Chapter Twenty-Six
A/N – Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Twenty-Six. Picture of Ellis ^^^^
----- Reece's P.O.V -----
I honestly cannot believe how long I slept on that flight – it's not even as if it was an early flight, we did get up early and all that but we slept last night and the jet lag hasn't kicked in yet.
Alana was the first to fall asleep, as she fell asleep whilst we were watching the movie but then Hannah fell asleep probably halfway through our third movie that we were watching and I don't have a clue as to when I fell asleep. I just know I woke up about a half hour before we were landing, due to Drew wanting us all to wake up in advance.
I'm pretty sure that Lewis fell asleep too, Hannah told me that Dean and Drew have always been the ones that could stay up for hours and not have it affect them in any way. I wish I was like that, the amount of times I have been up till all hours of the morning and then had to go to class, I mean I fell asleep anyway but that's not really the whole idea of it.
We've gotten through security and all that, whilst we were waiting for the bags I got a text from Justin to tell me that he's waiting outside as he's picking me up.
Dean turns to me as we walk into the arrivals hall "Do you want to stay with us for the night? As it'll be pretty late by the time we're back from here" he suggests, keeping a hold of Alana's hand.
I shake my head in response "Thank you for the offer, but I know my sister will want to see me as she doesn't exactly like it when I'm away" I explain and we eventually reach the exit of the building.
Hannah looks to me "Is Justin here?" she asks, coming over to pull me into a hug.
"Yeah" I state and I look down at her "I'll come and pick you up for school tomorrow yeah?" she smiles at me as I talk to her.
She nods and goes on her tip toes to peck my lips "Okay, say hi to Justin for me" she tells me.
I crouch down and Alana runs over to hug me "Bye Uncle Reece" she wraps her arms around my neck as she says goodbye.
I smile and then let her go "I'll see you later little one" I stand up after I have spoken to her.
She runs back over to stand by Drew, I hold my hand out to Dean and he shakes it "It's been good to have you with her mate" Dean tells me.
Drew then shakes my hand "Thanks for looking after her Reece" he says as Alana continues to stand by him.
"I'll see you tomorrow morning Reece, be ready for some breakfast" Lewis speaks with amusement in his tone as he pulls me into a hug.
After I have said goodbye to everyone, Hannah comes over to hug me again "Text me later, okay?" she suggests to which I nod in agreement.
She smiles at me, they then head up to the car park whilst I go to where there's a parking bay which is for people who are picking people, who are arriving, up.
I spot Justin's black range rover, the both of us have cars along with our bikes as it makes it easier for when travelling with large amounts of people to have a car and then our bikes are what we drive at other times, but we definitely use our bikes more frequently.
Justin doesn't get out of the car, but he pops the boot for me so I put my suitcase and my backpack into it before shutting it and making my way to the passenger side.
"Hey man" Justin greets me as I get into the car, "How's it feel to be back in the sun?" he questions, looking to me with his sunglasses on before handing me my own pair that I asked him to bring.
I laugh as I put them on "It was so cold there, there was frost in the morning Just" I tell him which makes him chuckle.
He pulls out of the parking bay "'s the British girl you went out to see?" he quizzes with a smirk on his face.
I roll my eyes "She's good, jet lag will hit her hard though" I explain to him.
He sighs jokingly "Not what I meant. Did you make a move? Get her out on a date? You happy man?" he asks multiple questions at the same time.
I laugh but then nod "We're a couple now" I state, averting my gaze from the window to Justin in order to gauge his reaction.
He smiles at me "Nice one Eden. But what...uh...what about the Elliot kid?" he questions cautiously, not exactly knowing how to phrase the question.
I shrug and shake my head "I honestly have no clue. I'm leaving him up to her" I tell him simply "He's not my friend, he hates my guts and I don't give a crap if he hates me, but I will be civil with him if she wants me too" I explain.
Justin laughs "You're getting soft man" he says as he shakes his head.
"Off of that subject, how're things?" I ask, wanting to know how me being gone has affected the way things were running.
Justin sighs "We had a run in with the idiots across town" he states referring to the people that we have had multiple altercations with, basically our rivals and we do not get along "Beth got into a bust up with Kate" he tells me and I run a hand through my hair.
Kate is a girl that's the same age as me, Justin and Zach but she got kicked out of school so her parents have to somewhat home school her. She has been a member since she was born, like us she's had to grow up with it but that also means we've had to grow up with her.
I don't usually talk down about girls, let alone insult them, but she is one girl that I would willingly say anything about. She has been obsessed with me since we could talk, she does not leave me alone but I would not touch her with a barge pole to say the least.
"Anything else? If you weren't already, go to main house 'cause I'm gonna need to talk to both of 'em" I explain and he nods.
He then shrugs a little "Other than Beth standing up for herself, and the altercation, it's pretty much been business as usual" he tells me.
I nod in acknowledgement "How badly did Kate get it?" I speak slightly hesitantly, knowing that Justin and I taught his sister well when it came to defending herself.
We teach everyone to defend themselves, and if they want to go further with their training then that's their choice and we shall continue to teach them to help them advance their skills, however if they don't want to then that is completely fine as not everyone needs more than the basic self-defence.
The life we're in means that you can't walk the street without some form of knowledge of how to get yourself out of a situation.
Justin chuckles lightly and runs a hand through his hair "Kate was knocked unconscious for a couple to three hours, she has a cracking black eye" he explains "Beth was fine, she split her knuckles a little though but Zach helped her with that" he tells me.
I shake my head in disbelief, and Justin then pulls into the driveway of our main house which is where us three will be living once we're out of school.
The way things work is that the boss lives in the main house with their second and third and their respective partners and families, but right now it just acts a base for where we'll all meet with the members as well as our allies that help us out from time to time and we'll do the same for them.
The both of us get out of the car, I just leave my stuff in the car 'cause I'll be going back to my house after I've sorted out stuff here.
A few of the members smile at me as I walk through the halls – we're more like a big family than anything else, and that's probably one of the best things about it all.
I make my way to my office, which is on the second floor, whilst Justin goes to find Kate as I want to talk her first.
This house has three floors, plus a loft conversion so technically four floors, the top floor is the one designated for the boss and their future family, the third floor is for the second and third's, the second floor has the boss' office as well as the meeting room and then the ground floor is the massive living room plus kitchen and all that stuff.
After I've sat down, I quickly check my phone and see a text from Hannah.
From Cailín (cah-leen)*: It feels weird without being able to talk to you x
To Cailín: You can still talk to me Baby, it's just not in person for some hours x
*Girlfriend in Irish Gaelic
I smile slightly at her text, as well as her contact name. I changed it on the plane, but it was whilst she was asleep so she doesn't know, my Dad has Irish heritage and he instilled a lot of that within our family as well as our members who are basically family too – but because of my Dad I do know quite a bit of Irish Gaelic hence my new contact name for my girlfriend which is most definitely fitting.
My phone goes off with a reply, but before I get a chance to look there's a knock on my office "Come in" I speak up so that they'll hear me through the door.
Justin opens the door and lets Kate walk in before him, he then walks in and closes the door behind him.
Kate takes a seat in one of the chairs in front of my desk whilst Justin stands by the door, just observing what's going to happen.
"You wanted to see me?" Kate questions, smiling over at me as if expecting she can just bat her eyelashes and get away with things – granted Beth did retaliate, but Beth would have never gone that far without major provoking.
I sigh and nod in confirmation "Yeah. I heard about what happened with Beth" I tell her.
She smirks "She started on me. I didn't even do anything" she tries to defend herself.
I shake my head "I know Beth better than anyone Kate, you must have provoked her a large amount prior to her even thinking about doing something" I explain which makes her face fall "I know what Beth has done, but Kate you got what you asked for and Beth won't be sanctioned – if anything like this happens again then I'll ensure it won't after that" I say before nodding towards Justin.
He opens the door "So she'll just get away with what she did to me? She knocked me unconscious Reece, have you seen this bruise?" she protests as she points to her eye.
I pointedly glare at her "You do not address me so informally Kate, now please leave my office" I tell her before gesturing towards the open door.
She gets up and leaves, managing to slam the door behind her which is always fun because that just makes it obvious to the rest of the house that she's gotten into shit.
Almost as soon as Kate leaves, Beth enters and I stand up because she runs towards me to hug me "Hey Beth" I greet her as she hugs me.
She smiles and lets me go, sitting down in one of the chairs and Justin moves to sit in the other whilst I lean back against the front of my desk.
"So, I just spoke to Kate" I tell her which makes her groan and roll her eyes.
Justin flicks her which makes her glare at her but he then gestures to me "She deserved it Reece. She started going on a rant about how Zach was stupid to be with me, that Justin already has one failure as a sibling so why would he want to involve me in his life and then she was on about how you would eventually come to her senses to be with her" she explains with an annoyed tone.
I smile at her "What the hell were you thinking Beth? You knocked her out. Now I appreciate you defending all of us, but we can't have you getting hurt" I tell her "How the heck do you think that'll go down on a job? You can't act like that" I warn her as I cross my arms.
She glares at me "You really think I would act like that on a job? I am not that stupid Reece. And I knew I could beat Kate, she's weak and I knew that you wouldn't do jack to me anyway" she speaks with slight annoyance in her voice "Kate's an idiot anyway, she wouldn't realise that you'd never be interested in her until someone shows her" she states.
I chuckle and realise how right Beth is. Of course, I can't exactly bring Hannah here and show to Kate that I have a girlfriend – for a number of reasons.
I don't know how I am going to sort this out with Hannah, I mean she already hears crap about me and then I have to make it worse.
Hopefully it won't be for a while.
That was Chapter Twenty-Six, hope you liked it.
Any opinions you guys have please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter....
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