Chapter One
A/N – Hey guys and welcome to Chapter One. Picture of Dean ^^^^
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
School starts again in a matter of days, and this time I am going to a completely different school – I am not in Birmingham anymore.
Dean is my legal guardian now; Drew and Dean were obviously the top options for my legal guardian, and it would have been Drew because he's the eldest but because he travels so much, he wouldn't have been able to provide me with a constant home and a good education. That meant that Dean was made my legal guardian – Dean didn't mind, he was happy about it and it meant that I would be able to see Alana grow up as well as be there for her if she needed a little female influence.
Alana is Dean and Lewis' six-year-old daughter, they adopted her when she was three and they had been married for about two years when they decided to adopt. When they told me about Alana, I was really happy for them, I always knew that Dean would make a great father and with Lewis in the picture too, they're the cutest family.
However, Dean being my legal guardian meant that I needed to move out to Los Angeles as I wasn't going to pull them away from their life out in California just so that I could stay in England for my last year of college. It hurt to have to leave my friends behind, especially after they had been there for me throughout the past months, but they all understood why I was going and they were so incredibly supportive – I miss them all a lot.
My parents were killed by a drunk driver; they were on their way back from the football conference as my Dad was involved heavily in football, and as they were driving a drunk driver smashed into their car causing their car to roll and my Mum died on impact but I got to see my Dad in hospital before he passed away the next day due to some of his injuries that his body couldn't cope with. I had decided to not go with them this year, because I had just started my second year of college and I wanted to stay home so they had allowed me to and then I got the call from the hospital that my Dad was there.
Dean and Drew flew back home immediately, and at that point I just wanted my brothers more than anything. When I said my family was close, I meant it, there isn't anything that we can't tell each other and there never has been.
My parents' funeral hasn't happened yet – Dean is still travelling, and we don't want him to cancel his trip, so the three of us have decided to have the funeral back home in a few months. It's going to be back home because that's where both of our parents were raised, and a lot of our family are still there so it only seems right for it to be held where they grew up.
Dean and Lewis have a fairly big house – there's four rooms upstairs so the master bedroom which is Dean and Lewis', Alana's bedroom, my bedroom and a guest bedroom for when Drew or anyone else comes to stay with us, and downstairs there's the kitchen, an open plan living room which is connected to Alana's playroom and a dining room next to the kitchen. There isn't really much outside, we do have a pool which is great to have in the summer and then there's the decking where we have barbecues and that.
I woke up a couple of hours ago, but I have just stayed in bed up until now as I really can't be bothered to get up and do the day.
After deciding to get up, I walk downstairs and see Alana eating breakfast at the island counter with Lewis and Dean talking and drinking coffee.
"Morning" I say as I approach the three of them, sitting down next to Alana who smiles up at me.
My brother comes over to me and presses a kiss to the top of my head "Morning little sis – how are you this fine morning?" he asks before ruffling Alana's hair.
"I'm good thanks, but Lewis?" I ask as I turn to my brother-in-law. Lewis looks to me and takes a sip of coffee whilst waiting for my question, "Can we go shopping 'cause all of my clothes are still England-y which isn't exactly useful for here" I tell him.
Even though I have been here for a little over two months, all of my clothes are aimed at England which means they are meant for cold and rain, which rarely occurs here in L.A. And I have asked Lewis because Lewis is basically my other brother, he is only a couple of years younger than Dean so around five years older than me.
Lewis laughs at me but nods anyway "You know I am always up for shopping H" he states and I see Dean rolling his eyes out of the corer of my eye.
I turn to Dean and pull the puppy dog eyes, knowing that he needs to agree as well, "Fine" Dean sighs as he talks "Spend as much as you want Sis, you're gonna need practically a whole new wardrobe. I know I did when I moved here" he tells me.
Alana giggles quietly, so I look down to her "What's so funny Miss?" I ask her and she continues to giggle.
She ends up shaking her head as she giggles, which causes the rest of us to start laughing. A lot of the time, Alana will just start laughing at nothing and then when we know it's nothing, it makes us laugh.
Dean grabs Alana and pulls her onto his lap "Always giggling Lana" he says as he kisses the top of her head.
I shake my head jokingly, getting down from the stool and going to walk back upstairs "Go get changed H, we leave in ten" Lewis calls out to me as I go up the stairs.
Going out with Lewis is always entertaining.
That was Chapter One, hope you guys liked it.
Any opinions you guys have please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter.....
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