Chapter Twenty-Two
A/N – Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Twenty-Two. Picture of Darren ^^^^
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
After Lucy left, Reece sat down on the bench and let me run around after Alana for a little longer so that she could play a bit more because it has been a lot of serious things lately, she deserves to have a bit of fun for a six-year-old before she has to go back to school.
We just dropped Alana off at the hotel, we left her with Drew because Dean and Lewis went shopping to get some souvenir type things for Lewis' family – who are completely amazing by the way, some of the sweetest people I have ever met.
The bowling alley isn't as close as the park was, so I suggested just getting a taxi so that we can get there easily without Drew having to take us in his car – drew rented a car, as did Dean and Lewis, just because it makes things a lot easier with travelling around and such but as Drew had to look over Alana and Alana wanted to stay in the soft play, we got a taxi.
Reece can drive though, which I already know as he has a license for his bike and the mandatory one for a car as you need to learn again to drive a motorbike I think. His license just isn't valid here and he already said that he wouldn't feel comfortable driving here, due to it being on the other side of the car as well as the road which is understandable.
The taxi driver pulls up outside the bowling alley, and Reece pays him before I have a chance to even ask him how much the fare is.
The both of us get out, and Reece instantly comes to wrap his arm around my shoulder, "You should've let me pay" I tell him as we walk into the building.
Reece laughs and shakes his head "On a date the gentleman must pay" he states which makes me roll my eyes.
He holds the door open for me as we both go into the bowling alley, and we make our way over to the counter in order to pay for the game and get shoes and such.
As we approach the counter, I see another one of my close college friends – Sam, the two of us grew up together and I have known him since we were in reception together probably.
His face breaks out into a smile when he sees me "Masters?" he quizzes in surprise, using the nickname that he has used for as long as I can remember.
I nod in agreement, and he quickly comes out from behind the counter to hug me before returning to his previous spot "Hey there Samuel" I greet him with a smile on my face.
"How did the funeral go? I'm sorry I couldn't be there; my folks went though" he explains and I shake my head to dismiss his apology.
"I saw your parents actually, they came up to talk to me and my brothers which was so lovely. Make sure to tell them that I say hello when you go home later" I can't help but smile as I talk to one of the best friends I've probably ever had in my life.
He nods in acknowledgement "I will do that. And who's this? I'm Sam, known Hannah since she was a young'un" Sam says to Reece, holding his hand out to him.
Reece shakes Sam's hand, "I'm Reece. Good to meet you" he tells Sam with a nod of his head.
" brought an American home with you Masters? Clearly, you've got the same taste as your brother" he jokes making me laugh "But seriously, how many games do you guys want? I'll get you on the end lane which is the best one" he types something into his computer as he talks to us.
Reece pulls out his wallet "Two games please mate" Reece hands the money over to Sam whilst speaking to him.
Sam quickly sorts us out a lane, and then directs us to where we can get our shoes which we put on before handing our actual shoes to Sam so that he can put them into the cubby hole type things.
Once we get to the lane, which is the end one like Sam said, I stand in front of the keypad thingy to input our names into the scoreboard.
Whilst I am doing so, Reece is stood in front of the bit where the bowling balls are and like where they get pushed back into after they've been bowled.
He's staring down at them very intently "What are you doing?" I find myself laughing as I ask him, what seems to be, a normal question.
He looks back at me and smiles "I need to see which ball I connect with and can bowl" he tells me.
I laugh even more at his words, he's such a weirdo, "I put your name in first so you're up" I nod towards the lane as I talk.
He goes up to the lane and bowls, which ends in him getting a strike, so he turns around with a smirk on his face "Beat that Baby" he comments.
I roll my eyes and grab a ball, going up to bowl it and I end up getting eight pins down which leaves me with a two-pin spare however it's a split spare so when I bowl again I only get one pin down.
Reece still has a smirk on his face when I turn back to face him "Come on Baby, you gotta learn from the best" he jokes as he grabs the bowling ball again.
He bowls and manages to get a second strike "That is just unfair" I state as he walks back to me.
I grab my ball, and go to stand in front of the lane but Reece comes to stand behind me and wraps his arms around me "Alright...let me help" he whispers in my ear.
We bowl the ball together, and it ends in a strike which makes me laugh as well as Reece but he picks me up in a hug anyway.
"Nice one Baby" he tells me once he pulls away, but instead of going to bowl again he drags me to sit down on the bench thing that's attached to the lane.
We both sit down, "Everything okay?" I ask and he nods in response.
He smiles at me "Yeah, I just wanted to talk" he tells me "I know that we haven't known each other for that long, and I'm not going to lie but there's definitely more things you probably want to learn about me and there's so much more I want to get to know about you" he talks in a gentle tone, something I am not used to from him, "However, despite all the not knowing, what I do know is that I have feelings for you" he confesses to me which makes me smile "And I would probably kick myself if I didn't ask you to be my girlfriend, so will you?" he asks with hesitation laced within his tone and this is probably the first time I have ever seen him even slightly nervous.
"I'd love to" I state simply which causes him to breathe a sigh of relief "I like you too, by the way, but despite not being full-blown feelings, I'm sure they'll only grow" I tell him with a smile on my face, "I mean, this'll be my first relationship so I guess we just see where things go and figure all of this out together?" I question, in slight amusement but also curiosity as to what he will say.
He nods in agreement "I definitely want to see where things go" he says with a smirk on his face.
I smile at him "I am aware of your image though, so I know I'd be lying if I said that people at school are going to be fine with it" I tell him nervously.
He sighs and runs a hand through his hair "No one at school likes me Hannah, so that isn't a surprise" he states "But, if you want, we don't need to make our relationship known to everyone right away. We don't need to tell anyone until you are ready to" he suggests.
I shake my head in protest "I couldn't make you do that Reece. You are so incredibly close with Justin, Zach and Beth and I know you wouldn't be able to hide it for long" I explain to him and he nods in agreement "I wouldn't want you to jeopardise your friendship over me because I would just feel guilty and I know that your friends mean the world to you" he reaches to intertwine his fingers with mine as I talk to him "But perhaps, we don't just...we don't act overly coupley at school? Like normal stuff is fine but no massive make out sessions in the hallway or anything" I suggest to him, jokingly slightly at the end.
He pouts but then smiles "Awh Baby, make out sessions are the best bit though" he jokes and I roll my eyes at him "I'd never pressure you into anything Hannah, so this whole thing is completely up to you" he reassures me still with a smile on his face.
I lean forward slightly, and peck his lips which is a good but different sensations however I am most definitely not complaining in any way.
I then pull away from Reece, but he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into another kiss, causing me to smile into the kiss.
Well...I wasn't expecting this today, I thought it would just be a normal date but I'm actually happy.
I am well aware that Reece doesn't have the best image however what I have seen of him the past three days, which isn't long I know, is completely different to what people portray of him at school.
Now, I know that Reece will have done some stupid things and, like he said earlier, there is still a lot that we need to get to know about each other but that doesn't mean that we can't do it together.
I guess we'll figure it out as we go.
That was Chapter Twenty-Two, hope you liked it.
Any opinions you guys have please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter......
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