Lucy and I talked through all of homeroom. We acted like we had been best friends for our whole lives. We both were 14 years old but Lucy looked and acted like she was 19. I kind of liked that because I was always the type of girl that other girls looked up to and that made me feel like I had to be older and act older than I was. It felt nice to look up to someone else for once, even if we were the same age. While Lucy and I were in a deep conversation (I was telling her about how I was becoming friends with the Losers Club and I told her how I was between liking Richie and Bill), Richie walked in and his eyes began bulging out of his head. "This HAS to be the best day of my life!" he shouted. He walked over and reached for my hand again and kissed it. Lucy and I giggled at his actions. "You, the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, is in my homeroom and you have brought a beautiful friend." Lucy giggled, but I only smirked because Richie's remark made me a little jealous. "I knew it," I thought. "I am falling for a guy who flirts with every girl, how could I be anything special to him.
Homeroom ended and then Lucy, Richie and I headed to our first class, Math. I was never very good at math, but it made me happy that is my first class so I could just get it out of the way and be done with it. My teacher was super nice, her name was Ms. Kelly. She was already 100 times better than my math teacher back in New York, she was actually able to make math fun. I could tell that if I was ever having any problem that I didn't want any other adult helping me with, I would be going to Ms. Kelly. After Math, we had Science, then English and then finally History. English and History had always been my favorite subjects, so I knew I would enjoy those classes. During class, I was trying not to blush basically the entire time. Lucy was giggling and kept nudging my elbow saying "Those boys, your Losers Club friends, will NOT stop staring at you. I mean who wouldn't, you're gorgeous." After she would tell me this, I would turn and look at Stan, Bill, Richie and Eddie and they would all turn away quickly like they weren't staring at me. I couldn't help it, they were so sweet and adorable. How could people be mean and ostracize these boys? They are the sweetest human beings I have ever met, well and Lucy. People can be really shitty. Once History was finally over, it was time for lunch. I could not wait, I felt like I hadn't eaten ages.
Richie's P.OV.
"She has to be the most beautiful and sweetest girl to ever walk this planet." " I know! I never thought I would crush this hard on a girl before, but I am!" This was Eddie and Stan going back and forth about Shauna. They weren't wrong, she was the most beautiful girl I had ever laid eyes... and trust me, I have laid my eyes on many girls before. I just couldn't place my finger on it. The moment Bill introduced us to her, I could tell she was different from other girls. She wasn't looking for attention from guys or anyone for that matter. She is just a naturally type of beauty that lights up every room and situation she walks into, the "all eyes are on you" type of girl. I felt kinda bad on the inside though because I could tell Bill really liked her too. I mean, he should have first dibs on her because he met her first but hey, friends should know better not to call dibs on girls.... but we do anyway. Shauna was the type of girl who deserved to have someone show her how amazing she was and I wanted to be the person that made her feel loved and protected from the world. "Oh, wow... here she comes" said Bill. We all turned to see Shauna and her new friend Lucy coming our way. My breath caught in my throat. In my mind, she was walking towards our table in slow motion, with her blowing, her (if I may so myself) seductive curves swaying and brilliant smiling glowing. I had to admit, I was in love. I wanted to marry that girl and have my children with her. But when I turned to look at my friends, they all had those looks on their faces like they were thinking of the same things. I loved my friends, but I had to be the one she chose, the one that was different from them that would make her choose me. "Richie?" "Richie? "RICHIE?" All of the sudden I snapped back to reality, and Shauna and Lucy were smiling at me and the rest of the gang. "Do you mind if we sit with you guys?" Shauna asked sweetly. "O-ff cours-sse, Shauna" said Bill. We would love to have you guys sit with us! Shauna and Lucy smiled and took their seats. Lucy sat between Eddie and Stan and Shauna sat across from them at our table between Bill and myself. Eddie and Stan didn't mind sitting next to Lucy, she was a lovely girl too but they seemed slightly jealous of Bill and myself. Myself and Bill on the other hand were too nervous to eat because we were sitting next to the girl of our dreams. Like I said, it pained me to know all my friends and I liked her, especially Bill because I could tell Bill and I had a way deeper liking for her than Stan and Eddie, but I couldn't help being selfish. I needed to make Shauna mine and I needed her to know she would be loved, and kept safe with me. So, it was settled. Summer was coming up in a few months. That is when I would truly work on making the girl of my dreams.. MINE.
Shauna's P.O.V.
I never pictured my first day going like this. Sitting at a table with five people I actually already could call my friends. Lunch was so enjoyable and a lot longer than the lunch periods I had in NYC. Lucy, the Losers and I all laughed and talked like we had known each other for years. It was simply bliss. What wasn't totally bliss was I had sat in between Bill and Richie, the two guys I already started falling for on my SECOND day in Derry. How could I be so STUPID! I told myself I wouldn't do this but I never had a lot of guy friends in NYC, heck guys barely noticed me, so I think it just felt nice to be noticed by some cute guys for once. Even being noticed by Eddie and Stanley felt nice, but I wasn't quite drawn to them as I was Richie and Bill. When lunch was coming to end, I kept seeing Lucy in a trance at a table several feet away from us. I looked back finally to see Lucy staring at a very attractive guy. He was tall, and lean with beautiful, semi-long raven black hair and gorgeous blue eyes. But then it hit me, that was one of the boys that was apart of the "Bowers Gang" Bill had mentioned to me and we both saw picking on that poor helpless boy from this morning. "I wonder if Lucy knows what kind of person this guy is" I thought. I mean she had to, she has lived in this town all her life and has been going to this school all year, she has to know. But to just make sure, I wanted to ask her to come over after school to get the answers on why she kept staring at this guy. "Hey, Lucy" I said. "Want to come over to my house after school?!" "I would love to Shauna! That sounds so fun!" "Awesome, it's a date then" and we both giggled. The bell rang and Lucy and I were off to gym, while the boys were off to technology. "See you in music boys!" I said. "Bye Shauna and Lucy! See you!" they all said sweetly. Lucy and I both winked at them as we walked out of the lunch room.... they all loved that.
Richie's P.OV.
"Hey, Lucy" she said. "Want to come over to my house after school?!" "I would love to Shauna! That sounds so fun!" "Awesome, it's a date then"
A date? Well, let me tell you something. A date is something I will have with Shauna soon..... I MUST.
Hope you guys enjoyed this one!! I know I didn't promise another but I felt the urge to write. When the ideas are in my head, I need to write them down. Oh and just as an FYI, Shauna and Lucy are based on me (Shauna) and my friend (Lucy). Those are names. No, I am not conceited, I am just writing myself as this beautiful girl because in reality I struggle a lot with my self-esteem and I never see myself as beautiful and I hope kind of that this story and the way I write this fictional version of myself will help me love the real me more. I may struggle with self-esteem but you are ALL SO DAMN BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT. I hope you all see that in yourselves because it is the truth. XXX
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