Chapter Nine
A/N – Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Nine. Picture of Justin ^^^^
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
Throughout the whole of tutor, so far, I haven't really said much to anyone – Justin has just been smiling at me but he called Reece earlier to tell him about Tyler, and I know that Ellis and Nathan will know soon because Tyler will tell them the moment they get out of tutor.
Ellis and Nathan are in my tutor alongside Justin, obviously, there's other people but I haven't spoken to any of them as much as I have other people but I have had some conversations with a few people.
I stayed seated at the back of the class next to Justin, but Ellis and Nathan are sat nearer the front with some people that I have no clue who they are.
After tutor I have gym class which shouldn't be too bad, I mean I enjoy sports as that is what I have grown up with so I see no reason to complain. Unlike my two brothers, I never played sport competitively but that's not to say I never participated for a laugh.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Justin looking down at his phone once again but this time he looks angry and he isn't as cheerful as he was when he was texting Reece.
I lean over to him "Everything okay?" I ask and he quickly clicks his phone off.
He smiles and nods "Course it is" he states, trying to mask the previous expression I saw on his face, "You've got gym, afterwards right?" he asks, managing to change the subject.
I decide to not press the whole thing as I know it probably isn't my place "Yeah. I don't know what's going to be happening this lesson though" I tell him.
His phone beeps again, and he checks it before smiling "Well, a little birdy just told me that you'll be doing what you want this class" he explains and I look at him inquisitively "Coach has some coaching to do with the football team so he won't be there for your class" he further explains to me.
"But Tyler didn't say anything about coaching" I say in confusion, completely forgetting that football means American football here and soccer is my football.
Justin chuckles and pats my head jokingly "American football Hannah" he states as if he was talking to a child.
I roll my eyes at him but laugh anyway "Don't blame the British girl, we say things differently" I explain making Justin laugh, but him laughing manages to get the whole of the class to turn around.
A pointed glare from Justin, however, gets them to turn back around and I start giggling "You can't do anything without a whole crowd of other people seeing it" Justin mumbles to himself.
I push him lightly "Don't be such a Debbie downer Justin" I jokingly say to him and he smiles.
Before he has a chance to answer, the bell rings and he shoots me another smile as he grabs the stuff and then leaves the classroom.
I follow suit, and collect my things before leaving the classroom and heading in the direction of the gym. Hopefully what Justin said about coach is true, because today is one of those days where I do not want gym to be a thing.
Eventually I reach the gym, and I see Tyler stood with the team as they're all in gym class together.
Tyler notices and motions for me to go over, when I get to him he wraps me up into a hug "I'm sorry about Justin" I apologise but my voice is muffled due to me being hugged into his chest.
He chuckles lightly "You don't need to apologise about that" he says thus dismissing my apology "They're a tight group of mates, there's only three of 'em" he tells me "They're just bad people is all" he claims with a shrug of the shoulders.
I pull away from the hug and look up at him "Maybe they're not too bad Ty...just gotta get to know them" I explain.
Tyler shakes his head and gives me a pointed look "No Hannah" he states, actually using my name for once, "If you listen to anything I say at all, listen to this, do not get involved with Eden and his lot, okay?" he pleads with me.
I roll my eyes and sigh, before sitting down on the floor leaning back against the wall, "I might be new here still Tyler, but I am not stupid" I say as I cross my arms.
Tyler sighs but walks over to the team, before they all start to have a bit of a kickabout due to coach actually needing to coach so I guess Justin was right.
My phone buzzes in the back pocket of my jeans, and when I check it I find a text from Lewis.
From Lewis: Your brother is so annoying sometimes, you know that? Xxx
To Lewis: What has he done now? Xxx
From Lewis: Well...not him as such. He was supposed to have a day off, but then after you and Tyler left he got called and asked to go in xxx
To Lewis: So, I am guessing he went? xxx
From Lewis: Of course, he did, and now I have nothing to do all day xxx
To Lewis: You have work you idiot xxx
Before I get another reply, someone sits down next to me and when I look to the right I see Reece sat there looking right back at me.
"Something interesting on that phone of yours?" he quizzes with a smirk on his face.
I roll my eyes and slip my phone into my pocket "Maybe you'll be of more interesting conversation" I joke back causing his smirk to grow.
"I just wanted to talk to you" he says and I nod in order to get him to continue "I'm sure you're sick of hearing this by now, but you're gonna hear a whole load of shit about me from this school" he begins to explain "And trust me, that's who I am and there's bound to be some truth to it" he continues to talk, but keeps his voice low "It's up to you though Hannah, with whether or not you believe it all – if you do, then that's fine, but if you don't...well that's even better" he finishes his little explanation.
I smile at him and nod in acknowledgement "I'd rather just get to know things about you by you actually telling me" I state.
He breathes out a sigh of relief "You're something totally different, you know that?" he queries causing me to laugh "But I know you're friends with Beth too, and I'm glad about that. Beth doesn't have many friends, 'cause everyone doesn't want to go near here due to us being involved with her" he confesses.
I smile again "Beth is a lovely person, and I got along with her from the get go" I tell him whilst shrugging.
Rather suddenly I'm pulled up from the ground and I find myself tucked under Tyler's arm, but it doesn't seem to faze Reece as he just stands up and faces the both of us "Bye Hannah" he says with a tiny trace of a smile "Have a think about it, alright?" he jokes before walking off.
Tyler sighs from next to me and I step away to stand in front of him "Why was he talking to you?" Tyler asks sternly, crossing his arms.
I roll my eyes at his actions "He was just telling me about what I'll hear about him" I say simply as I understand why he's asking but I don't see how it is his business.
He sighs again and pinches the bridge of his nose "You need to stay away from him Brit" he tells me for about the millionth bloody time today "I know you're friends with Beth, and that's great because she's a sweet girl but just don't get involved with the guys around her" he makes out an explanation to me.
I nod in acknowledgement, not wanting to further this conversation, before sitting down again on the floor and leaning back against the wall.
Tyler sits next to me "Are you coming to the game tonight?" he asks with slight hesitation in his voice.
I look up at him and smile "I will...providing you stop bugging me about Reece and his mates" I compromise with him "I know they have a shit reputation, but I am new here and I just want a peaceful time so just let me talk to who I want" I explain.
Tyler nods in agreement "Fine, I'll stop nagging you about it all" he agrees putting his arm around my shoulder to pull me into a side hug "Just stay with us lot tonight please?" he quizzes.
I laugh but nod anyway "Alright Mr Protective" I joke with him and he laughs, but still hugs me close.
Hopefully that's the end of all that.
That was Chapter Nine, hope you liked it.
Any opinions you guys have please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter......
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