Disclaimer; I do not own Supernatural. If I did, I probably wouldn't have written this.
No Rest for the Wicked
"I used to think the worst feeling in the world was losing someone you love, but I was wrong. The worst feeling in the world is the moment that you realize you've lost yourself." - Elena Gilbert
EMERY STARED AT HER HANDS, WATCHING them shake violently. She didn't know why they were shaking, because she had done this a hundred times. Dean, her, and Sam had done this a hundred times. But, maybe it was because it was Lilith. She could faintly remember things about Lilith from some other lifetime and it slightly scared her.
They had been driving for awhile, Emery in the backseat of the Impala, staring out the window. She tuned out Sam and Dean's conversation. The brunette didn't want to think about the fact that the love of her life was about to die in how many hours. Because, it was inevitable. This whole thing was stupid.
The girl jumped when Bon Jovi came onto the speakers and she looked into the front. Dean had started singing horribly, his eyes looking from the road to Sam. Sam soon then started to sing along with him and Emery felt herself smile. She knew what Dean was doing. Taking Sam's mind off of the inevitable, try not to hurt the poor man. A single tear slipped out of Emery's eye when her and Dean's eyes met in the rearview mirror and Dean wasn't singing anymore.
They had a busted taillight. Emery knew this and when the police sirens rang through the night, she was getting ready to flirt with the cop. Her neckline plunged a little bit, her hair moved to one side as she smirked coyly. Hopefully, the cop would take her as a younger girl then she was -which was twenty eight- and let them go because of a 'curfew'.
"Em, what are you doing?" Dean asked as he looked back at his girlfriend. She saw his eyes move from her chest back to her eyes and she rolled them.
"I'm going to try and flirt you out of this, okay?" Emery said, Dean getting a defensive look on his face.
"I really don't wanna see my girlfriend flirt with another man," Dean said. "It's almost as bad as the time you and Sam kissed in that one town," Dean grumbled and Emery stared at him wide-eyed.
"You knew about that?" Emery stared at him guffawed, her mouth open in a look of shock.
"You guys didn't try hard to cover it up," Dean said, just as the cop showed up at his rolled down window. Emery sat back as she watched the cop and Dean interact, Dean passing him his fake license and the actual registration of the car.
Emery jumped when Dean slammed the door into the cop's legs, making him keel over in pain. Her eyebrows furrowed, she watched Dean step out of the car, punch the cop a couple times, before stabbing him in the neck with the Demon Knife they had stolen from Ruby. With her eyes wide, Emery scrambled out of the Impala just to see the demon flicker in the cop's body, before he dropped to the ground.
Bobby, who had pulled up behind the cop car, got out of his car and ran over to them. "What the hell happened?" The older man was staring at the dead demon on the road, like the three of them had been already.
"Dean just killed a Demon," Sam said, staring wide eyed at both Bobby and Dean, the surprise evident in his voice. "How'd you know?"
"I just knew," Dean said, looking at Sam. "I could see its face. It's real face, under that one." His eyes then turned to Emery, focusing on her before suddenly, he let out a grunt and squinted his eyes, bringing his hand up to shade himself.
Emery looked at him wide eyed, confused, before she realized he was probably seeing the angel that she was. Not the actually body, but the thing she was at the core.
"Damn, Wilson, you glow really bright," Dean said. "I'm not gonna be able to drive with you in the back. It's distracting."
"Sorry, Winchester. I can't help how much I glow from beauty," Emery said sarcastically, shaking her head. She then looked at Bobby, nodding, telling him that she'd be riding with him.
After stashing the cop car in some bush, camouflaging it with some tree branches and leaves, Sam had spiked up the conversation as to how Dean had knew and it was obviously because he was about to get killed by hellhounds. That his soul had a year in it and the timer was just about to go ding and there was a line of people ready to get it.
When the car was camouflaged, Emery looked at the other three, her eyes landing on Dean's form. She quickly walked up to him as he announced that they should go and grabbed his shoulder, waiting for the other two boys to go.
"Emery, what's wrong?" Dean asked, his eyes squinting again as he looked at her. She rolled her eyes, before grabbing his face and pulling his lips to hers. The kiss was rough, sloppy, passionate. It was Emery putting all of her emotion into it so that she could just feel nothing about this. She knew it wouldn't work, but she could try.
Dean kissed her back just as sloppily, his hands squeezing her hips and bringing her closer. Emery's arms snaked around Dean's neck, trying to get even closer to him without actually taking off any clothes article.
"Come on, you two! We don't have time for your quicky in the woods!" Emery heard Sam shout and pulled away, a sad smile on her face. Dean rested his forehead against her's, a sad smile that matched her's on his face.
"I love you, Wilson," Dean whispered. Their own little secret.
"I love you too, Winchester," Emery said, before she gave his kiss swollen lips a chaste one and letting go of him, walking to Bobby's car.
Emery was taken aback slightly when she heard that Lilith had taken over the little girl's body. Though, she saw it when the terrified mother placed a piece of cake in front of her, a fake smile on her face. Sam was the one that wanted to rush in as Dean and Emery stayed staring at the little girl and Bobby turned to Dean.
"Wait," Dean said, grabbing a hold of Sam's jacket.
"For what? Her to kill the rest of them?" Sam asked and Emery's eyes focused on the dead old man who's face was in some pie.
"Yeah and that's two if we aren't careful," Dean said, authority in his voice. It was obvious he didn't want anyone to die. Dean never did, but if they rushed in there, it would likely result in more deaths. A lot more. And Dean's would probably be one of them. "Look, the real go getter mail man on the clock at nine p.m. And Mr. Rogers over there."
"Demons?" Bobby asked, but Emery knew the answer. Every person in this suburban area was a demon except for the family that was taking care of Lilith.
"Okay, fine," Sam started, obviously thinking of a plan on the spot. "We ninja pass those guys and sneak in."
"And give a Columbian neck tie to a ten year old girl? Come on!"
"Look, Dean, I know it's awful-"
"You think!"
"-but this isn't just about saving you, Dean. This is about saving everybody."
"She's gotta be stopped, son," Bobby said and Emery looked at Dean from where she was watching Lilith eat that chocolate cake.
"Damn it," Dean said.
That's when they started planning. Emery listened carefully, waiting for some orders, glancing every so often at the little girl and her family. She was almost done eating now and Emery knew that they would have to start moving soon. When Lilith and her vessel's mother went upstairs, Emery was told it was time to move out.
Dean and Sam went to go kill off some demons, while Bobby and Emery went to go make holy water out of the suburban's water supply. Why not have the water blessed by an angel? Emery had joked and all three of the boys' eyes widened at the idea. So, as she chanted the Latin to bless the water, holding the cross in her hand, Bobby watched her back.
Once finished, she dropped the cross into the water system, smiling when her job was done.
"You go to the boys, I'll get the sprinkler system," Bobby said, looking at Emery.
"You sure?" Emery looked at him and him simply nodded his head, before running to where they had assumed it was located.
Emery herself started slowly creeping her way to where the house that Lilith was in was. However, she felt someone grab her arm and spin her around, a stranger smiling evilly at her. Emery's hand, on some kind of instinct, pressed two fingers to the man's head and his eyes flashed that bright orange of a demon dying. The brunette furrowed her eyebrows, before shrugging. "Cool."
Emery had found them at a gate with Ruby pushing Dean against the chain link while Sam held the demon knife to her throat. She walked up to them, Dean smirking slightly, before Sam was telling them to run. Mostly because there was almost all the citizens staring at the four of them with onyx eyes.
They sprinted for the door, Sam bending down with the lock pick kit as Dean, Ruby, and Emery watched the demons run for them. Dean shouted something about what was taking Bobby so long, when suddenly the sprinklers came on, burning all the demons with its holy power. They piled into the house, Emery gasping softly at the sight of an old lady left on the floor, her decaying body covered in flies.
"You think Lilith knows we're here?" Dean asked, staring at the body.
"Probably," Ruby said, before they all followed Sam. He led them to what seemed to be the living room, before Emery flashed around as a door opened. Dean caught the guy and covered his mouth with his hand.
"We are here to help," Dean whispered to him, keeping his eyes on the man Emery recognized as the dad. "I'm going to remove my hand and we're gonna talk nice a quiet now."
Emery watched the man nod vigorously, before Dean removed his hand. He kept quiet and Sam asked him where his daughter is.
"Upstairs," Emery answered for him, already knowing the answer.
"It's not- it's not her anymore," the man then said, shaking his head at the three of them.
"Where exactly upstairs?" Sam asked, looking to the man for answers.
"In her bedroom," he answered, looking scared still as he stared at the four of them.
"Okay, listen to me, I want you to go downstairs to the basement and put a line of salt across the door behind you, do you understand me," Dean told the man slowly and Emery sighed when he shook his head.
"Not without my wife."
"Yes without your wife."
"No-" Dean knocked him out before he could finish his sentence, keeping a hold on him before hoisting him over his shoulder. Dean nodded at the rest of them, taking him in the direction of the basement. He motioned for Emery to come and they split up from Ruby and Sam.
They had easily put the man in the basement with a line of salt at the entrance, before they were quietly sneaking back up the stairs. The two of them were already at the top, meeting Ruby outside the room when there was suddenly a scream and they rushed in. Dean stopped Sam from stabbing the little girl, claiming that it wasn't her.
After the little girl was calmed down, the six of them walked downstairs, Dean giving the mother instructions about staying in the basement. The older woman agreed, going down the stairs as Emery stopped, looking around the small area of the house she was in. Where could Lilith have gone without them noticing?
When she finally rejoined the group from her little thinking session, Emery noticed Dean and Sam fighting. "Dean, I'm not going to let you go to Hell!"
"Yes, you are!" Dean shouted back, looking at his little brother. "Yes, you are. I'm sorry. I mean, this is all my fault, I know that. But what you're doing, it's not gonna save me. It's only gonna kill you."
Sam's eyes met Emery's and she noticed the flash of something in them. She shook her head, diminishing the small sparkle that was in them. Just because she was an angel doesn't mean that she could save Dean from his fate. And Emery had come to peace with this. She just didn't want to see Dean ripped apart by Hellhounds.
"Then what am I supposed to do?" Sam asked, tears in his eyes.
"Keep fighting," Dean said and Emery felt herself tear up as she walked forward from where she was by the door frame. She slotted herself next to Dean, hugging his side with his arm over her shoulders. "Take care of my wheels and my girl." Emery hid her face in his shoulder, feeling herself start to cry. "Sam, remember what Dad taught you, okay. And remember what I taught you."
Sam nodded just as the clock chimed twelve, marking that end of the year. That was the timer beeping and now they were going to wait for the hounds to come. Dean and Sam kept eye contact, Sam crying as Emery looked up at Dean's perfect face.
"I love you, Dean."
"I love you too, Emery."
"I'm sorry, Dean. I wouldn't wish this upon my greatest enemy," Ruby said and Emery closed her eyes as she heard the mutts barking in the distance. Dean turned his face a little bit, looking at something that Emery couldn't see. She realized what it was as Sam gave Dean a look of confusion.
"Hellhound," Dean stated, hearing the growls of it. Emery could hear them, she just didn't know where exactly it was.
"Where?" Sam asked, tears cascading down his cheeks.
It was a few seconds, when suddenly it growled and obviously lunged at them, making the four of them run out of the room they were in. It barked loudly, chasing after them until they ran into another room, shutting the two doors after them. Emery, Sam, and Ruby held the doors shut as Dean got out some of that voodoo dust that was given to them from the last case with hellhounds.
Dean spread it in a line at the base of the doors, which were getting scratched and trying to get pushed in by the hounds. When it stopped shaking, Emery let out a breath of relief, even though she knew her time with Dean was even more limited. After the realization sunk in, Dean stood up and started putting the dust on the window sills, Emery watching him with tears in her eyes as well as on her cheeks.
Ruby and Sam were fighting about something, Emery walked up to Dean and gave him another kiss. This one was gentle, soft and tender. A goodbye kiss. Emery knew that Dean was going to die. It was only a matter of time.
"I'll be seeing you, Winchester," Emery said when they broke apart.
"I sure as hell hope not."
They then turned to Sam and Ruby, the male about to give the blonde the demon knife until Dean shouted wait!. Sam stopped and turned to look at his brother, who was staring at Ruby with wide eyes.
"You wanna die?" She spat, staring at Dean with a glare.
"Sam, that's not Ruby," Dean said, making Sam turn back to the blonde, an obvious look of horror on his face. "That's not Ruby!"
Sam went to stab non-Ruby, but he was hit and flung up against the wall, the knife falling out of his grasp. Emery stepped in front of Dean in a protective stance, glaring at Lilith.
"Move," the blonde told her, but Emery shook her head.
"Fat chance, bitch," Emery said, her eyes glowing blue. Lilith shook her head, before flinging her arm, making the angel stumble to the left. Lilith then made Dean fly back, landing on his back on the small table that was in the room.
"How long you been in her?" Dean asked Lilith, who was looking somehow innocent in Ruby's body.
"Not long," Lilith said, before she was looking down at the vessel. "But I like it. It's all grown up and pretty." When she looked back up, her eyes were all white, the sign of just how powerful Lilith actually was.
"And where's Ruby?" Sam asked, still stuck up against the wall.
"She was a very bad girl," Lilith stated, her hand flying out and pushing Emery back again. "So I sent her far, far away."
"This isn't Shrek," Emery spat, trying again to get close to Lilith, but it was no use. The demon bitch wouldn't let her move.
"You know, I should have seen it before, but you all look the same to me," Dean said, glaring at the demon. Lilith looked at Dean for a bit more, before her head moved and looked at Sam. She stepped towards him, cocking her head to the side.
"Hello, Sam," Lilith said, walking up to him. "I've wanted to meet you for a very long time." Emery cringed when Lilith grabbed his face, pressing their lips together in a kiss. "Your lips are soft."
"Alright, so you have me," Sam said, getting his jaw out of Lilith's grip before looking at her. "Let my brother and Emery go."
"Silly Goose, you wanna bargain, you have to have something that I want," Lilith said, her voice soft and childish. She made a tsk noise, "you don't."
"So this is your big plan, huh? Drag me to Hell, kill Sam, hurt Em, and then what? Become Queen Bitch?" Dean said, taking Lilith's attention off of Sam.
"I don't have to answer to puppy chow," Lilith said and Emery let out an enraged scream. If only she could move her feet. Lilith would be dead already.
The blonde then moved to the doors, an evil smirk on her face. "Sick him, boys." Emery let out another scream as the door opened, the dogs barking and growling.
Everything seemed to go in slow motion from there. Emery's ears were ringing as Dean was dragged off the table, landing on his back before his chest was torn into. Emery collapsed to her knees, the pain coming from falling on them not registering in her mind. She just needed to get to Dean. Watching Dean without being able to give him the comfort or pain relief he needed hurt.
There was a flash of white light when Emery finally got loose from Lilith's control, scrambling to Dean's side. She didn't pay attention to what was happening to Sam or Lilith, she just grabbed onto Dean, tears escaping her eyes as she sobbed. Emery wasn't ready to see this, to see the man that she loved with all her heart lying cut up in front of her.
Her ears stopped ringing and she realized she was calling out to him, begging him to wake up even though she knew he wasn't going to. Her hand touched his forehead, healing his body from the cut wounds as she hugged his head to her chest, sobbing. Emery payed no attention to Ruby's vessel dropping on the floor beside her, only watching as Sam dropped down next to her, whispering, "Dean. No."
And with that, Emery's heart was gone as well as who she was. It all flooded out over, all the feelings, emotions she used to have. Dean had taken them to hell and she doubted they were going to come back anytime soon.
They were the casualty of war that Emery could stand to lose.
holy crap, i'm done! i'm fucking done!
confetti, it's a parade!
okay, so, that hurt, and now for the most painful thing of all...
the ending.
i'm not even gonna make you wait for it. go and read it already, psht.
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