The Best Friends I Could Ask For
"You guys are what?!" Stan and Eddie's surprised response made Richie and I a little bit nervous. "Are you guys... mad at us?" I asked with a little bit of a shake in my voice. I was not about to lose two of my best friends. "No!" both Stan and Eddie said in unison. "We are both very happy for you! Yeah, we saw it coming and yeah we hoped you would tell us a little sooner and yeah we hoped made you might choose one of us instead, butyou never have to hide anything from us, we are your friends and we will always support this group in whatever decisions we make. That is part of the pact we made when we became friends, ourselves, Richie and Bill, and that pact goes for you and Lucy too, Shauna. We love you and Richie." After they said all this, I got up from my side of the table, went over to their side of the table, and hugged them and kissed them on the cheek. Both Stan and Eddie went red and got a little nervous. "I love you both so much, I love you all so much." I started to tear up a bit, and all the boys got nervous looks on their faces, but Lucy reached out and grabbed my hand from her seat because she knew they were happy tears. I began speaking again through tears. "You all changed my life. I was not doing to well before I came here, last year was a very rough year for me. Bill and Lucy are the only ones who know this, but I might as well tell you all now. Last year, this Saturday, I lost my younger brother, Logan, who was only 7 years old to cancer." The looks at Richie's, Stan's and Eddie's face went from worry to sadness. I could tell they, Bill and Lucy started crying along with me. "He was just like Georgie, full of life, adventure and he had a laugh that filled up the room. He was my best friend and I would so anything to get him back. I became very depressed after his death, and even moving here was a challenge for me but I pushed through. Then I met Bill, and the rest of you and my life was changed forever. I miss Logan every single day, but having you guys as friends makes living while Logan doesn't a lot easier." After I finished, everyone got up from the table and swarmed me in a big group hug. After we part from what felt like an hour long hug, we gathered our things and started heading to our next class. Richie pulled me back a bit a though and gave me a heart melting kiss. I smiled and blushed and so did he. "I just didn't want to do that in front of the other guys and make them jealous. Also, I am so so sorry about your brother love. I will love you even harder now because I know that. never ever ever be afraid to tell me more personal stuff in the future, okay? I smiled, with tears falling down my face, but of course Richie sweetly wiped them away. I then pulled him for a quick kiss, but he held me close to him with our heads pressed together. "You make my heart melt, Tozier." "Well, you make me heart race princess, and you always will."
Once school was over, Richie, Stand and Eddie headed to the arcade, while Lucy went final dance shopping with Patrick, and Bill and I rode home together and told Richie, Stan and Eddie we would meet them after we finished our homework. "Well I am surprised Bill," I said. "I am not shocked I am going to do my homework before going to the arcade, but you, that shocks me" I said with a giggle. Bill got all cute and red in the face, as he usually does with me. "I thought we could do it together." he said. "I would love that." I answered. Once we got to my house, we did our homework on the porch. The dance was Friday, and it was getting close to the end of school, only one month left and homework was getting less and less, thank the Lord. Now, I know Bill is planning on asking me but I was getting nervous because he hasn't and I know Richie said he should as me, but I am getting the feeling he wasn't going to now because Stan and Eddie know Richie and I are dating and they might find it weird for me to go with Bill and not Richie. So, me being forward and confident asked Bill. "So Bill, did you ask a girl to the dance yet" Bill got all nervous I could tell because anytime he did, he tapped his pencil really fast. "Ugh, well, there is someone I am asking, but I am a little afraid to." "Bill, the dance is Friday, you have to ask her now!" I said with a sweet smile." Bill got a little more nervous because he did the second thing he did when he was nervous, play his shirt. "Oka-yy," he said, and he stuttered, he like never stutters around me. "Wil-l-l, you g-o-oo to the dance with-h-h me Shauna-a-a" I smiled and took his hand, and said "Of course Bill, I will go to the dance with you. Richie told me he told you to ask me. He wants you to go with me, just as long as I dance with him too." Bill laughed and took my other hand and kissed it. "He will get his dance with you, I will make sure of that. You are his girlfriend, but you will always be my girl. I will take care of you, I promised I would." I smiled sweetly, and leaned in and kissed him lightly on the lips. He blushed, of course. "I am so thankful to have you Bill, I always will be and I will always love you. Now let's get to the arcade and kick some arcade ass. "
Now everyone in the group knows they are dating and Bill finally asked her to the dance!! Sorry for taking longer than I promised to update!! Just a warning, some of the next coming chapters, will contain some more mature & sexual content. I will do my best, for my own sake and for the sake of the actors who played our beloved Losers to not go to crazy with sexual scenes. I want to respect the actors (not like they will ever read my story LOL) and I will make the sexual scenes what I am comfortable with. Thank you for all the love and support!!!
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