Chapter 68
(No Control | Holding Me Ransom - 68 - Missing Half Of Me When We're Apart)
Her whole face lights up and she throws herself onto me so hard I stumble, laughing, as she wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me on the lips. Oh God, I've missed her.
"What are you doing here?" she squeals excitedly when she finally lets me go.
"I missed you too much," I answer, matter-of-factly when inside I'm feeling giddy and just as excited as her. "I thought I'd come back early and surprise you."
She slips her arms around my waist and presses her face against my coat, mumbling, "I'm so glad you're here. I missed you too. I've been counting down the days until I would see you again."
I grin over the top of her head, high on her reaction to me.
"Good surprise, then?" I ask, and she pulls away to look at me. I hold the flowers out to her and she beams even wider.
"Amazing surprise! Thank you - these are beautiful. Come in. I actually thought you were our dinner arriving, but this is way better."
She turns and leads me into the hallway as her words filter through into my brain.
"Our dinner?" I frown.
"Um, yeah, Callie's here," she says awkwardly. "We ordered Indian."
Oh fuck. That's all I need.
I recall the last time Callie and I met unexpectedly at Jess's flat (and cringe privately at the memory). Am I about to be turfed out as soon as I've arrived, in favour of the Wicked Witch of the West?
Before I can say anything, Callie appears in the doorway to the kitchen and blinks in surprise.
"Oh!" she says, looking down at Jess's flowers and then up at my face. "I didn't know you were coming too."
"Sorry for interrupting," I apologise. "I didn't know you'd be here either. I came back early to surprise Jess."
To my astonishment, her usual look of disdain is missing. She actually looks - dare I say it - impressed by my gesture. Could this be the opportunity I've been waiting for?!
Callie hesitates for a second, and then says to Jess (I nearly fall over in shock), "We can do this another time. I know you haven't seen each other for ages." She then turns to me and addresses me politely! "And she's missed you."
My conscience tells me it would be poor form to pretend to stumble in shock at her words, or grab the kitchen worktop to pretend to steady myself.
"I've missed her, too," I reply, glancing over at Jess, and she is looking at me with what can only be described as heart eyes. My stomach flutters again.
"I'll leave you to it," Callie offers, and she walks into the lounge and picks up her bag.
"You don't have to leave on my account," I call after her, feeling gracious and accommodating all of a sudden. "Jess said you'd ordered dinner."
"Well, you can have mine, if you want," she says courteously. I can tell she absolutely does not want to give up her takeaway, or her evening with Jess, but the fact she has put Jess's needs before her own has sent her up massively in my estimation.
"Or we could ring them and add on an order for Harry too?" Jess pipes up, glancing at me. "Come on, stay. It would be good for the three of us to hang out together."
Callie looks over at me uncertainly and I nod. "If you're absolutely sure you don't mind?" she says, a genuine smile forming on her lips. "I really don't want to be the third wheel."
Course you don't, I think to myself snidely.
"Course you won't," Jess beams.
"I'll put the wine in the kitchen," I offer, leaving them in the lounge and rolling my eyes before calling over my shoulder to Callie, "It's red, I hope you like that?"
"Hey, if it's got alcohol in it, it's fine with me," she calls back as Jess appears behind me and begins filling a vase with water and unwrapping her flowers.
"These are just amazing," she smiles. "Grab a wine glass - we've got a bottle of white already open in the lounge."
I reach up to the cupboard to get one and she cocks her head to one side, surveying me through narrowed eyes. "Is this why you kept sending me blank-screen snapchats?"
"Well any other picture would have given away where I was," I reason, and then give her a sideways glance and add, "I know what you One-D stans are like."
"Cheek!" she huffs in jest.
I lunge for her, lifting her hoodie and pressing my icy fingers into her warm flesh as she squeals.
"Are my hands cold?" I grin. "Ooh your stomach is lovely and warm!"
She screams and laughs and screams some more, trying to wriggle out of my grip but to no avail.
"Something the matter?" I frown when I finally release her and she steps away from me, panting, her hoodie hitched up and her hair a mess.
"Thin ice, Styles," she puffs. "Thin. Ice."
Once we're cuddled up on the sofa Jess pours me some wine and then rings the takeaway to add on a Jalfrezi for me and some extra naan bread. While she's on the phone, Callie clears her throat awkwardly and addresses me directly (and politely) for the second time in ten minutes.
"How's the tour?"
"Good thanks," I nod. "We've finished now. We've just been doing some promo in Mexico and LA. The final show is X Factor this Sunday."
"So is that it then, for One Direction?" she asks. I can tell (and I know from what Jess has said previously) that this isn't a fan fishing for information - she's just trying to make conversation. Nevertheless I'm careful with my answer.
"We're taking a long break to do our own stuff. We'll all be keeping in touch."
"Well I'm sure Jess will be happy to have you around more," Callie observes. "And it must be nice to be doing something different for a change."
"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it."
I thread my fingers through Jess's as she finishes the call - "Dinner will be about fifteen minutes" - and then play with her hair with my other hand as she curls up next to me and rests her head on my shoulder.
"Did your mum mind you leaving home early to come back and see me?" she asks as she flicks absently through the channels.
"No, I think she knew from day one I wasn't going to last until the weekend," I admit. "I kind of knew it too, to be honest. I kidded myself into thinking I could wait a few more days to see you, but I knew deep down I'd end up coming back early."
I can see Callie watching us out of the corner of my eye, but I deliberately don't look over and am immediately self-conscious about every move I make. I don't want it to look as though I'm putting on a show, or acting for her benefit - which of course I'm not. But because I'm now aware of every move I'm making, everything feels unnatural. Sometimes I hate how much I can overthink things in my own head.
Thankfully it isn't long until the food arrives, and while Jess goes to the front door to receive it, Callie and I hover awkwardly in Jess's small kitchen, trying not to bump into each other while she gets plates out of the cupboard and I fumble for a bottle opener. When Jess finally appears holding the bag, I take it from her and peek inside, the smell wafting up my nostrils making my stomach growl with hunger.
"Ah," I murmur. "Bellissimo!" And then, feeling silly, I add (in my best Italian accent), "Move over, leetle laydee, letta me take over."
There is a beat of silence and I try to smother a smirk.
"Um, what the hell was that?" Jess sniggers. "Were you trying to be Italian? This is Indian."
Fuck. Good point.
"Oh yeah." I clear my throat, my mind racing. I don't think I have ever attempted to copy an Indian accent before, and I have a feeling this is about to go horribly wrong. "Out de weh," I announce. "Let de masta show you how it's done."
That was fucking awful.
"I said Indian, not Rastafarian," Jess snorts, in a tone Louis would be proud of. "Accents are not your strong point, are they?"
"Alright," I snap jokingly, and then on impulse I grab a little black apron hanging on the back of the kitchen door, yank it over my head and tie the straps behind me. I reach into the bag and retrieve the first meal in a small plastic tub. Opening the lid I take a long, exaggerated sniff and adopt a camp stance. "Mmmm. A delicate aroma of chicken, coconut, cream and a touch of spice, beautifully complimented by..." (I remove a second container with a flourish) "... a serving of warm pilau rice, steamed to perfection."
This is obviously Callie's meal, because Jess doesn't usually go for Korma, and Callie is watching me expectantly, an amused twinkle in her eye. (I didn't know she had a sense of humour.) I hand them to her and she takes them from me and puts them on her plate.
"Ah!" I announce loudly, and the pair of them jump as I reach into the bag and take out the next meal. This is a Lamb Balti, and so obviously Jess's. "What do we have here? A fine offering of tender lamb, presented in a smooth, rich sauce with onions, tomatoes and..." I stick my little finger into the sauce and then lick it off elaborately, "a gentle heat. A good choice, Miss Bradshaw. A very good choice indeed. Although a little predictable, if I may say."
"I'm a creature of habit," Jess shrugs, taking the two containers from me and grinning. I'm enjoying myself way too much. I take out the last two tubs containing my Jalfrezi and rice and catch Callie peering over at them curiously. Just as she opens her mouth to speak I snatch them away aggressively, making her jump again, and - no word of a lie - she laughs!
"Nosey," I mutter, deliberately loud enough for them to hear, and then remove the naan, poppadoms and chutney from the bag. I pile them up in one hand and pick my plate up with the other. "Didn't you two order any sides?" I joke, and Jess rolls her eyes tolerantly while Callie smirks in spite of herself.
We take our food through to the lounge to eat on our laps and I open my bottle of wine, filling everyone's glasses. I balance my plate on my knees and tuck in. It's absolutely delicious, and I even close my eyes for a second to savour the taste.
"Wow," Callie remarks suddenly, and I open my eyes again to see her inspecting her wine glass. "This is gorgeous. What is it?" Before I can answer she has leant forward and swivelled the bottle round to read the label. Her eyes widen and her jaw drops. "Chateauneuf du pape? This stuff costs a fortune!"
"It doesn't really," I shrug awkwardly, not wanting to look flash. "But it is one of my favourites."
"I can see why," she murmurs.
I inwardly fist pump that not only have I succeeded in making Jess happy, I'm also (I think) impressing Callie which can only be a good thing. We're quiet for the best part of half an hour, watching an episode of Coronation Street and tucking into the mountain of food.
"I feel sick," Jess groans theatrically, setting her fork down on her plate and lying back against the sofa cushions. "I think I just gained about eight pounds. My belly looks huge."
"As if," I tut. "You're perfect." I pull her against me and rub the palm of my hand against her stomach, which unfortunately sends a tingle straight down my dick. This is NOT the time or the place to be having those kinds of inappropriate thoughts. I wish Callie would hurry up and leave so Jess and I can have some naked time.
"I'm heading towards fat, if I keep eating like this!"
"Hardly," I dismiss. "I told you, you're perfect. I love you exactly how you are."
I sprawl out on the sofa with Jess lying back against my chest while we watch this week's episode of The Apprentice (we all agree that Selina needs to be fired and that Joseph should win the series) and then as the end credits begin to roll Callie hauls herself off the chair and stretches.
"Right, I've had enough of playing gooseberry," she yawns. "I'm gonna leave you to it."
"You don't have to go, it's still early," Jess argues halfheartedly, but I can tell by her tone that she isn't trying too hard to get Callie to stay.
"Nah it's fine, I've got work in the morning anyway," Callie replies, and then adds something in an undertone to Jess as she leans down and picks up her bag.
"What was that?" I ask, eyeing them both suspiciously as Jess stands up, grinning.
"Nothing," they reply in unison. I narrow my eyes at them.
"Bye Harry," Callie waves. "Good to see you."
"Yeah, you too," I respond graciously, and it's only a small lie. As encounters with Callie go, this has been the least uncomfortable of them all. She hasn't been rude or obnoxious, but I can honestly say I still wouldn't care if I never saw her again.
They chatter as Jess walks Callie to her car, their voices fading as the door falls shut behind them and they disappear down the stairs. I can only assume that went well, but with Callie you just never know. I just hope she doesn't say anything bad about me to Jess in the few minutes she has her alone, or anything that could potentially cause an argument. This is the first time I've seen Jess in more than two weeks - I have business to attend to, that is currently tingling in my pants at the thought of being alone with her.
A minute or so later, the front door opens, closes and I hear the sound of the lock turning and the safety catch sliding into place. As she enters the lounge I stretch my arms out to her and pull her down onto me as she leans down to kiss me. She giggles as she flops heavily on top of me, and smiles against my lips as I run my fingers through her hair.
"I've missed this," I whisper.
"I've missed this too," she whispers back.
She straddles me on the sofa, sliding her hands underneath my jumper and then manoeuvring it over my head and discarding it onto the floor beside us. I slip my hands beneath the hem of the hoodie she is wearing - my hoodie - and run my fingers gently up and down her sides, knowing this drives her wild. She kisses me hard and I reach up and gently cup her breasts, her nipples hardening beneath my fingertips and her breath hot as she breathes out hard into my mouth.
"You look so sexy in my clothes," I murmur, before I yank it over her head and remove her bra with a flick of my fingers behind her back. Her breasts fall free, small, soft and supple in my hands as I graze her nipples with infinite gentleness and she sits up and arches her back, moaning softly. I sit up too, kissing the smooth skin of her breasts delicately and swirling my tongue around each nipple in turn, my dick hardening as her moans get louder. I love it when she lets go like this, it's such a fucking turn on.
She fumbles with the buttons on my jeans, and I lie back down to peel them off and kick them aside. She hastily removes her own before coming back to lie on me again, our bare chests touching and now only the thin fabric of our underwear between us. Her lips brush against my jawline, down my neck and across my collarbone and shoulder and she pushes herself up onto her forearms, lifting her chest away from mine to allow my hands to touch her again. I'm so hard now, and throbbing as she moans in pleasure with every caress. With one hand I pull at the waistband of her knickers, and she pauses to take them off while I yank my boxers down, allowing my dick to spring free and press against her between her legs as she sits on me again. She rubs herself against me for a minute as she presses her mouth to mine, her tongue sliding against me in the same way as I am slowly sliding between her legs. It's so fucking hot, and she's so fucking wet.
I kiss her deeply, reaching for her breasts again with one hand as I guide myself carefully inside her with the other. She whimpers as I slide all the way in, and grinds her hips down hard onto me, increasing the friction. I push myself up to a sitting position as she slowly moves up and down, and then begins to go faster, breathing hard as she bounces up and down on me and I stroke her breasts and push my tongue into her mouth.
"I'm close... really close," she whimpers after a minute.
"I am too," I grunt, opening my eyes to look into hers as I tip her over the edge. She cries out a few seconds later, and knowing she's coming pushes me over too. I drive myself deep inside her, panting with the force of my release and stroking her nipple with my thumb as she grips my shoulders with her fingertips and moans repeatedly. Just as she's slowing down I press my finger between her legs gently, and after a couple of seconds she throws her head back and whimpers again, and I know I've managed to make her come twice.
I lie back, completely spent, and she rests her head on my chest, panting. I slip out of her, but neither of us moves. We are both content to be in each other's arms, and I think I can speak for both of us when I say there is nowhere else in the world I would rather be.
"Stay with me tonight," she murmurs softly, as I'm starting to drift off to sleep. I open my eyes and look down at the top of her head and kiss it gently.
"Of course, as long as you want me to," I tell her.
"Of course I want you to," she whispers, lifting her head to look into my eyes. "I've missed you like crazy these past couple of weeks. "I've literally been counting down the days until I could see you again."
"Me too," I grin, and she leans up to kiss me with those amazing, soft lips.
"Shall we get into bed, maybe watch TV for a bit?" she suggests, and I flash my eyebrows at her.
"We can get into bed if you want, but I can't promise I'll be up for watching TV if you're lying naked next to me."
"Well that's good, because the TV part was only a decoy to lure you into the bedroom," she teases.
"Believe me, you don't need to lure me with anything other than yourself," I tell her, and she grins cheekily before hauling herself off me and snapping my leg with the leg of her jeans that she's picked up from the floor.
"Come on then," she orders. "I'll switch off the lights in here and meet you in my bed in five minutes. And you'd better be ready for round two."
"Round three for you," I remind her, and she throws another cheeky look over her shoulder as she flicks the lamp off and sails out of the room.
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