EMERY WILSON WAS A HUNTER. HAS been since she was twelve years old. John Winchester took her in, after saving her from a werewolf that killed both her parents. That '67 Impala was her home, just as much as it was Sam and Dean's.
Emery Wilson was also in love with Dean Winchester. He was a dick at times, along with very sarcastic and witty, and his only love was for classic rock, his dad's classic car, bacon cheeseburgers, pie, and sex. Still, her heart seem to speed up whenever she heard his voice and stomach fill with a zoo every time he smiled at her.
Another need to know about little Emery was that she was adopted twice. Once by her loving family, the Wilsons, and another by John Winchester. And that takes us to the start of our one shot.
It had been maybe a couple of months into looking for her birth parents. Emery was nineteen and was low on money and gas. As she was cruising down the highway, her car sputtered, and she was forced to turn into the parking lot of a rundown bar. Titled Roadhouse, Emery noticed as she looked at the sign, before cursing the stupid car. It may have been out of gas (and fumes, it seemed) but it still could have gotten her to at least the next city. Apparently, the girl had been wrong.
Getting out of the beat up car, Emery grabbed her messenger bag and slung it over her shoulder, going to the entrance. The bar was blasting classic rock music and Emery felt her heart squeeze with longing for the obnoxious boy named Dean. Stupid heart.
Entering the bar, a couple of people looked up upon the door slamming shut. Emery's eyes widened as she took in the familiar faces of hunters and smiled casually at all of them. She knew she looked like crap. Her face was probably dirty and bloody from the vampire she had killed less than a day ago and her shirt was torn from a werewolf that had decided that she was his next victim. Of course, the wound was still bandaged, the white with a spot of red making an appearance every second or so.
Emery's boots made noises against the old wood flooring as she made her way to the bar, awkwardly sitting down and putting her bag on the floor underneath her. Not even a minutes later, a pretty blonde walked up to her, a smile on her face. Emery gave one back, though she knew that she wasn't going to buy anything.
The blonde however, got a glass out from the counter and filled it up with beer, the golden liquid looking rather satisfying in the tall glass.
"I didn't order this," Emery stated as Blondie put it on the bar in front of her. The girl looked at the glass, then at Emery, before a sheepish smile appeared on her face.
"It's on the house. You look like you just came out of Hell," the girl explained, sliding the glass closer to Emery.
"Well, thanks..."
"Nice to meet you, Jo, I'm Emery."
It wasn't long after that that Emery got a job at the Roadhouse. Which she spent most of her time there, smiling and laughing with Jo.
And maybe she flirted a tiny bit. It wasn't her fault. Jo was a very attractive blonde woman and Emery just thought she may have jumped into line to at least try and butter her up, even if she does get rejected. So, whenever she felt like she had at least a small chance, Emery would whisper a flirtatious line into Jo's ear. That, or something dirty that the girl wouldn't like to repeat.
The surprising thing was that Jo made the first move. Emery had been taking out the trash to a dumpster in the back when she heard footsteps. Jo had decided to follow the brunette, who had turned around to see her the blonde sheepishly standing there.
"Jo," she had said, looking at the beautiful blonde. "Is everything okay?"
"You're a bitch, you know that," Jo had said, before closing the distance between the two of them and grabbing the side of Emery's face, before smashing their lips together.
Emery had never kissed with so much passion. Her hands gripped Jo's waist, leaving her hips red from the marks. Jo's fingers tangled in Emery's hair and Emery broke the kiss, smirking as she turned the two around, before pushing Jo up against the back wall of the Roadhouse. Her lips connected to the blonde's jawline, making love bites as she kissed her way to the girl's collarbone.
Moans were falling from Jo's mouth as Emery pulled away from the girl's skin, a smirk on her lips.
"I really shouldn't be doing this," Emery mumbled, before she planted her lips against the other side of the girl's jaw. "If we get caught, I will most definitely be getting an ass kicking from Ellen."
Emery pulled away, before grabbing the hem of Jo's shirt, pulling it off of her body.
"But right now, I could not give a bigger fuck."
The little affair went on for quite some time before Ellen found out. It was the little things, like Jo had love bites on her neck or the way Emery would wink at Jo from across the bar. It's not like the older woman could do anything about it.
Emery had thought that she was in love. Like she had been with Dean. But, the latter kept creeping into her brain at the worst time. In the middle of a kiss, his green eyes would wink at her. Or his perfect lips would blow her a kiss.
And that's when Emery realized she had to get away from Jo. The girl was too toxic for the blonde, who seemed to have an okay life. So, one night, Emery handed in her resignation, before packing what little she required over the year or so of working at the little run down bar.
"What are you doing?" Emery heard behind her, seeing Jo leaned against the door frame of the room. Her arms were crossed over her chest, her neck uncovered so that it would show off the very prominent hickie Emery had given her. It seemed to chase the hunters away.
"I got a call from my family. They need my help," Emery stated, grabbing her packed bag and slinging it over her shoulder. "I probably won't be coming back, so..."
"You're serious?" Jo looked baffled. "You're leaving me? Can't I come with you or something?"
"Jo, I don't want you to get caught up in it. My family is toxic. I don't want you to get hurt."
"Is it because of me? Did I do something wrong?"
"No! No! I can't believe you would think that! I'm so not right for you, Jo! I have a fucked up past and probably even more fucked up future! And I love you too much to drag you down with me!"
Jo was holding back tears as Emery dropped her bag, stepping closer to the girl. The blonde shook her head, shoving Emery away. "I love you, Emery! Don't you think it's my decision whether I go down with you or not?"
"Not when I know that I'll get you killed," Emery told her, before stepping forward again, and pulling the girl closer to her chest. Jo was sobbing into her chest and Emery sighed, placing a kiss into her hair. "I'm so sorry, Jo. I love you, but this is goodbye. At least, for now."
Emery let go of the girl, kissing her on the mouth, before taking a step back, and shrugging off the jean jacket Jo loved so much. The brunette dropped it on the ground, before picking up her bag and walking out of the room. Once she got outside, a cold breeze blew her hair in her face, making her shake her head, before starting her trek down the highway, trying to hitchhike.
It was later that night that Jo would shrug the jean jacket off, hanging it up in her closet before staring in her small mirror. Emery had been right, she wasn't good for the blonde. If Jo really wanted to prove how strong she was to make Ellen let her go hunting, she had to focus on bettering herself. Also, the blonde needed to focus on helping out at the Roadhouse, instead of sneaking away during the middle of her shift for sex with the brunette.
The break up was a good thing.
a little insight on jo and emery's relationship ((:
i don't know what the fuck that was. so, please forgive me on how suckish this was.
there is a reason why i took down my same sex times same sex fics.
i don't know how to write them.
i made an aesthetic ! i'm so happy
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