so stop thinking about it. My inner voice scolded. It was right though. This would most likely be the only night where I'll be able to let loose because tomorrow it is back to reality.
Looking out at the water I sighed. Why was life so complicated? Of course there was no answer to my mental question. Knowing I had to go back before they left without me I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I can do this. I silently chanted to myself.
Feeling slightly better I turned and headed back to the group. When I got back the group was in the same spot talking amongst themselves. When I came into view their conversation stopped and my stomach sank. They were talking about me.
"There you are." Olivia spoke first as I slowly approached them. "I was about to go looking for you." She sent me a smile and I found myself returning it. Just a moment in her presence made you feel good. Olivia gave off a vibe of friendliness that was kind of addicting. She really would make a great doctor.
"What did I miss?"
"Nothing much-" She started to say but was interrupted by a loud yell. All heads turned to the right.
"Lets go bitches!" Derek yelled so loud I was certain everyone in the vicinity heard him. Derek stood a few feet from us, the glow from the large bonfire hitting him and letting us all know he was dressed in only his boxers.
I watched with wide eyes as Derek suddenly took off towards the water. The water had to be cold! No one said a word as we watched Derek disappear from view, the darkness eating him up. Everyone was silent and a second later we heard a loud splash followed by a very loud unmanly squeal. Yep it was cold.
The squeal that came from him was enough to set everyone around us off. It was such a girly scream and I found myself laughing along with everyone else. My body bent forward as I laughed harder than I had in months.
My laughter died down for a second but started right back up when Derek came running towards us. He was dripping wet and shivering but he did look more sober than before.
"You never learn." Alex spoke, making me realize he was standing right beside me.
"I-it wasn't s-suppose to be so c-cold." Derek stuttered, hugging his arms around himself. "J-just give me a b-beer and I'll be good as new."
"Nope, not happening." Olivia popped up out of nowhere and in her arms she was carrying Derek's clothes. When did she get those? "I have a blanket in the car, lets go."
"But it's only 10 o'clock." Derek started protesting but Olivia was not having it.
"Don't care." With a firm grip on his bicep she started dragging him towards where the cars were parked. "It was nice meeting you Riley." She sent me a wide smile before turning away. Derek was now silent as he let Olivia lead him away.
"We are going to go too." Nico spoke. His voice was surprisingly deep for his age but it fit him. "See you tomorrow." Doing the 'bro hug' thing with Alex and Noah, he nodded at me. Lexi didn't say a word as the two of them walked off hand in hand.
"Nico is actually talkative when you get to know him." Noah spoke, having seen my gaze on the pair. "And Lexi it takes a bit for her to let people in. Don't take it personal."
"So it isn't me that makes her piss-y?"
"Nope its you." Alex added before Noah could talk.
"Gee thanks. You should be an inspirational speaker." I shot back sarcastically.
"You know, maybe I will." Alex smirked. I just rolled my eyes and crossed my arms across my chest.
"I'm ready to go, how about you guys?" Noah asked. I glanced around and noticed everyone else was slowly starting to go back to their cars.
"Lets go." Alex spoke as I nodded. It was getting late and the air was getting colder with the bonfire dying down.
All of us were silent as we headed back for Alex's car. I slid in the backseat checking my phone as they did the same. I tried not to be disappointed that my parents haven't tried to call or text to check up on me. I should have been use to it by now but it still stung.
Just that little glance at my phone was enough to make my mood go down. Just a simple 'hope you are doing well. Love you.' would have made my day, hell my whole year but I got nothing. I've tried calling my parents many times but they are always too busy to answer the phone or if they do they immediately get off. So now I don't even try. After being shut down so many times you learn to stop.
I hated how quickly my mood could change from one nonexistent text from my parents. I was actually having a good time tonight to. With a sigh I turned my phone off and placed it on my lap.
"You okay back there?" Noah asked, turning in his seat to look at me even though it was dark in the car.
"Yeah I'm good, just tired." I was thankful he couldn't see my face. I glanced over at Alex and found him staring at me through the review window, the lights from the dashboard lighting up his face. The way he was looking at me was if he knew I was lying.
I looked away and stared out the window watching street lights pass. Noah and Alex talked to each other as I sat there just listening, suddenly tired. It didn't take long to reach Noah's house and I felt a little sad. I wasn't sure I would see Noah again after tonight. While he was really attractive, he was nice to talk to. Before he got out he turned all the way around to look at me.
"It was nice officially meeting you Riley." He smiled widely at me.
"It was nice meeting you too." I felt myself smiling back. There was something about Noah that made me feel comfortable.
"You are welcome to come by any time." With another wide smile at me he turned to Alex and clapped him on the shoulder. "See you later man." After they said their goodbyes I watched Noah walked inside his house.
"Are you going sit back there like I'm your chauffeur?" Alex deadpanned.
"I think I will. I quite like you chauffeuring me around." I placed my hands behind my head as I spoke.
"Get your ass in the front seat." Laughing at the tone in his voice I slid out of the backseat and into the passenger.
"You know just because I'm up front doesn't mean you aren't my chauffeur still." I pointed out as he backed out of Noah's driveway. Alex didn't say a word and I found myself smirking as a plan entered my mind.
"Did you know that Mount Everest rises a few millimeters every year?" No reaction.
"A humming bird weighs less than a penny.
"Christopher Columbus brought the first lemon seed to America.
"There are more fake flamingos then there are real ones.
"You burn about 20 calories per hour chewing gum."
I continued on rattling off random facts I knew waiting to see how long it annoyed Alex. It actually took him a lot longer than I thought it would.
"You know passengers are normally quiet."
"Is that so?" I found it amusing annoying Alex, although he didn't seem that annoyed by my constant talking.
"Yes they let the chauffeur do their job." He glanced over at me as he spoke.
"Not this passenger."
"How do you even know all those facts anyways? Cause last I remember you aren't a nerd."
"You don't need to be a nerd to know random facts." I rolled my eyes. He just sent me a look before turning back to the road. "And if you must know it is daily facts that get sent to my phone." I crossed my arms across my chest.
"Oh god." Alex started laughing. He didn't stop and for a moment I was worried he was going to crash the car with how hard he was laughing.
"What?" I snapped.
"You are a nerd." He got out in-between snorts.
"No I am not."
"Yes, you are. You get random facts sent to your phone." He calmed down enough to look at me. "Do you realize that was like five years ago, not trendy now."
"There is nothing wrong with wanting to know facts about the world." Despite myself I found my lips twitching into a smile.
"You really are something else Riley." Alex said so soft I almost didn't hear it. Despite not knowing if that was a compliment or not, I felt my cheeks heat up and I was glad the car was too dark to tell.
Neither of us said another word as he continued on driving. I kept glancing at him from the corner of my eye wondering why he was here. It wasn't everyday a guy like Alex drives someone like me home.
Before I knew it he was pulling his car into my driveway. My house was dark and I silently dreaded going inside. Knowing I couldn't stay in Alex's car all night I unbuckled my seatbelt.
Tonight was surprisingly...nice. For my first time out in weeks I had a good time.
Glancing over at Alex I found him already looking at me. The way he was looking at me made my stomach clench.
"I better go." I said and mentally slapped myself. I couldn't sound more awkward if I tried. Grabbing my stuff I opened my door and put a foot out. Before I left the car I looked back over at him. "Thanks for tonight Alex."
He wouldn't ever know how much it meant to be that he took me out tonight. It was definitely going to be something I'd think about for a while.
"Goodnight." Before he could say anything I stepped out and shut the door behind me. I made myself wait to turn around and look to see if Alex was still there until I reached my door. His car still sat there idling in the driveway. I couldn't see him through the dark window but I could swear he was watching me.
With a small wave I turned back around and quickly unlocked my door and closed it behind me. Leaning back against the door I could hear Alex's car leaving. Sighing I found myself smiling a I thought about tonight. It wasn't half as bad as I thought it would be.
* * * * * * *
A loud pounding on my door woke me up the next morning. Groaning I rolled over and covered my head with my pillow. I prayed the banging would stop and after a moment it did. Sighing I snuggled deeper in my covers, ready to fall back asleep.
Right as I felt myself drifting back off the pounding started again. Yelling into my pillow I got up, immediately tripping over my covers and landing on the floor with a thud. Cursing under my breath I untangled myself and stood up.
After stubbing my toe on the door and hitting my elbow I stumbled downstairs towards the front door. Sunlight streamed through the blinds making me narrow my eyes. Who the hell was here so early?
Not even bothering to check how I looked I threw open my door and shot whoever was on the other side a dirty look. Seeing the person standing there made me snap awake.
"Did you get hit by a truck or something?"
"What are you doing here Alex?" He didn't bother answering before shoving past me into the house. I rolled my eyes and shut the door yawning.
"Do you know what time it is?" I turned around to face him.
"It''s 10:30." Groaning I dragged my feet towards the kitchen. I was in desperate need of some coffee. "Someone isn't a morning person." Alex followed behind me.
"It's saturday, sue me for wanting to sleep in." I could practically hear Alex roll his eyes behind me as I got to work on making some coffee. "Do you want some?" I offered, looking over my shoulder.
While the coffee brewed I leaned my forearms on the counter and looked at Alex. He was seated on a chair watching me. His grey eyes were slightly unnerving as he looked at me. Grey eyes weren't that common and I found myself staring into them like a weirdo. Between the eyes and the dark black hair Alex was very intriguing. Something about the combo made him even more mysterious.
The sound of the coffee pot beeping jerked me out of my staring. Judging by the look on his face Alex knew I was checking him out. With flaming cheeks I hurried and pulled down two coffee mugs.
"Want sugar or anything?" I asked with my back still turned.
"Just black." After adding sugar to mine I grabbed both and went back to the counter. When Alex took a big gulp of his coffee I wrinkled my nose. Plain black coffee was so gross.
"Not a fan of black I take it." Alex said, his lips curving into a smirk.
"Definitely not." I shook my head and took a sip of mine, instantly sighing at the warm liquid. It was like I could instantly feel it waking me up.
"You're lucky my parents aren't home." I finally said after a moment of silence. I could only imagine what my parents would say or think if they came home to see me home alone with a guy.
"Where are they?" He looked around as if they would pop out of nowhere.
"At work." It came out a bit harsher then I meant. Alex looked at me with raised eyebrows.
"Do they work a lot?"
"What are you doing here Alex?" I ignored his question. I was not talking about that right now, it may be 10:30 but it was still too early to think about it. Alex looked at me for a moment before a smirk spread across his face.
"We are going out." He said proudly. I choked on my coffee, coughing loudly. Alex just sat there smirking at me as I coughed. When I finally calmed down I glared at him. Asshole.
"What do you mean 'we' are going out? I am staying here." He can't just barge his way in here and expect me to come with him.
"And do what? Be a loser?"
"No." I snapped, even though the voice in my head was agreeing with him.
"You are coming no matter what."
"And if I don't?" I challenged, raising an eyebrow.
"I'll throw you over my shoulder and you can go looking like that." Alex gestured to my body making me look down. It wasn't until now I realized what I was wearing. A pair of long fuzzy blue Dory bottoms and a big black t-shirt that belonged to my brother. No doubt my hair was all over the place and I would bet I had dried drool on the side of my face.
I blushed at the fact I was standing there in front of Alex looking like a homeless person.
"T-that's kidnapping." I stuttered out.
"And..." I trailed off not knowing what else to say. I wasn't expecting him to agree so fast. "It's kidnapping." I supplied lamely.
"Are you going to get dressed or what?" Alex asked, seeming bored already.
"Where are we going?"
"You'll find out when we get there."
"Wow could you be any more vague." I muttered sarcastically. "Cause barging into my house early in the morning and taking me god knows where isn't creepy." I continued into my coffee mug. "Could be luring me out into the woods and chop me into little pieces."
"You do realize I can hear you right?" Looking up at him I rolled my eyes.
"How am I suppose to get dressed if I don't know where we are going?" I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Just put some damn clothes on." At his tone I put my hands up.
"Fine, just give me a bit to get ready." I grabbed my mug and went over to the sink. "Just...make yourself at home." I wasn't too concerned about Alex taking something but knowing he would be down here waiting for me made me run up the stairs.
I silently cursed at Alex for springing it up on me as I hurried to get in the shower. Beside the fact that I had no idea what we were doing and how to dress, having Alex waiting for me gave me a little bit of anxiety.
I didn't want to keep him waiting too long so in record time I showered. Thank god I washed my hair the day before or else it would have taken me longer; although judging by the rats nest, it was in it would take me a bit to brush out. Wrapping a towel around my body I walked out of my bathroom, my mind trying to plan an outfit for today.
As I reached my cabinet I got ready to drop my towel when I heard a voice behind me.
"Took you a bit longer than most to get naked for me."
I screamed bloody murder and clenched the towel tighter against me.
"I knew I'd get you to scream my name." The smug look on his face made me want to go over there and smack him the shit out of him.
"Why the hell are you in my room!" My face was flushed either with anger or embarrassment I'm not sure at this point.
"You were taking too long." Alex placed his hands behind his head, making his biceps look bigger. He made himself at home on my bed and didn't look like he was going to move anytime soon.
"I was gone for like 5 minutes."
"Anyways, continue." He motioned for me to finish getting dressed a glint in his eyes.
"Do you really think I am going to let you watch me get dressed?" I placed on hand on my hip and glared at him.
"I'll close my eyes if that is better." The stupid smirk on his face grew as he spoke.
"I'm not an idiot Alex." No way in hell would I believe that Alex wouldn't peek when I get dressed. No he would most definitely watch me. "Get out."
"I am serious Alex." I narrowed my eyes even more at him trying to be more intimidating. It didn't work of course with Alex, he was known for being intimidating.
"I'm rather comfortable right now." He had the audacity to wiggle his ass more into my bed and lean back into my pillows.
We had a staring contest, neither of us moving. I had no idea that Alex was this annoying. He was seriously smirking at me like he knew I would cave at any second.
"Aren't we going to be late?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him hoping it would get him to leave.
"Nope. I made sure to come a good two hours before so we have plenty of time."
"Wait." I held up a hand. "You are telling me that you told me to hurry when we don't need to be there for another two hours?" I could have slept another hour!
"Yep." The more pissed I got the bigger Alex's smirk got. I was going to strangle him.
"I'm going to kill you." I hissed taking a step towards.
"Oh please do. I'd like to see that towel off." His comment snapped me back and reminded me I was only dressed in a towel. Thank god my parents weren't home. Imagine if they walked in with me clad in only a towel with one of the hottest guys sprawled on my bed.
With a burning face I turned around. I needed to get dressed. I barely took a step towards my cabinet when I felt a hand grab my upper arm. I flinched and jerked my arm away, moving backwards. My blood turning to ice.
My eyes landed on Alex who was standing in the middle of my room staring at me. There was a look of surprise mixed with something else on his face. His grey eyes glanced at my arms crossed over my middle before coming back up to my face.
"I'll be out in the hallway." Alex spoke softly, his eyes traveling over me one more time before turning and walking through my door. The moment it shut behind him I let out a breath. I felt my body shake a little as unwanted memories came to mind.
I quickly forced them back not wanting to deal with that right now. I didn't want to deal with those memories ever actually, so for now they were go back in the little box with the lock shut. I was severely embarrassed Alex had to see that and I just prayed he wouldn't say anything about it.
Still slightly shaky I made quick work of getting dressed. I decided on a pair of light blue ripped skinny jeans, a simple black t-shirt with a black and white flannel around my waist; just in case it got cold. While the outfit would probably look cuter with some heels I decided on my converse not sure what we were even doing, plus heels weren't really my thing.
I went back to the bathroom to do something about my hair. The sight of it earlier made me cringe knowing that Alex saw it. Because it looked horrible from sleeping on it I pulled it into a bun at the top of my head and prayed it looked okay.
Not much for makeup I put on a bit of mascara and chap stick and I was good to go. My face was a little flushed from earlier and I had some bags under my eyes. My green eyes were a bit dull but they've been that way ever since my brother left and this whole Mitch thing happened. Sighing at my reflection I left the bathroom.
Knowing that Alex was still in my house waiting I quickly grabbed my purse and made sure I had everything I needed. Before opening my door I took a deep breath.
It's okay Riley. Just don't bring it up and he won't either. Go out and have some fun, you need it.
After a mini pep talk I opened my door and peeked my head out. I felt a little silly looking around the hallway for Alex in my own home. Not seeing him I gripped the strap of my bag and made my way to the stairs.
As I got to the stairs I heard the tv going. My footsteps were silent as I came to the last step and edged into the living room. I found Alex sitting on the couch staring at the screen. He clearly wasn't watching it, deep in thought about something. From where I was standing I could see his eyebrows pulled down and his mouth was in a tight line.
I got myself ready for the questions he'd no doubt ask me.
"Are you ready to go?" I finally asked, my voice breaking his thoughts. His head snapped towards me and I watched as he looked me up and down. I instantly felt self-conscious under his gaze. He's probably seen way prettier girls than me. Girls that were confident in their own skin unlike me.
"Yeah." His voice was soft as he stood up. I fiddled with my bag as he walked towards me. I could feel his gaze on me and I felt my back tense up. I waited for the questions to come but they didn't.
Alex didn't say a word as he headed for my front door. When I didn't follow after him he looked over his shoulder at me.
"Coming?" Trying to hide my shock I nodded and hurried after him.
Why hadn't he asked why I flinched? I silently wondered as I locked the front door behind me. Anyone else would have said something or made a big deal about it but Alex wasn't. He was quiet as he got in his car and started it.
I kept glancing at him from the corner of my eye as he backed out of my driveway. The air around us was kind of awkward and it was mostly because I was making it that way. I wasn't mad that Alex touched me. No, I was embarrassed at how I reacted and that he saw it.
When the awkward tension grew a bit more I decided to push what happened earlier aside and continue with today. If I was going to hang out with Alex today then I might as well get to know him a bit more. Something told me I would be seeing a lot of him in the near future.
"So...where are we going?" I asked to the silent car.
"We are meeting Noah, Derek, Olivia, Nico and Lexi somewhere." Alex's husky voice replied.
"Am I not allowed to know where we are going?"
"You'll see when we get there."
"You know you are very vague." I spoke before I could stop myself. Alex just shrugged not seeming to care.
Silence continued like that for another three minutes before I couldn't take it any longer. I was never good with silence when I was with someone. One of us always had to be talking if not it would drive me nuts. Mitch always found it annoying that I would talk nonstop whenever we were together.
"I don't know anything about you." I declared.
"So?" Alex glanced over at me for a second before turning back to the road.
"So, tell me something. What's your favorite color?"
"Color really?" Alex snorted.
"Yes." I stared at the side of his face. From the side view Alex was just as handsome. His jaw was very well defined and sharp. While he didn't have high cheek bones he didn't have a chubby face. From the side I could see a slight bump on his nose, almost like he's broken it before.
His black hair was kind of short at the sides and long on top. It had that messy, yet styled look about it. My eyes watched as he ran a hand through it. Just that simple act was hot. Riley! I scolded myself!
I cannot be sitting here checking him out. I made a pact with myself that said no boys until after I graduated high school, hell maybe even after college. After everything with Mitch there was no way I could be with another guy or have a guy look at me. No one in town would want to touch me with a ten foot pole, thinking I was some slut.
I shook my head at my thoughts and looked away from Alex.
"My favorite color is green." Alex's voice made me snap my head back towards him. I hadn't thought he would actually answer my question.
"Emerald green."
I opened my mouth to comment on it but he spoke up before I could. Glancing out the front window I saw we were parked in front of a grey building.
"This is how I'm going to die aren't I?" Beside me Alex just rolled his eyes.
"Come on."
I slowly got out looking around us. There were a few other cars in the parking lot but not a lot. We were in an industrial area so if I were to scream no one would probably hear me. I gripped the strap of my bag a little tighter.
"You know killing me wouldn't be that much fun. I wouldn't fight so there goes the thrill." I found myself saying as I followed behind Alex.
"Why would I kill you?" Alex stopped, his hand on the door to the building and stared at me like I was crazy. Maybe I was.
"Uh because I don't know you. You could be a serial killer for all I know and bringing me to your warehouse to chop me into little pieces." I rattled off.
"Wow." He just shook his head at me. "Just trust me."
His words struck something in me. I didn't know the guy yet here he was asking me to trust him. He doesn't know I have trust issues, doesn't know that any sort of trust I had in a person went down the drain the moment Mitch admitted what he did.
But despite my lack of trust in people I found myself nodding at him. I wasn't going to fully trust Alex, if ever, but something in me knew he wouldn't be leading me to my death at least.
I did have a pretty good time last night and I was happy Alex did show up to my house today. I thought last night would be the only time I'd see him and his friends, and yet here I am about to enter a building with him.
I made myself relax and stop over thinking; I wanted to have fun today. So with that in mind I took a deep breath and walked through the door behind Alex. What I saw made my face light up.
"No way." I breathed, gaping at what was in front of me. "I've always wanted to go here."
The warehouse was huge, like really huge. It seemed to be even bigger inside than it was outside. Inside was a kids dream. Off to my left was a stairway that lead upstairs to who knew what, beside that was a doorway that I could see lead to an arcade.
Straight ahead was mini golf that glowed in the neon lights, the entire course taking up the entire back half off the building. To the right was pit like thing with a fence all around it. I could make out that that you played dodgeball in it while on trampolines. I was too busy looking around to notice Alex was staring at me. I've always secretly wanted to come to a place like this but never had anyone to take me. I wanted to do everything in here.
"You guys made it!" A familiar voice yelled. I turned and saw Alex's friends making their way towards us. When they got close Derek suddenly pulled me into a tight hug. My hands hung loosely at my sides and my eyes were wide. He finally let me go and do the bro handshake thing with Alex.
"I'm so glad you made it." Olivia grinned at me. I was secretly relieved they were all here as well.
"Me too."
"Nice to see you again Riley." Nico spoke catching me off guard. I looked him with parted lips surprised he even spoke to me.
"You too." I said, my cheeks turning pink. Beside him Lexi just stared at me. I quickly glanced away from her boyfriend and turned to Noah who was grinning at me.
"Hey." I smiled brightly at him. While I was still struck with how handsome he was talking with him last night put me at ease with him. Still didn't stop my cheeks from turning a darker shade of pink though.
"Thought we scared you off last night that you wouldn't come." His hands were stuffed in the fronts of his pockets as he smiled at me.
"Only slightly." I found myself saying with a teasing smile. I was a little shocked at how the words sounded, I had no clue where it came from.
"So what should we do first?" Derek spoke up, rubbing his hands together and slightly bouncing on his toes. I smiled at the excited look on his face.
"You guys decide while I take Riley to put her stuff down." Olivia suggested. Before she could even finish Derek was talking.
"Fine by me." Was all Derek said before he turned and took off towards the the back of the building. I watched amused as he ran towards the mini golf section.
Derek was definitely the goof ball of the group. He seemed like the guy would cheer you up instantly after something happened.
"Come with me I'll show you where we put our stuff." Olivia grabbed my arm and tugged me after her. "I'm so glad you came. Lexi can be kind of a bore sometimes and being around the guys too long can be tiring." She rambled. Olivia lead me to a wall lined with lockers.
"Here you can take this locker. Just out your bag in it. Trust me no one will take anything." None of the lockers had any locks making me send her a disbelieving look. "Derek's brother owns this place so don't worry." That piece of information surprised me. I hadn't had a single clue that Derek even had a brother.
I guess spending my time being invisible before and after Mitch made it so I knew nothing about Alex or any of his friends. Sure I've seen them and heard their names before but that was it. I normally would tune out the stupid rumors or gossip people said about them. I was slightly shaking my head at myself for not paying more attention. If I had maybe I wouldn't look like such an idiot learning these things about them.
"Sorry I didn't know." I placed my bag inside the locker. After a quick thought I untied the shirt around my waist and put it in the locker too. I doubt I'd be needing it here.
"Don't worry not a lot of people know that his brother owns this place." Olivia sent me an encouraging smile.
"I uh...I never really pay attention to people at school." I said sheepishly. I felt a little embarrassed about that.
"Eh that's okay." She waved me off. "I'm just glad your here because maybe we can beat the boys at dodgeball this time around." Chuckling I grinned.
"Totally up for that."
With matching grins we head back towards the rest of the group. As I walked beside Olivia I found myself glancing down at her. I was surprised with how much I liked Olivia already. She just seemed so nice and real, someone I haven't been around in ages.
Even before the whole Mitch thing the two friends I had we weren't that close. At times I felt like we were all just friends because we've known each other for so long. We would hang out but it was your normal friendship.
"You'll love this place Riley."
"I've always wanted to come here actually." I admitted as she lead us towards the mini golf section.
"We are always here so you are welcome to come anytime."
"Thank you." My thank you was a lot more loaded than she would ever know. Olivia had yet to treat me differently or bring anything up and for that I was grateful.
As we neared the back of the building I could see everyone standing there with their golf clubs already in hand. It was kind of comical seeing the two 'bad boys' of school in a place like this. I was thinking they'd be more into the bar scene or something not so...childish.
It only took a glance towards Nico and Lexi to know they were considered the 'bad boy/girl' couple of their school. And Noah well he was definitely the golden boy everyone loved. Olivia was the same. They were all so different yet the same and I knew their friendship worked.
"You okay?" I felt a nudge on my arm bringing me out of my thoughts. Noah stood beside me holding out a gold club for me. Everyone else was heading towards the first hole.
"Y-yeah sorry." I grabbed the club embarrassed I just dazed off.
I stayed at the back of the group as everyone moved to the first hole. I stood there quietly as Derek practically shoved Alex and Nico aside to go first. He was like a little kid as he slowly lined up his ball and hit it. When it got near the hole he yelled loudly.
"Beat that bitches!"
"Derek you didn't even hit it in." Noah pointed out.
"So?" The serious look he had on his face made me snort and quickly cover my nose and mouth.
"I'll show you how its done." Alex shoved past Derek, moving to hit the ball. From where I was standing I could see Alex's face scrunching up in concentration. The tip of his tongue stuck out from the corner of his mouth and I found it surprisingly cute.
Cute? Wait what?
Shaking my head at that thought I watched as Alex hit his ball. All of us were quiet as the ball rolled towards the hole and sinking right in. Hole in one. I stared at him in surprise. He made that look so easy.
Alex smirked at Derek who stood there mouth open.
"You are a cheater." Derek exclaimed loudly.
"No I'm just better than you."
"No one, and I repeat, no one can beat King Derek." He puffed out his chest which made everyone around me roll their eyes.
"It's only the first hole guys. If we keep this up we will be here all day." Olivia shoved past Derek and took her place to hit.
"This happens every single time." Noah bent down whispering in my ear.
"And he still hasn't learned?"
"Nope." Noah and I shared a grin.
Noah was up next. While he got ready to putt I stayed off to the side watching everyone. Lexi and Nico stood side by side, silently watching Noah. While their faces didn't show the same excitement as Derek's did, I knew they enjoyed being here around their friends.
I didn't have to know the couple well to know they were perfect together. Just from looking at them I knew Nico was the level headed one who Lexi only listened to. And Lexi was definitely the more...grumpy one but I could tell she was fiercely loyal.
My gaze moved onto Derek and Olivia. The two stood by each other, Olivia's a dwarf compared to Derek's 6'1 frame. Derek leaned down and whispered something to her making her laugh loudly. It was clear they were close, closer to each other than anyone else. I had yet to know if it was romantic or not. Regardless they were cute together.
Next I glanced over at Alex. He was casually leaning against the wall seemingly lost in thought. His light blue shirt hugged his upper body, his very muscular upper body. Even I couldn't lie that he wasn't good looking, because damn he was hot.
Shaking my head at my thoughts I pushed them to the far corner of my mind. I ran my eyes over his face, silently wondering what he was thinking about. Alex was someone I couldn't figure out. Over the years, especially the last few weeks, I've gotten good at reading people but Alex was someone that kept himself guarded.
He was so mysterious that I couldn't help but want to get to know him. Suddenly Alex's head snap towards me and met my eyes. My own widened as I realized I just got caught staring at him. Blushing I quickly looked away, my heart pounding in my chest.
"Riley." Looking back up I found everyone staring at me. It only took me a second to realize I missed Nico and Lexi hitting the ball and that it was now my turn. Even more embarrassed that I got distracted by staring at everyone. I quickly made my way up to hit my ball, my cheeks on fire.
Placing my yellow ball down I tried to calm down my nerves. Having all of their eyes on me made me super nervous. It's been so long since I've hung out with anyone it felt odd being here and the fact that they were patiently waiting for me to hit.
Taking a deep breath I ignored their stares and hit the ball. It came as no surprise that I missed the hole, my ball rolling too far left. At least I wasn't the only one, Alex being the only person to get a hole in one.
"Don't worry I'll give you some tips later." Derek said coming up to my side and patting my shoulder.
"Uh I think my ball is closer than yours." I looked over and noticed that my ball was a good two inches closer to the hole than his. "I'll give you some tips later." With a teasing grin I patted him arm and moved around him. Behind me I heard someone snort followed by a 'burn'.
While everyone finished with the hole Alex stood off to the side watching. On more than one occasion I felt his eyes on me but whenever I looked over at him he was either looking away or talking with someone.
We spent the next half hour going through the mini golf course. It was taking us surprisingly longer than I thought because almost every single hole Derek would complain about someone cheating or that he wanted a redo.
After the seventh hole Nico suddenly grabbed Derek's golf club and stalked off. We all stood there staring after him shocked. I was surprised Nico was the first to break with Derek's antics, my bet would have been Lexi with her death glares.
"Well lets do something else then." Noah said, shrugging and heading after Nico. Glancing around at everyone I blindly followed them.
"Having fun?" The sound of Alex's voice right next to my ear made me jump.
"I've heard 'god' before my name before but never jesus." I scrunched my nose up as the image of Alex having sex popped into mind.
"You're disgusting."
"Not my fault your dirty minded."
"You're the one who said it!"
"And?" The smirk on Alex's face making me roll my eyes. He was clearly goading me and enjoying my reaction.
"Whatever." I muttered picking up my pace to get away from him.
"Your legs are so short." Alex easily caught up to me.
"Not all of us have ridiculously long legs." I shot back.
"I have normal legs thank you very much."
"Yeah right big foot." It took a minute for me to realize what I just said. Did I seriously just call Alex Kinley big foot? Was I looking to be killed? Sure I didn't believe most of the rumors about him but that didn't mean they weren't true! For all I know he could be a killer but hides it really well.
"Did you just call me Big Foot?"
"Yes." The words left my mouth before I could stop them. Inwardly I slapped my forehead. For some reason being around Alex made me more bold than I normally am.
"If I'm big foot than you are small foot." His response surprised me making me stop walking and look up at him with raised eyebrows.
"Small foot?"
"You are severely short." He made a show of looking me up and down.
"I am 5'5 I'll have you know." I placed my hands on my hips. "Not everyone is 6 foot."
"6'2." I rolled my eyes.
"Okay fine 6'2 but 5'5 is average height."
"That's short freckles."
"Not freckles again." I groaned. "I don't even have freckles."
"Yes you do." Alex's voice dropped an octave and his face turned serious. I did nothing as he took a step closer towards me and bent down a bit to my height. "Right here." His finger came up and ran along the bridge of my nose.
I just stood there with wide eyes as he ran his finger over my nose. My arms were frozen by my side. Him being this close I could see just how grey his eyes really were. It was such an unusual eye color and with his dark black hair they stuck out even more. Alex was definitely handsome. More handsome than I'll ever admit to anyone else.
"Hey, are you two coming?" Olivia yelled jarring me out of my staring. Clearing my throat I took a step back.
"We uh better go." Without another glance at Alex I turned and high tailed it towards the group who was waiting for us.
Olivia gave me an odd look when I reached her side but thankfully didn't make a comment. A minute later Alex walked over to Noah and nudged his shoulder. Avoiding his gaze I stuck to Olivia side as we moved onto the next activity.
Hello my lovely readers! (We really need a name you know. Like how famous people are fan names; Swiftes, Lovatics, Selenators, etc. So we really need a name! :D)
I am sorry for the 'late' update again. Things are kind of hectic around here and next week will be worse with Thanksgiving. I was going to update last Sunday but I got food poisoning so I was unable to do anything. But never fret I am here now and with a new update! AND THIS IS A LONG UPDATE! I told you before the chapters will get longer as we go because apparently I can't control myself to keep them short.
But anyways, who is loving this story so far? I hope you guys are slowly coming to know Riley and get to see who she really is. Right now she is a timid, shy, hurt girl but don't worry she will start to grow tough skin and become herself more as the story goes on.
Also...are you guys liking Alex so far?! (The guy who plays Alex is so damn hot!) Gosh I just want my own bad boy. I mean is that so hard to freaking ask for?! COME ON SANTA DO YOUR JOB!
If you guys have any ideas on who should play Noah or any of Alex's other friends feel free to comment! I am looking for some but can't decide on any yet. I personally like to find someone and have a small reference to the character. Helps me get more into them if that makes sense.
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! It means the world to me that we are already over 6k reads! Like how insane is that?! AND we are only like 100 followers from 71.k followers! Guys if I can get to 80k followers I will literally die :D
But again, thank you guys so much for the support! You guys are simply incredible and amazing! I love you all <3
<3 <3
P.S Derek is actually named after my twin brother. Yep I am a twin and the better one but I am the youngest.
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