Song above is..Yeah! by Usher (you'll know why later in the chapter :D)
Happy Reading! :)
"I can't believe you'd say that!"
"It's true through!"
"Not its not. Pineapple should never be on a pizza." Derek practically yelled in the car.
"Yes it does." I shot back.
For the past fifteen minutes Derek has argued with me that sausage pizza is the best pizza out there which is completely wrong.
"Riley I like you but you are so wrong it hurts!"
Derek sat in the far back with Nico, leaving us three girls in the middle row with Noah and Alex at the front of the car. We've already spent over an hour in the car and you could tell everyones patience was starting to thin.
The first hour of an road trip was always fun then slowly the excitement died. And I could tell right now everyone was ready to be out of the car.
"Sausage is the worst Derek!" I shook my head at his choice of pizza. "We need to get your head check."
"Pineapple is like putting raw fish on a pizza...utterly disgusting." I opened my mouth to reply but another voice spoke.
"You two are giving me a headache." Nico said, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"He started it." I replied childishly back. And he did start it, he was the one who insulted my taste in pizza first.
"Just agree to disagree." Judging from the soft mummers of agreement from everyone else they all felt the same way.
Derek made a face at Nico which caused me to grin. I already really liked Derek. He was someone who you couldn't help but like and get along with. He was literally just a goofball; how people thought of him as a 'bad ass' at school I have no idea.
"We are here." Noah suddenly announced, causing everyone to sit up. I glanced out the window as Noah pulled the car around a building and parked in what looked like a dark alley. The atmosphere in the car changed to excitement as soon as he parked.
Feeling slightly nervous again I slid out of the car and stood off to the side as everyone got out. It was kind of odd being in the same city as my parents. Its been so long since that's happened. I haven't seen them in a few months either.
For some reason knowing I was in the same town as my parents yet haven't seen them in ages made me sad. I had no clue when I would see them next and basically the only way to see them was to go to the hospital.
I really had no right to complain about not seeing my parents. Some kids don't have any, or they are in the military. My parents were healthy and helping save lives. It was selfish of me to be upset about that.
Before my mood changed and ruined tonight I quickly pushed the thoughts of my parents in the back of my mind. I was going to enjoy tonight. It was my first time at a club and I didn't want those thoughts clouding my head.
I had no clue what kind of club we were going to so as we got closer to the entrance I started to slightly freak out. What if they know I'm not 21? What if they won't let me in but everyone else can?
"Don't worry freckles its an 18-20 club."
"Yeah but I'm not 18." My birthday wasn't until March, so I have a while to go.
"Don't worry you're with me." He replied confidently.
"Wait, you make it sound like they know you here." Even in my heels I had to crane my neck back a bit to see his face. Alex just smirked in response.
I pouted as I walked beside him. I wanted to know what he meant by that but he didn't look back down at me. He couldn't just say something like that and not reply.
When we got to the entrance of the club I felt a hand suddenly grab mine. Out of instinct I jerked my hand but a firm squeeze stopped me.
"Just stay by my side." Alex whispered down to me. He didn't say another word as he softly gripped my hand and tugged me to his side. I felt my face flush at the feel of his hand in mine.
While his hand dwarfed mine he held onto my gently. Whenever I did hold hands with Mitch he would grip too hard that sometimes I'd lose feeling in my hand. It became something that I thought all guys did. Yet here Alex wasn't like that.
All my focus was on the feel of Alex's hand on mine. They were surprisingly calloused which I liked; means he uses his hands a lot. I was so busy thinking about Alex's hand that I hadn't even noticed we were at the door and the bouncer up front was letting us through. Wasn't until I stepped through the door and the bass of the music hit me did I come back to reality.
The so called club wasn't as dark as I thought it would be. The flashing lights were bright enough that I could see the place was surprisingly packed. People littered the dance floor and what looked like tables spaced around the huge room. The loud music rattled through me as a popular song played through the speakers.
I was still taking it all in when Alex tugged at my hand. I wordlessly let him tug me after him as he weaved around people. His tall frame blocked my view making me trust him to lead me the right way.
Finally Alex came to a stop in front of a booth off to the side of the dance floor. Sliding into the booth I had to let go of Alex's hand which instantly felt weird. His hand was so warm and comforting in a weird way. I glanced to my right and found Olivia sitting next to me with an odd grin on her face.
"We're going to go get some drinks. Want the usual?" Alex asked our group. Everyone but me nodded.
As soon as Alex and Noah walked off to get drinks Olivia was on me.
"What was that?"
"What was what?" I questioned.
"The hand holding." She leaned in closer to talk over the music.
"It wasn't anything. He was just helping me through the crowd." I shrugged. That probably was the whole reason. I wasn't going to allow myself to think otherwise.
"Uh huh." Liv didn't press the subject anymore thankfully. And just in time because just then Noah and Alex came walking up, both of their arms full of drinks.
When they sat down the drinks I felt my eyes widen a bit. Somehow they got beer. Alex said this was an 18-20 club, which meant no alcohol. I honestly had no problem with it, I just didn't want anyone to get in trouble for having it.
"Where did you get the beer?" I asked, looking up at the pair.
"We know a guy." Noah shrugged, a smirk playing on the edge of his lips. I rolled my eyes at the vague answer.
"This is going to be a fun night." Derek grinned to the side of me, on the other side of Olivia. I was too busy watching Derek gulp down the first beer to notice Noah going to sit beside me only to get glared at by Alex. Only when a warm body slid in next to me did I look away from Derek.
"Here you go." Alex slide over a Coke. "I know you aren't much of a drinker." I looked at him in surprise, he remembered me saying that last weekend at the bonfire party. Why he bothered to remember I don't know.
When he looked away from me to talk with Nico I continued on staring at the side of his face. There was something so different about Alex than any other guy I've met before. There was something else about him that made you give pause. Push aside the mysterious aura he had, that was only a little bit of what drew you in. The other part I had yet to figure out what it was.
But I wanted to figure out everything that is Alex Kinley.
* * * * * * * * *
"You are so wrong!"
"No I'm not, you are."
"Alex, tell your friend over here that Friends is the best sitcom ever, not The Office." I turned to look at Alex while gesturing to Noah.
We've been at the club for almost an hour and once again I was in an argument with one of Alex's friends over something stupid. It was Noah's fault though. He was the one to bring up The Office and how amazing it was.
While I was talking with Noah everyone else were doing their own thing. Lexi and Nico were on the other side of the booth talking quietly to one another. Derek and Olivia were on the dance floor, Derek making a complete fool of himself as usual. And Alex was still seated close to my side slowly sipping his beer.
"I'm not agreeing with either of you." Alex answered.
"What? Why not?"
"Because he agrees with me and doesn't want to hurt your feelings." Noah replied for him.
"Nuh uh." I turned back to Noah shaking my head.
"Riley we are best friends for a reason." He pointed out. Looking over at Alex I noticed a smirk on his face even though he wasn't looking at us. I knew then that he did agree with Noah.
"You guys have no taste in shows." I pouted.
"Have you ever seen The Office?" Noah asked, raising an eyebrow at me.
"No..." At my answer Noah throw his hands up and groaned leaning his head back.
"That's the problem right there! It's settled we're having a movie night where we watch all The Offices." Noah declared.
"What's settled?" Derek suddenly appeared, panting as he slid into the booth. A soft glean of sweat appeared on his forehead from dancing so hard. Olivia looking fine as she sat beside him.
"Movie night but with The Office. Tomorrow or Sunday." I don't know how everyone heard him over the loud music but I watched as everyone nodded their heads on board with the idea.
"Don't your parents get mad your always out doing things?" I found myself asking.
"All of our parents are friends. They trust we won't let the others get in trouble." Noah explained.
'Oh." It was kind of nice hearing how trusting their parents were. They must really trust everyone not to do something stupid.
"We are all adults...or well some of us are." He joked looking right at Derek. I laughed at the appalled look on his face. Derek was definitely the immature one of the group. "How about you? What did you tell your parents about coming out tonight?" Noah asked.
I paused not really knowing how to answer. My mom texted me late last night but I was asleep so I didn't answer. I didn't tell her anything about coming to Seattle to go to a club. And my brother I haven't heard back from him all week.
I felt Alex's gaze on me as I tried to come up with an answer. It was almost like Alex knew that my parents weren't around.
"Uh just told them I was going out with friends." I lied. They didn't need to know that my parents couldn't care less about where I was.
"Hope we don't get you in trouble." Noah winked at me. My cheeks flamed up at the wink. Thank god the place was too dark to see my blush. Having a good looking guy like Noah wink at me was enough to make me an awkward mess.
I was literally surrounded by a group of good looking guys. Its a miracle I was able to act somewhat normal and not being a blushing mess most of the time. Of course all four guys had to be hotter than any guy I've ever met before. They were all different from each other too which just made it worse honestly.
It didn't go unnoticed by me the amount of girls checking each of the guys out. Every time one of them got up to get a drink eyes were on them. There was a group of girls a table down from us that I noticed kept glancing at our group and giggling.
On more than one occasion one of the girls would walk by swinging their hips in their shirt skirts and tops. I was pretty sure they knew Nico was taken as Lexi was wrapped around him like a koala bear, and kept glaring at any girl that got near our table. Derek was too focused on Olivia to even care about the girls. And as for Noah and Alex, I wasn't sure. I did see Noah checking out one of the girls earlier.
"Riley come on!" Olivia suddenly pipped up standing up.
"We are going dancing." She wiggled her hips with a wide grin.
"Uh I'm good." I shook my head. I wasn't much of a dancer, unless I was alone in my room, but never in public.
"No you have to come dance with me!" She begged. "Even Lexi is." Derek moved out of the booth so Lexi could stand up.
"Come on." Even she gestured for me to tag along.
"Woah is Lexi being nice?" Alex sarcastically asked.
"Don't get use to it." She deadpanned making him laugh.
"Go." Noah shoved my shoulder.
"I'm not much of a dancer." I shook my head. It was a stupid excuse but I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of everyone here.
"Trust me neither are they." Noah gestured towards Liv and Lexi. "You'll fit right in."
"Thanks." I replied dryly.
"No problem." He beamed. "Now go."
Before I could protest anymore Alex slid out of the booth. He grabbed my arm and started pulling me out while Noah pushed my back.
With a groan I stood up from the booth. Liv cheered and instantly grabbed my hand, dragging me away from the table towards the dance floor. Liv pulled me just far enough onto the dance floor that we could still see the table and the guys.
The dance floor was packed with couples grinding against one another as well as guys and girls just jumping around. Seeing some of the moves they had made me feel a little less uncomfortable. At least I wasn't the only one who couldn't dance. I literally just stood there as everyone around me danced.
"Let loose Riley!" Liv shouted across from me, moving her hips to the beat of the music. It wasn't that easy though, not when it felt like everyone was watching me even though none were. Maybe I should have had a drink to give me some liquid courage.
"Yeah who gives a shit what others think." Lexi chipped in. I watched as she confidently moved her body to the music. I wanted to be like that. Confident.
Hearing a familiar song I started nodding my head along to it. I pushed back the thought of embarrassing myself and that people are watching me. I did need to let loose and forget. I deserved to have fun.
As the seconds went by I felt myself beginning to let go. Slowly my feet started to move, then my hips, until my whole body was getting into the music. I looked over at Liv who grinned at me, a proud look on her face. I found myself smiling back letting out a laugh.
Closing my eyes I finally let myself completely loose. I let the music wash over me, enjoying the feeling of dancing. The song soon ended and when another familiar song came on my eyes snapped open.
"This is my song!" I yelled just as Olivia yelled, "yes!"
We looked at each other with grins as Usher's song Yeah! came through the speakers. That was one song that every time it came on I just had to dance. My brother Trent use to always sing along to this song while doing horrible dance moves. It never failed to make me laugh when he did that.
(Usher's song 'Yeah!' is my stripper song. Not gonna lie :D )
My body had a mind of its own as it moved to the song. Liv, Lexi and I yelling the words to each other as we danced. It was funny watching even Lexi get down with us, having just as much fun.
"The way she get low." We sang along, Liv dipping her butt down and back up. I threw my head back laughing.
I could feel myself starting to sweat the more I danced but now I had no care in the world. Now that I was on the dance floor dancing I couldn't care less about anything else. It felt so nice to let loose and forget everything; letting my body do what it wanted.
Usher's song was soon replaced with Bruno Mar's "Uptown Funk". As I continued on dancing I didn't notice I was moving a bit away from Lexi and Liv. It wasn't until I felt an arm wrap around my waist and pull me back did I open my eyes and realize where I was.
With no clue who the arms belonged to I tried to squirm out of the guys hold but his arms were tight around my waist. Unwanted images snuck into my head and when I felt warm breath on my neck I snapped.
I jerked out of the arms, taking a few steps away before turning to see who touched me. It was too dark to make out specific details but he looked to be a few years older than me. He was tall and I could tell he was fit. I couldn't see his eyes clearly but they bore down at me with such intensity I could feel it.
"Why did you stop dancing baby?" His raspy voice spoke. It wasn't a sexy rasp either, it sounded like he smoked too many cigarettes. The guy took a step towards me his hand out but I quickly took my own back.
"Don't touch me." My voice was soft but firm. My eyes quickly looked around for Liv or Lexi but I couldn't see them on the crowed dance floor. My heart tightened my chest. Lexi told me to always stay by them or the guys, and she was right. I should have been paying attention to where I was going.
I went to move past him to find our table when his arm shot out and grabbed my arm. I hated that I flinched when he did that, images of Mitch doing the same thing to me flashing through my head.
"Where are you going sweetheart? We were just getting started." His grip was hard on my arm as he pulled me towards him. I could feel his lower half starting to grind against me. Tears pricked the sides of my eyes as I realized what kind of situation I was now in.
"Let me go." My voice was too low for him to hear though over the music. I squirmed more in his hold but he just tightened his hold on me. "Stop!"
"You can't dance like that if you didn't want some attention sweetheart." My lungs were contracting in my chest making it hard to breathe. His nose came down the side of my face making me cower and close my eyes. This can't be happening.
"Stop!" I tried making my voice louder.
"I believe she told you to stop." A loud, menacing voice spoke. At the voice my eyes popped open to find Alex standing in front of us. His eyes were narrowed into slits.
The guy holding me seemed to be in shock as his hold loosened around me. I took that opportunity to wiggle out of his hold.
Alex extended his hand towards me and instantly took it, gripping it hard. Alex pulled me to his side, his hand leaving mine to wrap around my waist protectively. His cinnamon-y scent calmed me down a little.
"Alex Kinley in the flesh." The guy in front of us finally spoke. I could feel the tension in Alex's body and when the guy said his name I felt is spine straighten even more.
"Marcus, I suggest you leave." Alex all but growled. I hadn't realized I was trembling until he softly squeezed my side.
"I was just trying to get to know your little friend." I hated the way he leered at me, almost like he was picturing me without my clothes on.
"I will give you one more chance to leave Marcus."
"I thought you'd be happy to see an old friend Alex." The look the Marcus guy had on his face was not a friendly one. Judging by the way Alex was holding onto me he wasn't friends with this Marcus guy.
"Don't make me ask again." For the first time since I met Alex I saw the frightening side to him that everyone talks about. He looked seconds away from launching himself at Marcus. I could tell his threat was a real one if Marcus didn't leave right now. But despite the tone he had I felt safe.
"Always one to start a fight huh Alex." Marcus goaded.
"Lets go." Alex muttered to me, his hand on my waist steering me around. I wanted nothing more than to get away from this asshole.
"How's your little sister Alex?" We barely took a step when Marcus spoke again. Alex instantly stopped at the mention of his little sister. Her innocent face popped into my head at her name. "Is Harper-" Marcus started to say.
Something inside of my snapped just then. I don't know what compelled me to do it but I stepped out of Alex's hold. The way he said Harpers name set me off. Before him or Marcus could do anything I stomped over to Marcus, throwing my right arm out hitting him square in the nose.
I've never punched someone before in my life and the amount of pain that shot through my hand and arm made me clench my teeth but I ignored it. I caught Marcus so off guard that my punch made him stumble backwards until he fell on his ass. His hand came up to touch his nose that was now bleeding.
"Don't you dare bring an innocent little girl into this!" I sneered stepping towards him. I was seeing red as I stared down at him. People were now watching but I didn't even notice. "Don't you ever say her name again so help me god."
There was no way I was going to let some prick say Harper's name like that. She was too innocent and precious.
My body was moving on its own, my leg lifting to kick him in the stomach when a pair of arms wrapped around my middle.
"Freckles." Alex spoke softly into my ear. Still looking down at Marcus he glared up at me. He looked like he wanted to say something but seemed to stop himself. He scrambled up, wiping his bloody nose. With another sneer at both me and Alex he turned and pushed his way off the dance floor.
Only when he was out of view did I feel myself start to calm down.
"Riley." Alex's voice brought me back. My whole body started to shake and the pain in my hand suddenly flared back up.
With a firm grip on my waist Alex turned us around, my left hand coming around and gripping his shirt in a tight fist. Only then did I notice Derek, Noah, and Nico were standing behind us. Judging by the dark looks on their faces and crossed arms they've been there a while. Probably the reason Marcus didn't say anything before walking off. If I was the subject of those three glares I would have been scared shitless too.
None of us said a word as we made our way off the dance floor. Slowly everyone around us went back to what they were doing. The adrenaline of what just happened was slowly starting to wear off. If it wasn't for Alex's grip on me my legs would have given out from under me.
When we came off the dance floor I found Liv and Lexi standing there waiting for us. They both sported worried looks, which was severely surprising on Lexi. A silent conversation seemed to take place between everyone. I briefly saw Liv head back to our table to grab our things before coming back to us.
My mind was a jumbled mess. Noah and Derek walked in front of us, paving a way through the crowds to get to the door. I felt Nico, Lexi and Liv at our backs, almost caging us in. No one said a word as we left the club. Silence bearing down on us as we headed for the car.
It was almost like I was in a daze as we walked. I was aware of Alex still holding onto me and the others around us but everything else was a blur. A hand on my lower back urged me into the car and making me finally let go of Alex's shirt.
Sliding in the car I was surprised when Alex jumped in after me. Derek was now up front with Noah, Liv right next to me with Nico and Lexi in the back. We were all still quiet as Noah backed out of the parking lot. I instantly felt bad that we had to leave early. It was my fault.
Now that my heart had stopped beating a million miles an hour I started to feel the pain in my hand. Looking down at my right hand I winced. The tops of my knuckles were swollen and already looked bruises. I hadn't realized just how bad it hurt to punch someone. They always made it look easy in movies!
"Noah stop at a gas station." Alex spoke next to me. Looking up from my hand I found Alex staring at it as well. I watched as the muscle in his jaw twitch as he clenched his teeth together. I tried to clench my hand into a fist only to feel shooting pain up my arm. My hand was in a permeant half fist. I couldn't open or close it.
A minute later I felt the car slow down making me look up. Noah was pulling into an empty gas station just like Alex asked.
"A cup of ice and napkins." Alex instructed as soon as Noah parked the car. I wasn't entirely sure what we were doing here so when I went to get out of the car after Olivia a hand on my thigh stopped me.
The feel of Alex's hand on my bare thigh made me go completely still. Internally I was screaming; Alex is touching my leg! I repeat, Alex is touching my leg! He clearly had no clue what his touch was doing to me as he kept it there while everyone piled out of the car.
"I"m not thirsty though." Derek saying brought me back. "Why do I have to go in?"
"Because I am thirsty." Liv demanded, reaching in and yanking Derek out of the car. I heard him complain until the door was shut cutting him off, leaving Alex and I alone in the car. Now that everything had caught up with me I was embarrassed by what I did.
Embarrassed that I had to have someone help me get away from a mess I created and then for going all crazy on the guy punching him. I wasn't normally a violent person. If it wasn't for Alex grabbing me I probably would have kicked him over and over. Was I embarrassed by my actions; yes. Did I regret it; no.
"Sorry we had to leave early." I mumbled, breaking the silence in the car.
"We were ready to go home anyways." Alex spoke for the first time since leaving the club. A quick glance at the dashboard I saw it was a little after ten which was actually the time we said we wanted to go home earlier.
"I didn't mean to cause anything." I whispered but my voice was loud in the empty car.
"You got a pretty strong right hook." At the teasing tone I looked over at him. He was looking at me with a soft smile. "You have nothing to be sorry for Riley. If you hadn't punched him than I would have."
"You aren't mad?" I wasn't sure why I thought he would be mad at me.
"I'm pissed but not at you." At that I let out a breath I hadn't known I was holding. I could tell Alex was still angry by the way his jaw was clenched and his left hand kept opening and closing into a fist.
I've never seen Alex like that before. At the club he had this scary calm about him, yet you could tell he was holding himself back from knocking the shit out of Marcus. But I wasn't scared of Alex, not in the slightest.
"Let me see your hand." Alex said a minute later. I wordlessly lifted my hand off my lap for him to see. It was starting to swell even more which couldn't be a good sign.
"Have you ever punched someone before?" He questioned, softly grabbing my wrist and moving my hand towards him. The overhead lights from the car made my knuckles look horrible.
"No." I shook my head. Never in my life did I think I'd ever punch someone. And honestly it hurt a lot worse than I thought it would. That Marcus guy had a hard face.
"Where did you learn to punch?" I winced when he touched my swollen knuckles. Damn they hurt.
"My brother." I replied, trying my hardest not to yank my hand out of his grasp. Even though he was being gentle it hurt like a bitch. "He taught me in case I'd ever need. Guess it came in handy today." I laughed under my breath. When Trent taught me a few years ago I didn't really take it serious, believing I'd never need to know.
"Well good news is you didn't break you hand or anything, but your hand will be swollen and sore for a while."
"Great." I mumbled.
"Looks like you and an ice pack are going to be best friends." Alex teased gently setting my hand down.
"Not the ice pack again." I groaned.
"Are you always this clumsy?" He shot me a mega-watt smile. My cheeks flamed up.
"I've only known you a week and this is the second time you've needed ice." Alex pointed out. I opened my mouth to reply but nothing came out. A triumphed smiled appeared when I didn't reply.
"Yeah've clearly punched someone before." I shot back. At my words he shrugged his smile slowly turning into a smirk. "I'll take that as a yes."
I couldn't help but be curious about how Alex knew how to help bruises and hurt hands. Clearly he's had experience but how, I don't know. There were plenty of rumors around school that he's gotten into plenty of fights, or that he was an underground fighter. Either one would explain how he knew how to punch and tend to bruises.
Deciding to tease him a bit though, I grinned.
"Or is someone just playing up the 'bad boy' part?"
"What?" At the confused yet insulted look on his face my grin got wider.
"You do seem more of a..." I made a show of looking him over, even though he was sitting down. "wallflower type."
At the offended look on his face I couldn't help but to burst out laughing. Alex looked like I had just kicked his puppy. I tried to calm myself but when I saw the unamused look he had, my laughter started back up. Damn, I was funny as hell.
A good minute passed before I finally calmed down. While he didn't look too amused at what I said his grey eyes were shining.
"I'll let the comments slide, only because your hurt." I just rolled my eyes. I knew Alex wouldn't do anything; all bark but no bite at least with me.
We lapsed into silence, both falling into our own thoughts. As I thought over what happened I shivered at the way Marcus had touched me. If it wasn't for Alex I wasn't sure what would have happened. I was an idiot for wandering off and then for freezing up when Marcus touched me.
"Alex." I spoke softly.
"Hm?" Swallowing thickly I kept my gaze on my lap.
"Thank you for coming to look for me." If it wasn't for him Marcus would have done something horrible, so I was forever in Alex's debt.
"Anytime." At his words I peaked up under my lashes at him. Even in the horrible car lighting Alex still managed to look good. It really wasn't fair how attractive he was. "Sorry your first time at a club was so bad."
"It wasn't bad." I quickly shook my head. Before the whole Marcus thing I actually was having a good time. "I had fun."
Alex shot me a look that said he didn't believe me.
"It was nice going out. It's been a long time since I've had fun." I looked him in the eyes to let him know how serious I was. It wasn't all that bad.
Alex slowly nodded as I stared at him. I was glad I came out with them. It has been ages since I was last asked to do something with a group of friends. Even though the last part in the club wasn't fun the rest was. Hell I even went dancing!
We both kept staring at one another, the air in the car getting thicker. When Alex bent his head a little closer I felt my heart start to race. We were already sitting so close and if he moved his face any closer our lips would touch.
I could feel my face heating up as my eyes went back and forth between his eyes and lips. Was he going to kiss me? Before I could think more about it the doors to the car opened up, making me jump back. The moment between us was ruined as everyone piled back into the car.
"We bought snacks!" Derek cheered getting in the passenger seat.
I quickly looked away from Alex, my cheeks flaming. There was no way he was going to kiss me; it was all in my head. There was nothing going on between the two of us and it had to stay that way. I wasn't ready to date again or ever really. What Mitch did left a deep scar.
"You guys okay?" Noah asked, looking at Alex and I in the review mirror. They all clearly noticed they interrupted something.
"G-good." I stammered out. He didn't look convinced but he dropped it.
"Here." Noah reached around and handed Alex a cup full of ice.
"Don't worry Riley I got you something better than ice." Derek said, reaching into two super full plastic bag. He pulled out candy bar after candy bar, then bags of Cheetos and Funyuns, followed by bottles of soda.
"Uh did you buy the whole gas station?" I questioned.
"It's a long drive back." Derek just shrugged before passing out drinks and snacks to everyone. A hand on my arm drew my attention away from everyone and back to Alex.
"Here." While I was busy watching Derek and the snacks, Alex had somehow found an old rag and filled it with ice, making a makeshift ice pack. "Your knuckles will get bigger if you don't put this on." He instructed, reaching over and placed the ice pack on my swollen knuckles. I sucked in a breath as the cold hit my skin, even with a cloth as a barrier it was still cold.
"Thanks." I mumbled, still not meeting his eyes.
"Alex and Riley here." Derek handed the two of us bottles of Mountain Dew followed by a bag of Funyuns. "What treat do you want Riley?" He asked.
"I'm good with Funyuns."
"Wait you like those?" Olivia asked, her nose scrunching up.
"Yeah?" I said but it came out as more of a question.
"You and Alex really are perfect together." Nico muttered behind us. I glanced over my shoulder at him and Lexi confused. What does that mean? Seeing my confused face Nico shrugged.
"Alex loves Funyuns." He explained.
"Probably the one person in the world." Lexi added.
"Hey they are good!" I defended at the same time as Alex. The awkwardness between us faded as we grinned at one another, the others making comments about how gross they were. Funyun's were so good. Shaped into rings, with an onion-y flavor yet it wasn't union exactly. They were unique in taste that's for sure.
On the very rare occasionally that Mitch and I would grab snacks for a movie night, I would always grab Funyuns. He always made a point of saying how weird and disgusting I was to eat those since they tasted like garbage. After multiple comments about it I stopped eating them.
It was interesting that Alex liked them too. In a way made me feel better.
"Fine you two share those and I'll take the rest." Derek shrugged a happy grin on his face.
"Fat ass." Alex faked coughed. Everyone in the car laughed as Derek pouted. I shook my head at the look on his face, laughing along with everyone else. You could tell the comment didn't bother him just playing it up. He was such a dork.
"Want some?" Alex asked turning my attention back to him, as Noah backed out of the parking spot. He held out the open bag of Funyuns.
"Thanks." I had to turn my body a little towards him in order to reach in the bag with my left hand. It wasn't until then I realized Alex hadn't let go of the ice pack on my right hand. It was just like when we were at Noah's house the day before.
Not wanting to think much of it I popped a Funyun in my mouth when someone spoke my name.
"I just have to say Riley that you are a badass." Noah spoke from the drivers seat. A chorus's of 'hell yeah', echoed around the car.
"Where did you learn to punch?" Nico asked, his deep voice filling the car. I was right in thinking the guys were there the entire time.
"My brother. He taught me just in case I ever needed." In that moment I couldn't have been happier that Trent taught me.
"He taught you well. You knocked Marcus right on his ass." Peeking over my shoulder Nico nodded his head in approval.
Nico was someone I haven't really talked to. We've said a few words to one another but he was definitely the type to stick to himself. You could tell he trusted Alex, Noah, Derek, and Olivia cause he would talk to them but even then he was the quieter one of the bunch.
Nico was definitely more of a so called 'bad boy' than anyone else. The air of mystery around him was thicker and with his quiet misdemeanor, you'd never know what he was thinking. Out of everyone in the group he was the one I am more nervous around.
The guy was very intimidating, which made sense why him and Lexi fit together. They were an intimidating couple for sure.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there." Olivia spoke up, reaching out and touching my arm. She looked beyond upset about happened.
"It's okay it was my fault for wandering off." I shook my head at her. She couldn't possibly think this was her fault.
"No Riley I-" I instantly cut her off.
"It is no ones fault. We couldn't have known something like this would happen. At least he didn't do anything which is all that matters."
At my words I could have sworn I felt the tension in the car shift. It was like they were all too nervous to ask me what Marcus did, and now that I said nothing happened they were able to relax a bit.
"Good." I heard Alex mutter behind me. I wasn't even looking at him but I could just feel the tension ease out of him.
"Okay enough of that conversation." Noah spoke up. "Who wants to listen to music on the way home?"
Immediately Derek yelled out. He didn't even wait for anyone else to answer as he grabbed the phone cord and quickly plugged his phone in. Everyone in the car groaned making me looking around in confusion.
"What?" I questioned.
"Derek has horrible taste in music." Lexi explained.
"I do not!" Derek yelled in reply. I winced at how loud he was.
"We can all hear you perfectly fine Derek." Noah said, almost in a scolding manner.
While Derek searched for a song to play I reached into the Funyun bag Alex placed on his knee. Sitting here with them all, eating funyuns I was starting to feel a lot better. Despite the pain still in my knuckles it was almost like nothing had happened. And I planned on forgetting it ever happened as well.
I liked that none of them were pressing me for details or making it awkward. They all seemed to understand I didn't want to talk about it and were doing a good job of keeping the conversation away from it.
Their friendship was nothing like anything I've ever experienced. They were a close knit group that had each others backs no matter what. I haven't been around long but it was clear they've been through stuff together and rarely let anyone else in. So to even be here right now with them was something I definitely should be thankful about.
I've always wanted a friendship like theirs and to even be apart of it for just a bit was more than I can ask for. I knew it wouldn't last long me being here. I also knew I shouldn't think like that but like everything happy in my life it will come to an end. So for now I was just happy to be apart of this close knit group while I could.
With that in mind I leaned back in the seat eating Funyuns as Derek put on the High School Musical soundtrack. Watching as Derek and Olivia sang each song word for word I had a sinking feeling that when the time came to let them all go, it was going to hurt me beyond repair.
Hiya! So I know this update is a bit late but I hope the longness of it will make up for the wait. I said I was going to make these chapters shorter, around 3k but this one is 7k :D I suck at writing short chapters!
BUT GUYS ALEX AND RILEY ALMOST KISSED! Ahh! I will burst your bubble right now though...they won't kiss for a while. I want to build up their friendship/relationship before any of that happens. I want it to be more realistic. So sorry for making you wait a while longer.
I want to thank you guys for being so patient with me. And for those that messaged me asking if I was okay :) I am! I'm sorry I haven't been on as much. Dealing with family issues, and getting back to school, etc. It's all so exhausting I tell you.
Also, if you didn't know EVERY Monday I post a question on my profile wall. It will be anything from food, random questions, writing advice, etc. Feel free to pop by on Monday's and comment!
AND if you have any questions you want me to ask or even answer on Monday's leave a comment! :P
I love you guys! Thank you so much for the support! By the way we are so close to a thousand followers on Twitter!! So if you haven't followed me on their make sure you do! I am always on there and love to reply! Twitter: Kendoll350
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! Love you!
<3 <3 <3
P.S What are you guys most looking forward to in this book??
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